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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1923)
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT He has accepted a position at the Gold the new plank road between Tilla creek state fish hatchery where he mook and Netarta laxt Sunday. Both filed statement» in the Sheriff’s of- formerly worked fice. Hammond stated that his wind Mrs. Olive Daniels who visited her shield wa» broken and Tone said his folks at Philomath recently, for a car received a broken fender. Mrs couple of week«, returned to her F. L. Braden was in the car driven home north of town last Monday. by Hammond, and also made a state Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Mof ment. PERSONAL MENTION Dr. E. R. Huckleberry, physkian at Garibaldi was up Monday and Tues day and stayed in Dr. Boal« office while the latter went to Portland to attend a convention of the state Health Officers held in hat city on the fett. Beaver, Oregon. June 12, a son. above dates. Dr. Huckleberry return ed to Garibaldi Tuesday night. Geo. Harness, pastor of the Chris Mrs. Unruh, official head of the tian church went to Wheeler Wednes Farm Home for Protestant orphan day night, where he delivered the children at Corvallis came in by stage memorial address for the Odd Fel Tuesday morning and spoke in the lows of that place which was held in Christian church Tuesday night. the Methodist church at Wheeler. Mrs. P. M. Percy of Bend, Oregon, Mr and Mrs. Van Pattern accom who «pent a few days here recently visiting with her son T. C. Percy and panied by Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Best family returned to Portland on her went out Wednesday to attend the Rose festival at Portland. way home Tuesday. Miss Ellen Norberg, a clerk in the sheriff’s office, is spending her vaca tion from the office in Portland, leav ing Tillamook las Monday morning. gr Fred Wiggle who has been in this city for some time (last, returned to his home in Corvallis Tuesday. Many Tillamooker» attended the Rose festival in Portland this week. Howard Boone, Will Oathout and Sam Greene were members who at tended Masonic Grand Iaaige in Port land from Tillamook this week. Rollie Watson was out to Portland D. G. White, a dairyman of the the forepart of the week on business Wilson river section, went out to Port returning Wednesday. Rollie order ed Tillamook cheese with accent on land Tuesday. Tillamook at each meal while gone. Donald G. Guild of Portland, came Automobile» driven by Jim Tone Jr. in Saturday night and visited over Sunday with his parents in this place. and J. W. Hammond came together on V« i * «a ^.«a i^f.a« .^fti ■ Oretown transacted business in the city r riday. Mrs. J. W. Bodyfelt was shopping in the city Thursday from Beaver. Mrs. Runkles and Mrs. Jeffers drove to Portland Sunday where they visited Mrs. Runkle’s daughter. Among those attending the East ern Star grand lodge in Portland thia L. H. Potter and Della Worthington were married on the 9th inst in this week are Mrs. Il A. Franklin, Mrs. city by E. W. Stanley justice of the Orpha Eastman, Mrs. Emmett Bales peace. and Mrs. Blaine Hays. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wersckul were Mrs. Henry White returned home Saturday visitors in the city from Sunday from Salem where she Cloverdale. gone with her sister Miss Cooper Kenneth Cater of the City Trans visitd here recently. fer company made a business trip to Ixiuis Anderson of Bay City Portland Monday. Earl Lewis of Jetty were in town A G. Roas of Wheeler was in the Monday evening. city a few days the first of the week Mrs. Leon Berry is visiting her sis Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker were in ter Mrs. Jesse O’Neil at Oakland, Saturday from Blaine where Mr. Walk Oregon this week. er is u cheesemaker. Mrs. W. J. O’Dell of McMinnville Mrs. John Hathaway returned Fri who has been visiting here for the day from a visit with her mother in past two weeks with her son Hubert Portland and her daughter Mrs. Ru returned to her home Sunday. fus Wheeler at Aloha. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Anderson and Mr. and Mr«. Ed. Lindsey were in Mrs. F. S. Armentrout and daughter from Mohler Saturday on business. Margaret drove to Porland the first of the week to attend the rose fes Mrs. Frank Hobson of Garibaldi tival. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will al was in town Tuesday. so attend the convention of the Mason Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hopkins of ic and Eastern Star lodges. 1ft ■■ BELI j S KODAK SHOP Work left before 9 p. m. will be ready at 3 p. m. the fol lowing day. Prints finished on glossy or dull paper as vou prefer for the same price. AT KOCH’S DRUG STORE •¿’gei Is HE ready fiar another day? to Re-tire? <« m , r-M « » Ml M A MAN MUST WORK ill Spite of warm weather. It requires extra thought on your part to give him breakfasts that look so good he will start eating, and taste so good he will finish the meal. I le will enjoy ■ *lft " Aft1..... Aft1" Aft" ’Aft'^J* V ■ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OFFERS I rye's Delicious Bacon FOR SALE BY AC'KELY i FONDIT THE SEINE everything the name implies. Crabs Fish Clams Keep a side of F rye s D elicious B- c - on hang ing in your cooler ready to add flavor to >uch plain dishes as hominy, fried apples or spaghetti and tomatoes. It’s tender .uic df-.iei' ; cause just the choicest young pork i- yureu and smoked under rigidly sanitary conditions by the exclusive F rye process. ALL SEA FOODS IN SEA SON AND MAH EXPRESS ORDERS <1X11 FOR PRICE LIST R. B. HAYS beli Atk your deaUr TILLAMOOK. ORE. ,->H J FRYE Ö COMPANY HOLDING YOU BARGAIN DAYS BACK FROM Watch for them YOUR HEALTH Y Uncle Ben Special Bargain FOR THIS WEEK Little Girls Union Suits $ 40c Regular price $3.00 PHONE 68 Mgr., Headlight, and it will be filled immediately. Send the price quoted together with copy of the ad to bargain manager Headlight immediately by mail. Or call Main 68 and ask for the name of the merch ant offering this bargain; then take the ad to the store and do your own shopping. Be sure and take a copy of the ad. WHERE ? ? ? Can I buy a good used CHEVROLET 4-90 model, 1918 for $250 Book Bargains SPECIAL BARGAIN A GUARANTEE BATTERY Childrens books, regu- lar 50c to $1.50 Burgess and Baileys An imal stories ‘Billie VV'his kers and others Main 68 Must sell at once. Close in, 7- room house corner lot. imprvement in and paid for. water and lights and connected wih sewer. Pnce SITUO. I Ion f look at this unless you have 1800 cash, balance time. MAIN 6« Oversize rubber case, for Ford, Chevrolet, El gin, etc. Friday bar gain offer $19.00 « There is no substitute for chiropracic. It restores the nervous balance of the body by adjustments of the mov able bones of the spine When such bones press on spinal nerves some organ is robbed of nerve force, life force, call it what you will, and health comes back when the nerve la freed by adjuatments. I h aler ► •2 acre in strawberries. S45OO Terms to suit. If you you will buy it ... Call « »VIS » D.susts Of TH FOLLOW I«« ONUS delay when consul ACTLY 1-2 PRICE Cation is with charg* ? HtAtt »TOKACH MUMfrS and Sundiy nata for both boy« and girla. MAIN 68 Why MER TIME HATS EX- Thia include« all our every day Dn’t mia* thi'. on«*.. MAIN 6« LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT CXMJJXTK 1XS HO COLLECTION—HO CHAHOE SETTLEMENT MADE THE DAY WE COLLECT We Sue in Our Own Name. McMinnville KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. Hillsboro Till un'« k ')J= HEALTH FOLLOWS ACT TODAY airy rooms, all modern. Gmid burn, hen huw for 5ÌHI chicken». Howers and all kinds of fruit TILLAMOOK HOTEL LOBBY Representing Phone 68 for name of mnsu»t 0« smuu CHILDREN’S SUM Telephone M-6 Chiropractic spinal justments as given by this office have restored health in a number of cases in the past few weeks. sufferers have been made well of dis eases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. OMOWIKTK (MMtn I acre clone in. 6 nice light and SEE ROSE J- WILKES, Resident Agent OF PITTSBURGH If something is holding you back from your health and .you have tried every method of which you knew or could be advised, be assured that until you have turned to chi ropractic that you obtained no advice, no treatment, that would take its place or sub stitute for it. 1-2 Price CHILDREN’S HATS 1-2 PRICE r ire, Automobile, Liability FOR GENERAL INSURANCE The Reliance Life Insurance Company EVERY SPRING HAT REDUCED Phone 68 or send the money to the Headlight. Say«: "An optimist is a fellow who owes many people, Nev vy, and is glad be cause he himself is not one of them.” June Clearance of Millinery Phone 68 and find out Here’s a Real Bargain THIRD OFF SPECIAL $1.50 “One minute essays on health by Dr. H. L. Babb” MAIL YOUR ORDER OR CALL 68 Below are bargains—offerings which are real money savers. There is a bargain here for every member of the family. Food, clothing, hardware, auto acces sories, drugs, toliet articles and many other ways in which you can save money. Call Main 68 for the name of the merchant offering the bargain in which you are interested, or mail your order to Bargain 14 IN. PIPE WRENCH ««I SOMETHING IS This is the first of a series •’ I IkllgltaLU L. Babb KEEPING PACE WITH PRIORESS As our city and community develops you’ll find us growing in proportion. Every new gain in the county or section is just a er to ward the goal for which we have striven since our organization. If you will stop, for a moment, to consider our progress you will realize how well our service has met the banking needs of our many patrons. TILLAMOOK BLDC. Both Phones. Res. 5U J Branch office at Garibaldi Tueaday, Thursday Evening T illamook C ounty B\> k T illamook . O regon