Image provided by: Tillamook County Library
About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1923)
TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 2 11.9*MFiiyik t Stainer 2.20 ' Wheeler Reporter, election. .. 1.60 A. W. Plank Hardware Co----- Ray Snider R. : Morrison TUB 7.00 Tom Buffum, court house _... 838.80 A. F. Coate Lumber Co.------- 146.38Tfî. R D. Burri»? ..... Harold J. Graves, sheriff ____ 1100 G. W. Wallace W. French 7.40 ' Elida Ramsdell Kathleen Mills, treasurer__ 125.00 Niedermeyer-Martin Lumber Geo. 1 Seward 2.20 iT R Turney __ 35.98 Company —............................ 9X5.99 J. S Minor 4.40 Headlight, election, printing.. B. E Thayer .._ GENERAL WARRANTS G. F. Hackett, court house....... 296 40 Chas Burgltind ROAD WARRANTS 1SSCED X20 Art Case ---------- 8. W. Elliott, circuit court — _ 821.00 1 Jim lummer F. W Christensen, adv_._____ 35.00 DISTRICT 1 X20 M. V. Stillwell, circuit court, ___ 300 Ik O Ramedei! J. J. Rupp, fair grounds______ 54.89 X20 G B. Greathouse ................... • 35.92 Jack Leslis M V. Stillwell, circuit court, _ 21.00 I Eugene Jenkin? .. Al Kinnaman. fair grounds _ 39.90 Georgi« Blythe ....... 71.91 June? Goodman X20 Dr. H. L. Babb, poor-------------- 36.00 U F. G»^_ D. G. Dayton, fair grounds..... 43.89 Jim Asher................ 17X95 Tom Ewan T30 19.17 J. I. Gharst _____ W. E. Anderson, surveyor----- 19.95 Andrew Legler — 53.86 J. E. Alien 4.40 H. L. Bonhoff. fair wrounds__ Marjorie Chance . 9.95 Arthur Thonpsor. Fred Gould, fair grounds........ MOTHERS PENSION .4.99 Geo. Leslie 4.40 Kenneth Chance G. S Brooks, fair grounds...... 2X94 J. Shortlidge Johanna York ---------------------- 17.50 Joe Ducham____ 76.80 Fred Edward» 7.60 17.50 E. D. Johnson, fair grounds .. 43.89 E. D. Tomelson __ Mary Wood»________________ 39.90 Frark Reed «.» P D. Ott_______ W. E. Crouse, fair grounds .... 15.96 H. A Thomas .. .... Ivel V. Gilliam ______________ 17.50 19.95 Fritx Reust. Jr. X>' R. T. Boals _ Marie Getchell _____________ 40.00 59.84 Bud «tee! 3.40 Glass & Prudhomme Co., trees Earl Morrison .... . M. H. Bales___ I dist. atty, election.................. 6273 Claud Ball .... Mary Heaton ______ _________ 25.00 G. G Webb___ 6X84 Victor Anderson 11 20 King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. Myrtle F. Dougherty----------- 10.00) R. F. Shimnger 29.94 Chas Ewan C. A. Browning 1120 surv.. suptt. shf..................... 4.64 H. E. Hargitt Heneriette. Burdick-------------- 3X50 T. R. Pollock _. 21.94 Pete Cavov 3.40 Ethe! Davis------------------------ 10.00 ’ Alvin Wells___ 51.87 Clyde Fowler F. Reddaway . ...... X80 Nehalem Tel a Tel. Co. surv., 235 Wane Moffitt shf., county court________ Laura E. Ellis — ------ — 10.00 John Calverly 11.97 Oscar Steele 330 53.96 J. C. Penny Co, county fair __ Gertrude Bigtow — —. 17.50 Jeff Fleck_________ 179.19 Chas Zen 8.00 Jim Asher ............ Mary L. Dye----------------------- 3230 Chas. V.Wiberg _____ 97.30 Guy Anderson Bill Ewan .... ........ . 7.20 Kiiham Stationery a Printing Co.^ supplies .............. ............ 6X85 Louis Best .. .......... Elwe Hellebuyck----------------- 3X50 J. L. Burke _______ 11.97 Fritr Reust. Sr. 7.00 Maude G. Phelps____________ 1730 Lillian Heaton_____ 43.89 Henry Reust Geo. West ____ 1930 PsfllW Tel a Tel Co., court A. F. Coats Lumber Co., fair Rosa Lando): ------------------------ 25.00 Mrs. Heaton__ 129.70 E. C. Allen _..... W. F. Darr —...... 1930 A. F. Coats Lunmeb Co., fair Rebecca Heath_____________ 10.00 J. E. Mitchell ___ _ 172.32 L. E Tabor J. Padersen ......... 7.20 46.16 P. F. Cooper Haxel Stewart-------------------- 25.00 Mis. Charles Blum grounds__________________ 129.74 c. Hanks ........- 4.40 Alvina Copeland ........... ......... 17.50 Charles Blum ___ 185.37 A Miller. Jr 4.40 | John Aschim. sheriff_________ 20X701 O. Tarnel .............. E. H. Stark, court house ---- I 1.25 50 S. L Fisher 3.70 M. Lapport _ . . 200.49 E. Garland 530 A. C. Volger, court bouse___ W. S. Coates, surveyor---------- 4731 M H Bales_______ 2.29 A. Patterson ......... 187 42 D. McCracken 3.40 A. Flanagan Co., supt. off____ W. E Anderson, surveyor------- 1935 Oregon City Enterprise, supt. « 117.34 Chas Crowthers X40 Emil Larsen ............ T. R Pollock ______ A. H. Gulstrom. surveyor------- 16.75 office_____________________ 0.84 C. Larsen ___ ... 192.91 W. F. Cain 2.80 Alvir. Wells ----- 6.05 E. D. Freeman G F. Stranhan. surveyor---- - 2639 Marjorie Chance __ 93.33 OEd Best —...... 4.41' Chas I. Clough, supp, supt. Co D. R. Tinnerstet, advertising, 25.00 F. J. Walkley 11.20 G. H. Ward, court house.... ..... 14.93 E. Cook __________ G. C Webb_______ Seattle Hardware Co., court dairy and food com...... ......... 225.00 Kenneth Chance ___ E^Cook.................... 111.00 P. Seymore 4.40 F. L. Mills, county court—__ 26.40 J. A. Sampson ___ _ house supplies ___________ 149.34 Jim Lommen 7.99 Paul Mayer ---- 7.40 Dr. R. T'Boals. insanity exam. 7131. Tom Stichler Sam Tomlinson R. W Morton___ 30.00 George J. Burchard, repairs, court house_________ _____ 15.58 Charley Haybarker poor, health officer-------------- ! 286.65 H. H Tubbesoing __ 126.27 Tom Stichler 8.00 5.35 Ansel Lommen E. W. Stanley, justice court---- 94.75 Fred Briody, ______ 10736 W. J. Phinaxee . ........... 28.60 C. L. Lewis, shf., off................. R. . Richards, county court..... ! 16430 Willard Church____ 154.80 Anderson Bros. 1X40 Sunset Garage, supt, surv. shf 40.90 P. S. Seabrook .... Homer Mason, county court---- 1 166.67. C. O Hopkins .......... Southern Pacific Co., ct. hs adv 38b.64 F. O. Seabrook 154.80 Charley Hansucher 20.40' W G Foster. Poet Master, H. V. Alley, county court------- 1 18135 Henry N Smith ___ F. P. Hobson ______________ 69.82 L. H. Thompson ...... ....... 21.40 J. N. Shaw, dairy herd insp. .. 1 250.00 Claude Lewallen___ clerks office, supplies. ........ 22.08 F. W. Crane .............................. 7632 H. K Thompson ---------- 30.20 State Industrial Accident Com. E. W. Stanley, justice court---- 29 45 Al Boon __________ 47.94 A. Giminer T. Beeler .................................... 25.00 Mrs. Catherine Bennett, justice surv. fair grounds.................. 11.74 J. S. Parker .............................. O. W. Bodyfelt_____ 95.76 H. S. Brimhall, clerk .... 28.60 court_____________________ H. S. Brim hall, clerk refund 16.13 G A. Browning ____________ 134.74 Otto Kocher —.................. Lewis Anderson ___ 4.40 Mrs. Alma E. Watkins, justice The McMillan Co., supp, supt 2.16 Baker & McLeod ________ _ 030 Southern Pacific Co. Dan H. Fletcher___ 15.40 couiJ.-<7___________________ 4.90 Herbert S Mann ___ John Aschim. Sheriff, law Frank Illingsworth ________ 1X40 11.40 State Industrial Accident enforcement ______________ 375.00 W. F. Cain________________ B E. Thayer, justice court___ 1.70 W. J. Reicher«_____ Comm. _________ 14.71 1X20 J. M. Wilson, justice court------ Tllamook Co Mutual Tel Co., 1.70 Ben Egge Wheeler Iron Works _ ............ 111.71 Wheel >ler Lumber Co. ... 21.40 C W Wagy. justice court____ 1.20 James Goldsworthy court house, surv._________ 1X30 H. H. Basch_______________ 14931 Ting- ..Tng-Crenshaw Hdw Co. 21.40 E. G. Krebs, justice court......... Lamars Drug Store supplies, 230 Albert Krake______ Tillamook Garage__________ X18 H H. Bosch 1X20 M. C. Trowbridge, justice Ct. ... court house ______________ 1.60 J. L. Lawerence ___ 6.20 Brighton Mills Co._________ 22.20 43.20 M. N. Lamb, justice court.___ X00 S. C. Wood«_______ G L. Lewis Co. sheriff_______ 6.50 A. G A H. Anderson_______ 1X40 69.10 H. H. Rosenberg justice court.. Ed Braunehsreuther. fire ward 6136 Holt Manufactumg Co.____ 3.00 Chas. W Pike_____ 1330 37.10 Henry Schild, justice court____ X20 E. L. McCabe _____ 115.93 R. F. Zachman_____________ 8.00 A. E. Schollmeyer, fire ward. 9.10 ' G A. Johnson, assor. salary_ A. Reeher _ 1X40 Crosby Printing Co. print, elec. 59.35 Kelly Sprinkfieid Motor Truck loo.oof^. Myrtle Walking, salary_______ Nelson Electric Co. county ct... 41.70 Nelson Company ____ .. 1X60 93.43 Helen M. Ebmger. salary____ 86 00 Trick Glad _____ A. W. Plank Hardware Co. shf. Robertson Haruware & 3.20 Wheeler Reporter supt. office court house ______________ 1X00 12-5® John A. Graf ___ Steel Co.________________ 15.60 J. F. Jones, disc sealer--------- 1004 J. W Jennings _ Coast Power Co., ct ha....... ...... 65.25 H. H. Bailey .„.............. _........... 14.00 388 'E. H. Cross ____ Fredrick Poet Ok, survey off... 8.15 John Anderson_____________ 1430 Garibaldi Garage, sheriff........ Peoples Cash Store, poor....... 40-W' « Dee Moor,______ 12.40 Ed Clark__________________ MARKET ROAD WARRANTS Crystal Laundry Co., court • ; A. J. Wilks_____ 27.60 Geo. J. Burchard..................... .8 I 2435 Manfoid Freeman __________ house, poor ______________ 22-®® J. L, Gay______ 4X60 R. E. Andrus.............................. 32.85 A Tilden__________________ H. S. BrimhalL clerk, salary.... 150.00 A M Glnn _____ 27.60 W. S. Coatee............................... 23.96 Ed Davis __________________ Edna L. Mills, elk. off., sal.___ 100.00 Wallace H. Edson 42.60 W. E. Anderson.............. .......... 1X77 Bert Rittenhouse ___________ Gladys G Edner. elk off., sal.... J. B Honey____ 27.80 A. H Gulatrom................... ....... 4.79 G M. Martin______________ Lucia Wiley elk. off., salary ... 85 00 Geo. Williams _. 27.60 John Cornett______________ 17.98 Francis Buckle.' ___________ Ilia Davidson, elk. off. saL__... 76 00 Lloyd Jones ___ 30.00 Jess Walker______________ 8» Albert Miller, Sr._____ _____ Chas Bennett, court house..... 1OG Of', M. V. Stillwell _ Alvin Stormer_____________ 3.00_____ 40.41 U Tomlinson . T. H. Goyne, dist. atty. ct. hs. 22X0C T 18.orf Henry ' Smith _____ Epplett 26.94 C. M Morton Myrtle O. Mills dist atty, off. S. w_______________________ s off T. C. gì Brown Elliott 763« W. H Sales .._ salary ___________________ 85 00 Ed Stark __________________ 3.00 Guy Grames______ 2634 Sila« Vermilyea Tillamook City, court house... 10.60 Hal toms court hr use_____ .... 035 Chas F. Pankow ... _ 1800.00 Claude Ball „ John Aschim, juv. and cir et_ 55.00 ! T. C. Perry, assessors off......... 0.75 Anderson Bros____ 235.00 W. H. Easom 29.92 • Mrs Sadie R. Harris poor....... 4130 City Transfer Co. et hs______ X25 F. E. Dodge_____ 20.00 G W. Wilk« _ 7.97 Tillamook Garage, sber., coun L. S. Hushbeck, poor ________ 196.80 F. J. Klinehan ____ 11.25 E. R. Alvord _ 6236 ty court _________________ _ 931 Dr E. R Kuckieberry, poor__ 10.00 16.95 Joe Banuiat .. 1X00; E. E. Koch, law enforce______ 10.75 E. E Hanyon. circuit court,_ 78.27 ! 40.00 7.98 Joe Binrant .. J. L Burke, circuit court.___ 11.00 John J. Perry, court house.___ 24.00 75.18 M. A. Se lion .._ 82.28 Multnomah County, ct. ha..... .. 8.40 Smithy, Variety Store, ct hs.. 24.45 G J? Hanks 14531 ' G. B Lamb, supt office______ 2537 7138 Ì Elsie Vidito, poor__ 40.00 29.54 Fred Hill ____ G. B. Lamb, supt, salary____ 150.00 Dr. L. I- Hoy, insan 100.00 ! 77.06 Chas Stevens ... Margaret Armentrout supt office salary___________ _ 95.00 G. B. Lamb, supt office............ 47.39 J C. Holden »her off., aal_____ 150.40 L. B. Lucas, sber. off., saL.___ 150 00 E W Holden, «her. off., sal._ 135.<O Ellen Norberg, «her. off. saL.... 95.00 11 1 !1 CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY COURT BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER • Geo. C. Smith Geo. G Smith John Schild Adolph Schild John Schild Jeaa Wallu- r Alvin Storm* t Alvin Stormir Henry Smith J. C. Brown Guy Grame« H. G Maynard Guy Grame« H. G Maynard H. C. Maynard » 10.25 L A. Whitcoml 76.31 I. A. W hitcond 107.V AÌS'3E3EJtJ Lovely AUTUMN HATS New Patterns Arriving Every Few Days Eva Jeffers Millinen Corner of 1st St. and 2nd Ave. 'Formerly Owned by Mln* Patternm) It li M M )( 11 X )t II II II H M'Ml 41509 97.95 168.66 50.86 93ro of the 134 car builder? who use Willard Batteries have always used them— and Willard ha« always been the outstanding choice of the car manufacturer«. Remember, too, that they are the hardest to satisfy of all bat* tery buyers because they hare so much at stake, and they make their choice on the basis of ex* ptrience and comparative road and laboratory tests. Star Garage STORAGE BATTERIES ASK FOR A Round Trip Ticket and SAVE MONET C7 AA 10 P°rtlahd T " • • v and return On sale Friday, Saturday snd Sunday, with final return li®j it of Tuesday following date oi sale. CO AR J"ortlaIld T■ v3 and return On sale daily carrying s’* turn limit of 15 days from of sale. 24.80 1438 14.% The new Overland the first _______ ___ and Champion is tn all-purpose car! ! Doors front iront and rear! Washable upholstery! Steel body! Bigger new engine! Overland quality, reliability and economy! Come in—get complete details! Visit the Pacific International Livestock STAR GARAGE Exposition Portland, Ore. Nov. 3-10, 1923 AN John Cornett Rapid vaporization, tnffimt conobusuoii« (America's Only Versatile Car DRIVE 15.96 215.98 852 82 17 95 4.00 3 85 18 79 19.80 12.60 1183.17 3.10 18.72 14.97 3X3.34 19.95 124 75 159 75 138.25 WINTER DRIVING NEW G. M. Irish____ Clarence Dunn _ E. V. Snodgrass Tom Buffum ___ Roy Wilson___ Chester Stewart K. I. Franklin _ Frank Withrow Elsie Vidito___ David Robinson David Robinson J. H. Holgate__ J. B. Rogers ___ J. L Burke___ Donald Barnum Del! Pentei ___ J. A. Sampson .. G. W. Thomas _ Lindsay Menard R. T Boais „ Birdsell Haskell W C. Hawk ___ Mr, F. Bushlack R E. Ringc___ E. W Stanley _ Geo. Bensor.___ Mrs. Lem Parker G. C. Lindner „ Magdalene Hoeffert Wm. Gravel! Barney Staples ___ Dr. E. R. Huckleberry Mrs. Phillip Bushlack Mrs Buell Wuod* Mrs. L. P. Gray Mar. D Moon Elsie Vidito ... D. Arey Heaton Mrs E Hellebuyek Clarence Stanley G. G Turner_____ Mrs. Marie Cardiff Mrs. Wili Himes B. H. Alsop----- Mrs Harry Russell Mrs. Sadie Snart ._ 71 82 G. V. I>oughiy ---------- 129 74 Standard Oil Cm -------- .....— 103 74 Standard Oil Co. 99 78 K W. Plank Hardware —. 77 80 Cha, F. Pankow 11674 Pacific Tel A Tel. Co. 73.90 Nehalem Tel. A Tel. Co. 227.72 Whitney Co. — 112.29 W. C. Cheney .......... — 15X75 Emil Larsen 116.03 Garibald Garaire 212 72 Clyde Fawler N 15,3.74 I John Strong 1246.34 • Bay City 139 .14 H E Hargett 143.18 DISTRICT J 129.45 N. Martindale J. 128 49 ................. 115.42 Ralph Luca» Albert Campbell 97.95 113.86 18239 , a • • • • 1HU6T 116.66 134.53 OVERLAND AND REALIZE THE DIFFERENCE Reduced Round Trip other points. Use the train—Safe Comfortable—Convenient Dependable and Economic* For further particulars agent JOHN M SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffi* Msnsgw Portland, Oregon