Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 29, 1924, Image 1

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U ME 35; NUMBER 21
iandidates for County Jobs
The political pot is beginning to
boil Merrily in this county, and the
old ■etal receptacle of broths and
•oupKnd what not, is said to be get­
ting qu ite warm. There has never
been a time when men were lacking
tbaarve the public by sacrificing them-
selvee [for the various offices within
the gifi of the dear people.
year will be no exception to the rule,
by the number of candidates,
who ®ftve thrown their hats in the
ring thus far. There may be other
darkhorses ready to hit the biennia
race Bourse, at a later date. So far
Sj&EBwn, they
County Commissioner;!!. V. Alley
and S.jG. Reed, both from the north
end of the county. For Sheriff, John
Aschim and Bert Hurson. For Asses­
sor, Bert Mann F. S. Armentrout and
C. A. Johnson, the present incumbent.
For Benator, A. G. Beals is the only
man in sight, but is is hinted that C.
J. EMTards may appear later. For
Representative, Geo. P. Winslow and
Russell Hawkins. Hawkins has not
thrown) his hat publicly into the ring,
but has been steadfastly mentioned.
So far, County Clerk Brmhall is the
only man in the race; but there are
able rumors that a dark
being carefully groomed in
jsh, due to appear just before
ary race begins. The name
nan has not been disclosed,
For the office of District
, C. W. Barnck and C. R.
lave been mentioned as poss-
lidates. For Surveyor it is
>d that Stanley Coates ¡.as
nt opponents. For Coroner,
nkle is thus far unopposed,
e goes on, and that it will go
i certainty, other candidates
flop, but up to date the above
ides all who have declared
bs, or who have been men-
possible candidates.
thousand pairs of new light
rown marching shoes, all
9ugh for dress occasions,
l received from the govern-
Adjutant General White for
je Oregon guardsmen. In
to the shoes there will be
,000 pairs of light wool
socks, which it is believed
!nt the blistered feet that
ilted from wearing heavier
le past. These new supplies
listributed to the various
is over the state.
ig contest will be staged in
Armofy building on March
is city. The seating capac-
>e much larger and more
e than that of the city hall,
le bouts have hitherto been
sw stage will be erected for
>n and it is believed that a
amme will be brought out
maker Mann, whose selec-
leen so satisfactory to the
1 the roped arena in this
le past
tide at 9:25 last Sunday
rnabled Tiliamookers to go
he clam beds near the old
and fill their gunny sacks
» fine eastern clams. There
krities of clams on the bay,
are all good when served
clam chowder, or fried just
With Fugitive
>s of Dark Animals Haunting
Trip from Southern City-
th is Boiling and Bubb
Ing for May Election
L of Candidates
John Aschim, sheriff of this county,
returned last Sunday from, a trip to
Los Angeles, whither he went last
week to secure the person of Chas.
Clow, who escaped from this county
more than a year ago, while on bail,
awaiting trial. Clow was picked up
by Los Angeles police. The home­
ward leg of the journey was without
incident, and Clow is in the Tillamook
county jail.
Mr. Aschim says' that Los Angeles
county has two million people, and
that the sheriff has 321 deputies in
the criminal department alone. With
the exception of the sheriff, county
attorney, and clerk, all the other
officers are under the civil service
law. The sheriff appoints only one
deputy, and the remainder of the dep­
uties are selected by the sheriff from
a list of three persons who are recom­
mended by the civil service commis­
After six months probation,
the officei selected, if he proves sat­
isfactory, automatically goes, under
civil service rule?, and can only be
removed for cause, At the end of
twenty years, each deputy tinder
civil service rules is retired on half
pay. The system is such that the
sheriff’s department always has an
organized force at hand.
While sitting in the sherjff’s office,
the Tillamook official was told that
two bank robberies in the city had
been^eported while he had been sit­
ting in the office, and that bank rob­
beries had averaged about one a day
for the past four months.
While waiting for the transfer <f
the papers giving him custody of his
prisoner, Mr. Aschim met sheriffs
and deputies from three states, who
were looking for or waiting to take
back prisoners. Los Angles is a city
where many of the criminals congre­
gate after becoming fugitives iront
justice in other states. It is a good
place in which to hide.
The Netarts Spruce mill began
sawing last Monday, it is reported,
It is Understood that this mill is saw-
ing principally on spruce, but that
some hemlock will also be cut later
in the season. The mill is under the
management of Leland & Co. The
company has a good tiact of timber
to work in, and men are also at work
in the logging camp.
Oliver Keeler, who made a sneak,
and escaped from the jail road gang
about ten days ago, while employed
in the county shed in this city, was
halted at Sixty-fifth steet and Forty­
fifth avenue, southeast Portland, last
Thursday by officers Nolan and Pay-
cer of the Portland police force. But
the halt was momentary, for Keeler,
whose name rhymes with heeler, heel­
ed it in an attempt to escape from
the officers. After being told to stop
a second time, Nolan opened fire,
shooting the fugitive in the leg, which
stopped the foot-racing stunt, The
wounded man was taken to the city
hospital for treatment, where it was
found that his wound was not serious.
Deputy Sheriff Lucas went out Fri­
day morning upon notification that the
Tillamook man was in custody, but
found him in the hospital, the author­
ities neglecting to state the man was
in the hospital. It is thought, how­
ever, that he will be able to make the
trip back to Tillamook within a few
Keeier recently was arrested at Ne­
halem for possession of liquor, and
was fined by Justice Stanley 1300,
and given ninety days in Jail, and it
was while serving his jail sentence
that he managed to sneak out of the
county implement shed in this city,
and escape. It was suspected at the
time that he stole an auto down the
road at Idaville, and drove to Ne­
halem, but thus far he has made no
County Court Members are
Interested in Proposed
Quicker Mail Delivery Possible When
Road is Decided Upon and
A big road meeting was held in
Portland last Wednesday which lasted
all day.
Members of the county
courts of Tillamook, Yamhill and
Washington counties, and represen­
tatives of several commercial bodies
from the three counties were present.
The Kiwanis club of this city was
represented by H. T. Botts, C. I.
Clcugh, G. A. Reeher, C. J. Edwards,
H. H. Rosenberg and R. B. Miller.
Judge Mason and commissioners Al­
ley and Richards were also present.
The meeting was held in the
Chamber of Commerce building, and
(Continued .on page 4)
New Set of Jurymen Installed and
Home of Mr«. May Allison is Scene
Judicial Body is Prepared
Circuit court will convene next
Monday in this city, with Judge Bag-
ley an the bench, as usual. The petit
jury has been summoned by the coun­
ty clerk to attend the coming session
It is understood that fifteen jurymen
have been called for the coming term.
Cases that probably will be called
during the March term are those of
Edwards vs. Sabin, and Cook vs. Bell
and Toney, the latter a case from the
north end cf the county. It is said
that Judge Bagley set aside the ver-
diets in both of the above cases, and
that there probably will be some 3ort
of settlement of both cases at the
forth coming term.
The grand jury convened yesterday,
and what it may have under consider­
ation, will later develop.
A new
grand jury is in charge, and the petit
jury is also new. The docket is not
large, and should there not be much
jury business, it is believed that the
term will not be a long one.
Fred Schlicting, a rigger at the
Whitney logging camp was struck by
wire last Saturday afternoon and
The wire got
The firemen’s ball last Saturday
night was a rousing success, in point
of attendance, and otherwise, there
being 147 persons to pass through
the doorway of the new armory build­
ing. The floor managers were: Walt­
er Thurston, W. T. Oathout, Clarence
Coe and Gerald Graves. The orches­
tra provided fine music, and the danc­
ers thoroly enjoyed themselves, and
a fine time was had.
The receipts have not been fully
totaled, but they were very satisfac­
tory as to the figures. The Coats Mill
Co. gave $25, and there were other
cash contributors. It is believed that
the amount will run close to $200.
After the ball, the firemen had a
dinner at the Bungalow Cafe, and
enjoyed the good cheer presented by
the management of that hostelry.
Even Sandy, the Airdale mascot of
the company was not forgotten, and
ate a pile of “leavings” from the ban­
quet table that would have appalled
or killed a common cur dog.
The banquet was enlivened by the
baritone voice of genial Glenn Terry,
who sang a new song written by
Gerald Graves, entitled: “Yes, there
are Gobs of Banannas Left Over.”
Art Case accompanied Terry on the
caught and back-lashed, striking the
young man on the head. It was fear­
ed at first that his neck was broken,
but he was brought to a local hospital
in this city, and at last accounts was
still alive. A brother from Van­
couver, Wash., was notified of the ac­
cident, and is now in attendance at
the injured man’s bedside, together
with other relatives.
The Bay City Fish company of Bay
City, has donated about forty cases
of swell-head and over-packed sal­
mon in tins to the Gold Creek hatch-
ery,' states Supt. Pollock, who was
in the city Friday, This salmon feed
will be used for feeding to young
fry at the Trask hatchery, now in
the ponds. Mr. Pollock was down to
Bay City Friday and took up a quan­
tity of the donated salmon to the
hatchery. A. Ramsey is the manager
of the company donating the salmon.
G. C. Humke, a prominent Port­
land insurance man, is visiting his
sister, Mrs. Rose Wilkes of this city
this week.
of Double Alarm When
Greasy Subject Stirred Up
When Dairymen Force
Bedding Burns
A fire occurred at the house oc-
cupied by Mrs. May Allison at 310
Fourth street, near Fourth avenue,
last Tuesday night at a few minutes
past 10 o’clock. The fire company
Oleomargarine Said to Have Friends responded to the shriek of the big
siren at the electric light plant, and
in County Who Will Insist
located the fire in an up-stairs bed­
room of the above residence. The
on Product
bed, mattress and portions of the
wooden bedstead were burning wnen
the firemen arrived. The flames were
Oleo and butter balls are being soon extinguished with chemical ap­
fired back and forth by proponents paratus, and the smoking wool mat­
and opponents of the sale of oleo in tress was liberally dosed with water,
the grocery stores of this county. The and placed in a lower room.
Cow Testing association recently se­
At 4 o'clock Wednesday morning.
cured the signatures of all the groc­ Mrs. Allison awoke to find the house
erymen in the county to an agreement filled with smoke. Going down stairs,
not to sell oleo products in competi­ she discovered that the mattress was
tion with cow butter. The newspap­ again on fire, and gave the alarm.
ers of the county also agreed not to The department again came out, and
advertise the oleo products.
extinguished the mattress, and placed
Now comes the beginning of the se­ it outside in the yard, and that ended
quel. Agents of one of the largest the matter.
manufacturers of oleo are in the city
The origin of the fire is a story
conferring with grocerymen about the itself. Mrs. Allison had just returned
boycott on oleo. It is understood that Tuesday from a two weeks visit away
meetings protesting against the act­ from home, and as the room seemed
ion of the cow testing association in to be damp, she connected an electric
its boycott of oleo are to be heid in heater with the current, and wrap­
this city and other places in the ping tne cord around a wooden bed­
post, left it to warm up the room
If the grocerymen remain firm in while she went out to prayer meeting
(Continued on page 7)
at the Nazarene church. Previous to
her return, however, some one dis­
covered smoke issuing from the
house, and turned in an alarm. It
was found later by the department
men, that a wire had burned off at
the socket, which had produced a
short circuit, and eventually the wires
F. W. Talbott of this city met with burned off at the socket, causing the
an accident in Salem last Friday eve­ heater to fall upon the bed clothing,
ning that resulted in his taking a which later communicated the fire to
spin that left him badly dazed. He the mattress and wooden bedstead.
was opposite the State house going Had some one not discovered the
east on State street, when he slowed smoke, there is good reason to be­
up on 'account of some news boys in lieve that the house would have been
the street, and as he decreased his badly damaged,, if not entirely bttrn-
speed, another car driven by a farm­ ed up Dy the spreading flames.
The loss was adjusted by Rollie
er crashed into him, badly smashing
the Tillamook man’s car. The pave­ Watson Wednesday, in whose com-
ment was wet, and to that fact Mr. pany there was insurance to cover.
Talbott doubtless owes his escape It was estimated by the acting fire
from serious injury, for instead of chief that the loss would not reach
throwing him out, his machine spun beyond $50
around on the hard surface until the
A local insurance man stated that
momentum was exhausted.
When very many of the fires in dwelling
Talbott got out of the machine, he today result from wrapping drop
was dizzy and found the other fellow cords about wooden or metal furn­
looking after him. Neither had been iture with an attachment to electric
seriously hurt, aside from a shaking heaters or ironing apparatus. Should
up. The farmer accepted all blame, a wire become broken by the heat,
and had Talbott’s machine repaired, a fire is almost sure to result.
He also spent quite a sum on his
own machine, which was worse dam-
aged than Talbott’s.
Big Event for Tiliamookers
When Cup is Presented
to Company
The First Breath of Spring
Dedication of Building Will be Held
by State Officials Some Time
in May or June
On next Monday night will occur
the opening of the new state armory
on which occasion Brigadier General
George A. White, O. N. G., will pre­
sent to Company K of this county,
the beautiful silver cup won by the
Tillamook county unit for the highest
per centage of attendance of any com­
pany of the National guard in the
stateduring the year just past.
The cup is a beautiful piece of
workmanship, and was put up by the
Portland Oregonian to stimulate at-
tendance at drills in Oregon,
company K secured the highest per
centage for attendance, the cup has
been forwarded to this city for pre­
sentation to our crack company of
The event should be one of pardon­
able pride and interest to the local
boys, who are looking forward to the
occasion with high spirits. The pub­
lic will be apt to be present in force,
as it will be a matter in which the
whole community can share.
Gen. White will be accompanied by
the general staff, and several officials
of the state American Legion organ­
ization will also be present. Among
the latter will be Adjutant Nelson
and state Commander Kddle.
At the conclusion of the cup pre­
sentation ceremonies, there will be a
short programme in which vocal solos
and professional whistling will have a
Following the programme,
there will be a meeting of the Ameri­
can Legion in their room, when Gen.
White will be asked to give an ac­
count of the organization of the Le­
gion, which occurred in France. Gen.
White was one of the founders of the
Legion and in its preliminary stages
was honored with appointment as
chairman of the ways and means
committee, and was also a member
(Continued on page 4)
M. H. Bales, for some time past
an assistant at the Gold Creek hatch­
WILL BE STARTED ery up on the Trask river, has just
received appointment to the Siuslaw
There is a strong possibility that hatching station, located four miles
Tillamook will soon add another two northeast of Swissholm, in Douglass
story business building, of the now county, up the Suislaw river from
prevalent concrete type. It is under­ Florence and Acme. The appoint­
stood that Mrs. Ella Kelly of Port­ ment comes from Carl D. Shoemaker,
land will remove the buildings now master fish warden for the state fish
occupied by P. A. Finne, the Alex commission.
The recommendation
cigar store, the Coates abstract office, was made by T. R. Pollock, superin­
and other occupancies on Second tendent of the Gold Creek hatchery.
This makes two of Pollock’s men who
The Finne occupancy faces on Sec­ have been promoted to hatcheries in
ond avenue; and it is understood that this
vnl„ state, luc
wlI1B „
the other one being
G. C.
the new building
lg iiuw
now «u
at viic
thc ntatv
gtate ltvu*
— will cover the front : I Webb>
nruu, who
wim la
foot space on the last named avenue, ing gtation at Necanicum creek, in
and part of the block extending west | Clatsop county. Mr. Bales and fam­
from Second avenue, covered by the ily left for their new home, and tho
occupancies named.
scene of his work, last Friday, It
Mrs. Kelly is the owner of the is understood that the master fish
property, and her husband was here warden will send in a man from the
here some time ago, and gave verba) Bonneville hatchery to take the place
notice to tenants that he had in mind of the newly appointed superintend­
the erection of a two story business ent at the Siuslaw station.
building, as above stated. Mr. Kelly
is at present in Tia Juana, Mexico,
it was ascertained, but is expected
back to Portland soon. It is under­
stood that the plans for the new build­
ing have been drawn, and that it will
The Yellow Fir mill which has been
be modern in all appointments.
closed down for some weeks past,
C. Berkley, Chas. Nestle and J. A. has again begun logging and sawing
Davenport, Portland firemen, were with a force of men, which may be
over the latter part of last week, try­ increased later, so it is reported. This
ing out their luck on the last run of is the mill that was in litigation some
steelheads, and salmon trout invas’on time past, and it is now managed by
of the rivers and smaller streams. a man by name of Ward, who has
And “Lady Luck,” was with the boys. the mill in charge. It formerly did
These hoys all “pack” rabbits feet business under the firm name of the
Matlock Lumber company.
in their tobacco pockets.