Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 09, 1925, Image 4

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    Biggest Little City in Oregon
AN ORDINANCE pro •!ding for ’
'he .sstr i 'e of Impr >ven nt J. .ids i
of City of Vernonia, On .in. in th<
ot ,>17.260.1 .; providing and
Uie toirn of the bonds to
be issued and the coupons attoched
thereto; providing for the advertise­
ment and sale of said bonds, and de­
claring an emergency.
cations to p_;y under the provisions day of
of law have been duly filed, as in gold coin of the United St:'»en
down by said bond lien docket, t>- at the office of the City
m tut suiu vl >1<,Z6 u .1G, u-1 v-
u,u c<iy uf Vernoina,
said bonds in the amount of $500
each to be numbered consecutively bein six months* interest on Im­
from 2 to 34, both numbers inclu­ provement Bond No.............. unless
sive, ar.d one of said bonds in the said bond is sooner redeemed, as
sum of $260.16 to be numbered 1, therein provided, which redemption
said bonds to be dated January 1, will render this coupon void.
WHEREAS, the Council of the 1925, to be signed by the Mayor and
City of Vernonia has heretofore pro­ counter-signed by the Recorder of
ceeded to make certain sewer im­ the City of Vernonia and the cor­ Countersigned :
provements in said City particularly porate seal of said City to be af­
described in Resolutions Nos. 82 and fixed thereto and said bonds shall,
83 adopted July 17th, 1924, and has by the terms thereof, matuer in ten
Section 3. The Recorder is here­
duly assessed the costs of such im­ years from the date thereof and be by directed and instructed to adver­
provements to the property benefit­ payable in gold coin of the United tise the aforesaid issue of bonds for
ed thereby or liable therefir, accord­ States and bear interest at the rate sale at the Council meeting to be held
ing to the provisions of the charter of six (6) per cent per annum, inter­ on January 19, 1925.
est payable semi-annually, said inter­
of such City; and
Section 4. WHEREAS, the Coun­
WHEREAS, the owners of the est to be evidenced by coupons at­ cil of the City of Vernonia has here­
property so assessed for such street tached to said bonds, which said cou­ tofore found the improvement nec­
improvements in the sum of $25.00 pons shall have the signature of the essary to the peace, health and saf­
or more, aggregating in all the sum Mayor and the signature of the Re­ ety of the people of the City of Ver­
of $17,260.16, have within ten corder of the City of Vernonia litho­ nonia and let contracts for the im­
after notice of such assessments graphed or engraved thereon; PRO­ mediate improvement thereof; and
were frst published, filed with the VIDED, the right to take up and
WHEREAS, said improvement has
Recorder of said City written appli­ cancel each and all of said bonds, or been completed and it is necessary
cations to pay said assessments in any thereof, upon the payment of that funds be provided for the pay­
installments, and each and all of the face value thereof, with accrued ment thereof ; now, therefore, an
which applications did state that the interest to the date of payment, at emergency is hereby declared to ex­
said applicant an dproperty owner any semi-annual coupon period at ist and this ordinance shall go into
does thereby waive all irregularities or after one year from the date of force and effect from and after its
or defects, jurisdictional or other­ such bond or bonds, shall be and passage and approval by the Mayor.
wise, in the proceedings to improve hereby is vested in the City of Ver­
Passed by the Council on this 7th
the street for which said assessment nonia, whicÿ bonds, together with day of January, 1925, by the fol-
2:40 P.M.
Lv. Vernonia
8:40 A. M.
was levied and in the apportionment interest theredh shall be payable at lowing vote:
the office of the City Treasurer of
of the cost thereof; and
YEAS: Ray Emmott, G. C. Mel-
2:50 P. M.
” Koster’s Camp
8:50 A. M.
WHEREAS, each and all of said Vernonia, Oregon, and shall be linger, J. W. Gooding, W. C. Repass.
applications contain a provision that known as “City of Vernonia Improve­
NAYS: None.
3:30 P. M.
„ Sunset Lumber Co.
9:30 A. M.
the said applicant and property own­ ment Bonds.”
Submitted to the Mayor on the
Section 2. That the bonde here­ 7th day of January, 1925.
er agrees to pay said assessment in
3:40 P. M.
„ Timber
9:40 A.M.
ten installments, with interest at the by authorized and the coupons at­
Approved by the Mayor on the
same rate on all of said assessments tached thereto shall be in substanti­ 7th day of January, 1925.
4:20 P. M.
„ Glenwood
10:20 A. M.
which have not been paid, as that ally the following form, except that
G. R. Mills, Mayor
expressed in the bonds issued to pay
Ben S. Owens, Recorder.
4:35 P. M.
„ Gales Creek
10:35 A. M.
principal sum of $260.16 and the in­
for such improvements; and
WHEREAS, each and all of said terest coupons annexed thereto shall
4:55 P. M.
„ Forest Grove
10:55 A. M.
applications contain a statement, by be in the sum of $7.80 towit:
Notice is hereby given that sealed
$500.00 bids will be received by the May(or
lots or blocks, or other convenient No.............................
Ar. Portland
6:10 P. M.
12:10 P. M.
description of the priperty of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of the City of Vernonia, Oregon, at
applicant assessed for such sewer
8:00 p. m. January 19, 1925 at his
improvement; and
office in said city, for $17,260.16
WHEREAS, in no applicantion re­ CITY OF VERNONIA IMPROVE­ par value, Bancroft Sewer Bonds of
ceived as aforesaid, did the amount
said city, said bonds to be in denom­
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ination of $500.00 each, to bear in­
of such assessment, with any previ­
ous assessment for street improve­ PRESENTS that the City of Vernon­ terest at a rate not to exceed six (6)
Lv. Portland
10:00 A. M.
4:00 P. M.
ments or sewer, assessed against the ia, in the County of Columbia, State per cent per annum, to mature ten
same property and remaining unpaid, of Oregon, for value received hereby years from date of issuance, with
„ Forest Grove
11:15 A. M.
5:15 P. M.
equal or exceed the valuation of agrees and promises to pay to the principal and semi-annual interest
said property as shown by the last bearer the sum of
„ Gales Creek
11:35 A. M.
5:35 P. M.
payable at the Fiscal Agency of the
tax roll of Columbia County in which
State of Oregon in New York City.
in gold coin of the United States on
it is situated; and
„ Glenwood
5:50 P. M.
11:50 A. M.
The approving legal opinion of
WHEREAS, the City Recorder, the presentation and surrender of Messrs Teal, Winfree, Johnson &
who is charged with keeping the rec­ this obligation on the ............ day of McCulloch of Portland, Oregon, will
„ Timber
12:30 P. M.
6:35 P. M.
ords of said City, has kept all such ....................................... , 1925, without be furnished the successful bidder.
applications as are hereinbefore grace, with interest thereon from the
„ Sunset Lumber Co.
12:40 P. M.
6:40 P. Mi
The Council of the city of Ver­
specified, in convenient form for ex- date hereof until redeemed or until nonia, Oregon reserves the right to
amination n the manner provided by the time of the semi-annual interest reject all or any of the proposals re­
” Koster’s Camp
1:20 P. M.
7:20 P. M.
law; that is to say, the applications payment next ensuing the publica- ceived, and to modify ihe terms of
received for each sewer improvement tion of notice by the City of Ver- this notice.
Ar. Vernonia
1:30 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
has been kept separate, and the City nonia that this bond will be taken Signed:
Guy R. Mills, Mayor
Recorder has also entered in a book up and cancelled and that interest Attest: Ben S. Owens, Recorder.
kept for that purpose, under sepa­ thereon will cease at the interest
edness practiced it will have to be can get into safe territory much more in a distant city before news of their
rate heads for each application, the paymetn period next following such
Oliver Morton Hall, an elderly done in a hurry, and then only by speedily than in the days when they banditry hns been flashed to the out­
name of the applicant, a description publication, at thé’ rate of six (6)
men smart enough to out-wit the had to depend on shelter in the woods
of the property and the amount of per cent per annum, payable semi­ gentleman living on the hill west
side world.
crafty Mr. Hoover.
the assessment as shown in the ap­ annually in like gold coin on the........
and hills by day and their legs at
They say we nre living in a fast
plication; and
days of ........................................ I and of heart disease at 3 p. m. Wednes­
night. Then, too, they can easily put age, and if anyone doubts it all he
WHEREAS, at the time and in .................................................. of each day.
telephone lines out of commission has to do is to pick up n newspaper
the manner provided by law; that is year on the presentation and sur­
now with a few snips of a pair of and glance over the accounts of bank
LOSA—Log Chain on Rose Ave.
to say, after the expiration of the render of the proper coupons hereto
It is almost impossible these days plyera, and be safe in their haunts and payroll robberies.
time for filing applications for the annexed, principal and interest pay­ or Bridge St. Finder get reward to pick up a newspaper that doesn’t
payment of assessments for the lay­ able at the office of the City Trea­ from Thos Schock.
contain at least one report of bank
ing of sewers by installments, as surer of the City of Vernonia.
or payroll houldups. Papers reaching
provided by law, the City Recorder
This bond is one of a series of
here recently have told of three such
has entered in a docket kept for Bonds authorized by and under the
instances in Chicago and Milwaukee
Announcement by a coupel of big in which a total of close to $200,000
that purpose, under separate heads provisions of the charter of said City
for each street or sewer by name or and under and pursuant to the pro­ radio concerns that they are plan­ was involved.
number, a description of each lot visions of Section 3788 to 3796, both ning a chain of high-powered broad­
The day of the lttle cross-roads
or parcel of land or other property inclusive, Oregon Laws and subse­ casting stations stretching entirely postoffice robbery seems to have pas­
against which such assessment is quent amendments thereto, provid­ across the United States has aroused sed with the arrival of the high-pow­
made, or which bean or is chargea­ ing for the issuance of bonds for the radio world, and ought to be of ered automobile, and the nerve of
ble for the cost of such sewer im- street and sewer improvements and more than passing interest to every­ those who prefer to make their liv­
provement, with the name of the for the payment of the costa of such one around Vernonia possessing a ing at the point of an automatic pis­
owner and the aount of such un- improvements and is an obligation radio set. Those best in position to1 tol seems to have been strengthened
paid asseaametns; and
of the City of Vernonia aforesaid, know say it is the initial step in a at the same time. The fact that only
WHEREAS, each and every act and is not to be deemed or taken to plan to get control of the air, and a very small percent of those pulling
•nd thing required by the laws of be within or any part of the indebt­ that onct ths control is secured the off these high-handed robberies act­
the state of Oregon an dby the char­ edness of such City, and it is fur­ general public will hae to pay duty ually get away doesn’t seem to dis­
ter of said City preiedent to the the ther certified that all of the requre- for its radio entertainment. There is courage others, for within the past
issuance of these bonds have been ments of law have been fully compil­ a chance to “gobble up” a lot of two months, in fact ever since cold
regularly done and performed in the ed with by the proper officers in money through this new form of weather arrived, highway robbery
manner and at the times required the issuance of this bond.
communication, as in everything else has been on the increase. Today the
by law; now, therefore,
This bond is redeemable at the of­ and it seems that strenuous attempts auto makes it possible for the bandit
¡THE CITY OF VERNONIA DOES fice of the City Treasurer of the City are about to be made by a little to escape quickly, and good roads in
of Vernonia, Oregon, at the option bunch of Now York City gentlemen every section enable him to cover
Section 1. Taht the City of Ver­ of the City of Vernonia upon the to do it. The matter has been called many miles before officials of the
nonia do issoe bonds in the name of payment of the face amount thereof to the attention of Herbert Hoover, law can get into action. Banks and
•nd under the corporate seal of said with accrued interest thereon to the of the U. S. Department of Com­ stores n towns like Vernonia are
City in the denomination of $500 date of r«yment at any semi-annual merce, and we believe that if there brought into closer reach of these
•ach except one old bond for $260.16 coupon period at or after one year is any high-handed robbery or crook- desperate characters, because they
•nd in all equal to the total amount from the date hereof as provided by
of the unpaid assessments for such law.
improvements and for which appli-
For the fulfillment of the condi­
tions of this obligation the full faith
and credt of the City of Vernon* are
hereby irrevocable pledged.
bond has been signed by the Mayor
By way of introduction, I’ll tell you I am the new year.
and ciuntersigned by the Recorder
How I canserve you and the kind of a man you can make
♦ * •
corporate seal of said City hereto af­
fixed this ................................ day of
out of me before 1926 rolls around depends in a great mea
• * *
.................................... 1925.
sure upon yourself. I’ll be glad to give each one of you ev­
Stage Depot Second
Bridge Streets
Vernonia 473 or 652
Forest Giove, Oregon Hotel
Filed December 31, 1924; Effective January 10, 1925
^Connections for Portland via. Portland. Hillsboro,
McMinnville Stage Line
South Bound
North Bound
• • •
• « •
Visit ear Standard- Designer
Pattern Department Today I
ery minute of the year in which to make good. In pleasure
or in work I will always be with you, and it is my sincere
wish, as it is of your friend the Eagle that this may be a
will pay to bearer on the ...—
The City has rented the former bank building as a city hall where all
City business will hereafter be transacted.
year of great happiness andi ncreased prosperity for you
and yours. |
.. . *