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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1922)
THE TILLAMuOK HEADLIGHT GERMAN AMBASSADOR REACHES OUR SHORES LOCAL V I Marriage licenses were issued L mont -.’follows: Wirmer Land Hattie M. Zuercher » and Otis Le Roque and Gladys iLaMasst-lle on the 2nd. j I/. #>i j. pastor of the United Lthren church of this place, re- E«d injuries to his right arm ken he became caught in the shaft fa rock crusher at Sinunin’s creek L Thursday. The clothing giving Lay saved Mr. Fry from further [jury I Asa Robinson, county judge of Mk county was in this city during L week. Judge Robinson formerly [red here and has many friends In L vicinity. Mrs. Robinson was a tiegate to the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs. T. C- Percy of this city and Joe) Hinson of Sand Lake were arfest- Ulast week and drew fines for drlv. L automobiles without proper It is said that both were machines with license fcates that belonged to other cars. | Tillamook, July 4th I Mrs. F. F. Conover, who has been In a local hospital for the past three ■reeks recovering from an operation. Is said to be on the road to recovery. I Tillamook, July 4th I Dr. and Mrs. LeFevre and infant laughter. Pauline, and Mrs. Eammon of C'overdale v ere here 'qe Erst of the week visiting friends. Tillamook, July 4th I Mr-. Eugene Crosby and daughter, Jeunne Elizabeth, are visiting at the teFevr home in Cloverdale this beek. L -------- —------- --- Hi» Excellency Dr. Otto Weld- feldt, the new German Ambassador to the United State», said; “I am glad to be able to live in your most interesting country,” when he landed in New York on hi* way to Washington. LOCAL RADIO FANS MAKE RROTEST AGAINST NOISE ¡Friendship and Finance < optimist! i for the town of dale and the south'tnd In general John Kunsct was attending to busi ness matters here the first of the week. Mr. Kunsct is proprietor the Cloverdale Merchantile Com pany. He expressed much satisfac tion over the news that the county court had been awarded the road contract for that portion of the Roosevelt Highway from Hebo to Neskowin, instead of an outside contractor. Tillamook. July 4th and Mrs. J. B. St am and laughter of Mohler. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stem and Herbert Stam of Brighton and Miss Edna Ross of Wheeler visited in Tillamook City Sunday. Tillamook. July 4th Charles Ray. Cloverdale’s pioneer, was in the city Monday transact ing business. Tillamook. July 4th Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Trent of Pacific City on the 27th of May. a son. Tillamook. July 4th Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Trax ler of Cloverdale on May 27th. son. Tillamook, July 4th Seth Boone is visiting his brother. Al Boone of Cloverdale, Mr. Boone halls from faraway Australia and ill remain in these parts for some time. The Prosperity Of Our Depositors Is Of Great Importance To Us We want you U deposit FRIENDSHIP as well as M O N E Y when you start an account with us. Your interests will be protected^ and you will be Assured of OUR Friendship in return for your Confidence. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 'i Tillamook County Bank On account of the noise said to come from the switch board equip ment at the exchange of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. radiophone owners and others inter- ’ Mrs. Mildred McMahon, who ested her are making a protest to T ■ president oi he Rebekah As m- Mrs. DeLance Wallace who will conduct services at rhe headquarters of the telephone :!y of Oregon, is paying the Rebe- company in Portland. ■h lodges of the county an official There has been considerable visit. She met with Cloverdale trouble for over two months in re Tuesday night. Tillammok Wednes ceiving from distant points on ac day night, and will visit Beaver I EARN DANCE I Another old time barn dance will count of the noise thought to come Thursd; v Bay City Frday and Sa he staged at Hadley’s barn west of from the telephone switchboard and tlrday will be spent at Wheeler. [town or. the Netarts road next Sat it is hoped to stop this inconvenience urday, June 10th. Good eats and L HARMONY (fine music are assured to all Who FOR SALE—Overland truck, will pome.—Adv. haul about 1500 lbs. Enquire of The E. G. Krebs tile factory has Albert Johnson, Tillamook. Mu started the manufacture of tile. IFOR SALE—Light team to sell or tual phone. 35t3 I trade for a heaver team of good Miss Frieda Rogers is visiting her I cow. Pigs for sale. father and a sister in Portland. She Portland — May building permits J. E. SPERRY, will take in the rost^festlval before Barnesdale, Ore. 33.206,110, doublé May. 1921. 35t2 returning. arene Church Coffee ’reds meats MONDAY. JUNE JLZ ik. is ' • “* k..-z—>■> E A MIGHTY MILLION DOLLAR MERGER OF TWO MAMMOTH MENAGEES PRESENTING A SENSATIONAL WILD ANIMAL PERFORMANCE. Rings - 2 Steel Arenas 2 Stages IfFU» ' EDUCATIONAL W AND ^7 INSPIRING Hu pah fòt only incrrd »hrtv canN in Amanea -Jus/ 1 DAZZtING EXTRAVAGANZA WITH COUNTLESS ANIMALS AND PEOPLE. PERFORMANCES AT 2 and 8 p.m DOORS OPEN CPE HOIR EARLIER ✓ E. G. ANDERSON We want your trade on price, quality and service. without baits or rebates. Pleasant valley entertained Pomona Grange of this county the first day of June. 1922. The weather was perfect, the tendance good and the eats were super-excellen’ : what could a gran- ger ask for. more? The meeting piesided over by Worthy Mayter A. C. Daniel and the was gone i usual order o' buaine rhru. Twelve new names were added to Pomona’s membership roll A gift of twenty-five dollars was made to Nestucca Grange to b< added to the building fund of tha grange. Pomona has helped at least three i granges with that amount when new halls were being erected or paid for. Come to the next meeting of t'c- ! mona Grange, which is to be held at Fairview on the first Thursday in September, and learn of a plan, adopted recently, to Increase the at tendance at Pomona meetings and to add to the funds of your own sub ordinate grange FANNIE SMITH. Sec’y. Never Ate Such A Delicious Steak!’ Our customers tell us the same rtory over nnd or er again. U. S. inspected stew beef. Try us the day you are expecting company. You’ll become one of boosters, also. We give quantity. quality LOLL’S Free Del I eery Both Phone« Clean Hits With a *»£- i!f- t’P-i'L- “Winchester” Your boy will get wholesome enjoyment out of his vacation if he has a good rifle. TWO-NILE LONG OPEN*DEN 5TREET PAGEANT. L A All kinds of them In bulk. cans, gallon jugs and kegs. Several people of this vicinity spent Sunday at Munson falls. FUNNY CLOWNS The most gorgeous spectac/e ever presented under cl tent- For the Children Bulk Cocoa, clean and pure, 2 lbs. for 35c. THE SATISFACTION STORE i « I— £ PICKLES G. G. Graves and family and Thel ma Large were visiting at the hdme of the former’s daughter. Mrs. Her man. last week at Banks. Oregon. POMONA GRANGE »Ni U j*? COCOA Regular Tillamook Full Cream, you all know It. fine Llmburgher and Tillamook Brick; and just a few left of those rare, old midget size Tillamook cheese, made last November, a real trat for lovers of old cheese. E. N. Large is erecting a barn J. Schiappi. 3? You can til! get that special blend at 20c per pound; also Dia mond W. Hill's Royal Club. Monopole and Schilling’s at correct prices. We sell a Jot of coffee. CHEESE Bend has added new charcoal LOST A Rebekah pin with Odd Oscar Krebs, who recently broke Fellow links and star, Finder plant. his arm. is able to retsirn to work. please leave witk C. A. McGhos j ---------- I at First National Bank and re- I Hood River strawberry crop estl- A bfrthdak party wn* given ceive reward. honor of E. G. Krebs on June 3d. 35tl I ri mated 95.000 crates. ' 1 — The evening was spent in game« and : msic. TILLAMOOK One Day Only *1 Page Five Target practice develops skill in marksmanship, self- leiiance and manliness. It is a sport the whole family can enjoy. KNOWN TO YOUR BANKER THE Wise man Is Tronic about his financial affairs where his banker is concerned, He knows that when the cards are laid on the table, the banker can advise him 'inqrejudicely H is a good thing to be “known to the banker.” and those rustomern who get meet from their connection with the First NaHonal are those who bdlng their financial and bui inose dJ'ficilltt«* and problems to them. DIRECIORS W J Hierher». I hi Morgan A W Bonn B C Lamb. Henry Roger» C. J Edwards Winchester .22 caliber rifles are built according to the same standards that thvt have made all Winchester rifles famous. They are simple in operation, accurate and safe. I’rices are lower this season. A real Winchester rifle within the reach of every boy. King-Crenshaw THE -WiMCHtSTt* « tori