Image provided by: Tillamook County Library
About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1922)
TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY. N OVEMBER 10. 1922 METHODISTS TO BUILD CHURCH GIRLS WIN TRIP IN CANNING CONTEST PRICE $2 PER YEAR ELECTION CAUSES GREAT SAWS HIS'WAY OUT OF PRISON GOOD ROADS I A meeting of the members of the Word was received here Jay Houser, who has been in the this local methodist church was held last week that the Tillamook canning county Jal! under sentence of four Friday evening at which plana were team that had been sent to the stock months for petty larceny, early thia considered for the building of a new show at Portland had aken second church buildirig. morning made his escape from the A banquet was served 0F..TILLAM00K WILL FUR not TILLAMOOK CHAMBER OF COM- jail and at last accounts has RETURNS FROM POINTS IN ^HICAS legion men will wi ladies aid of the church and follow been apprehended. NISH THE BUILDING MERCE INITIATES MOVE 8TATE ARE SUfM ' be MA8TEBS OF THE ing this the matter of a new church a Houser, who had served only » was taken up. Dr. Gilbert, district LOCATIO^ small part of his sentence, had not MENT DAY COMING IN superintendent of the church, was been allowed outside of the cage as < present and acted as toastniaHter. two of the other prisoners had been, Short talks were made by a number to work about the court house. Early 0 WITH NEWS this morning when Bailiff Epplett COAST TOWNS ASKED Î0 CO-OPERATE of the prominent members congregation. went to the basement to let out two It is planned to erect a $10.000 SPECIA^ ELECTION of the prisoners to help with the HEAD janitor work of the court house, MEETING MAY BE HELD IN ¡rgjISS HOUSES TO REMAIN building, with basement and plenty Houser was still in bls bed. A few PORTLAND IN NEAR of room for congregations and IN THE CLOSED.—SMOKER AND minutes later one of the prisoners plenty of room tor congregations and FUTURE FUTURE called Mr. Epplett and reported ! that classes. A site has not yef been DANCING AT NIGHT Houser was gone. Two of the bara selected, but T. H. Goyne, George P. » itfli líaoste in the window of the east side of Winslow and G. B. Lamb were A number of the members of the J^ans art nerk being prepare entent. over the court house had been neatly saw- an i „♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ chosen as a committee to select ttre securing of a Bite tQ be use Chamber of Commerce met in the • generalbleotion of Third- « property for the new edifice ed, leaving room enough for the chumber room yesterday and drafted ^pr’Btate armory to be'erected Tuesday. East ♦ prisoner to wedge his way through. proclamation the following telegram which was Tamedk. ■■ the perce + It was about 6:45 when the escape z z_- > r » sent to several community organiza } _Xhe city 1» to furnish the ’ ji bleZp In <tlfe street antll 3 t run very high was discovered. Inasmuch as there is a <» RADIUM WORTH $2500 tions along the Oregon coast: 2tte.- council approved of a pl l'ite took it to the- city half ( Interest Warnings were immediately sent II question as to whether Arm ♦ “At meeting of Tillamook Cham IssuecTan order for a Kfcecial ejptt in th<* i tinued on; * throughout the county and state and LOCATED AFTER HU istice day. Nov. 11. is a hol * ber of Commerce today, it was voted .to bo held in the near future? the early capture of the fugitive is iday, I hereby, according to imperative that a coast county man HOTT t&e city governm«ut’’\^A A expected. Wallet. the power vested iu me, ♦ be presented to Governor-Elect «JTTis moví mov| . The property •- Uhis t Word was received from Portland The other prisoners in the county proclaim Nov. 11, a legal ♦ ■y a majNto - Pierce as a possible appointee on the involved is Block orr0<i^ jail are Alfred Alhden, Ed Snyder, new State Highway Commsision. To ♦ last week that a piece of radium, holiday in Tillamook City. h addition. Ttiia Otto Kocher and F. E. Smith. All of this end we recommend that a meet valued at $2 5000. which had become S. A. MOULTON, ■ etty with the 'ea these disclaimed any knowledge of ing be held at Imperial Hotel, Port Mayor. « Lot .vaile used in the treatment of tchmg ich ts the how Houser escaped. the < a patient for nasal cancer at throu is re- land, Friday, November 17, at two The'city p * home of Mrs. F. L. Nitsch, 3221 63d look- o ’clock, and that each Chamber »♦♦+ + ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4* of tout another lot St., S. E., had been found. The Commerce or other organization in Its p n ¡A Block radium had been inadvertantly your county be represented by one same re close OLD FIRE WHISTLE BLOWS thrown into the kitchen stove with Tomorrow will witness the cele or more delegates to decide on one title ITS LAST NOTE WEDNESDAY or more qualified persons from the bration of the fourth anniversary of some bandages, and it was necessary has sigt to call a professor from Reed college Bill coast y> be placed before the gover this ch K.... - — • Armistice day. with an electroscope before the'par- nor-elect as a possible appointee. In erty w! The fire alarm that brought many The loeal post of The American ticle of valuable mineral was located. » a • ■ 13 our opinion this is the most impor tional cost to Tillamook folks to the streets last 57 Legion has arranged a celebration The search was conducted under the of As to the expe Wednesday evening was the farewell tant appointment to the people j Jfl f oi- to the event that will start in the direction of a Mr. Lacy, ageqt the coast counties to be made by the Mayor 3. A. Moulton toot of the old fire siren that has of morning with a parade and end in the Phil Grossmeyer company guaranteed the expensd started chills up the backs of local governor. Please take this matter Portland which had the radium in- the publishers of up with other organizations in your the evening with a smoker and people for several years. sured. county and have them get behind agreethto handle all necessary The firemen were not warned that dance. Dr. Thomas Ross, who was the advertising in this matter without the movement and be represented at the false alarm was to be given and pany "K”, H2nd Infantry, assisted physician conducting the case, la the meeting. Please advise regard— of cost to the city. This manner responded well to the supposed oquarton ing your action. Tillamook Cham- | by the K. P. band will parade well known in Tillamook, as h« once handling the election is expected to emergency. They had manned the Trask her of Commerce.” f through the streets of the city. All practiced here. Mrs. NltBch is the raise very little opposition to the engine and were ont of the engine The commercial organizations to «-service men are also expected to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melcholr election to donate this property for Kilchis house within fifty seconds from the Sunnymead which the telegram was sent were: rater bis parade whether they be- of this city and Is a trained nurse. armory purposes. time the alarm sounded, which is Goodspeed . . L long to Company “K" or not. Astoria, Seaside, Toledo, Newport, considered good time. The blowing Brighton Florence, North Bend, Marshfield. Following this will be speaking at of the whistle also indicated the dy- Rockaway I the city hall auditorium. J. W. Mott CITY TICKET CARRIES ing gasp of the old boilers of the Bandon and Gold Beach. I. 0. 0. F. MINSTREL SHOW Blaine It is the intention of the local city attorney of Astoria, has prom- AT THE POLLS TUESDAY Coast Power company, which has PLEASES FRIDAY NIGHT Beaver Chamber of Commerce to push the fed to give the address of the day, been supplying steam for the fire Fairview The ticket nominated several nd he will be assisted by George N. improvement of the Roosevelt high alarms for some years post. Hays | Harness as chaplain. It was thought weeks ago at the official city caucus way ats much as possible within the One of the largest crowds ever next few years, believing that in I for a time that General George A. was elected Tuesday with verylittle assembled in the school gymnasium Foley Nehalem | present but the Gen- opposition. doing so they will help bring great here witnessed the Alabama Min— LIGHTS FOR THE CITY The city officiials elected for the strel show offered by the Odd Fel- Bayocean er wealth to this portion of the erai telephoned a few days ago South Prairie .......... 89 of state. I that he could not come. coming year, with the number > SUPPLIED BY GARIBALDI this low and Rebekah lodges of Wheeler ......... TheVmerican Legion Auxiliary votes received by each, follows: was city. Tire sum of $192.29 | ’ill furnish a luncheon to the mem- J. Merril Smith, maytfr 411; A, netted from the proceeds of the Little Nestucca krs of the national uard company H. Gaylord,^«reasurer, 404; M. R show, which will be presented to Garibaldi The light plant here of the Coast ELKS TO HOLD SERVICE Power company closed down this I lid ex-service men Terry, councilman first ward, 48 ; H. tie Odd Fellow's building fund • to Neskowin noon. IN MEMORY OF DEPARTED week and the machinery is being Brimhall, councilman second build a home for orphaned girls. Sandkike ! In the afternoon will be a S. Union .. football game at the rapidly dismantled While the In grounds ward, 108; J. L. Henderson, council Those who attended the perform between the high school tei am and a j man third ward. 39; F. F. Conover, ance report a very ijnjoyable ev cal power plant is out oE order Til The local lodge of B P. O. E will lamoqk is receiving its electric pow team from Company "K.’* councilman fourth ward, 54; F. S. ening and express their appreciation Rollie Watwi’g total vote for the legislature is 1995. er from the Whitney mills at Gari hold a memorial service December 4, The evening will be taken up by Armentrout, councilman fifth ward, of the way the- show was handled. at which time a fine musical pro baldi. looker at the city hall auditorium 153; water commissioners F. L. gram Is promised. à It has been stated ffy the Coast ‘‘ith it is said that an excellent Berkey, 47. and C. B. Stanley, 111. The Elks here will soon issue in Power people that it is expected to 9:d has been arranged. The smok vitations for a Thanksgiving dance have the new machinery ’ installed »ill be followed by a dance i to be held in the Elks hall. and in working order by February * P. hall under the auspices < SOLDIERS TO BE FETED American Legion. first. Part of the new equipment BY AUXILIARY TOMORROW is on the ground already, i and it will Most of the business houses have be put in place as soon as room CITY'S FIELD ARTILLERY ’^nged to be closed all day to- is mnde for it. #orrow in honor of the event. TO RECEIVE COAT OF PAINT The members of the American Le gion Auxiliary and the mothers and wives of the men of Company “K TILLAMOOK COUNTY VOTES The three inch field artillery ^STAUSANT on second will gtve a dinner to the Legion and piece that has been on the court STREET CHANGES HANDC CONSISTENTLY THROUGHOUT bouse lawn for some time past has ■ ■ of the national guard com- The Royal restaurant which haB r, ny at the W. O W. hall tomoi — vrcuL, wt LI «latently in its voting for the gener been removed temporarily to under - conducted by Mrs. Hughes for row evening at 6 o’clock. All the THE 'rovKjVtTk s’ al election Tuesday. The two most go a painting. As soon as this is J r .‘"le past has been purchased Legionaires and soldiers are invited, inmportant ballot were the content finished the gun will be replaced. HAVING A. m OTPE'Ï. Hodge and will be remodel - »The women have promised an excel— for governor and the school meas- " ‘»<1 again opened for trade. ftíTHCAV ! lent feed for the men. tire. AND? GUMP’S CAMPAIGN Walter M Pierce carried Tille 1 E- Trombley was a business mook county by a large majority ov - TURNS OUT A FLIVVER "®or to Portland this week. LOCAL PICTURE HOUSE er Olcott. When the votes were all counted and the results made known PURCHASES 41 PICTURES In spite of the fact that a great i’ was found that but four precincts t deal of publicity was put before the went for the present governor in public urging them to vote tor Andy Netarts. Trask, Rayocean and N« Lynn Partridge kowin. Rockaway precinct had 39 Gump Ih the election last Tuesday theater stated last week mung so in opposition to R. W Watson, there vote- each for Pierce and Olcott. Mil; burnt». rl »... management of that theater was very little response to the ap The school bill was voted against ‘1 OQ 1 Ms h just purchased forty-one new niov peal. tn five srecincts. Netarts, Trask. nt hi '<» fathei ing pictures from the Famous Play Andy, though apparently a man Kockte ay. Rayocean and Neskowin ers Lasky corporation. The repre of great worth, received only a few went against the bill, while Little s' Kost ¡C "ho was badly-!n- sentative of the producing company. Nestucca and Long Prairie both cast votes, and those only from member» ie tin 1 by a premature Andrew Hunter, was in the etty to of an even ballot for the measure, Lit of his own family. The Gumps •'‘vSÎOJj is s close the deal. to be on his feet Tillamook county, of course, turned tle Nestucca 24 votes each way and Main. out strong for their kinsman, bui Long Prairie 24. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stain they were in the minority and ha¿ W ittnie Epplett returned daughter, and Mrs. Nettleton Gilbert Aleln. of the insurance little effect. Andy received a fe» 5 lf >r “Pending a week in son. all of Mohler, passed through department of the state fire marsh scattering votes for everything fron • All** Tltitlns her sister. Mrs. F. the city last night on their way to to citj all's office, is In the city on business state representative down Homecoming ,nd h«'- brother, Harold Eugene to attend the councilman. pertaining to hie headquarters. week of the University of Oregon. Sä ÌW' Another Yeai X