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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1922)
Friday, April 14, ig22 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT the State k County, tiff, vs. cndant. dant above CLEANUP te of Ore- red to ap- ! complaint above en-I entitled Fare an warmer an we are gettin th day of( out our paper on Friday now sted of fall to so Thursday so It Wood be nearer pay ant there day I guess. to said Jim dash ed for in Mrs. Eastman's hed of the gllled It: A dis up to the ’Presbuterian cmurch now contract i an Mrs. Haberlach she takes in the and de- munney. d further ■ Jim dash ay seem ' Mitser Pennington whats had the flew in bed sick is getting all rite ed by or- i but he aint goin to mork rite a Mason, 1 way. made on Jim dash 22. Roctor Shaw's machine what got e April in a frakus with Mister Haltom's blication that time is all lxed up now. No- buddy wus hurt sept jess Doctor ALL, Shatv’s maghine. Frakus means a National flte. regon. jim dash Mister Charles Doc Moore what r<ot run in to up in Portland with n apart- a tellergraS pole an buste is ma chine is all rite now an’s got a new Stewdy Baker. He was jess frit- itatorlum ined with it. The frakus with the tellergraff pole I mean. jim dash 5 miles Mister Mann an Everett Wells an lieton. Doctor Reedy an Leland an Ira White’s goin to have the boxln maches up in the city hall on th» NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING cattle I "" notice IS HEREBY GIVEN that ide Jer- the annual meeting of th; owners plstolns, of land in Trask Drainage District bn, Red of Tillamook County, Oregon will be held at the office of Batts & 27-2t Winslow, In Tillamook City, Ore gon, on Thursday the 27th day of April, 1922, at the hour of eight ORS o’clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a supervisor to serve for 3 years. By order of the Board of Supervisors. Dated this April 13, 1922. H. T. BOTTS, Secretary. Scio—Work gymnasium. new 15 th an the womern’s civ. is gom to have it next month but not for boxin macbes. Doctor Shearer's the doctor for the boxin, if sumbuddy gets a bloody nose I gess. jim dash Mister McGhee whats cashier up to the 1st nashnul what went up to Portland for the oprer got a seet rite by the «ochester an he cood see evrythink an har everythink also for his munney he told my fother. jim dash Mister Fowler whats king of Hamburger up to Rockaway is back agen agen gettin reddy for the crowd in the summer The cheef esd maybe he’s commncin to set out stakes. jim dash Mister Stork w-.s up to see Mis ter Peter Neketin up to Nehalem wiches old friends of the fambly. jim dash They are billdin a new restritnt up to Garibldi to take care of the poplashun wiches growin like the dickens. Mister Jack Kidder’s got a new baby wiches a boy an its a Republican he told my uncle causa when he gets hold of sum thin he dont never want to let go an give the Demmercrats a chance. WHEN you think of spring house cleanin your next thought is C. L. Lewis for sup plies and labor, paints and wall paper of all kinds. Heading Felt, $2.35 per roll, 50 yds. Mail orders given prompt attention. c. L. LEWIS Mutual Phone PAINT UP ■ CARD OF THANKS We want to express our apprecia- fon to the friends who so willingly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved one. We wish to especially thank the Fraternal Order of Oddfellows for their much appreciated services. and the Jersey Calf Club for the part they rendered in the funeral. Mrs. Luta Donaldson Ed. Donaldson John Donaldson Robert Donaldson Virgil Donaldson Ivan Donaldson Mrs. Dora Nelson Mrs. D. T. Edmunds Mrs. Jessie Gleblsch. r Friendship and Finance^ The Prosperity Of Our Depositors Is Of Great Importance To Us Tillamook, Ore. TRADE i PERSONAL SERVICE IS WHAT YOU WANT And that is what you receive in addition to reliable insurance when you buy your policy or insurance here. It Costs No More to get the reliable insurance and efficient personal service of this agency than of an unknown salesman of an unknown concern. Great fiaancial strength of a company and a high degree of ability of an agency usually go together the one supplementing the other. The needs of the policy-holder are studied in this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. We want you to deposit FRIENDSHIP 5 as well as MONEY when you start an account with us. Your interests will be protected and you will be assured of OUR Friendship in return for your Confidence. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Tillamook County Bank? ROLLIE W. WATSON “The Insurance Man” 21 Years in Tillamook PHONE MUTUAL & BELL 435 DONT LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP * YOUR MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER Is prepared to send experienced packers into your home with canvas to cover all your goods LET US WORRY We Are Here To Serve You CAI L US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto Quick Service and ReSSonittle Rates the city transfer Tiy the Classified Ads For Results