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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1923)
TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Lak«- nower line be- L Myrtle creek, kooo city hall will | occupancy L planning «1,000,- I Bay Country club ¡lub house. aline in Mormon ted. as monthly payroll ly's assessed valu- ¡0; increase of »2,- lear. Len Knitting Mills Edition to mill. Lvenient work at r rushed. krver Canning Co. xk to »100,000 and Clackamas County enlarge plant. City Park to get tier Banking Co. to KM contract award dr St. Mary’s Home on new Parson leted. ¿odist to build 50- lectures. In addition to the above courses, lectures will be given on factory management, judging dairy products, bacteriology and on testing dairy products. The College Creamery is in contin uous operation and is operated on a strictly commercial and self-support ing basis. The equipment in our cream ery is complete and of the most up-to- date type. This is an opportunity for men in terested in dairy manufacturing to pick up the most up-to-the-minute in formation along their line. Creamery operators must take into consider ation that the competition of today has cut the profit to a very narrow margin. Efficiency is the all import ant problem and is becoming all the more so each year. Creameries op- Course 1. Dairying. Four weeks course for Buttermak ers, Creamery managers, Cheesemak ers, and Ice Cream makers. Laboratory practice. Pasteuriza- ‘ tion of sweet and sour cream. Prepa-, ration of starters. Cream ripening.1 Churning. Butter and Cheese judg- I ing. Testing milk and cream. Mois-1 ture, salt, fat determinations in but-1 ter, cheese and ice cream. Acidity I tests. Refrigeration. Cheesemaking. Ice cream making. Lectures l.Buttermaking (eight lectures), 16 laboratory periods. Starters—one i lecture. Neutralization of cream. Pasteurization of cream—two lectur es. Cream ripening—two lectures. Churning—one lecture. Workman- j ship of butter. Moisture control in in milk by bacteria. Relation of tem milk solids and total solids, compari 2. Creamery Management (eight perature to growth uf bactciia in sons of different formulas. lectures). Purchasing milk, cream and milk and cream. Relation of milk to Course 2. supplies—one lecture. Marketing pro spread of disease. Fermented milks Course for Cheesemakers. ducts of creamery—two lectures. Bacteria in relation to ice cream mak One laboratory per week. Manu- Creamery losses—one lecture. Cream ing. Importance of bacteria in mark tacture, home-trade, and export types ery accounting—four lectures. et milk. of cheese, manipulation of various 3. Special lectures. Butter judging 5. Creamery tests (4 laboratory quality tests of milk, practice in whey and demonstrations. Daitv emrine*1?- periods, 4 lectures) Milk and cream separation etc. ing. Feeding and breeding of dairy testing, acidity tests, ice cream and Lectures stock. Creamery by-products for hog total analysis of butter. Bacteria in 1. Cheese-making (8 lectures, 4 feeding. Factory sewage disposal. relation to butter making. Bacteria laboratory periods). Manufacturing Milk and cream judging. Review of in relation to cheese making. Cheddar cheese—2 lectures. Starter the Dairy laws. 6. Ice cream making (eight lectures, preparation and Rennet substitutes__ 4. Bacteriology (Eight lectures and eight laboratory periods). Standaid- four labs.) Bacteria-general consid ization of cream, testing ice cream for one lecture. Defects and remedies in cheesemaking— two lectures. Paraf eration. Entrance of bacteria into fat, methods of measuring swell, fining, boxing and shipping cheese—1 milk and cream. Changes produced standardizing the mix, importance of lecture. Whey reparation—one lec- or Christmas Buying bis store’s ability to serve you quickly—to make shopping a plea make a dollar go as far as two does in most places. Come, judge for compare prices an^ see the great showing of things to give on h morning for men, women- and children. lur convenience, for quick intelligent buying and selling the entire brought forth things suitable for gifts, expressly condensed anddis- tlainly price marked. ¡11 be agreeably surprised, not only by the lowness of the prices, but istness of the lines shown, for the store is growing and we are sparing ise, time or energy to make this store one of the greatest in Tilla- mty. It can be done—we are on our way. The Christmas shopping is now in full blast at our store Vanity Boxes Men artificial Latest shirred Silk Socks Scotch Elastic Golf Gloves Brown,Black and Grey All colors 50/ Pr. 50c and 95c Yard All new colors long cuff wrists. Ladies Girls Girls $ 1.50 Ladies$1.75 Silk Hose Mittens All colors All new colors Great assortment bead In flesh color $1.25 to $2.50 50/ Pair 98/to$1.95 New assortment ladies 50/ to $4.95 New silk Camisoles Silk Waists New lace trimmed Wonderful values Bureau Scarfs $5.95 to $9.50 All kind of new Necklaces All fine colors 95/ to $1.50 Baby Blankets Ladies silk 85/to$2.50 Umbrellas All colors $4.95 to $9.50 95/to$1.95 A large collection of toys LADIES Mamma for the little ones at a DOLLS Handkerchiefs in holiday boxes All kinds to pick from great price saving $1.50 to $4.95 95/to $2.35 are as smart and inviting as any one can imag ine. An extra one or two will always be accept- Christmas Gifts of Quality able. ikets and Robes House Slippers 1 in doubt just buy a nice kiffy robe or blanket for fath- ber or sister. They are sure le at the time and for years L will be evidence of the giv- |d will. For men, women and children, are always acceptable, useful and appro priate. You will find a desirable stock to choose from. pi’s Neckwear hundreds. The smartest and pt styles and patterns. The k you will be pleased with— hngements handy for busy ■ landkerchiefs inest^hand embroidered Irish, Pty French and Swiss, to the pie products of our own looms ' have priced as low as a single A varied selection you will 1 the handkerchief stocks. Vivette Underg’mts For ladies are becoming mighty pop ular. They make pleasing gifts. “Vivette” is combed mercerized cot ton and silk. It looks like all silk but is much cheaper. Buster Brown Shoes Take the lead. No better shoe is made—none carry a strong guaran tee. They give satisfaction—they are priced right at this “cash store”. Thats why we are doing the large volume we are with Buster Brown shoes. Make the Kiddies happy on Xmas morn with a new pair. New Up-to-Date Greeting Cards DOLLS It Pays to Pay Cash For Women DOLLS We have a wonderful dolls assortment of with prices to suit ev eryone. Mamma dolls with composition head, arms and legs, stuffed body and fully dressed. Some that sleep as well as talk and walk. «1.15 to «7.50 Many other dolls, «mall large, dressed and on- dressed 25c to «6.00 For Men Flashlights 65c to «3.75 «2.00 and up Shaving Requisite» Va«ea Ash Trays and Stands........ Basket» We have a larger and better assortment than ever before. Stationery of highest quality in all aiaes, shapes and tints, in pound boxes, ruled or plain, with en velopes to match each kind. Price« range from 50c to «5.00 Stationery ....... 50c to «1.75 Books Bill Folder« ........ ....... «1.00 and up Pocket Books Fishing Rod« and Tackle Field Glasses «6.00 to «20.00 Will* H »I to «4.75 PYRALIN IV Y XMAS GRAB BAGS 50/ BOOKS Books for every member of the family. F iction, ro mance, history, essays, poetry. The latest popular copyrights. Books that will make pleasing g»i’ ■* and pleasant hours for the recipient. Lots of fun and pleasant surprises. Each package contains merchandise with a retail value of trom 50c to $5. Also 50,000 German marks in each pack age while they last. >. N ft e r l t I t > 4 LRSON &HECHTNER Chas. I. Clough Co J from shopping visit the rest room and rest in one of the com- f air' ou are welcome. You are not obligated to buy. TILLAMOOK 0 * • • • * GIFT any woman will 25c to »5.00 The nicest gift of them all. Our counter» are Sewing Ranket« 75c to 2.25 overflawing with the»e beautiful »nd useful ar Banka ticlen. Mirror« Hair Receiv'r« Pyralin Ivory ( omh« Powder Bolt* lOr to »1.75 Brush**« Jewel Boxe** Photo Album« Frame* Tray» I Picture . »2.50 Sold in «eta or in in Bread Boards 50c tn »1 dividual piece« to match ( amile» the piece» you already Serving Tray» »1.25 to I.I.lHt have. We carry both the DuHarry and Con- - ventional atyle». ____ ____ 35c to »5.00 Gift Stationery PERFUMES IS A APPRECIATE Jonteel Set« »3 to «7.50 Perfume« and Toilet Water» Banquet Ranee Set« «6 Colgate» (Tin-Ming Sets 50c to «3.50 »3.75 Colgate» Florlent Set» Hair Brushes »3.75 Manicure Outfit» 60r to»42.00 ( ora Nome Set« » ■ 50 and »10.00 Candy Fountain Pen» «2.50 to »8.50 ....... e. Fine Stationery 50e to »1.75 Military Brushe« »1.50 to «10 Kodaks e. h n Beautiful designs, beautifully engraved. Very large assortment to select from. W ide range of prices to suit every purse. We suggest an early inspection while our stocks are fresh and dean. *n the Grocery Department an assortment of the best candies üe see this Christmas store for we are ready for Christmas. Only a nave been mentioned. 1 I J K • Silk shirts make perhaps the most acceptable gift for men. We are showing a beautiful line at unequaled values. They are wonderfully at tractive in appearance, the patterns and colors 4. Dairy chemistry. (4 lectures—4 laboratory periods.) Elements of dairy chemistry. Determining com position of dairy products. For further information, address the O. A. C. Dairy Department, Cor vallis, Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon Table covers from Silk Shirts construction—two lectures. 2. Creamery tests (4 lab. periods.) Acidity tests—one lab. period. Lac tometer and its uses—one lab. period. Fat and water determination in cheese—one lab. period. Determin ation of Casein in milk. 3. Cheese and butter scoring (four lab. periods.) GRAND LEADER A large assortment to select from. JQCM ture. Paying for cheese milk—two lectuies. Factory organization and » L F I 130,000 has been aunty during past J- deposit coal found 7 butter—one lecture. •>» PROGRESS Salem—Contruction starts in new crating at a profit ara thoae cream $50,000 Court Street Christian church. eries putting quality into their pro Oregon City to improve street duct along with efficient creamery management. “Increased Efficiency lighting system. and Quality” is our short course slo St. Helens lumber shipments to tai gan. 4,000,000 ft for week. In the past this department has offered a four weeks’ course in Jan SHORT COURSE IN DAIRY MANU uary to inexperienced men and a four FACTURING IIVVUW wv. X wV UAj-vi» ( enced men This year, however, the : The Dairy Department of the Ore course for experienced men only will gon Agricultural College, Corvallis, be offered. Oregon, will offer a short course in Laboratory fees amounting to »15 Dairy Manufacturing beginning Jan uary 7, 1924 and continuing until Feb are the only charges made in conect- ( ruary 2, 1924. This course will con ion with this course, while board and sist of practical work in buttermak room can be secured in Corvallis for ing, ice cream making and cheese approximately from »30 to »35 per For further information, making. Three lectures per week month. will be spent in the Creamery, where ■write the Dairy Department, Oregon' practical work will be given to demon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore-1 strate the points brought out in the gon. rw 'MRER 14,1923 . The Rexall Store OREGON 4 I