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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1928)
VERNONIA EAGLE TWO Thursday, May 3, 1928 from motor vehicles registrations to gain 100 pounds. A 2-year-old! and the unopened buds, stems, and they will get plenty of ventilation Anything to sell, rent or buy mean substantial sums for road steer needs approximately from 93 thorns wil be covered with the and sunlight helps to avoid develop- advertise in the Vernonia Eagle, Under new federal regulations, building and consequently better to 95 per cent as much feed as a powdery coat. Although the plant m~nt this disease. If it has de- 3-year-old; a yearling from 85 seldom dies, it does not develop v®loPed- the collection and burning effective May 1, 1928, the inter roads. If fresh skim milk is not easily 90 per cent; ond calf from 70 state shipment of tick-infested cat normally and the foliage is disfig-,of leased leaves on the ground Lynn Sherman School of tle will be prohibited. The old reg available for the dairy calf, dry 75 per cent. ' ured, sufficient reasons for con-j may prevent its spread. ulations permitted the interstate skim milk, if fresh and wholesome trolling the mildew. The fungicide Saxophone, Piano, and Drainage Makes the Cellar Dry WORD OF GOD shipment of ticky cattle under and properly mixed with water so J which has proved most effective for Wind Instruments A dry cellar promotes the com home gardeners ..... .............. .................... A SAFE FORTRESS:—As the quarantine restrictions for immed that it is of the same composition, is _ a . dust of nine makes a good substitute for fresh fort, convenience and health of parts oVdustkig sulphur" (not’ flow-, mountains are round about Jerusa- Piano, Classical and Jazz, Player iate slaughter. There is need for more attention skim milk. One part of the dried those living in the house. Where it ers of sulphur) and one part of Jem, so the Lord is round about Roll Style Taught to standardization and better hand milk should be mixed with nine is possible to obtain a drainage out slry arsenate of lead. (The arsenate his Pe0Ple from henceforth even let, the simplest and surest method parts of warm water. In preparing If interested write in care of i of lead also helps to control leaf- j ^ or ^ sa ’m 125 2. ling in preparing strawberries for market. Farmers’ Bulletin 1560-F, it, mix the dried milk with an equal I of getting rid of water in a cellar chewing insects which may be pres-! PRA1ER: 0 God, Thou God of Portland Conservatory of Music 216 New Studio Bldg., "Preparing Strawberries for Market, amount of water, stir it thoroughly is to lay a 4-inch tile drain along lent.) Dusting should be done when’our salvation, Thou art our keeper PORTLAND, OREGON describes the most efficient methods to make it smooth, and then add the ’ the outside bottom of the footing the air is fairly dry and calm. Ap- ■ therefore the sun shall not smite of handling this crop for the market. rest of the water. This feed should j course or wall on the side or sides I plications should be made when the us by day nor the moon by night, Vernonia Studio at home of Mrs. Get it from the U. S. department always be mixed in the same pro from which the water comes. Where leaves first develop and should be Who was the first to announce the I Ethel Ray Corner of First and of agriculture, Washington, D. C. portion and should be fed at a the presence of trees or shrubbery continued until late in the summer' resurrection of Jesus, and to Maple Street temperature of about 100 degrees. or the cost of excavation makes it __ „„ days or two whom .......... at intervals „ of ten was the announcement made? Wool sold on a “grease basis” | inadvisable to lay a drain outside wee k 3 . Planting the bushes where — Matt. 28:1-8. Depression in the sugar-cane in refers to fleece wool sold In the ¡ of the foundation, the drain is greasy condition as it is removed dustry in the United States, brought l frequently laid along the inside bot about largely by decreased yields from the sheep. Wool on the tom of the wall. A drain thus lo “scored basis” refers to clean wool caused by diseases, has resulted in cated generally removes water pres- an expedition to New Guinea, or in a fleece that is still in a greasy , sure from the cellar floor but is condition, but with allowance made ganized by the United States de not as effective as an outside drain for the grease, dirt, and other for partment of agriculture and com I for preventing entrance of seepage eign substances. Quoting wool on posed of department specialists and and dampness from” the earth back the scoured basis refers to the prac others, who started on this expe- of the wall. Cellars are sometimes tice of estimating the cost of clean dition early in April. An airplane made watertight by the application wool is a lot of greasy wool at will be used in searching the Island . of Portland cement plaster coats or for disease resistant canes. New any given grease basis price. . overlapping layers of waterproofing There is one motor vehicle for Guinea is believed to be the na , felt coated and cemented together 5.13 persons in the United States, tive home of sugar cane and it is with hot coal-tar pitch or asphalt, according to information compiled probable that varieties tolerant or Work of this kind should be done by the Bureau of Public roads, U. resistant to diseases have developed only upon well prepared surfaces S. department of agriculture. Reg . there naturally, and it is hoped and under favorable climatic con istration of motor vehicles has in p i that resistant varieties can be im ditions. It is advisable, wherever creased enormously in the past 3 ported and successfully grown in possible, to employ men skilled in years, and last year more than this country. The feed required to produce the kind of work that is to be done. 23,000,000 motor vehicles were reg Dust the Rose Bushes istered, the numbers in the dif- gains on steers fattened in dry If you would serve the best on your table, yet keep the cost of gro Among the various diseases which ferent states ranging all the way lot is usually figured in terms of The exact attack rose bushes in the garden, ceries within your means, make this store your food headquarters. Leave from 25,776 in Nevada to 1,937,- 100 pounds of gain. 918 in New York state. Receipts amount of feed necessory for a [ powdery mildew is one of the most your orders here when you first come to town for the grand opening given quantity of gain depends, of I common, and one to which nearly of the new theatre, they will be ready for you after the show. course, on the kinds of feed and all varieties are susceptible. A char the age, weight, and individuality acteristic symptom of powdery mil LESTER SHEELEY of the steer. In the corn belt many dew is the powdery whitish coating cattle feeders figure the feed in which appears early in the season Attomey-at-Law the number of bushels of corn re on the leaves, usually soon after quired to fatten the steer. For ex . they begin to develop. If the weath- Vernonia, Oregon ample, the amount of corn needed ! er is warm or muggy in the late to develop a 2-year old feeder In spring, this disease develops very to a finished animal is about 50 1 | rapidly. If severe, the growth of DR. W. H. HURLEY ! bushels. Young cattle l generally the rose bush will be stunted, the greater gains than older ones leaves will curl, dry, and drop off, Dentistry and X-Ray • make or Spaghetti on the same amount of feed. A 3-| Big K Brand Quality guaranteed Evenings by appointment. Office I year-old fed on a corn and Genuine Semoline over Hoffman Hardware Co. j r'*alfa or steer, clove’-hey ration requires 49 ib. sc....... $198 1 Pound .............. 43 C Vernonia, Oregon approximately 950 pounds of corn 3 Pounds ................... 29c and 425 pounds of hay in order 2ib. Ron........ 85 c U. S. Department of Agriculture Press Service ‘Wit/iout Wcisfte The Joy Theatre is a Welcome Addition to Vernonia SERVE THE BEST Safeway Savings for Friday and Saturday May 4, 5 Macaroni Flour 'A Business Man for a Business Office” Sugar ADVERTISING I FOR 100 SALE I PURE BRED Jersey Black Giants setting eggs for sale. $1 per set ting. “Lode” McDonald, phone 12F5151. tf. FOR SALE—House and two lots on Rose avenue, cheap to settle estate. Inquire of Mrs. Viola Tre- harne at Treharne Station. 384* HAL HOSS MISCELLANEOUS of OREGON CITY. CLACKAMAS COUNTY jR ep ul>li ca n, FOR SALE—1million feet of dry cedar suitable for post or shingles. Address Mrs. K. Jablanski, c|o Connacher Logging Co. Vernon ia, Oregon. 383* for SECRETARY TATE o f , . . Experienced and jucceisful in busineu administration. . . . Former private secretary to Governor Patterson and member of the state Parole board. . . . Familiar with work of secretary of state, and interested in development of Oregon resources. SEWING DONE—Any kind reason- ably priced. Mrs. Fouts, 151 A 393’ street, Vernonia. LIST YOUR LAND—The Chamber of Commerce desires listings of any Nehalem valley farm land or acreage that is for sale or lease, now being sought by persons In terested in settling here. Send de scriptions, prices, location, etc., to J. C. Lindley, Vernonia. New Improved , . . Endorsed editorially for this nomination by 14 daily and 107 weekly newspaper editors, who recommend Hal Hoss tor etticiency, cour* tesy and ability. Maytag ”IT osj it a real fellow. He hai a ikrewd un Jerstanding of men and affairs, knows how to keep hu own counsel, knows how to carry responsibility, and acts firmly in matters within his authority.*. . . . Oregon Voter taeu« TveoaaARHV Equipped with electric motor. i to test, to do as near to you Call 281W, St. either gasoline A Maytag to try, a week's wash, is as your telephone. Helens. Denny, St. Helens Manager THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander V.IMS» lb. Bag ..$629 Marasca Brand Peach, Apricot and Blackberry or Straw berry 3 Pound Jar ............... The Margarine of Quality Full Cream 2 Pounds Preserves » Crux Cheese Pure Cane. Fine Granulate A SMALL FARM of rich river bed land near Vernonia for rent or I on shares or cash. Inquire at Eagle. 391 FURNITURE FOR SALE—Must be disposed by May 20, bargain. House 108, O.-A. hill. 392* Butter 59c ................... Soap 5 Pounds ........... 98c Minced Clams White Wonder. Oregon Packed in full strength Made nectar. 69c 20 Bars 75C 3 Cans Bananas Fancy fruit Spinach Fresh and clean Rhubarb Fancy strawberry Lcttlice Large solid heads o 70C 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 for 25c 19c 15c 25c Bissa Look at these Safeway Market Prices Fresh Boned and Rolled Pork Roasts Smoked Shoulders Young and juicy shoulder Per lb.......................... 22c From Com Fed Hogs One-half or whole Per pound .... 22c Bacon Squares Pure Lard 2 to 4 lbs. Fine For Boiling or Frying Per lb.......................... 15c 2 lbs...................... 29c 8 lbs- $115 We Deliver all Orders Free Store 225 Vernonia Phone 741 Sales It Never Comes Back