Image provided by: Tillamook County Library
About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1923)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER u TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MRS. F. B. STRANAHAN IS REPORTED BETTER Mrs. Frances Stranhan of this city, who has been very ill for some weeks past, is now, it is reported, gaining rapidly in health, and it is believed by relatives and friends that she will soon recover from her illness. Mrs. Stranhan’s numerous friends in this city will be gratified to hear of her improved condition, and all will join in the hope that she may soon be able to resume her wonted social and busi ness activities. SOLDIER LODGE IS ONE OF BEST A lodge of the Knights of Pythias at Fort Stevens, a government post on the headlands at the mouth of the Columbia river, has a ladge composed entirely of enlisted regular soldiers, and at present there are nine mem bers who remain in the vicinity, many other members being scattered over the coast, the east, and in the Phil ippines. The lodge is said to be one of the best in the state in point of interest and work, and the soldier lodge is a great favorite with the rank and file of the order in this state, who feel proud of the far west Knights who wear the uniform of Uncle Sam. Eugene Baptists planning $110,000 church. From Exchanges Tillamook lodge of Odd Fellows, has been invited to come here on Sat urday December 1, to exemplify the first degree. A specal amusement program will also be rendered and a banquet served. A fine fraternal spirit exists between the two lodges of that order. A large attendance is expected not only from Tillamook but from neighboring county lodges as well. Local Odd Fellows are looking forward to the coming of the Tilla- mookers with keen anticipaton.— Mc- Mnnville News-reporter. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman of Tillamook, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ingram for sev eral days, returned to their home Monday.—Silverton Appeal ♦ ♦ ♦ A Ford car owned and driven at a high rate of speed by John Flakis, of Blaine, Oregon, came down the High way, Saturday morning and when in front of the Mittie Cockerham place, in an attempt to go around James Russell, State Hghway engineer, struck the Dodge roadster of Chas, Gilman, who was coming from the opposite direction, The front wheel of the Ford passed over the Dodge’s fender, removing it and greatly dam aging the top. It tore the wheel from the Ford and threw it on its side, in which position it skidded about fifty feet. The windshield was broken in to pieces less than'six inches square. Mr. Flakis and his wife, who accom panied him were uninjured save for a cut on Mr. Flakui’ face. ♦ ♦ visited in Portland and Salem.—Me- Roosevelt Highway Garage Minnville News-Reporter. Jos. Le Gault • ♦ ♦ E. Bloom O. R. Schultz from Tillamook, a John Weiss .... lumberman, was transacting business Henry Newberg Willamina, Tuesday.—Willamina C. Hussey Times. Wilbur Broughton Lple Edwards Walter Rodgers P. O. Light Jas. Bodyfelt (Continued from page 2) Clark Johnson W. B. Sutton 11.97 Lloyd Lane 15.9 6 Cliff Mattoon Oren Leach Paul Vanderpool Clyde Lane 27.01 Paul Vanderpool S. Beggs B. Nielson 31.96 Jas. Rodgers Sam Hoover 31.96 C. Carver A. Nielson Frank Everhart Henry Smith 41.53 Fred Everhart J. C. Brown 50.39 Curtis Everhart ___ Alvin Steamer 37.U3 Geo. Kellow Jess Walker 21.33 M. B. Lucas Ike Moore M. F. Holman Ross Chilcott 52.85 Ade l^ane Koss Chilcott 82.98 Claude Lane E. E. Snook Oscar Meyers Orgon State Highway Com. Tom Kellow Geo. J. Burchard 10.40 Len Pierce Guy Grames 134.73 G. A. Bodyfelt Fred Edwards 74.85 M. B. Lucas IL C. Maynard 4 1.91 J. L. Davidson Geo. C. Smith 15.00 Henry Hanson Geo. C. Smith 119.73 Floyd I- itch Alvin Stormer 82.33 W. E. Fitch John Berns 111.86 Lloyd Wed E. J. Schelling 1 5‘J 73 F. M. Nelson Chas. F. Pankow 29.14 J. L. Booth Sunset Garage 47.88 J. A. Jenck A. W Plank Hardware J. M. Switzer King-Crenshaw Co. 55. 2 Henry Parks A. T. Dolan 36.00 Lloyd Henry . Hal tom s 19.95 Oscor Carver Tillamook Co. Mutual Tel. Co J. S. Carver Coast Power Co. 64.78 A. Headinger Howard-Cooper Corporation 12.61 Otto Wilson E. Thomas 450.72 Ralph Keister Lamb-Schrader Co. 1.3 0(1 John Cough ran A. F Coats Lumber Co. 168.96 Wm. Powell ( )iv< r L. Martin Grand Leader J. O. Anderson Sundquist Nortberg Lumber 186.83 ( arl White Tillamook Iron Wrks 50.41 Gus Holgate ...... Oregn State Highway Cm ... 13.77 Henry Ely .... Sundqust Norberg Lumber 331.42 E. A. Lane ... Feenaughty Machinery Co. ... 20.80 r rank Nelson H. S. Brimhall, Clerk Herman Thiessen Kelly-Springfield Motor Truck 220.00 Standard Oil Co. . 135. ( JI JÍ JC JC Jt It JC JC Jl Jt Union Oil Co. 110.17 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Oregon State Highway Com. Southern Pacific Co. 352.35 State Indust. Accident Comm. 28.63 COUNTY BILLS ALLOWED ROAD DISTRICT NO. State Indust. Accident Comm. C. Johnson M. F. Holman II. C. Maynard Marion Gaines W. C. Cheney L. A. Whitcomb State Treasurer Arrow Garage Virgil M. Kellow A. C. Anderson Cloverdale Telephone Co ♦ We understand that he blames James Russell for the accident. That Mr. Russell should have been going fast enough so that it would not have been necessary for him to turn out to go by him.—Willamina Times. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kennedy of Tilla mook, were recent visitors at Sheri dan and in McMinnville. They also 168.87 38.90 13.96 90.87 62.36 120.00 28.17 1 0 (Hl 21.75 72.00 81.0(1 BIG VALUE Writing Paper Special 144.36 Claude Lane Jack Bonny Oscar Bennett 30.06 John Weiss Jr 30.42 Jim Krepps Jim Krepps 118.52 Williams & Williams 154.69 P. D. Ott 106.72 80.15 Adelia Weiss 134.76 L. J. White 150.22 Eu Creecy 133.51 Lloyd Kellow 22.96 Wrennie Kellw Hudson S 1.8 1 W 21.22 Clyde Hudson Solile Eeari 169.19 Ted Lyster 11.77 Clyde Hudson 92.27 A. A. Lane 97.76 Claude Lane 93.78 Lyle Edwards 62.85 W. C. Cheney 47.93 Sunset Garage 53.92 King-Crenshaw Co. 79.34 A. T. Dolin 40.88 Lamb-Schrader Co. 38.40 J. V Martindale 54.26 M. C. Ke low 56.85 Stenbach Iron Works Tillamook Clay Works R. F. Zachman 25.43 Tillamook Iron Works 41.87 F Berglund 93.75 L mon Oil Co. 93.74 H. S. Brimhall, Clerk 120.99 Oswald Berglund 136.26 Howard-Cooper Corporation 19.95 \\ llliams & Williams 75.90 Ted Lyster 74.90 Geo. J. Burchard 20 9 Ade Lane 85.88 Standard Oi Co. 16.98 Cloverdale Mercantile Co. 19.97 19.97 12.94 ATTENTION 219.72 206.23 127.58 34.87 285.82 133.59 142.01 144.83 95.40 23.03 13.17 139.95 30.90 27.93 53.86 30.56 128.50 33.66 215.49 99.55 65.00 68.55 42.78 11.90 16.90 15.96 465.60 15.96 55.30 126.30 168.63 COAL—CEMENT LIME 28-W market road warrants ISSUED FOP. THE NOVEM BER TERM OF COURT State Indust. Accident Comm. Arthur Thompson Netarts Spiuce Co. H. A. Bell Paul Wauske E. A. Ball Claud Ball Bert Rittenhouse C. M. Morton Dave McCracken John Anderson A. Miler Francs Buckles Harry H. Johnson C. M. Morton Geo. C. Johnson Henry Smith J. C. Brown Jesse Walker W. S. Coates W. E. Anderson A. H. Gulstrom C. F. Stranahan J. O. Dailey Anderson Bros A. C. & H. .Anderson Central Inspection Bureau .... Peter Newberg Wheeler Lumber Co. F. E. Thomas King-Crenshaw Co. A. W. Plank Hardware 12.47 10.08 14.5(1 83.76 99.82 43.89 131.81 196.73 51.87 85.76 116.00 159.13 55.41 131.731 : LAMB-SCHRADER CO For a Good Meal And Real Service 16. 82 26.11 53.88 19.95 39.93 10.77 THE BUNGALOW CAFE 17.97 140.00 10.62 131.32 65.33 MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANÏ 862.68 IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS 313.20 CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: “Quick Service and Reasonable Rates. 15.19 382.60 35 60 7Ü rarajKiwraj THROUGH STAGES TO PORTLAND -'I S| Music Lovers 159.73 34.95 161.96 New music studio to open soon. Enroll now for spring term. Courses in vocal, piano and har- mony. Accredited teacher. further information, address 31.96 A LYSE E. MURRY Modern 22-passenger cars operated by experienced drivers. A scenic 5 hour ride you enjoy LEAVE TILLAMOOK GENUINE Bolli PHONES DEPOT OPPOSITE GEM THEATRE Let Us Print Them DURHAM TOBACCO rVncient Order United Workmen A FRATERNAL BENEFICIARY SOCIETY IT WORKS TO RE- LEAVE HEALTH ORGANIZED OCT. 27, 1868 OLDER THAN ANY OF THEM BETTER THAN MOST OF THEM “One minute essays on health by Dr. H. L. Babb Special cards and envelopes have been provided in ample array by the Headlight Pub lishing Co. so that all who ap preciate the well worth while pleasure of having Christmas Cards printed in accord with their own wishes, may get them at very moderate prices. a fl Uncle Ben “The was was ov er several years ago, Nevvy, but the war tax is still with us.” D. C. HERRIN, Grand Recorder PORTLAND, ORE. 415 OREGONIAN BLDG. 7 COLLECTIONS WE V_ GET RESULTO WE NEVER QUIT NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT COMPANY Headlight Publishing Co [»»»«□eaeameae« TAKEtheTRAIN COMFORT and SAFETY Photograph Carry Xmas Cheer 3:òtì Pl PORTLAND, NEWBERG, McMINNVILLE, TILL AMOOK STAGES, Inc 48 Envelopes and 1 pound of paper E. E. KOCH 12:50 P. M. 7:50 A. M. Jt M Jt Ji J M M X M M M 6:30 P.l LEAVE PORTLAND 50good cigarettes 129.91 M 2:20 P. M. 7:45 A. M. 891 E. Mam St., Portland Oregon K jryjôL'iPfôT^ plus DEPENDABILITY LOW ROUND TRIP FARES REDUCE COST OF TRAVEL $9.05 On sale daily Limit 15 days 40 On sale Fri., Sat. & Sun., limited to Tue Anything that makes health possible for greater numbers is a benefaction. Chiroprac tic has made health possible for those who were hereto fore hopelessly invalids. Why Because it is different and does things for the correction of bodily ailments which can not be done in any other way Disease is an interference with the life impulses that travel the nerve lines. The chiropractor removes the ob struction and frees the nerv es to deliver impulses of nor mal force and frequence. Chiropractic spinal ad justments as given by this office have restored health in a number of cases in the past few weeks. The sufferers have been made well of dis eases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. McMinnville J. I. Knight Tillamook Hillsboro J. J. Stangel Jno. O. Bozorth WHEN IN TILLAMOOK STOP AT a THE HOTEL NETHERLANDS C. J. & A. L. NEFF, Props. No. 8, First St. Tillamook, Ore. j RF Nt I to PORTLAND Your friends can buy anything you can give them EXCEPT your portrait. It is the ideal gift. Now is the best time to arrange for an appointment, free from confusion of Christmas week. Ask to see our Christ mas Specials GRA VES STUDIO BOTH ? PHONES LINES I a > w Round Trip Fares to other points Roomy, well-heated and ventilated equipment makes traveling on the Sou thern Pacific a pleasure. You know that irrespective of rain, fog, snow or other unfavorable condi tions. the train can be depended upon— that efficient and courteous Southern Pa cific men will look after your comforts. Ask agent for a Southern Pacific Time table and for informatior regarding fares, etc» or write JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager Portland. Oregon Southern Pacific Lines HEALTH FOLLOWS OraOPSACT;; ¿0MKTJ ACT TODAY "hy when delay o»« spiral ztsv’s is sisusnor T”ejFOLU>WIZ»CCWSAJ«S: /SS consul- tation is with out Fini out. F SrOMSOf ’‘WStAS SKtt* / \ «.owen II. L. Babb &£. rh.C Ill TILLAMOOK BLDG. Both Phones Res. 56 J Branch office at Garibaldi Tuesday. Thuraday Evening SAVINGS HEADQUARTERS There’s a deep sense of gratification to feel t> we are the means through which so rnan/J^L pie are getting ahead financially. Our sa Department is savings headquarters tor who are looking toward the opportunities o future. •• «.•' There’s room here for you, too to learn t «‘ isfving habit of saving. Start an acco^1Ktv us—you'll soon be surprised at your aDiflv save. T ilumook C ol ’ nty R ví K T illamook .. O regon