VERNONIA City of Homes EAGLE the exception of Errol, virtually none of the comedy stars now on the screen ever achieved any marked de­ gree of stage fame, including Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin, the come­ dy genius, had not yet ripened to his present greatness of art when he left the English music halls for films Buster Keaton, while a member of a vaudeville headline act, was submer­ ged beneath the older fame of his parents. Harold Lloyd’s experience has been confined entirely to films The late Sidney Lrew was one of the few stage stars to equal JCrrol’s achievement of stardom on the screen --------- *--------- Many Opportunities Here Olaf Is Ardent Oarsman Lincoln Beauty Parlor will be open for business Thursday, Feb. 25 *4-34-69-94’ Not Grid Call. Holyoke, Mass—“4-34-64-94.” No this is not a football signal. It’s just the unusual age combination which is found in the Dibble home here. There live Jane Dibble, four years old; Howard, 34; Frank, 64, and Nelson O. Dibble, 94, with 39 years between each branch of the family tree. ---------------- *----------------- NO RAPID TRANSIT. large demand tor both feeder and fat cattle, finds the Sears-Iloebuck T HE Agricultural Foundation In Its cattle marketing investigations, lias in­ Above Is pictured Prince Olaf oi Norway, a member of the Bal llol col lege ejew, ready to take a customer Within a year or two, thousands of women in every comer of America buy that product—and benefit by its merits. It pays you to read the advertisements and to know advertised products. Buying them protects your money. This coupoi is good for V. A manufacturer in an obscure little town builds a new product. Products that are widely advertised are worthy of your faith. You buy from honest neighborly folk when you buy from their dealers. TEN DAY OFFER Vc«. will save money by asking for a q Wat ion on your u ti k now. Protecting your money For this coming Sunday night we could write the whole story as seen, read and told from advance sheets, l.ut it would spoil the treat that is in store for all who attend Sunday night. All that is necessary is the fact that it is Correne Griffith in that great play, “Classified.” Many have pronounced it one of the best ever thrown on the screen, and we will leave it to the reader to judge for himself. The residence formerly known as the old church parsonage, first door north of the “White Lunch” on Second street, next door to Cherry Tree Apartments (b ------.................. ....... .... ....... = ({ Saturday and Monday Features ROLLED OATS— 9 pound bags ...................... PEACHES— large tins “Hunts’ 3 for........ MILK—“Federal” 11 tins . ..... $1.00 59c 79c SUGAR— SALMON—tall tins, 2 for..................................... SARDINE—-ova. tin, 2 for 35c ORANGES— large size .... CLOROX, 2 for................... 35c 35c CHILI co:: 2AC.NE, Gebhardts 35c SHPIMPS, Guii bay.................... 35c 35c Pic-pmcd Mu- laid, Libbys 25c CATSUP—“Blue Bunny” 29c CATSL ?—“Heinz” ........ Pure Cane, 25-lb. bags $1.53 SOAP— White Wonder— 10 for........... ..................... 39c ORANGES— medium size ONIONS— 6 pounds........ PEANUT BUTTER 2 lbs. 43 33c 25c 45c ' SALT—Shaker, 2 for GEM NUT— 3 for.... COCOA— “Mothers”—lb. ctn 25c BROOMS CORN MEAL,9.1bs bags 39c ’ 49c I 85c N 25c ( Skaggs Meat Specials for SATURDAY and MONDAY CHOICE POT ROASTS F®ncy Sugar Cur«d BACON 14c 36c T-BONE & LOIN STEAKS 22c SHORTENING, 2-lbs 35c