Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 26, 1926, Image 5

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City of Homes
the exception of Errol, virtually
none of the comedy stars now on the
screen ever achieved any marked de­
gree of stage fame, including
Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin, the come­
dy genius, had not yet ripened to
his present greatness of art when he
left the English music halls for films
Buster Keaton, while a member of a
vaudeville headline act, was submer­
ged beneath the older fame of his
parents. Harold Lloyd’s experience
has been confined entirely to films
The late Sidney Lrew was one of the
few stage stars to equal JCrrol’s
achievement of stardom on the screen
--------- *---------
Many Opportunities Here
Olaf Is Ardent Oarsman
Lincoln Beauty Parlor
will be open for business
Thursday, Feb. 25
*4-34-69-94’ Not Grid Call.
Holyoke, Mass—“4-34-64-94.” No
this is not a football signal. It’s just
the unusual age combination which
is found in the Dibble home here.
There live Jane Dibble, four years
old; Howard, 34; Frank, 64, and
Nelson O. Dibble, 94, with 39 years
between each branch of the family
---------------- *-----------------
large demand tor both feeder and fat cattle, finds the Sears-Iloebuck
Agricultural Foundation In Its cattle marketing investigations, lias in­
Above Is pictured Prince Olaf oi
Norway, a member of the Bal llol col
lege ejew, ready to take <ift for i
spin on the Thames. He is an arden
oarsman and active in the early tralu
Ing of the Oxford crews.
Did you ever see a son beam with
A few ‘days after a fanner had
spired a much greater confidence in the future of the Industry. The first re­
covery of the beef cattle market cam ? early in 1925 with a steadily progress­ placed his two children in a school
ing trend of prices from February to August. The average prices paid to a book agent called on him and
farmers, states the Foundation, In the first ten months of the year ran 65 said, “Now that your children go to
cents higher than the prices of last year and the highest since 1920. Chicago school you ought to buy them an
prices were also the highest for that period for the last five years.
Liquidation of western cattle herds was much less noticeable In 1925 than
“Buy them an encyclopedia?
in any year since 1919, showing that the cattle Industry is gradually getting
back to a state of normalcy. The total number of cattle, slaughtered under Hanged if I do,” was his
them walk like I did.”
federal Inspection in 1925, was 5 per cent greater than in 1924.
Baby beef, made from young cattle that have been pushed to a desirable
market weight of around 1,000 pounds at an early age, brought the highest
prices. Public demand for smaller cuts of choice beef have made the half-ton
There’s music in the raindrops
baby beef popular on the market.
Against my window pain.
“Clothes Make the Pirate,” featur­ There’s rest for weary spirits
ing Dorothy Gish and Leo-.i Errol. In the smother of the rain.
The wind brim's v< 4
. jomfi
COMMENT OF LOCAL Leon Errol, Ziegfeld’s famous As
it sings about my door.
comedy star, whose eccentric legs And whispers at uij
♦--------------------------------------------- ♦ and antics were the sensation of both And tiptoes ’cross the floor.
As predicted the past week was a the stage and screen versions of I love the golden sunlight,
big one in the local theatre and the “Sally,” is the first great stage com­ And fields of flowers bright,
But for rest of brain and spirits,
response was so gratifying that Mr.
edian to gain stardom in films. As a Give me the rain at night.
Bush will keep up the record of the
result of his screen hit in Colleen Warrenton, Or. —Elnora Maud Hoyt
latest and best releases.
Moore’s “Sally,” First National
In Argus
, ' signed him to be starred, and he will
-------- -♦----------
He is going to start a big week
appear with Dorothy Gish in the
Any old cat may be the cat’s whis­
this Saturady night with that nation­
headline role of “Clothes Make the kers, but it takes a tomcat to be the
al advertised production “Lazybones’
Pirate,” Same E. Rork comedy. With cat’s-paw.
It is undoubtedly the most human
drama since Humoresque or Over
the Hill.
In Lazybones, Charles
Jones 'gives one of the greatest
characterizations the screen has ;
ever seen and Madge Bellamy por-
irays the most difficult role of her
career with an impish charm that is
different. You will like the picture
from start to finish.
You will take
home a lasting impression and will
feel better toward the world gen­
Before the busy outside paint­
ing season starts I can quote
you lowest prices on all in­
side painting and varnish­
ing, walls, woodwork, floors,
etc. Only the best,
PAINTERS’ Paints, Var­
nishes anil Enamels used
on all jobs
I cuaf "-tTr:*,
satin ’-
On Monday night will be a picture
for all lovers of the Western at­
mosphere, where action, romance and
wit count. You will see Pete Morri­
son with his famous horse and dog
and a picture with a plot.
Next Tuesday night is a picture
that probably has received more ad­
vertising than any other production
ever produced. It is “Mannequin.”
The big Liberty magazine $50,000
prize story. The whole country is
talking about Mannequin and we are
fortunate to have an opportunity to
see it in Vernonia, even before many
large cities get it. It is really the
biggest of the big ones. Written by
Fanny Hurst and acted by the best
stars. A human interest dramatic
story of real people. Seven reels, 6,-
981 feet long. One picture that will
more than fill the theatre. Standing
room next Tuesday night will be a
Next Wednesday night, with
school matinees in the afternoon of
Tuesday and Wednesday is the big
picture that we have read about,
wished for and waited to see. Wed­
nesday night will be a big night to
theatre goers who admire the worlds
sweetheart, Mary Pickford. Vernon­
ia hasn’t seen Mary for a long time
and all will want to see her in her |
best picture of late years, “Little '
Annie Rooney.” Haopiness and heart
aches, hard knocks and softened
blows, sweethearts and rivals, alley
fights and street games, feature the
heart story of little Annie Rooney,
a waif of New York’s slums and
never was Mary Pickford more ap
pealing, more laughter-provoking,
more tear-compelling, than in this
portrayal of the impish, ragamuffin,
hoydenish role that made her the
world’» sweetheart.
Next Thursday and Friday nights
About my
The quality and intrinsic value of my diamond is
not a debatable question. Their worth is seif-evi­
dent to the connoisseur and cannot be doubted.
Those who know most and those who know least
about diamonds can buy here with equal advant­
age and safety. My knowledge of diamonds pro­
tects thoes who needit—my policy does not per­
mit it to be otherwise. Call, investigate, compare
before purchasing elsewhere.
1 5 cents o i a Haircut
Carrie A. Lincoln
Main 173 Call for appointment
Vernonia, Phone 193
Without Wash
ia iMkb M
Picked Men!
A Skaggs Store manager is vitally interes­
ted in pleasing his customers. He virtually
owns his store in so far as reaping the re­
wards of his work is concerned. Yet he
has back of him the tremendous volume­
buying power of 300 stores. Every Skaggs
man is chosen for his ability, intelligence
and “humanness.” These high-type men
are attracted to the Skaggs organization
because they are given every opportunity
to succeed. “Cooperative” is more than a catch word with Skaggs. It carries
with it the privilege of sharing in profits and the right of self-expression in
submitting ideas for better service. Get acquainted with your nearest Skaggs
Store today!
Advertising. Advertising brings you news of the
new article. It tells you of its merits. It convinces
you of its value P protects your investment.
Every advertisement is a lesson in careful
buying—read them all
Lincoln Beauty Parlor
What gives you ehis confidence in the value of
goods made by a man perhaps thousands of miles
25 cents on Marcel
Limit one t<> a customer
Within a year or two, thousands of women in
every comer of America buy that product—and
benefit by its merits.
It pays you to read the advertisements and to
know advertised products. Buying them protects
your money.
This coupoi is good for
A manufacturer in an obscure little town builds
a new product.
Products that are widely advertised are worthy
of your faith. You buy from honest neighborly
folk when you buy from their dealers.
Vc«. will save
money by asking
for a q Wat ion on
your u ti k now.
your money
For this coming Sunday night we
could write the whole story as seen,
read and told from advance sheets,
l.ut it would spoil the treat that is
in store for all who attend Sunday
night. All that is necessary is the
fact that it is Correne Griffith in
that great play, “Classified.” Many
have pronounced it one of the best
ever thrown on the screen, and we
will leave it to the reader to judge
for himself.
The residence formerly known
as the old church parsonage, first
door north of the “White Lunch”
on Second street, next door to
Cherry Tree Apartments
.... ....... =
({ Saturday and Monday Features
9 pound bags ......................
large tins “Hunts’ 3 for........
MILK—“Federal” 11 tins . ..... $1.00
SALMON—tall tins,
2 for.....................................
SARDINE—-ova. tin, 2 for
ORANGES— large size ....
CLOROX, 2 for...................
CHILI co:: 2AC.NE, Gebhardts 35c
SHPIMPS, Guii bay.................... 35c
Pic-pmcd Mu- laid, Libbys
CATSUP—“Blue Bunny”
CATSL ?—“Heinz” ........
Pure Cane, 25-lb. bags
SOAP— White Wonder—
10 for........... .....................
ORANGES— medium size
ONIONS— 6 pounds........
45c '
SALT—Shaker, 2 for
GEM NUT— 3 for....
COCOA— “Mothers”—lb. ctn
CORN MEAL,9.1bs bags
39c ’
49c I
85c N
25c (
Skaggs Meat Specials
F®ncy Sugar Cur«d BACON