Biggest Little City in Oregon A VERNONIA EAGLE « AN ORDINANCE pro •!ding for ’ 'he .sstr i 'e of Impr >ven nt J. .ids i of City of Vernonia, On .in. in th< i ot ,>17.260.1 .; providing and Uie toirn of the bonds to be issued and the coupons attoched thereto; providing for the advertise­ ment and sale of said bonds, and de­ claring an emergency. I' cations to p_;y under the provisions day of 19......... of law have been duly filed, as in gold coin of the United St:'»en down by said bond lien docket, t>- at the office of the City m tut suiu vl >1<,Z6 u .1G, u-1 v- u,u c