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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1923)
1 ♦ ♦ ♦ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1928 THE TILLAMOOK HBADLIOHT 4 AT THE CHURCHES ♦ « Mill 11ODIST Spacial Revival «si vl> >-n will i «( in at the chii. h ii in y Everybody la Invited to att< . i a much us poa- aible. Sunday mornlug m-.'.lug subject: “Gleaning foi le d. In the evening the subject will be "The Attitude God Hom. Srvices eery evening during the Brin,; your friends week at 7 and come .o the service- If you can ■inc nnd love co d it . - >ms and join the choir. That la the way to use od a gift to you. It you are not satisfied with the Hie you are living let <a we if there 1- not a better way. If your home i not what you would like It to be. let - - it there 1» not something wrong tliai can be right ed. We are not hen to hurt but to help. We shall pass this way but once. Come anil worship with us. SSMPhON HAM KICK. Pastor. • • • REFORMED Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning Worship at 11. Subject. "The Joy ol Finding Per none Ixiat." X o'clock. Ev euing Subject: ueu." A pageant will be given at thin time by tin Heldeli ■ i Is i ■!•• ell titled ‘The Pi oml . m epl .od< In the journey of yotlili Iheie will be apeclal mv !l‘ b ■ 1 n m mug mol evening by th- ■ h di an I male quartette. Come and worst p with i. • W. O. LLENKAE.V I ER, Ihietor. r UNITED BREIIIK IN A Homelike Church W. O. Woolever Pi tor Res. 416 East 4th St. On Avo. Mutual Phone Classes Sunday School 10 A M lor all ages. Preaching Service,. it Tillamook •very Sunday . urnim at 11 A M Evening services the Hist and third Bundays of ituh month nt 7 30 P M Preaching service» i . i Beaver 1 P. M. anil at Plea, ant Valley nK I P. M. the second and foil'th Sun day of each month The revival . ..... : will continue all next week I hl- Il h El’iiltg'dlst Rev. Duff and paity will . tin- baator The meeting are grow Ing In Internet and attendalo'- You uro Utvlted Cornei e e • PREHBVTTS11LAN Hunday Bchool. 10 A. M. MortiIng Wonthip, 11 A M. Htlbjoct ' Sons ot otlil Mvuning Worahlp. 7 30 P M Hubject The fin ha e tur. t'hrlet ■ver y body always Inviteli AL1.AN A M< REA, Mlnteter. 7 • FIRST CHRISTIAN l'iter George N Harne: Office In th' fluii i building Residence 112 41 h St Bveryninn’i Ciar and the Boy Beouts will bold a joint meeting Sunday morning .it 10 A M In the Advent church Di Shearer will a ■peak on the ' I', i.ilii of I.Ivlin Mayor Smith will speak Clean l.lfe on "Boy Scout» and Their Relation ship to Tillamook." 11 A M., Ordination service. 6.30 P. M Christian Endeavor Day will be celebrated with a joint meeting of the Senior, Intermediate and Junior Bndeavore 7.30 P. M. Sermon. "Practical Lessons from Studying the Life of Sampson." We iuvlte the public to worship with ub We will try to make you feel at home. WHO WANTS THIS KIND OF A KANCH 200 acres, 130 acre« bottom 96 acres cleared, 14(1 acres fenced and with uew cross fences, S room mod • rn house, hot and cold water, elec tric lights, etc. Chick» house. 20x 100 ft., with electric lights Root house, 12x14 ft. Barn 70x70 ft . water piped and lights. Dairy house 12x14 ft. Hural free delivery, 1 % miles to school, 6 miles to post of fice. In Satsop Valley. Priced at Jlx.OOOO0- About 16.000 cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent In terest. O ti good country road. Wlro or write me if you are Interested. Can give Immediate possession. L. C. DAVIDSON, Montesano, Washington -------------- *-------------- CALL FOB BIDS Tho Tillamook Water Commission will receive blds on certain im provements at the reservoir. Plans and peel De at ions for Inspection at the Olty llall The commission re serves the right to receive and reject any or all bids. * C. B. STANLEY, Secy. <S NOTICE TO i State In the County Co Tilla - of Oregon for th«- mook. In the Matter f Jacob Nicklaus, di N. that NOTICE IS HERI ate of the County Court -t llamook Oregon for the Co : >r signed, has duly appointed of Jacob administratrix of the person* Nicklaus, d «a : Id es- having claims them, tale ar« required to pr r -signed. properly verified, to .he Hal;, at the oft ices of Tilla- Suite 7. National months mook, Oregon, w|- 1 alimi from the date of tl. ot thia notice, Date of flrst put 1923. Date of last publii 1923. MAGGIE Auminl-trutrlx. ltitú ADMINLSTRATOK S v CREDITORS . HOT SOUP -fESE oold, wintry dayls are when hot diehoe are most acceptable and satisfying. r We have Heinz Tomato and Pea Soup, Campbell'B aad Van Camp’s Vegetable, Beef, Tomafo and all other kinds of Soap. '** Skoo- Minced Clams, Preferred Stock. Palace Car, turn and Waldorf Oysters. Heinz and Del Monte Baked Beans, Walker's Chile and Con Came, Hot Tomato Sauce, Chicken Tamales Plrnlentos. Hot Coffee and Ton If god is appreciated by of people. Oír merchandise is good—prices ditto. lots v A TO TH SATISFACTION STORE Notice is hereby -U.ei at the County Court of th-- - t Or«-.- n, for Tillamook County, .ipolnted the undersigned adn.i estate ol John Bumga ■ used, and any . . claims agaluat the - io • aie re qulred to present th- - properly vorlfled, togother wb nch era, to the undersign^ office of T. IL Goytie, Attuir ■ i..iw, in Tillamook City, O' tore six months tr ... notice. inuary. Dated thia 4th day 198k. RAI PH !.. Admlnlbtruioi Mrs. Rollio Wateon went to Port land last Friday. She was joined i here by Mr. Wateon on Saturday NOTICE and after attending the Shrine af ■ Notice Is herid fairs In that city they went to Sal em where Mre. Wanton will remain nndersiguod has b- ■ iiilniatrator of tin l for about a week. Y sell. deeo.usMi. Court of TlUam -ok days Mrs Fred Small «pent a few and that lie has |U this week in Portland. All peraona havm; said Estate aro rv<iui Mrs C. J. Edwards came home the Bauiu, duty vein from Salem the first of the week to dorstglied for alloua , spend a few days here with her eon ficai of Lkitts ac Wli Lowell, Who was forced to take a at Law, TtUumook Ci . vacation from his studies at O A. C. County, Oregon, wit In cause of illness. frían the date of tb tlon of this notn- Dr Houle report» the birth of a Beatimi hereof ben Hon to Mr. and Mra. Owar Olaenj 1I»M. LAWRENOi. A Jan noth. Administrate! h.- 1M6 Frank Yaeh, FOR SAI-JI »160 00 Victor Victor — ♦ ola and record at a bargain. C. A. Mra Forest Ayr i. Itleha, Rockaway. Oregon —17t 1 was shopping In tl . -H' Canned Soups are clean, nourishing and cheap. E. G. ANDERSON Sanitary Plumbing for the Home HEALTH AS WELL AS COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE URGES THAT EQUIPPED BE HOME THE SANI WITH TARY EFFICIENT PLUMB- ING. THE WANTED STYLES AT A WIDE RANGE OF PRICES —GUARANTEED TO GIVE SEE SATISFACTION. FOR US PLUMBING YOUR NEEDS. Ï VJ1, .ie of I AT.T. HAV E WE > the tin the of Attorneys 1 illatnook month« pu bllca— i st pub her 29th. 1 GEORGE J BURCKARD ■ rdale, lay Tillamook, Oregon FOR SALK HOUHHOLD GOODS Baby buggy »5.00. Trloyote. »1 iK> Kiddle kar T6c Wardrobe cup board, nicely finished »6.00. Bev. A A Mcltea, 60J, corner »rd Ave E and Fifth St 1712 Did You Ever FOR SALE BY OWNER <0 AOR K dairy ranch, Mi mile troni city << Tillamook on pared roast All bottom land. Now tuHiao am! Ou «way Olty wntur. barn, terme. L I, Stillwell, Ik* 6. TH 17tlp litinook City act Into a store whore the atmosphere, like the store, was cold? Ton might do It once, but if you are looking for n Grocer where prices are baaed on quality, and you always feel at home, where yon con always depend on accomodations when needed, try— %» Tow motor will start readily and operate flexibly, in winter, if you use an oil that stays fluid at low temperatures. x; The battery troubles, worn Dear- fcigs and scored cylinders, experi enced in winter, are simply evidence that the motor is bound with con gealed oil and deprived of lubnca- don. > ly* • Conover & Conover A] A y Zerolcne Stays Fluid in Winter Zerol^ne No. 1, No. 3 nnd No. S, which are good oold test oils, move freely in winter with the action of (be motor. They give a continuous 6 dw of kobricadtdf the proper “v>il- MAKING FRIENDS I Guard It! toess* R> the pdatons, connecting todb end crmlb-caae etafr bearings, and saw batteries. Tillamook Battery Station YOUR HEARTH IS THE PLACE OF » PLEASANT MEMORIES. THE SPOT THAT MAKES A HOUSE A HOME. z y ' £ mcrppcra£ less fifakxu J thru Cm 'ulion 9 *£> ) COAST TIRES Insurance od STANDARD OIL COMPANY (ChHfanh) Every Kind: Accident and Hsulth. Automobile. Farm, Fidelity and Sureiy Bond, Fire. Life, Live Stock. Plate Glass Public Liability Workmans’ Compensation INSURE IT—GUARD ITI HARTFORD TIE ANCE COMPANY FIRE NOT INSUR ONLY 1LAKES GOOD YOUR LOSSES BUT TRIES TO HELP PREVENT THEM. I CALL ON THIS AGENCY ROLLE W. WATSON . / I The Insurance Man