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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Four M. Weaver of Wheeler transacted business here Monday. ZCtUanwofe $eahlígf)t¡ A Weekly Paper Published every Friday by the Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. Tillamook. Oregon SAND LAKE ITEMS The farmers are taking advantage Managing Editor of the good weather and putting in their crops and gardens. Both Telephones Mrs. Brode spent Sunday and Monday in Tillamook. Entered as second-class matter In the postofflce at Tillamook, Oregon. Mr. McKinley of Tillamook visit ed Sand Lake one day last week. Leslie Harrison Subscription Rates Messrs Briody and Gallaway are One year ------------------------ 82.00 contemplating putting up a shingle Six months _______________ . 1.00 mill soon. We wish them success. - •? Three months ------------------- .75 Payable in advance Henry Gerdes and son are clearing some new ground which they will plant in corn. Henry says corn with THE APPROACH OF SUMMER whey will make fat hogs, Needless Already the Portland daily paper to say he is from Kansas. writers are beginning to talk about • summer vacations. Fishermen are Jack Whaien had a light system telling big stories of their latest put in his house and barn, which is spring catches, and everywhere not only useful, but beatifying to his •pring suggestions are in the air, farm. while the family group now passes the evenings very cheerfully plan The Ladies Club met last time ning automobile tripe to various w|th Mrs. Burt Hoyt. The after- points in scenic Oregon. Beach and noon was spent in Easter Joys. The mountain resorts are perking up for hostess served a very dainty lunch the coming summer girl; and flower which was greatly enjoyed by all gardens are taking on the gorgeous present, The next club meeting hues of early fruition; and even the will be with Mrs. Bill Webb on Mpy birds that deserted us in the fall 6th, to which ail ladies are invited. are appearing with the same old but always cheerful songs. And the heart Born on April 27th to Mr. and of man quickens and warms as the Mrs. H. W. Tooley, a 9H pound summer days appraoch, and escape boy. Mr. Tooley is proud to say from the Indoor life ot the winter that I he is the father of nine boys. Will soon be featuredin exploits of Mrs. Tooley is at present with her pleasurable summer outdoor life. sister ■ Mrs. C. W. Hatfield. at Thus it is that the seasons a come Cloverdale. and go with the same old play; with the same old but always welcome HAPPY CAMP scenery, that attaches to a drama that seems never to tire its audience Dave Hadley of Happy Camp , Ne- of expectant human beings. tarts was over here Monday, He says Netarts will be spick and span when the tourist season opens, Con JOHN CLAIRE MONTEITH siderable building has been done DELIGHTS TILLAMOOKERS over there the past winter. The reception given by John Claire Monteith at the Christian church Monday night was more than hearty, it was spontaneous and enthusiastic. Coming here under the auspices of the Monday Musics! Club, he took the large audience by storm and held it throughout the program. Mr. Monteith’s repertoire consist ed of sixteen selections, which were varied enough to suit the tastes. Mr. Monteith has a fine concert baritone voice, and in addition to his natural vocal endowment, it showed the effect of careful cultivation. His selections included Irish folk songs, old English ballads, and classical numbers of merit, among which were Mendelshon's Elijah, Roses of Picardy, Lorraine Loree, Rolling Down to Rio, On the Road to Man dalay, Postern Gates. It is safe to say that Mr. Monteith will continue to be a favorite with Tillamook mus ical audiences. The K. P. Band which was to have filled Intermissions, was unable to be present, to the regret of the audience, but Instead, Dr. Koch ren dered a violin solo-Souvenir, by Drdla. and upon recall, played Beth- oven's Minuet, the applause showing that he is not a new favorite with Tillamook audiences. Mrs. Fred Small pleased with a piano solo, entitled Rigolettl, and won merited applause. Special praise is due Mrs. Koch who accompanied Mr. Monteith on the pianoforte. She also is a prime favorite with Tillamook music lovers, and few present perhaps, realize how difficult it was to in terpret on such slight practice, so many selections in one evening. Mr. Monteith, it is understood, gave Mrs. Koch great praise for her excellent work. Albert Hall is repapering and finishing a house for Mrs.W J. Mead. Mrs. E. B. Gresham and Mrs. H. Ex-Sheriff W. L. Campbell of this W. Tohl visited the county seat last xinty, now a citizen of Portl. r.-as in the city Monday greeting old Thursday. friends. « A. T. Bain who lived here several years ago, and who has been ramb Hugh Welch of Beaver was in the ling over different parts of the U. S. city Monday. since, has recently returned and is calling on friends. was A. F. Toney of Rockawgy, registered in this city Monday. Chas Atwood is building a gar age for W. J. Mead. Mrs. O. A. Schultz will entertain the Priscilla club today at her home The Wheeler and Nehalem boy at Juno, near this city. scouts played baseball on the latters grounds Saturday afternoon. Score 8 Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Creech of to 5 favor of Wheeler. Aberdeen, Wash., are in the city visiting in the home of their daugh The basket social and dance at the ter. Mrs. C. H. Schultz. K. P hall Saturday evening for the benefit of the baseball team netted HARMONY NOTES Oscar Krebs who has been attend about forty dollars. ing school at St-ndy, Oregon, re Wilford Patnaude and Messrs turned home the past week. Walk and Tucker of the steamer The new tile factory building Algonquin, visited Fred Eggles and being erected by E. G. Krebs is pro family last week. They left for Fort Ripley, Minn, via California Sunday gressing rapidly. in an auto. Mrs. A. M. Gr.ves and niece were Mrs. O. F. Toney and daughter dinner guests of Mrs. D. Owens and daughter, Mrs. L. Henry on Satur- Marcel, of Rockaway, were guests urday last. of Mrs. K. A. Bell last week. Results of the tests for cow abor tion in hebds bled by Dr. Shaw, county veterinarian, according to him. would seem to indicate that there is something besides the in- fectitj^ causing the disease. The Ex periment Station at Corvallis which is carrying on the experimental work with the disease, was recently notified by Dr. Shaw, and as a re sult, Dr. F. W. Miller of O. A. C was sent here and spent four days ending Monday last .investigating. This was more in the nature of a survey, and those owners who have had their herds tested, were visited. Dr. Miller found a good many things that were different from the way the disease manifests itself in the valley. Dr. Shaw hopes by bringing this matter to the attention of the station that some one can be sent in here to make closer in vestigation into the disease. The blood tests made for this di sease are as accurate as any of our biological tests, and are approved by all the experiment stations. The same test is used for detecting This has been a hard spring on Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson re fever and diphtheria in human the dairymen as it 1 b still necessary turned Sunday from a weeks visit beings, and for white diarrhea in to feed hay, while nearly every year to Potland and St. Helens. chicks. before stock could be turned out on pasture by this time. It is more difficult to obtain hay than usual. doooooooooooooooooooooooco NEHALAM Mrs. A. J. Effenberger was called to Salem last week on account of the illness of her father. Again we call your attention to HERE is always something mighty good waiting for you to eat —tender roasts, delicious vegeta bles served tn the most apprizing ways, creamy, fluffy potatoes, piquant salads and dainty deserts. Have breakfast, lunch or dinner with us. You'll be delighted with the excel lent food, the quick ser vice, unfailing courtesy and unusally reasonable prices. TOURIST CAFE YOU KNOW ■ Then You Secure Sure Insurance SELLING insurance is our business, but all your needs are carefully studied before a policy is issued. It Costs No More to secure the very best of all insur- ance than it dose to get the kind that is full of doubts and un certainties. You want your insurance to be liberal in its promises to you and you want those promises backed by a company able to make good if loss comes. That means this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. ROLLIE W. WATSON “The Insurance Man” PHONE MUTUAL & BELL 435 Oscar Effenberger who is just out of St. Vincent's hospital on account of a broken leg. is visiting relatives here. FOR SALE— 35 acres choice bottom land, new house and barn costing 64500. For sale on easy terms. In quire at this office. H108. 30-tf Frank Devine, Mayor of Hebo, sailed into the city Sunday afternoon looking for excitement. He claims he wasn't able to locate any. From Ohio we hear: If we haven’t just what you want we will get it for you at once wilhout extra charge Garden,Lawn Grass Seed,and Fertilizer How about your poultry supplies J* “I decided to bake two cakes at the same time, using Royal Baking Powder in one, and another powder in the other. The cake made with Royal was so appetizing and delicious, so finely grained and wholesome that in comparison, the—other . cake was not a cake.’’ E. G. ANDERSON “The Satisfaction Store” eooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa MrvG-P.Y. ROYAL BAKING POWDER THE COAST NEED COUNTIES COUNTY MAN A Absolutely Pure COAST FOR Winchester Cutlery EVERYONE GOVERNOR Winchester Kitchen Slicers— AND FOR Handy knife for general use in the kitchen. Keen, lasting edges. Strongly made handles. Other Winchester knives for all purposes. CONGRESSMAN VOTE FOR Chas. A. Hall OF MARSHFIELD FOR GOVERNOR Winchester Ladies' Scissors— Designed for fine work. Care fully set srnA. Evenness of blades and tight fititngjoints make them cut perfectly. A. W. Norblad OF ASTORIA FOR CONGRESSMAN AND A AND A SQUARE DEAL FOR COAST how THE WINCHESTER Makes Cutleiy COUNTIES Steel that takes and holds a • SURE YOU VOIE EOR YOUR VOTE IS NEEDED keen. lasting edge is..what yon look for in any pigfe of cutlery —a kitchen knife—a pocket knife—a Winthester Shears— Blade* carefully tempered and gronud. Joints perfectly fitted. Evenly* set screws gives perfect ride, in- «urine smooth, even cutting. pair of scissors shears. Winchester factories for y<ara Dinner is Served T WITH 21 Years in Tillamook Jesse O’Neil who several years ago was a druggist in one of the local pharmacies, was In the city this Plan to attend the play and musi week from Roseburg where be now cal at the city hall. Friday evening. makes his home. and Mrs. ALfred Nolan . Mi Saturday Salem were in the city noon . Mr. night leaving Sunday Tillamook Noiun lias relatives in and lived here I several years ago Mrs Nolan was i formerly employed on the Salem Statesman. TRADE Ed Smith and family motored to Portland Sunday on business, turning Tuesday. 8. P. Hanawalt, Special Agent of The Massachusetts Mutual Life In surance Company, is in the city as- sisting W. A. Church. resldent i agent, and for the purpose of pay- ing the policy held by Joseph W. Donaldson. Proof of death mailed from here on April 13th and draft delivered to tbs beneficiary on the 27th or just fourteen days. This is certainly prompt payment.—Adv. Mrs. Anabel Jones and Mrs. Daisy Gold-worthy of Blaine, were in the —- — --- Saturday, with bust new« at the city S_. Mrs. Goldsworthy la court h ouse. one of the oldest teachers in county tn point of service. INVESTIGATING COW DISEASE MAY FIND OTHER WES James G. Blame have been making good with steel in the production of the famous Winchester guns. Special Winchester processe* CIGAR of hardening, tempering and grinding the steel—make knife and scissor blades that stay sharp longer. Ask your dealer tor it Tillamook Fruit & Produce Co TILLAMOOK. OREGON Winchester Pen Knives Pearl Its edgeHandle Vest Pocket Knives of fin« appearance and practical service. Keen blades of crome vanadium steel. the steel that holds its edge. King-Crenshaw t»« imfctftsn* rrosa Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste < Send for New Royal Cook Book—It’» FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St,, New York