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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1923)
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1923 LEGAL NOTICES TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT you in the above Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want there of, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the com pliant. which is that the marriage cun tract existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved; that plaintiff be awarded an absolute divorce from the defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Tillamook Head light by order of the Honorable Ho mer Mason. County Judge of Tilla mook County, Oregon, made on the 28th day of March. 1923, requiring publication to be made once a week for six successive weeks and that you apiMiar and answer on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication, and the first publication of this summons ia made on March 30, 1923. BOTTS fi WINSLOW Attorneys for the plaintiff. Residence and P. O. address. Tilla mook. Oregon. 25-7t the Clerk of the County Court for Till amook County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, on the 8th day of June. 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Carl Shortridge, of Cloverdale,. Ore. C. A. Smith, of Cloverdale, Ore. Frank Nelson, of Cloverdale, Ore. A. C. Gist, of Cloverdale, Ore. Acts 3-2-89 and 6-6-1912. ALEXANDER SWEF.K, 28-51 Register COUNTY OFFICERS IN | six weeks from the date of the first sion will receive sealed bids for the murrage, if any. Bids will be op ned THEIR NEW QUARTERS publication, and the first publication transporting of about 10,000 feet of at the office of said Commission at yt’BIJCATlON OF SUMMONS IN The following named county offic hereof is made this 18lh day of May, 18 inch wooden pipe from the Sou 8 o’clock p. m. Tuesday. May 22. Said FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN ials may now be found in their new 1923. thern Pacific Depot to what is known Commission reserves the right t > re BOTTS & WINSLOW quarters in the Goyne building, just Attorneys for I’laintoiff. as the Clements Corner about six ject any or al! bids. opposite the court house on Third jb the Circuit Court of the State of avenue: County school superintendent Residence: Tillamook, Oregon. 32-7t miles south of Tillamook, bidder to TILLAMOOK WATER COMMIS Oregon for Tillamook County. G. B. Lamb, county club leader D. H. SION, assume charge of pipe upon the arriv Plaintiff Walter Williams, Kennedy, assessor C. A. Johnson, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS C. B. Stanley, Se. al of car and be responsible for de- 32-lt treasurer Kathleen Mills, District at F Swensson and Sadie E. torney T. H. Goyne. The other coun The Tillamook City Water Commis- Se,.! «son, his wife; Ray C. Swena- ty officials will be found in the court jon. widow of the late John G. house. The county court and county SVMMONS 3»er.-'on. and Thora K. Roberta, judge occupy the room vacated by formerly Thora K. Swensaon, and Mr. Lamb, and with that exception Ms-, Roberta, her husband, heirs Do you know the officials now remaining in the No. 3107 of Gustof Swenson, deceased. court house are in the offices former Defendant. In the circuit court of the State of ly occupied. The information is giv I To Sadie E. Swensson, wife of Ad- en for the benefit of the county pub Oregon for Tillamook County I oipt F Swensson; Ray C. Swensson. lic. M D. Spencer. Alma Loeffler Burgess, I „jo* > ' h***' John G. Swensson, John Leland Henderson. Trustee PACIFIC U. TO HAVE LARGE •ad Th. ra K Roberts, formerly Thor- a K Swensson, and Mark Roberta, and John Leland Henderson, AMERICAN LEGION CHAIR ter husband, heirs of Gustof Swens Plaintiffs M. J. Fenega, professor of history on. deceased, of the above named de- vs and political science in Pacific college fendan-.s: G. D. Woodworth, otherwise known as Forest Grove, spoke under the aus In the name of the State of Oregon' Gilford D. Woodworth, and Rose pices of the American legion here You are hereby notified that Walter last week to a well filled house. Prof. Wood worth, his wife. ffilhan-s. the above named plaintiff. Fenega secured a donation of $50,000 Defendants the holder and owner of Certificate from Mrs. R. L. McCormick of Taco To G. D. Woodworth, otherwise ma. for Pacific university, which re of Delinquency No. 1087, issued Ap known as Gilford D. Woodworth, one sulted in the founding of The Ameri ril 6. 1917. by the Sheriff and Tax NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SAl.E of the above named defendants: JaBector of Tillamook County, Ore- can Legion Chair of American His Lon. for Eleven and 88-100 ($11.88) tory and Patriotism in the above col In the Name of the State of Ore No. 2919 Dolin' - the same being the amount lege and funds for the construction GKNUINE thei dut and delinquent for taxes for In the Circuit Court of the State of gon: You are hereby required to ap of a $50,000 building for the above I the year 1915; together with penalty, Oregon for the County of Tillamook pear and aswer the complaint filed purpose are being raised by donation ¡sun and costa thereon upon real Pearl S. Matthes, Plaintiff against you in the above entitled over the state, and Prof. Fenega’s lec vs TOBACCO ■Hiper: y assessed to Gustof Swenson, Court and Cause on or before the ex ture here was for the purpose of usd of which you, as the heirs of said Peter N. Forsythe and his wife piration of six weeks from the date arousing interest in the aobve work. Virginia Forsythe, Defendants Cast.''' Swenson, deceased, are the of the first publication of this sum By virtue of an execution issued mons. and if you fail so to appear and Lane:- situate in said Tillamook WANT TO BE CITIZENS I County. i'gon. and more particular out of the above entitled Court, tn answer the plaintiff will apply to the Two new applications to become cit I the above entitled cause, to me di Court for the relief demanded in the izens of the United States were ly Jr-. J as follows: fil- Al! those parth and portions of the rected and dated the 24th day of complaint which is that plaintiff have ed this week with the county clerk. March, 1023, upon a judgment and judgment against the defendant G. Johann Larsen applied for his sec V>r.r.v • < quarter of the Northeast qgsrte: and the East half of the decree of foreclosure rendered and D. Wood worth, otherwise known as ond papers, and probably will take E»«t half f the Northwest quarter, entered in said Court on the 7th day Gilford D, Woodworth, for the prin examination at the October term of al! in Section 18, Township 1 North of February, 1928, in favor of Pearl cipal sum of $137.50, with interest Circuit court. Frank Von Euw, a af Range 7 West of the Willamette S Matthes, the plaintiff, and against from September 15th, 1922 at 8 per native of Switzerland, has again been Meridian in Oregon, north of Wil- Peter N. Forsythe and Virginia For cent per annum, for the further sum allowed to file his application for Lot F. er containing 30 aires, more sythe, the defendants, for the sum of of $100.00 attorney’s fees and $4.44 citizenship, after he was once de $433.75 with intrest thereon at the taxes for 1922 paid by plaintiff and nied, that right by the court, when GOOD,'YEAR « has. Service Station ■kier. said certificate of delinquency rate of 6 per cent per annum from the for the costs and disbursements of he had failed four consecutive times tears nterest at the rate of 14 1-2 7th day of February, 1928, and the this suit, and for a decree foreclos to qualify at examinations. A lack per cent per annum from date thereof further sum of $100 with interest ing a mortgage, executed by said de of proper study of our government thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per fendant G.D.Woodworth and others, seems to have been responsible for until paid. HEN you buy You are further notified that said annum from the 7th day of February on the 15th day of March, 1919, re Euw's failures thus far. Goodyear Tirag 1923. and for the further sum of corded in Volume “ Z ” of the Mortgage' above named plaintiff has paid tax from ua you get a es against said premises for subse $30.25. costa and disbursements here Records of Tillamook County, Oregon, ANOTHER FISH STORY quality product, at quent years, with the rate of interest in, and the costa of and upon this page 536, in favor of M. Sue Hender In the window of the office of L. V. the lowest price at <■ sau! amounts from the respective writ, I did upon the 16th day of son. now deceased, and her husband Eberhardt, imprinted in a rock ofi April, 1923, levy upon all the nght, John Leland Henderson having suc which that quality 4ate> of payment, as follows; hard shale is the complete skeleton of I can be bought, and Year 1916, Date of payment, Nov. title and interest of the above de ceeded to her interest in said note and a fish which was found by a fisher you also get a service L> 1917. Sheriff’s Receipt No. 7065, fendants or either of them in and to mortgage, said mortgage to be fore man on the Nestucca river recently that will help you A bouii * $9.22, rate of interest 12 per the following real property, to-wit: closed only as to said G. D. Wood and which has attracted contide-sble | The North Half (N 1-2) of the worth's undivided one-fourth interest attention from passers by. The find- | I cent per annum. get from those tires Year 1917, Date of payment Nov. 5, North East Quarter (N. E. 1-4) of in the said land, covered by said mort er of the petrified fish met two fish- i all the mileage built 1018, Sheriff's receipt No. 6921, am Section Eighteen (18) in Township gage; and ordering a sale of the land ermen who were sitting on the rock ' into them at the ount $10.48, rate of interest 12 per Four (4), South of Range Seven described in said mortgage, only as and when he came up they were relat- I factory. There’s the (7) West of the Willamette Meridian to said undivided one-fourth inter ing some pretty big fish stories. When cent per annum. net of quality, price, Tear 1818, Date of payment Nov. 5, containing 80 acres of land, Tillamook est thereof, to-wit: The northeast they finally arose, the local fisherman and service, and of quarter of the Northwest quarter and 1$19. Sheriff’s receipt No. 7068, County, State of Oregon. discovered the fossil fish where they economy, too. Now therefore by virtue of said the West half of the northwest quar had been sitting, and the twain said Mount $11.23, rate of interest 12 X* Goodyear S«rvfc« 5 tat to«« ter of the northeast quarter of sec Dealer» u>e eett end rgeom- execution, judgment order, decree and per cent per annum. they were willing to 1 take oath that the new Good roar I Tear 1919. Date paid April 5, 1921, order of sale and in compliance with tion nine, in township two south of the fossil imprint was not Cor de with the beveled All- : there when Weather Tread end bach | Sheriff'.- receipt No. 8119, amount the commands of said writ, I will range nine west of the Willamette they sat down, which ia the myster- tMm up with gfffiwdw-rf Goodyear iereiee $U.9 >, rate of interest 12 per cent per on Saturday the 19th day of May, Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore ious part of the story. Made from Cream of Tartar 1923, at 10 A. M at the North front gon, containing 60 acres, less a 20 SUNSET GARAGE sunum derived from grape» Year 1920, Date paid January 19, door of the County Court House in foot wide right of way for a road, NOTICE OF BIDS FOR WOOD 1E2 Sheriff's receipt No. 7607, Tillamook, Tillamook County, State along the south side of said 60 ac- |saou.’ * $18.29, rate of interest 12 per of Oregon, sell at public auction (sub res as described in a deed from John Sealed bids will be received until Contains No Alum—Leaves No Bitter Taste ject to redemption) to the highest Leland Henderson, Trustee to Fred Wednesday June 6th. 1923 at ten o' «tn*, per annum. Year 1921, Date of payment De- bidder for cash in hand, all the right, erick Dow and Anna Dow, his wife, clock a. m. for one hundred fifty cords • 4, 1922, Sheriff's receipt No. title and interest which the within recorded in said registry in book “80” of wood, of either Fir. Hemlock, Al 7074. amount $19.43, rate of interest named defendants, or either of them page 669-71, and applying the pro der or Vinemaple, in four foot lengths had on the 7th day of February, 1928 ceeds therefrom to the payment of Wood to be delivered in the basement 12 per cent per annum. Thu’ you. us the owners of the le- the date of the enrolling and dock said judgment, and further decreeing of the Court House in Tillamook City 1 fi title of the hereinabove describ- eting of the judgment herein, or since that the said defendants and each of Oregon, on or before September 1st, them be forever barred and fore 1823. ei premises, are hereby further noti- that date had in and to the above des Bids will be coaidered in lots of fed that the above named plaintiff cribed property or any part thereof, closed of all right, title or interest «il. appij to the Circuit Court of the to satisfy said execution, judgment in or to said property or any portion Fifty cords or more of either of the Sts:, and County aforesaid, for a de order and decree, interest, coste and thereof except statutory* right of re- above mentioner kinds. Each bid must be accompanied by a oet fore losing the lien against the accruing costs. Dated this 16th day 4ymption and for general relief. This summons is served upon you certified check for not less than five I Roperty above described and men- of April. 1923 by publication in the Tillamook Head per cent of total amount of he bid. JOHN ASCHIM, felled it said certificate of delin- Sheriff of Tillamook County. Ore light by order of the Honorable Geo. The Court reserves the right to re $uen< y And you are hereby sum- R Bagley, Judge of the above named ject any and all bids. ■oned to appear within sixty days gon. Court, made on the 7th day of May By order of the County Court. fnur. the date of the first publication Date of first publication this 20th day 1923, requiring publication hereof to Dated May 10th. 1823. of tin« -ummons, exclusive of the day of April, 1923; date of last publica- be made once a week for six suc 32-3t H. S. BRIMHALL, Clerk •f the date of said first publication, tion this 18th day of May 1923. 28-5t cessive weeks, and the date of the mc defend this suit or pay the first publication hereof is May 11th, SIMMONS Mount due as above shown, togeth 1823 and the last publication June er with plaintilTs costa and disburse- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF 22, 1828. In the Circuit Court of the State of I ADMINISTRATOR ■snt*. and in case of your failure so JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Oregon, for Tillamook County. te do, a iccree will be rendered fore- Notice is hereby given that the Attorney for plaintiffs, residence and Maggie N. Knudson, Plaintiff fesmg '.he lien of said taxes and Post Offne address. 206 Third vs «■t» and disbursements against the County Court of the State of Orgon, In a beautiful naw Willy»-Knight, time and distance only Street, Tillamook, City, Oregon.. Carl P. Knudson, Defendant feds and premises above described. for Tillamook county, has appointed increase your pride and satisfaction. Because: The P. Knudson, the above named To Carl W. J. Riechers administrator of the This -ummons is published by or defendant. marvelous Willys-Knight engine actually improves tcith estate of Antone Totzauer, deceas fe of the Honorable George R. Bag- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION me of the State of Oregon , In > tue. Carbon only makes it better. Owners report 50,000 hy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the ed, and any and all persons having reby required to appear ’ You . fete of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun claims against said estate are here miles and more without a single engine adjustment and answer the complaint filed against ty, made and entered May 7, 1923, and by required to present the same to There never was a greater combination of beauty/ Department of the Interior you in the above entitled Court and fe date of the first publication of the undersigned at the First Nation economy and brilliant performance. cause on or before the expiration of j , S. Land Office at Portland, Ore., al bank of Tillamook, Oregon, to U. fe» summons is May 11, 1923. t May 7, 1923. six weeks from the date of the first All process and papers in this pro- gether with the proper vouchers and C m the Wiltys-Overland Advertisement tn The Saturday Evening Post publication of this summons, and if i Notice is hereby given that Rob- verified, within six months from the , Mdini* may be served upon the nn- this April ert B. Sturgeon, of Blaine, Ore., who you fail so to apepar and answer, ------------- . fesigm-d, residing within the state date of this notice. 1 Dated Ln Sept. 26, 1919, made Homestead plaintiff will apply to the court for of Oregon at the address hereinbe 20th, 1823. Entry, No. 06460 for the SE 1-4, N the relief demanded in her complaint, 1 W. J. RIECHERS low first given. Administrator of the Estate of An W 1-4, SW 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE which isthat the marriage contract I C. L. 8TARR 28-51 1-4, and NE 1-4 SW 1-4 Section 27, existing between plaintiff and de tone Totzauer, deceased THEODORE OPSUND Teartw XaakM 1-pMa. »1215 Sedn $lrtS Coupe-Ssdsn S-pua, $1S»1 Township 8 8., Range 8 W, W. Merid fendant be dissolved and that plain 7-pwa. »14*1 Sedan 7i>aaa, |l»»] AU prices Lab. Attorneys for plaintiff ian has filed notice of intention to tiff be awarded the custody of the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Address: 505 Selling Building, make Three Year Proof, to estab minor children of plaintiff and de .THE ENGINE IMPROVES WITH Portland, Oregon. 31-7t lish claim to the land above describ fendant, Fred and Irene Knudson, and j 06867 ed, before the Clerk of the County that plaintiff have such other relief Department of the Interior SUMMONS U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore Court for Tillamook Co., Oregon, at as may be equitable. April 14th, 1923. Tillamook. Orc., on the 6th day of This summons is served upon you by I® the Circuit Court of the State of publication in the Tillamook Head- ; Notice is hereby given that Charles July, 1923. Oregon for Tillamook County light, by order of the Hon. Homer | names as witnesses: W. Claimant W. Cruthers, of Dolfeh, Ore., who on Orrs S Williams, Plaintiff April 25th, 181», made Homestead W. Cason, of Blaine, Ore.; Henry Mason, County Judge of Tillamook vi. Entry No. 06867, for the NW 1-4 Smith, of Blaine, Ore.; Adam Lip County, Oregon, made the 15th day ; F. Williams, Defendant. of May, 1923, requiring publication W E. Williams, the above named SE 1-4 Section 16, Township 4 8., pin, of Blaine, Ore.; Earl Reynolds, hereof to be made once a week for Range 10 W. Willamette Meridian, of Blaine, Ore. feendant: six successive weeks, and requiring Act 6-9-16. has filed notice of intention to make In the Name of the State of Oregon DRIVE AN OVERLAND AND REALIZE THE DIFFF ALEXANDER SWEEK, you to appear and answer the com are hereby required to appear three year proof, to establish claim 81-6t plaint on or before the expiration of Register. to the land above described, before answer the complaint filed agaist I When you have any Cows, Hogs, or Chickens to sell. Call up the, “B ull D urham SANITARY MEAT MARKET Both Phones 1 oz. or 1 ton? W One ounce of Royal Baking Powder is worth a ton of cheaper baking powders when you consider the su periority in the quality healthfulness and taste of food prepared with it. Great Indeed—In Deeds! WILLYS-KNIGHT STAR GARAGE