I •7 êillainnn U ME 35; NUMBER 21 TLLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 29, 1924 PRISONER RETURNED FROM LOS ANGELES Sheriff ARE FLYING ABOUT iandidates for County Jobs at Present The political pot is beginning to boil Merrily in this county, and the old ■etal receptacle of broths and •oupKnd what not, is said to be get­ ting qu ite warm. There has never been a time when men were lacking tbaarve the public by sacrificing them- selvee [for the various offices within the gifi of the dear people. This year will be no exception to the rule, by the number of candidates, who ®ftve thrown their hats in the ring thus far. There may be other darkhorses ready to hit the biennia race Bourse, at a later date. So far Sj&EBwn, they County Commissioner;!!. V. Alley and S.jG. Reed, both from the north end of the county. For Sheriff, John Aschim and Bert Hurson. For Asses­ sor, Bert Mann F. S. Armentrout and C. A. Johnson, the present incumbent. For Benator, A. G. Beals is the only man in sight, but is is hinted that C. J. EMTards may appear later. For Representative, Geo. P. Winslow and Russell Hawkins. Hawkins has not thrown) his hat publicly into the ring, but has been steadfastly mentioned. So far, County Clerk Brmhall is the only man in the race; but there are able rumors that a dark being carefully groomed in jsh, due to appear just before ary race begins. The name nan has not been disclosed, For the office of District , C. W. Barnck and C. R. lave been mentioned as poss- lidates. For Surveyor it is >d that Stanley Coates ¡.as nt opponents. For Coroner, nkle is thus far unopposed, e goes on, and that it will go i certainty, other candidates flop, but up to date the above ides all who have declared bs, or who have been men- possible candidates. )SMEN’S SHOES ILL BE LIGHTER thousand pairs of new light rown marching shoes, all 9ugh for dress occasions, l received from the govern- Adjutant General White for je Oregon guardsmen. In to the shoes there will be ,000 pairs of light wool socks, which it is believed !nt the blistered feet that ilted from wearing heavier le past. These new supplies listributed to the various is over the state. Ì COMMISSION PREPARING CARD ig contest will be staged in Armofy building on March is city. The seating capac- >e much larger and more e than that of the city hall, le bouts have hitherto been sw stage will be erected for >n and it is believed that a amme will be brought out maker Mann, whose selec- leen so satisfactory to the 1 the roped arena in this le past tide at 9:25 last Sunday rnabled Tiliamookers to go he clam beds near the old and fill their gunny sacks » fine eastern clams. There krities of clams on the bay, are all good when served clam chowder, or fried just Makes Uneventful With Fugitive •'W >s of Dark Animals Haunting Aschim Trip from Southern City- th is Boiling and Bubb Ing for May Election L of Candidates Icaòliqijt John Aschim, sheriff of this county, returned last Sunday from, a trip to Los Angeles, whither he went last week to secure the person of Chas. Clow, who escaped from this county more than a year ago, while on bail, awaiting trial. Clow was picked up by Los Angeles police. The home­ ward leg of the journey was without incident, and Clow is in the Tillamook county jail. Mr. Aschim says' that Los Angeles county has two million people, and that the sheriff has 321 deputies in the criminal department alone. With the exception of the sheriff, county attorney, and clerk, all the other officers are under the civil service law. The sheriff appoints only one deputy, and the remainder of the dep­ uties are selected by the sheriff from a list of three persons who are recom­ mended by the civil service commis­ sion. After six months probation, the officei selected, if he proves sat­ isfactory, automatically goes, under civil service rule?, and can only be removed for cause, At the end of twenty years, each deputy tinder civil service rules is retired on half pay. The system is such that the sheriff’s department always has an organized force at hand. While sitting in the sherjff’s office, the Tillamook official was told that two bank robberies in the city had been^eported while he had been sit­ ting in the office, and that bank rob­ beries had averaged about one a day for the past four months. While waiting for the transfer nruu, who wim la foot space on the last named avenue, ing gtation at Necanicum creek, in and part of the block extending west | Clatsop county. Mr. Bales and fam­ from Second avenue, covered by the ily left for their new home, and tho occupancies named. scene of his work, last Friday, It Mrs. Kelly is the owner of the is understood that the master fish property, and her husband was here warden will send in a man from the here some time ago, and gave verba) Bonneville hatchery to take the place notice to tenants that he had in mind of the newly appointed superintend­ the erection of a two story business ent at the Siuslaw station. building, as above stated. Mr. Kelly is at present in Tia Juana, Mexico, it was ascertained, but is expected back to Portland soon. It is under­ stood that the plans for the new build­ ing have been drawn, and that it will The Yellow Fir mill which has been be modern in all appointments. closed down for some weeks past, C. Berkley, Chas. Nestle and J. A. has again begun logging and sawing Davenport, Portland firemen, were with a force of men, which may be over the latter part of last week, try­ increased later, so it is reported. This ing out their luck on the last run of is the mill that was in litigation some steelheads, and salmon trout invas’on time past, and it is now managed by of the rivers and smaller streams. a man by name of Ward, who has And “Lady Luck,” was with the boys. the mill in charge. It formerly did These hoys all “pack” rabbits feet business under the firm name of the Matlock Lumber company. in their tobacco pockets. MILL WILL START UP WITH LARGER FORCE