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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
THE PAGI « awn WARRANTS L. S. Hushbeck, Poor --------- 100-00 L. S. Husbeck, Poor---------- - 168.70 Gertrude Bigelow, Pension — 25.00 E. W. Perkins, Salary-------- 40.00 Nehalem Garage, Sup.------ 11.30 John Aschim. Exp.------------- 50.00 Bayocean Sheet Metal Works, Supplies_____ 1-70 Lois Watt, Cir Co.________ 5.40 Kilham Stationery Co.. Sup... 5.10 E. W. Holden, Jusice Court - 1-00 W. E. Noyes, Car Hire_____ 10.00 8. D. Moon, Fair Grds.------ 49.24 King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co., Supplies _______________ 8.00 Alex McNair & Co., Sup. __ 1.70 Cloverdale Tel. Co.________ .95 Southern Pacific Co., Freight .68 Sunset Garage, Repairs and Supplies_ __ ....________ 20.64 Tillamook Garage, Repairs and Supplies___________ 121.88 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co..... ........ 54.05 Mrs. W. C. Hill, Poor______ 10.00 Mrs. Mary Allison, Poor___ 2.00 Chas. F. Pankow, Supplies and Repairs_____________ 137.50 PACIFIC ABSRACT COMPANY Daily filings nt Court House, Til lamook, Oregon. THUMDAY, JANUARY 18, T 5 SR10W and Lots 1 3 8 14 15 and 16 Sec. 12 and Lota 31 and 32 See. 1. Sec. I T 5 S. R. 11 W. 122.30 acres. Due on or before 10 yra. lnt. 6 per Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 cent annually) 0. E. 8. Chat. Mtg. Wm. P. Porter to Chris » Stated communications first and Otcen $2000-00. Covers livestock, due on or before 4 yrs. int. 7 percent third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. annually. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary Mortgage. Martin E. Johnson A wf. to Western Loan and Building Co. $1600 North 85 ft. Lot 5 Blk. 1 H. F. Goodspeed’s Addn. to Tilla 3a Marathon Lodge No. mook City. Due in, 81 monthly in wB 93, Knights of Pyth- stallments of $27.02 int. 10 percent. ias. Regular meeting Monday evening Anna Koch A hue. to Western 7:45 sharp. By order Loan and Building Co. $2700-00- of the Chancelier Lots 3 and 4 Blk. 1 Harter’s Addn. to Tillamook City due in 81 month Commander. ly installments of $4.71, int. 10 Per cent. War Deed. Fred Schofield to Effie V. R. C. Corinith Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, t. B. Scofield, $2000.00- Tracts in Sec. of Oregon, meets on first and third d 31 T 2 SR 9W. t War Deed. James Christensen A Friday evenings of each month, at wf. to Leona D. Jones, $1500-00, I 8 p. m., in the W. 0. W. hall. Visi Lots 4 and 5 Sec. 4 and lots 1 and r tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President 8 Skec. 5 T 3 SR 9W, 130 acres. Elizabeth Cdtaover, Sec’y. JANUARY 12, 1922. War Deed. Byron Stager to Hen ry J. Paulson. $10.00, et-al. S^fc of Corinth Post,No. 35,Dept- of Oregon SWiz of SE>< of NW14 Sec. 36 T 1 Meets on second and on SR 9W. 5 acres. fourth Saturdays of each Mortgage. Blanche Bain Miller to TEIi! month at 1:30 p. .m in Carrie A Nellie Bain. $600 Tract by Mi ¡L w. o. w. metes and bounds at Manzanita Beach, in Sec. 29 T 3 NR 10W. H. W. Spears, Com’dr War Deed. Robert Sylvester Hull Samuel Downs, Ad’jt. to Frank H, Cardiff A wf. $350-00- Tract 60 x 105 ft. in size in the Garnett tracts in West part of Tilla Johnson Chapter No. 24 mook City, Oregon. (Correction tor R. A. M. former deed.) Stated convocations every first and third Fridays. War Deed. Dora Carto A hus. to I i Visitors welcome. 0 Ame Blum A wf., $50-00 N& of I. E. Keldson, Sec. NW‘4 Sec. 16T3SR10W .Except I I tract for road to County.) : War Deed. Harry E. Tamplin to Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.M- Nettie Tonyjsett, $200.00 Lot 10 Blk Stated Communication sec 3 Oceanlake Park. ond Wednesday in each Cft. of Assumed Business name of month Visiting Brethren “Garibaldi Garage," E. I. Sheldon, welcome. owner, P. O. address, Garibaldi, Ore. Harvey Ebinger, Sec. War Deejl. estucca Lodge 114, IOOF to Roy Matton, $70 Lot 27 Blk 2 IOOF Cemetery. War Deed. Baxter E. Stillwell to Frank Bidpath. $75.00 Lot I Blk 2, Tuesday eve., 7:30 p. m. Stillwell Park Addn. to Tillamook Rebekak, Wednesday evening City, Ore. Camp 2-4, Thursday GENERAL FUND WARRANT8 Issued by County Court at Janu- JANUARY 9, 1922. ary term, 1982. Sat. Mtg. Marian Dickey to B. T. Mary Burmester, Mothers Hubbell. Rel. of Mtg. Bk. W pg. 191, Pension----------------------- 3 10-00 (lots in Blk. 62, Rockaway Beach.) 17.50 Johanna York, Pension ----- 17.50 Ivei V. Gillam, Pension----- Sat. Mtg. Johanna Schollmeyer to Augusta E. Wi liams, Pen Judson J. Spenser. Rel. of Mtg. Bk 10.00 sion _________ —— -------- 3, pg. 81-3, covering Lot 1 Blk 8 Marie Getchell, Pension---- 42.20 and Lot Blk. 3 Tohl’s Addn. to Ne Lena C. Hall, Pension------- - 10-00 halem City. Myrtle F. Dougherty, Pen Mtg. Arthur T. Dolan A wf. to West 10.00 sion ,......... ... —... ................ ern Loan & Bldg. Co. $100 Lot 8 Blk Mary L. Dye, Pension-------- 32.50 4 Drews Addn. to Tillamook. Due 81 Eleve Hellebuyck, Pension - 32.50 monthly installments of $16.93 per Grace Childers, Pension — 40.00 month, lnt, 10 percent. 1.50 Nehalem Tel. A Tel. Co.---- E. L. Glaisyer, Dairy Herd Q. C. Deed David Kuratll & wf. to B. Inspector --------------------- 65.55 L. Beals, Jr., $10.00 A., E. T. A lnt. E. L. Glaisyer, Dairy Herd in Lots 1 and 6 and SEi/ of SWK Inspector--------------------- 14.45 Sec. 6 T 2 SR 9W. Except 40 acre A. E. Holden, Indemlty------ 25.00 tract in S end thereof contracted for A. E. Holden, Indeanlty ------ 12.50 sale to Joseph Blaser. (Also except Ben Jacob, Indemlty---------- 87.50 hunting rights, to F. B. McKinley.) MARKET ROAD WARRANTS Henry Wood, Indemlty —— 25.00 Mtg. B. L. Beals Jr. A wf. to Geo. January term, 1922 A. M. Wallan. Indemlty------ 12.31 Kieni A John Meier. $6000-00 (Cov John Naegell, Indemlty------ 25.00 State Industrial Acc. Comm.. 35.99 ers last above des. property) Due 1 9.57 yr. int. 6 percent annually.) Louis Bubeuack, Indemlty _ 24.4« B. H. Alsop_______________ 5.35 G. A. Surgeon---- ------ -_____ 14.75 Tills. Co. Mutual Tel. Co----- Mtg. J. B. Grider A wf. to Lois O. Hanenkrat _____________ 6.37 D. R. Tinnerset, Dairy & Watts. $1000 00 Lots 6 A 7 Blk. 2, Clarence Kilgore _____ — 14.35 200-00 Food Com.-------------------- Taylor-Akers Printing Co. _ 31.42 Floyd Wolfe ______________ 14.75 Maple Grove Addn. to Tillamook. Due 1 yr. int. 7 pier cent, semi-an Nehalem Tire Ex., 8up------- 17.15 Frank High ______________ 14.35 nually.) R. T. Boals, Health Office — 77.00 Jim Lane _________________ 14.75 War Deed. Anna Ebbeson to Wil Lura Leach, Salary ----- ----- . 85.00 Lee Jiodgdon _____________ 14.35 .20 liam Speece. $2000.00 SWi/ Sec. 35 T. H. Goyne, Diet. Atty. ---- ! 153.25 E. Glad __________________ 1.59 T 3 SR 9W. 160 Acres. 1.20 Gerald Stark _______ S. W. Conover, Justice Court 6.38 Rot. Stillwell, Justice Court - . 2.00 H. B. Morrison____________ Agreement. Henry H. Hanen- 1.59 David Martin, Justice Court ... . 1.20 A. Wallace _______________ kraft to Andrew Thonni A wf. $23,- D. Burford __ _ _____________ 32.35 . 1.20 R. W. Bennett, Justice Court... 29.65 500.00, Contract for sale of ranch M. Doty, Justice Court ------- . 1.20 D. Burford ____ ______ —.... D. Burford ........... 32.36 being part of the Elbridge Trask 1.20 C. B. Wiley,* Justice Court— Don. Land Gl. in Sec, 28 and 33, T E. W. Perkins, Sal. & Ep...... 179.15 Ross Chilcott ------------------ - 22.46 1 S. R. 9 W. .’ 22.15 E. W. Holden, Salary ---------- 100 00 A. H. Gulstrom .... —..... 6.02 War Deed. G. C. Rohey to J. O. Helen Ellner, Salary -------- 100.00 State Industrial Acc. Comm. L. B. Lucas, Salary----------- 125.00 E. A. Worthington -- ---------- 51.87 Divons A wf. $100. Lot 25 Blk. 59 44.66 Rockaway Beach. Ellen Norberg, Salary .......... 95.00 Joe Ducham ........... _........ Fred Biggs ..... 47.85 Kilham Stationery & Print U. S. Army Dicharge of Welta 47.86 Lane. 5.62 Wm. Armstrong ... .......... ing Co. ._--- ------------------- Geo. Thomas _ _____ 54.25 4.75 T. C. Percy, Repairs----------- Mtg. James H. Langley A wf. to 12.76 3.00 Raymond Burt .................... Oregon Transfer Co., Dray.... Covers 19.14 Essie M. Crane. $463.73. P. W. Barrett, Printing........ 16.25 Ira Tomlinson ._...... tract 50 x 100 ft. in Bize, in Sec. 1, Steinbach Iron Works ....... 9.80 90.00 T. E. Epplett, Salary............. Due in 2 notes for 29.91 Yellow Fir Lumber Co.____ 72.55 T 6 SR8W. Bushong & Co., Supplies A. O. Jackson, Indemity ----- 62.50 J. M. Weiss & Son________ 565.45 $231.85 each for 6 mo. and 1 yr. F. E. Dodge............. 25.00 after date, int 7 percent, semi-an T. E. Epplett, Court House and Jail ._... ——------ — 116.20 W. S. Coates ___ _______ r__ 12.46 nually.) W. E. Anderson _ __________ 25.16 Chat. Mtg. John Zurflueh Jr., to Dr. R. T. Boals, Coroner ..... - 1.50 W. H. Stark _______________ 31.00 6.50 A. H. Gulstrom ___________ 28.79 Gottlieb Wyss, $1260. Covers live Dr. Lc Fevre, Coroner —— R. N. Henkle, Coroner _____ 9.00 J. C. Brown ______________ 54.89 stock and other personal property on farm. Sec. 29 T 2 SR9W. Due on or R. N. Henkle, Coroner-------- 11.00 I. Devine........................... 22.33 before 1 yr. int. 5 per cent monthly. R. N. Henkle, Coroner-------- 5.00 Frank Burt________________ 25.52 5.60 Dr. H. E. Rinehart, Coroner.. JANUARY 10, 1922. Ira Tomlinson ______________ 12.76 9.50 S. D. Moon _______________ 338.75 Walter Winters, Coroner ---- Roseburg spent $126,000 for Deed. Robert Hoyt A wf. to Sand 9.50 King Crenshaw Hdw. Co. ___ 24.35 Lake Creamery Co. $25.00 20 ft. building in 1921. Walter McCaffery, Coroner ._ 1.70 Alex McNair & Co.__________ 20.51 strip in the SW part of Sec. 21 T 3. E. E. Koch, Justice Court __ 7.25 F. J. Klinehan____________„• 268.50 SR 10W, for rignt of way for water E. W. Stanley, Justice Court Larners Drug Store, Supplies 62.45 Tillamook Transfer Co........... 14.08 pipe-line (use of same only deeded, E. E. Koch, Tests ---- ---------- 17.50 Booth & Stretch____________ 96.24 no title to land conveyed) John Aschlim, Sheriff & Exp. 265.91 Dressed Hogs Mtg. Chas. Lee, et-al, to Frank Chas. Van Potter, Poor------ 17.50 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 Gehlin. $1500 SEi/ Sec. 9 and N% Cora E. DeFord, Poor______ 35.00 January term, 1922 and Calves Grand Leader, Sup. & Poor. 12.83 State Ind. Acc. Comm_____ | 58.65 Sec. 16. T. 2 S. R. 10W 240 acres, Tillamook Merc. Co., Poor__ 20.63 Ben Center_______________ 36.64 more or less Due Jan. 2, 1925, lnt. 7 per cent. Geo. Williams, Poor_______ 33.00 Southern Pacific Co.______ 19.50 Ship Direct to Dr. J. E. Shearer, Poor____ 27.50 F. W. Crane________________ 65.82 Deed. Nehalem Harbor Co. to J. C. Penny Co., Poor_____ 26.81 E. R. Alvord __ ■ _______ 15.95 Solon Schiffman. $1.00, et-al. Tract 1.25 J. Vanderpool_____________ 97.05 in Sec. 2 T 2 N. 10W NW of and SWIFT & COMPANY A. C. Pennington, Poor____ Grand Leader, Poor_______ 10.05 Pallen ___________ 32.85 near Rowe’s Addn. to Wheeler. A. C. & H. Anderson, Poor ._ 40.00 Jim George Morris____________ 32.35 JANUARY 11, 1922. Crystal Laundry, Poor_____ 13.30 Mack Johnson ____ .’__ - FOURTH STREET MARKET 3.19 Nelson & Co., Poor ___ 22.17 Chas. Blum _______ War Dee. Geo. E. Englebart Co. to ■ 35.95 E. L. GlalByer, Dairy Rerd Arthur Ritz............ - ____ 15.95 J. S. McKinney, $10-00 W% of Sec. Portland, Ore. Inspector ______________ 24000 Emos Freeman ___ 3.19 16 T 6 SR10 W 320 acres. Tillamook Meat Co., Poor __ 9.55 Chas. Koneckl ____________ 7.38 War Deed. Eugene Schiller to WILL PAY MARKET PRICES Shearer A Merrick Hospital, John Houser __________ 55.86 Joseph W. Cooke. $10-00 Lots A, 13 Poor __________________ 60-75 A. J. Houser ______________ 12.76 Blk. 19 Sand Lake by the Sea. L. A. Barrlck, Transfer____ 25.00 Paul Allen ..... 22.33 Mortgage. Wm Porter A wf. to PROMPT REMITTANCES E. G. Anderson, Poor______ 27.67 John Sohler __ 17.54 F. Burt, Poor____________ _ 30.00 E. A. Blackmore_________ 35.09 Chris Otzen, $7000.00. Lot 9 Sec. 7, John A. Benson, Poor _____ 30.14 M. O. Huguenln ______ ____ 7.00 Reserve District No. 12 John A. Benson, Poor______ 9.88 Charter No. 109 80.00 A. S. Tilden______________ A. C. Pennington, Poor____ 19.14 4.00 J. Spenser _ ______________ Report of Condition of the H. S. Brimhall. Sundry Exp. 15.31 Nehalem River Transfer Co. 181.18 Coast Power Co., Light 4 A. C. & H. Anderson______ 63.67 Power ________________ 72.07 H. C. Wilkes______ 1.65 Tills. Iron Works, Repairs ._ .50 Hendor on & >7ousi*r (tarago 83.42 G. B. Lamb, Exp__ ________ 65.55 Wheeler United Lbr. Co.__ 6.14 At Bay City, in the State of Oregon at the close of business, Dec. 81, 1922 Orpha Eastman, Poor_____ 35.00 Holt Manufacturing Co.__ 11.80 RESOURCES W. S. Coates, Surveyor ____ 36.76 Hans Leson__________ ____ 5.00 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown In W. E. Anderson, Surveyor__ 13.50 P. S. Seahroak____________ 2.20 A. H. Gulstrom, Surveyor__ 1.80 (Continued on Page Seven) 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured ----------------------- >— 1,001.73 3. U. S. governmnt securities owned, including those shown in Items 31 and 36. if any ---------------------------- 8,500.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and scurltieB, including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc.. Includ ing those shown in items 31 and 36, if any .—........... 23,792.49 6. Banking house, $250000; furn. & fixtures, $2571.16----- 5,071.16 7. Real estate owned other than banking house----- - -------- 6,670.12 8. Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies not designated as approved reserve banks....... ................ 269.80 9. Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies, designated and approved reserve agents of this bank _. 20,389.75 10. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank Standard Top Recovering Outfits for Fords and other cash Items ---------------- -- -♦----------------------- 817.84 12. Cash on hand In vault —... ............... 3,910.11 everything ready to put on Total cash and due from banks. Items 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 __________ ___ ____ ______-........ $25.387.50 16. Other assets, if any —-------------------- -- ---------------------- 30-39 FIRST BANK OF BAY CITY TOPS! $8.90 same put on $11.50 Ford Rear Curtains put on $3.50 Celluloid in side curtains %c square inch. All other tops in proportion. See me before buying Order by mail for Ford Tops. Weight 11 pounds ready to ship. TOTAL_____________ ____________ —---------------------$173,464.50 LIABILITIES 17. Capital stock paid in —_.... —............ —.............. .... ——■ I 25,000.00 18. Surplus fund____________ ____ _______ _______________ 600.00 19. Undivided pftfits---------------- --------------------------- $296.91 296.91 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: 24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due coun ty or cities and other public funds. ._---------------------- — 30.519.83 35. Individual deposits subject to check —. M--------- 47,403.10 27. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand------------- -------------------------- ______------------------ 1,108.02 28. Certified checks outstanding ----------- . ................... 40.06 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay able on demand and subject to notice: 29. Time certificates of deposit outstanding _-------------------- - 9.096.20 30. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ------ -—-------- 5,829.07 31. Notes, bills and acceptance s rediscounted Including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agree ments with contingent liabilities_________________ — 38,513.91 32. Bills payable with federal reserve bank dr with other banks or trust companies________ ._____________ 25,058.40 TOTAL —_________________________________________ $178,414.50 STATE OF OREGON, Connty of Tillamook, as 1, A. W. LARSON, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. ' A. W. LARSON. Cashier. CORRECT—Attest: FRANK READER. JOHN A. NELSON. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January. 1928. T. E. ASHLET. Notary Public. (My commission expiree Aug. 9. 1984,) 182? Lodge Directory 'S R.'T. BOALS, M. D. Surgeon and Physicitn I. O. O. F. Building Tillimook Oregon ---- —.... & BARRICK hall Attorneys at Law National Building Tillimook Oregon. i- ■s DR. 0. L. H0HLFELD Veterinarian Bell Phone 8F2. Mutual Phone Oregon , Tillimook } DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist Permanently located in Tilla mook. Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry store. Latest up-to-date instruments and equipment. Ev enings and Sunday by appoint ment. , Complete Lens Grinding Fac tory on the Premises. Any lens duplicated. Tillamook. Oregon H. T. Botts Geo, P. Winslow BOTTS & WINSLOW Lawyers Light weight VAUGHAN Tillimook Oregon DRAGSAW At E. G. KREBS. DAVID ROBINSON Physician and Surgeon Ralph R. Edwards National Bldg. Tillamook, Ore. SHOEMAKER MATT, ORDER WORK. PROMPT SERVICE 303 1-2 Sec. Ave. E. Tillamook, Ore Courses *\ THE TOURIST’S JOHN MATHERS Public Accountant-Notary Public General Bookkeeping, Auditing, Income Tax. Will keep your books and render monthly statements. New Elliott Addressing Machine and Mailing Lists. $5 per month and up. RESTAURANT x .0 303 Second Ave. E. Bell Phone 61J Mutual Phone TonsOetts FOR Tonsilitis and Sore Throat Keep them on hand and take RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING. They RELIEVE like magic. Absolutely harmless. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Send $2 for a trial bottle, 130 doses. DO IT NOW and you will never be with out them. Reference First National Bank. J. E. TITUS Eugene, Oregon Alberi Albert Flapjacks «toa a Quality the hotcakes of the West PETER BECKER Merchant Tailor J