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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1924)
èillanmo >UME 35; NUMBER 17 FEBRUARY COURT CONVENES MONDAY Aliens, Veterans of World War, to be ¡try of Recent Origin ‘tomes Important to Tillamook PRICE $2.00 THE YEAR TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1924 Awarded IS IN THE MAKING FEDERAL REVENUE MAN HELPS TAXPAYERS HERE Winning of Oregonian Cup Brings March 15 is Fated Date for Filing Arrangements Being Made For 5,000 People Here in August State Commanders <rt- PORTNEEDISVITAL FOR DEVELOPMENT 1923 Income Returns to Messages from Battalion and Citizenship in Short Order OFFICERS COMPLIMENT LOCAL GUARD COMPANY Gain Nearly 30.5 Per Cent. For Five-Year Period Tax Collector tr ▼ « Unofficial Statement Gives View of Question in County The February term of circuit court A letter received by Capt. J. E. Favorably * E. J. Walsh, a federal income tax will convene next Monday, with Shearer from Fred M. West, Major man was here during the week up Judge Bagley on the bench, The 162nd Infantry on the 25th inst, says to and inclusive of last Thursday. civil cases are given below, in part: The I with office quarters in the court house. grand jury may return some crim- “It is with great pleasure that I ‘ Persons liable for tax must file their inal cases, but at this time none are commend Capt. Shearer and each offi reports with the Collector of Internal scheduled. cer and man of Co. _K, 162nd Infantry revenue at Portland not later than ation of County Agents Helps D. W. Tomlinson, naturalization Crowd May be Handled by Housing for your splendid achievment in win Sixteen New School Houses Built t March 15, 1924. The following items Local Kiwanians Bring Facts Before examiner, of Portland, will be here, ning the trophy for the highest aver are taken irom the law: istribution of Calves in Tent Colony Within During the Last Five Meeting in City Wednesday and interrogate candidates for natur age attendance of all organizations An income tax return must be filed alization who may have served in the from Tillamook of the entire National Guard, of the by every citizen of the United States the City Years in County Evening army during the World war. They state of Oregon, for the year just whether residing at home or abroad, will be required to show an honorable and every person residing in the ended. County School Superintendent G. “It is only through efficient leader shipping of grade calves discharge, and to produce two wit United States, though not a citizen 1 The Elks are preparing for one Capt. Geo. Mayo, himself a Ki- B. Lamb, is authority for the follow iress to various parts of the nesses as to character; and if satis of the biggest convention events ever ship and the determination of each thereof, having s net income for the ‘ wanian, was the guest of the local ing statements as issued from his factory, they will be made United est, and as far as Montana calendar year 1923 of (a) $1,000 or society of that name at Guild hall held by that organization in any city individual to do his full duty that office this week: doming to the east, and Cal- States citizens at the present term of outside of Portland. The duty of en such achievements are possible,” etc. over, if single or if married and not ' last Wednesday night, where a ban Based upon the census reports that The following letter from Adjutant to the south, and British Col- court without going through the ola tertaining the next grand lodge meet living with husband or wife, or (b) quet was given in his honor. An elab the various district clerks filed, the $2,000 or over, if married and living orate dinner was served, and at ! to the north, has become a five year sweat, the payment of fees ing of the B. P. O. E. devolves upon General Geo. A. White to Capt. Shear- following gains in school population with husband or wife, or (c) a gross which several talks were made by e Tillamook industry that bids and etc. It is understood that two Tillamook, and the local lodge has has also been received: are shown for a period of five years “I would like to suggest that the income of $5,000 or over. rival the cheese making in such candidates are in this city, and started in torly to provide an enter local Kiwanians, followed by a short beginning in 1919: 1919, 2,361 pupils; in time. The calves are ship others in the county who may wish tainment that will be adequate in its first time you are in Portland you A single person, or a married per but nevertheless cordial talk by the 1920, 2,774, pupils, 413 gain; 1921, to take advantage of this opportunity, scope, and at the same time pleasing call at the Oregonian office and see son not living with husband or wife guest of the evening. in only a few days old. 2,793, pupils, 19 gain; 1922, 3,024, the Oregonian trophy which is do- on the last lay of the taxable year, e older days of the cheese in- should be present in the County to the visitors. pupils, 231 gain; 1923, 3,201, pupils, Capt. Mayo, who is in charge of may claim a personal exemption of when roads were poor, and Clerk’s office by 8 a. m. Monday Howard Lamar who is at the head nated by the Oregonian Publishing 177 gain. the district which includes most of morning. company for the company having the $1,000. The head of a family, or a jiles were few, and when ex- of the entertainment committee, This gain in school population is Oregon and parts of Washington, average drill attendance carried person living with husband jmpanies did not specialize in " The law by which alien soldiers states that he is quite certain that largest thus seen to be approximately 30.5 said in part: who served in the United States arm throughout the entire year. ” or wife on the last day of the tax shipments, there was practic- at least five thousand Elks and their per cent in the period covered by the “The proposition of improving the “The Board awarded the cup to able year, may claim an exemption of > sale for the grade calf ies can become American citizens by families will be guests of Tillamook five years reports. During the same waterways of Tillamook bay is ona the short route, was passed by Con company K, which had a clear lead $2,500. If husband and wife file sep er that came unwelcome to on August 21-22 and 23, and hun period the gain in school enrollment of undoubted merit, The matter is lamook dairyman’s corral or gress in 1919. dreds of the herd probably will re over all other companies. The time was 31.2 per cent. For the year end arate returns, the personal exemption wholly at this time in the hands of Following is the calendar for cf presentation will be left to your may be taken by either or divided be the few of them were wanted, and main here for some time following ing June 1922 there were enrolled in my superiors, the United States February term: many as might be needed to the convention. It is planned to have convenience and wishes in the matter. the schools of the county 2,090 child tween them. In addition to the per board of engineers at Washington, Monday, February 4. Harvey I wish to congratulate you and your sonal exemption, a credit of $400 vs i the herd quota were raised, one continuous round of entertain ren while for the year ending June That body still has the matter under ment during the four days of the ses officers and men upon this splendid 18. 1923 there were enrolled 2, 464; may be claimed for each person (oth careful consideration, and I shall be le milk that might have nour- Thomas over to March term. Tuesday, February 5, 9 showing, which reflects credit upon er than husband or wife) under eight •A M. le little newcomers was sold sion. Among the attractions already a gain in enrollment of 374 for the een years of age, or incapable of self- governed wholly by their instructions. iheese factories to sustain the Wheeler vs. Reedy. thought out are the following: A big all of you, inasmuch as the award year. covers sustained effort during a whole Wednesday, February 6, 9 support because mentally or physi Anything that I might say at this A. M. demand for the finished milk clambake to be held at the fair The average daily attendance ac time officially, would not be by the cally defective. So, there was but one thing Segessman vs. Sharp. grounds, free for all; a boxing pro year.” cording to the 1923 report was 26.5 sanction of the body which I repre Thursday, February 7, 9 A. M. The following penalties are impos >nd that was to brutally take gramme which will call for prominent per cent greater than that shown by ed by the statute: For making frau sent; but this much I will say: The axe and knock the grade West vs. state industrial accident boxers; a deep sea fishing trip; dan the 1922 report while the increase dulent return, not to exceed $10,000 board will give the matter of the if the leading breeds on the commission. ces, burlesque parades by Elks; avi in school population during the same Friday, February 8. Foelkner vs. ation stunts, competive shows in or one year’s imprisonment, or both, improvement of the bay its best con d feed the remains to other year was 8.5 per cent and the enroll and in addition 50 per cent of tax sideration, I am surel” : animals of the carnivorous Tillamook Lumber company. which there will be much rivalry ment had increased 17 per cent. These Unofficially, Capt. Mayo spoke of Saturday, February 9, 9 A. M. among the various lodges; and other evaded; for failure to make return on i the ranch. Occasionally, figures show that the daily attend the value of the bay as a means of Wright vs. Marolf. time, not more than $1,000, and in Jim Christenson, one of our big outside people drove over features that will be thought out lat ance has increased much more rapid Monday, February 11, Hellenbrand er. In fact, the committee plans to hearted dairymen, was in town Sat addition 25 per cent of the total tax; getting the lumber of the coast slope nook roads through mud and ly than the enrollment and school and for failure to pay tax when due, to the markets by deep water, and urday last mingling with the boys, I with long wagon beds lit- vs. Bauer. have diversions in plenty. population. This is due in part to the h straw, took cut a load of Rollie Watson has charge of the and incidentally breaking off a few promptness of the teachers in report- or understatement of tax through personally felt an interest in the de negligence, etc., 5 per cent of tax due, velopment of all the harbors and chunks of plain, unadulerated wis ves, the survivors growing (Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 2) plus interest at lper cent per month channels of the coast, and believed dom, and good Americanism, for Jim cows. One or two Lincoln during the period it remains unpaid. that great development was not far is one who has proved his loyalty ierds were recruited years away, owing to the demands of com- time and again, if he wasn’t born in n grade Tillamook calves, merce for such improvements. this country. Ine stock of that county or- Senator Edwards spoke at some Jim happened to hear that some G. Ed Ross and A. O. Davison, :ame from Tillamook. But length, and presented carfully pre- one in this county had named bis if giving away or wantonly public accountants and auditors from pared statistics showing the growth ‘ The Reliable Paint shop is the latest best cow for the Tillamook Herald; A big slide on the Southern Pacific he young calves of this Salem, arrived here last Friday, and of the lumber development in the s passed. Today, the Tilla- will begin the work early in February firm in town, with headquarters in and not to be outdone he informs us railroad near Enright occurred some county, as well as the wonderful in the Goyne building. The firm is time Monday night, and Tuseday ’ s that he has named his fine three- auditing the county books. Both men If is worth several dollars The boxing contest held at the city opens its eyes to the new come recommended as men who are Shaffer & McClure, Mr. McClure is quarters pure blood Guernsey bull passenger train was unable to go hall last Saturday night under the crease in county bank deposits. He well qualified for the work, and as from Bay City, and is well known. “The Tillamook Headlight,” in honor htrough on its way to Portland, re auspices of the Tillamook boxing com also talked of the progress made in whiclj^it arrives. lerle Smith of this city, pro- certain interests have insisted that Mr. Shaffer is from California, and of this office, “And I’ll tell you,” turning to Tillamook at the usual mission for the benefit of the Ameri electrical application to light and power by a comparison of the growth ings the credit of initiating the county was “bankrupt,” and that is a son-in-law of Mr. Lahman, an said Jim, after he had eulogized the time that evening. It was understood can legion drew a full house. of the latter industry since 1913 up int of calves from this coun- the county court was responsible for old time chief of police in Tiflamook. animal, and told all its many good that the gap between the two trains Clark Johnson and Tommy McCarty ant market points by ex the “terrible condition of Tillamook Mr. Shaffer has had eighteen years points, “that bull's got a head of his was about 19 miles. The company went six rounds to a draw, with John to the present time; and, by the re began a number of years finances,” these men will find out to experience in auto painting, and the own. When he sees a fellow he don’t put on a large force of men to clear son doing most of the leading. The sults obtained, he was able to pre i came County Agent Pine, what extent, if any, and also be able firm expects to do re-nickeling and like, he aint backward about bawling away the slide at once. Trains and boys were so well matched, that the dict a still greater growth for electric id over the matter of hav- to give the public an exact report of other work in the line of auto repair- him out, and that's why we call him crews were working at both ends of referee at the close of the final round lighting and power as applied to mills and other rapidly increasing “The Headlight.” the slide. iting association market its conditions and finances. held up a mit of each boxer. Benny industries within the county, in the It is understood that the account £ and out of the initial at- Dotson of Portland stowed his oppen- near future. le by Mr. Pine about three ants will not ask any information ent, Brick Coyle away by the K. O. Carl Haberlach spoke of the growth >, has grown an industry from individuals, outside of the men route in the third verse of a six of the cheese industry, and rather attracted wide attention in whom they interview, and that they round epic. The poem was unfinished thoroughly discussed the matter of irn states, and which has will deal with figures and actual con for Brick. Lewis Johnson and Dan- freight transportation, as it affected Ished by farm journals all ditions, and not with sentiment either ny Burns went six rounds to a draw. many of the leading industries of for against. They have the right Jnited States. Johnson was not in condition, but the county. His remarks covered a I to the testing association’s view. In the meantime, let us possess made a good showing. El lings worth large scope, in which well prepared the business of calf ship- our souls with patience, and leave the and Bertelson quit in their four round i ' ll po- iU'Wfc statistics played an important and lad not been receiving as work to the investigators, and not mix up when the Tillamook boy W) OMfc STAMP «O' practical part. take too much stock in the outside the calves * it thought it knccked Bertleson out in the first ^OLIVIA FO® “ OVO Russell Hawkins spoke on the have; but many of the as- verdicts of the “alligators.” part of the last round. Ammonia and growing need of water transportation, FROM PERU embers were skeptical as water brought Bertleson out of a bad and the problems which the lumber sme of the association in dream. The Hollowell kids pummel- men of this county must solve to get ed each other in great fashion. They itinued on page 4) their products to market. received a silver shower for their The Kiwanians were accompanied showing. It was a draw. by their wives on the occasion. The Tillamok rifle club has been re-organized, and the election of offi cers occurred last Friday night at the city ball. Fred Burkey was elect oppes of Montague, Calif- ed president of the club; Stanley I of the Montague cream- Coates, vice president; Carl Dawson, L. Haggerty of Chilliwack, B. C., ny, is here to buy a car- secretary^ T. Epplett, treasurer, and arrived in town last Friday, and spent ure-brrd Tillamook milch Bert Hudson, range officer. The boys a day or two looking over dairy and Ed Marshall and John Anderson of ided he can get them. In will practice on the state range at cheese making industries in the Tilla Garibaldi were arrested Sunday morn .« ’lore and purchased pure- the Quick corner east of town. The mook valley. Mr. Haggerty was at ing by I-eslie Lucas and Chester Hold r calves. He came back in club voted the «tim of $40 to aid in tracted here by the fame of Tilla en of the sheriff’s office at that place. 1915 and got more of the fitting up the range for target prac mook cheese, and the blooded cattle Liquor was found as evidence of the itii he had purchased fifty tice. have gained notoriety as state guilt of the parties. The district at Tillamook heifer bossies, The club has about forty member world beaters in recent years, torney charged them with unlawful ref are now costs , and they ship, including those whose names understood that he was favor- possession of liquor, and when ar >n such rood satisfaction, have been sent into the chib within impressed with what he saw raigned before Justice Stanley Mon Koppes is now back here to the last few days, and who will be 1 while here. Mr. Haggerty is engaged day last, both pleaded guilty to the load of real cows, which is come members, The club is a mem in the dairy and cheese making busi charge, and Marshall was fine 1 $75 of praise for the Tillamook ber of the National rifle association ness near Chilliwack, and took a trip and coots, and Anderson was assessed i. The calves were pur- which gives it the privilege of using I to Oregon to get Yankee ideas along $150 and costs. Both asked two days m “Smith, the Calf Man.” the state and government rifle rang | the lines in which he is interested. in which to raise the money with time ago went out of the es, and it is the intention, so it is which to pay their fines. Failing in Truly, the fame and name stated, to have a rifle team at the L. H. Foster of Cloverdale, was a this, they will sleep in th« basement Clackamas range later in the year. I visitor ta the city last Sunday. of the court bouse for a time. Y FINE HERDS BUILT CHEESE WILL BE GIVEN RATIO COST IS LOWER HASTE IS IMPERATIVE TILLAMOOK ANIMAL HAS GOOD NAME COUNTY AUDITORS LOOK OVER WORK AUTO PAINTING FIRM HAS OPENED UP HERE RAILROAD TRAFFIC STOPPED BY SLIDES LAST BOXING CONTEST DRAWS LARGE CROWD Modem David Harams 3 LOCAL RIFLE CLUB WAS REORGANIZED MIAN HERE PURCHASE COWS BRITISH COLUMBIAN SEES OUR DAIRIES POSSESSING LIQUOR • BRINGS FINE TO TWO ,