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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1922)
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT vL P KKK !'-M. I6I COX IC40tO»C»?4: ts- HAY SCARCE AND GRASS SLOW Mir Ladies of Tillamook Society ENNINGTON 7fie Quat/ty ótore" The Guernsey Cali Club held their annual election ofofficers Saturday, April 1. James Harrison was elected president; Joseph Berns. vice- president; Kenneth Williams, secre tary. Other members of the club present were, Johnnie Blaser, Fran cis Blaser, Herold Erickson, Mignon Buslack. Walter Naogoli, Herbert Berns and Robert Williams. The club decided to accept the invitation of Edmunds and Fitzpatrick to meet with the Tillamook Guernsey Cattle Club on April 11th at Cottonwood farm. After the meeting the club mem bers were the guests of Mrs. James Williams at the local theater to see the Guernsey pictures showing there « • • Miss Helen Cogwell, »Asst.- State Club Leader, will be in Tillamook April 17th to 22nd, to aid the local leaders in sewing, cooking and canning projects. TILLAMOOK. OREGOt Our Reajy-to-wear Departm’t Now showing many new Spring coats in both the Sports-wear styles and those designed strict- ly for dress. 1 he colors are shades ot Gray The materials, • Cheviot?, etc. * • A Standard Club in Dairy Herd ■ Record Keeping has been organized at Pleasant Valley, The local lead- cr is Mr. C. L. Lane, and the mem bers are: Harold Proctor, presi dent; Schuyler Fletcher, vice-presi dent; George Blum, secretary; Lyle Simmons, Gasper Robitsch. Prices $16.50 to $37.50 Very Special Is a New Lot of Gingham Dresses Really nice enough for street wear. in our windows, $4.50 each. There is a wild scramble for hay by the farmers and dairymen of the Tillamook valley these days. The demand for hay is greater than the stipply, and dealers are jumping «eoGOoooar-^i sideways to fill orders, all caused by TILLACUM CLUB the unusal winter, and what was supposed to be ample stores in the The Tillacum Club met fall, have proved to be inadequate home of Mrs. Edna DeSart on Wed A delightful this spring. The fact is that the nesday, March 39. evening was spent and a dainty farmers have had to feed much luncheon was served. Four tables more hay than was expected, and played at ’’500”. Besides the regu the cold winter weather which has lar members the invited guests prevailed, almost without interrup were: Mrs Bernice Snell and Miss tion. has held back the grass, which Georgia Berry. usually at this time of th« year, takes up considerable slack in feed. AID SOCIETY MEETS While the present rains are taking The Pleasant Valley Aid Society the snow out of the mountains, and thus modifying the cold, chilly m st at he home of Mrs. John Blum Wednesday afternoon. weather, the grass has not had enough warm rain and sunlight to caiiseit to grow, and consequently. BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED Its growth has been slow. Dairy I The Friday Bridge Club met last men, howevear believe that the wee F at the home of Mrs. W. D. worst of the weather is past, and Piue Mrs. George Hanslmalr being are hoping for a few days of sun lit hootess. A luncheon was shine to liven up the grass.. sir ed after which ' 500” occupied tlie time of the guests. Mrs. Hansl- Mi niair won high score and Mrs. John Mathers received the consolation. Mrs. Mathers was elected to fill the remaining vacancy in the club. Invited guests were Mesdames Mathers. J. E. Shearer and F. A. Beltz. Buy Lumber Of 34,000 service men in state, 12, Fir, spuce and Hemlock, rough 000 will take loans. mill run, $lo per M. F.O.B. mill. REPORT OF COUNTY CLUB AGT. Sized, $11 per M, F.O.B. mill Durkee—Force of men opening FOR MARCH, 1922. Ship lap No. 1, $15 M, F.O.B. mill. Lost Trail mine. By D. H. Kennedy Ship lap. No. 2, $11 M, F.O.B.'mill. Flooring, $22 M. F.O.B. mill. Monmouth—Contracts let for new INTRODUCTION, cov- This report Shingles, $3 M, F.O.B. mill. First National bank building. ers a report of 31 days from March 1st to March 31st, inclusive. The most important work has been the Hood River—Dee Flat forming organisation of garden and poultry AND MILLING CO. * - 2000 aeree irrigation district. clubs, soliciting calf club members Beaver, Oregon and completing the organization of Estacada to have new $20.000 oil sewing and cooking clubs. station. • * • ORGANIZATION. Duc to the late start, the organization has been car ried on faster than was possible to care for efficiently. Thirty-two clubs were organized this month, making a total of fifty in the county. Of this number there are 16 cooking clubs and 16 sewing clubs. One cooking club. Barnesdale, has com pleted this year’s project. • • • Some of the schools having stand ard clubs are listed here: Nehalem, 4 clubs, 26 members; Wheeler, 2 clubs, 28 ntembers; Bay City, 2 clubs 35 members; Tillamook 6 clubs, 100 members; Beaver, 2 clubs, 12 members; Hebo, 4 clubs, 31 m >m- bers;. Cloverdale, 2 clubs, 25 mem- bers; Fairview, 2 clubs, 20 members Riverdale, 2 clubs, 20 members; Pleasant Valley, 2 clubs, 19 mem bers; Garibaldi, 3 clubs, 24 members Rockaway, 2 clubs, 14 members; Mohler, 3 clubs, 32 members, Gien- ger School, 1 club, 16 members; Balm, 1 club, 10 members: Barnes- dnle, 1 club, 6 members; Meda, club, 7 members; Long Praifle, club, 11 members; South Prairie, club, 5 members; Woods, 1 club. members; Yellow Fir. 1 ckib, members; Blaine, 1 club, 6 members Brown School, 1 club, 5 members; Bowlder, 1 club. 5 members. • • • Calf clubs have been organized by three breeds in the vicinity of Tilla mook. Mr. Joe Williams is local leader for the Jersey Calf Club. Mrs. Peter Jacob is local leader of the Holstein club, and Mr, James Wil liams is leader of the Guernseys. In the Cloverdale district Mr. Mark Bays is leader of the Nestucca val ley calf club. There will probably be a calf club organized in the Mi ami valley as there are six calf club members there, and also there is a possibility of a club at Mohler. Calf club members planning to take up 2nd and 3rd division pro WRIGLEY jects should start keeping their rec ords at once, as It is lens than six months until fair time. see A dairy herd record keeping club has been organized at Pleasant val ley. Tillamook cownty should have more of these clubs. This project consists of obtaining the records of the milk, butterfat and feed of at least two cows for a period of six months nnd scoring of four dairy cows and two dairy barns, keeping of the milk and feed ord Is similar to the work of association tester. sea Mta Helen Cowgill will be In county from the 17th to the 32d of AprQ. A schedule' will be arranged so that she can visit as many lead- era as possible in that time. Mlss Cowgill say.: "I have a good many exhibit materials and some demon stration equipment that I will bring with me, and will be prepared to help the leaders with their program’ of work, judging and demonstrations as well a. with the suggestions they may need." West Beaver Shingle See them i? I I ■ i ORDER OUR CLARIFIED MILK, IT’S CLEAN From 7 c, to 25c daily will furnish you an ample supply. Golden Rod Dairy I? Both Phones Sensible Shoes for the Boys ? OUR BOYS SHOES LAST LONGER look belter and are more comfortable than or dinary shoes, Best quality uppers. Special leather soles, Insoles and lining are essential in boys shoes, Our Boys Scout Model is a winner. Price 1 $3.45 to $3.95. 5 * r i I Big New Ship ment Swimming Suits -! of the Genuine Jantzen Suits arc on our shelves. New Colors—New Models—New Prices For the little fellows, boys and girls, women and men. 4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Allan A. McRea, Minister 'ch Notes a y METHODIST CHURCH Charle» L. Dark. Pastor Sunday School at ten o'clock. Morning aeriuon at 11 o'clock. The subject will ba "Life A Trust." Evening sermon at 7:30. The subject of the evening di »course will be "The Folly of Restating God.” At th« close of th« morning ser vice an offering will be taken for Kimball College. The church prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:10. The Sunday school will give a program m on Eaater Sunday even ing. i UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH J. E. Fry. Paxtor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. Subject: "The Supreme Sacrifice.” Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "A Doubter’s«Prayer." The Pre-Easter series of sermons have increased Interest and attend ance at this church. All are Invited. A REFORMED CHURCH W. O. Lienkaemper, Pastor Sunday school at 10 o'clock Morning service at 10:45 o’clock. At this time the catéchisation and conformation of a class of nine young people will take place. Fol lowing are the names of those, who. after having received a course tn cut<>ete>tlcal in»t*ictlon, which ta- cludW the bible, biblical history, reformed church history and the Leldelberg catechism, will he con firmed and publicly received tato the church. Nina Vetsch. Flora Schild. Barbara Zwelfel, Lily Schild Elizabeth Vetach. Alice Lanenkrat, Albert Mayer, Ernest Qlenger and Roy Lanenkrat. Special music by the choir and male quartet. At 3 p m. the pastor will con- I duct service» at Mohler. Midland—12115 beef cattl. worth You are cordially invited to those 1710.000 have been shipped from here. services. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Sermon 11:00 A- m. Evening service 0:00 P- m. Sub- Three >et "The Guilt Fixed”, thing« will be considered on the subject, fir»!. Is It possible for the dead to converse with living?, and second, Does the eoul sleep In the grave, and third, la there a perga toiy. Sermon Illustrated on the blackboard. There will also ba preaching at Hood River apple shipment, total Stayton woolen mills enlarging to 3803 carload». Beater at 3:30 p. m . employ 100 persons. WRIGLEYS This new sugar-coated gum delights young and old It “melts in your mouth** and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten ¿eeth and soothe mouth and throat. There are the other friends to choose from, too Erwin Harrison, Prop. Have You a “Hoodoo? dairy equipment Is a "Hoodoo,” It means back breaking work fearly and late. You Kept Pace With Other Industries $ ■ faction on an acquired habit, from ioc 50c or more daily for his smokes. You should have the privilege of spend- ; much for real cream for your cereal dish and coffee or tea, and only have the satisfaction that the of cream on your table will give but also you will get real food value. Cream- contains a rich supply of the vitamines so essential to bodily health. City businesses require less capital than it would take to buy a farm, find it absolutely necessary to adopt the latest methods of savins labor, and saving time and ex pense. If they didn't they would have to quit. What are you doing to save time and labor and expense ? Come and talk it over with us. Install a West Bend Quick Detachable Automatic Wa'er Bucket Water for the cow when she wants it, and when water at the right temperature. Dairy experts not only claim but have proven, that water is he greatest mil producer whn the cow can gt it when she wants It, and when it is not too cold. By actual test, one Wisconsin herd in creased the average milk production per cow from 84.8 pounds, when watered In the barn with buckets. This is not an exaggeration but an actual fact. Think of the increase in your milk check each pay day, as compared with the small cost of watering system. IT IS NO LONGER A QUESTION OF "DOES IT PAY?" BUT "CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT?” BURCKARD Tillamook Oregon what Do You Pay For Shoes? / Let us help you to cut your shoe expense. Before ■a your shoes are completely worn out, see us, and let us half-sole them as good as new. If your harness needs repairing bring it to us Jeffries Shoe and Harness Shop 2nd street opposite the postoffice Office : Natl. Bank Bldg. , Ground Floor Both Phone.: Bell 43-J P. O. Box 1»7 Pacific Abstract Company L, V. EBERHARDT. Prop- Complete Set of Abatracts of th« Record, of Tillamook Coan' 7 TILLAMOOK OREGON ,*hbo