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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1922)
OUR FIRST JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE MANY ARTICLES BELOW THE MANUFACTURING COST Universal Heaters Reg. $25.00 ODD PIECES REDUCED WE TAKE $37-5° Globe Wernick Book Case........................................ ........ Oak Piano Bench................................................... .......... 5.00 Oak Dining Chair..................................................... .......... 9.00 Leather bottom Chair............................................. .......... 25.00 Fumed Oak Buffett................................................... ......... 25.00 Ladies Desk ......................................................... 15 00 Reed Chair................................ ........................................... .35.00 Brass Bed ..t...?.j............ .................. 2.75 Carpet Sweeper......... •............ .............. . ..........• 25.00 Ivory Dressing Table ...................................... .......... YOUR OLD REDUCED PRICES d « |O|| r I RANGES ! IN EXCHANGE • COJ-ONI[AL i 15-00 q .? c y-/3 m m 1.98 19-75 69c ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS $1.29 INLAID LINOLEUM Complete $52.55 GOLD SEAL CONGOLIUM RUG $1.55 per aquari yard, regular 22 00 Birds Eye Maple, Walnut and Ivory Bed Room Suites at Reduced Prices. 3-5° 6.00 31.25 House Brooms, House Wives, Here is Your Chance to Save. One Ivory Wood Bed.............. $30.00 One 120 Coil Simmons Spring 16.50 One 5 lb. Superior Felt Matt... 15.00 $25.00 4.00 Regular 319.5*. sale price PRINT LINOLEUM $1.10 per square yard Regular *1.10 $16.50 ‘ Quartered Oak Plank-top Dinin Table and Six Lea Seated Chairs .............................. $55-oo AXMINSTER VELVET and BRUSSELS RUGS at REDUCBD PRICES One White Enamel Iron Bed One Felt Mattress One Good Spring 50 LB. FELT MATTRMS a wonderful bargin Complete $25.50 $13.75 Your Moneys Worth ®r Your Money Back Reeher Furniture Company Buy At Reehors Far Le« EVERY THING TO FURNISH A HOME T ■p T BRAKEMAN KILLBD AT TIMBER Retate Strawberry trop t ______ Kasriod with rthe bullets and mines, but still triumphant, the hair seals of the Fraaer River are about to go up against a new eneofy, tdthouah they de not know it yet. Permission has boon granted fisher men to use cress lines, a method many ef them ctaUm to be effective, and the departmeut ef fisheries will wateh the result with interest. For years th» Bbhermen hare urged that they be allowed to use cross lines. Department officials opposed this on the grounds that they would oatch more sturgeon than seals. Now, however, W. G. McQuarrbe, member for New Westminister in the Do minion House, is advised by Hon. C. C. Ballantyree, minister of marine and fisheniee, that he has agreed co grant permmission for the use of cross lines during December, Janu ary and February, on condition that the fishermen who avail themselves of the permission will report Che ne- ault of thalr operations to the department.—Bx. e NA TURES OWN FOOD f i Milk is nature’s owb food. Easily digested and con tains in proper proportion .bhe elements necessary for the proper growth and de velopment of the body. It •shoul‘d-have first place in the •diet of every child and a large plac« in the diet of ev ery individual. Get more real nourish ment at less cost by buying more milk. Order Golden Rod Dairy Clarified milk. Its Clean. • Reformed ClmddL Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Sub ject: "The Unfinished Task.” At 2:0* p.m. the Aanukl Congregation al Meeting. x During the neon hour a luncheon will be served by the ladies of the ehureh. Special musie by the choir end male quartette. All members of the ehureh, new and old, are especially urged to be present. W. •. Lienkaemper, Hector. GOLDEN ROD DAIRY Bell 6F13 or Mated “X f Shearar-Marrick Surgical and Maternity Hospital u Mrs. Frank Merrick . Metren Fnabyterian Chuuch. * ■ Sunday School—10:05 a. m. you are interested in the origin history M the Christian Church, jnin Mr. Heyd’s elans. Morning worstly—11:00 a. m. Subject. "The Law of Loyalty." Evening wor ship—7:25 p. m. Bubjeei, "Prodi gal Daughters.” Ah mothers and daughfibrs are spe c ially invited to this service. Your pew la waiting for ycc. ALLAN A. McRBA, Minister. The Lädier GuHd of the Episcopal •lurch wiM meet with Mrs. Stanley Coates next Tuesday afternoon, when it is hoped that all the mem bers will be present. There wiU be services Held next Sunday morn i an at eleven o'eloek at the Masonic building. 0. a. s. Methodist Church Sunday School at 10 o'clock, The The following names were tound subject of the morning sermon wMl en Hotel Tillamook register Sunday, be “The Passing and the Abiding.' 99 mostly hunters who came here for The evening services at T: 30- The the week end and hunted ducks on subject of the evening sermon will Tillamook Bay; C. L. Minkler, Port be “Christian Agroeslveuem.” Pray land; A. J. Black, Portland; G. er meeting and Bible study on Meyers, Salem; C. B. Webb, Salem; Wednesday evening at 7:30. The Lester Ray, T. A. Johnson and wife, Local Church Conference on Satur J. P. Phelan, O. ▼. Webber and M. day evening Jan. 14. Dr. E. E. Gil C. Chambers of Portland. bert will preaoi^ on Sunday morning Jan. 15th. Special meetings are be Th* report eomee to us ef two ing planned to begin Jan. 15th. Set feet of *ow tn places along the notice later. You are cordially in htghwsyr batween Tillamook and vited to worship with no. I Portland. •HAS. K DARK, Pastor. T. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS i Notice is hereby give* that, the County Court of Tillamook County, Ore., will until 10:00 o’clock A. M., Janary 23rd, 1922, receive bids for Clearing and •rubbing County Road right of way, 40 ft. wide, from North side of Ocean Boulevard, Man hattan, to the rock quarry at Had- doh, a distance of approximately 3309 ft. No bid will be considered ten lees accompanied by easu, bidden bond or certified cheque for an amount equal to at beset 6 percent of the total amount of the bid. Specifications may be aeon nt the office of the County Clerk of Tilla mook Oounty. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, gr to accept the proposal deemed beat for Tillamook County. (Signed) H. B. IMWMHALL. Coppty (Merk. •Hrut publish., Jag. 5. 1922; last pabliab. Jap. 19. 1922.) ledge Directory lira. W. W. Harcomb received word last Saturday of the death er Mver Wave Chapter No. 18 her brother, J. H. Maurer, a train man, who was instantly killed at Timber, at l?30 o'clock that morn Stated communications fleet and ing. The train was ewitching at Timber, and it is supposed that Mr. third Thu wd ays of each month tn Maurer, who was a swing brake Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. LELA D. DOTY. Sec. man. got caught between »wo ears as he was making a coupling, and was crurtied, but no one saw the ac cident. Marathon Lodge No. The body was take* to hie home 93, Knights of Pyth- In Portland and funeral services las. Regular meeting were held Tuesday and interment Monday evening made in Rose City eemetery. 7:45 sharp. By order Mr. and Mrs. Harcomb and family of the ChanoeMer Commander. went into Portland Saturday after noon and returned home Wednes day of this week.—Willamina News. . Theqe igpee ef serious lBSMt , peats aM*ek the roots of the straw- beury plants. Of those the straw- berry root weevil is by far the most deatruetive. Snowers contemplating now plantings Should demand that plants be accompanied by an iaopee- tor's tag indicating that they wore grown in "weevil free" territory. The other root pepts are seriously prevalent only o* older fields. It is the exceptional oondition In Oregon .at present when over two full crops of strawberries can be produced on the same land because of these bor ers. No insectide or soli treatment ca* be used effectively for them and growers should plan a rotation that Includes only two full crop years of strawberries. —O. A. C. Experiment station. Christiau Chuck The services wiM be of Interest to all and your attendance is desired. There is nothing that wHl take the place of the ohurch and its mission. Therefone we Invite you to answer the eraving of your soul. Bible school at 10:00 a.m. The new offi cers will take etiarge next Sunday. Give the superintendent your coop- ratlon. Church services at 11:0* a. m. Evening at 7:90 p.m. C. E. at 5:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening 7:20. With the wishes of tire aeaao* te you and you re. HARRY E. TUCKER. Mlnietea W. R. C. Oorintth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at S p. m„ in the W. O. W. hall. Visi tors wvleome. Minnie Johnson, President Btixabeth Cenover, Sec y. Corinth Poit,No. 35,Dept ef Oregon I Meets on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:3* p. .m in W. O. W. M. W. Sacare, Com'dr Sanuel Sown«, Ad’Jt. Johnsen Chapter No. Tillamook Ledge No. 57, A.X A AM Stated Communication sec ond Wednesday in each month Visiting Brethren welcome. Harvey Ebinger, See. Tuesday eve., 7:29 p. m. Rebekak, Wednesday evening Csenp 2-4, Thursday i All American Legion poets la Mle arn rl have been called upon by Dr. Harry F. Parker, state commander, to back a 1*0,900.000 bond issue tor the construction of bard roads. Bx- servic« men wiM have preference in i employment. 24 R. A. M Stated convocations evew rst and third Fridays. Visiters welcome. I. E. Keldson, Sec. Light weight YAU9HAN DRAGSAW pitali Ml conni com* from