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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1921)
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE THREE f* RECIPES THAT DELIGHT i Just received womens and misses brown c al f oxfords with new style real low heel, and up. THURSDAY. DECEMBER i « ENNINGTON P tuna fish croquettes 2 tablenpoons butter, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon» flour, 1 teaspoon salt, dash of paprika. Blend flour and butter, add milk, »alt and paprika. Cook until smooth teaspoons Hmon juice and 1 tea spoon salt. Add sauce to make thick easily handled mixture. Shape and roll alternately in bread crumb», egg i and crumbs again. Fry in deep fat and drain On unglaxed paper. Gar nish with parsley and French fried potatoes. *,4f f ~ CHEESE FONDUE 1 cup scalded milk, 1 cup soft s ale bread crumbs. 3-4 cup grated I cheese, 1 tablespoon fat, 1-2 tea spoon salt, 3 eggs. Mix first five ingredients, add yolks of eggs, beaten thoroughly. Cut and fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased dish, in moderate even, twenty minutes. DATE PUDDING Place 1 pound of stoned dates and 1 cup of chopped walnuts on bat tom of buttered pan. Pour ever them batter made of 2 beaten eggs, 1-2 cup sugar, pinch of salt, 2 heaping tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanila. Bake slowly until pudding becomes firm. Serve with whipped cream. Special values offered in all silk petticoats in all wanted colors. Worth to $5, sale at 13.95. "7X¿ Quaúty Sforr" TILLAMOOK, .OREGON The Store with the ’Xmas Spirit Come in and see the splendid efforts we have made to supply every one in Tillamook county with their wants in ’Xmas gifts. Things practical and serviceable for men, women and children now being displayed throvghout the store. FOR WOMEN FOR MEN Glove« Hats Socks Suspenders Arm Bands Garters Shirts Underwear Bill Books Cuff Buttons Mufflers Belts • Stationery Perfumes Handerchiefs Petticoats Blouses Hosiery Table Linens Coats Dresses Dress Goods Swearers Umbrellas FOR CHILDREN Hosiery Shoe- Dresses Slippers Handkerchiefs Sweaters Umbrelles Mackinaws Rubber Boots Rubberized Capes Gloves Hair Ribbons 4 BACK TO TILLAMOOK E. J. Jeffries and wife returned last week from a three months trirp to Pueblo, Colorado, and are con tent to stay in this part of Oregon. Mr. Jeffries stated that Pueblo—he “Pittsburg of the West”—is a great smilter town, <nd now bears few of the scars inflicted by the terrible flood that drowned over 600 people there, sometime ago. It is located in a canyon, and was the scene of a great cloudburst, the waters over whelming the city in a shor1. time. The weather was getting cold when the Jeffries left, and when they thot tabllshed here. fine industrial number. of win er, they thought of good, old rainy Tillamook, and packed their Huntington—Big free gold strike Portland —New 12-a‘oiy *750,- goos for a real climate. tn Soda cteek. 000 Swetland Hotel to be built. Portland carried *3,000,000 tax Roseburg Light & Water Co. en FINDS BEAR IN TRAP for 1925 exposition. larging plant at Winchester. John Cornett, who lives this side Drain—*50,000 ho-el planned for Lebanon pushing armory 60x100 of Happy Camp, near Netarts bay, Boswell Springs resort near here. has received occasional visits from a fee-». Portland—5 big steamer» and 5 marauding beaer, which seemed to small ones docked h'ere last week. Pendleton—All bond issues except have a special appetite for poultry. Portland—Lead pencil factory es- for septic tank defeated. A cleverly 8e"i steel-trap proved bru in's undoing, and one morning re cently Ma. Cornett found the bear securely caught by the foot, and promptly ended its after-nlghn chic ken raids. The above represents but a small part of our complete show ing. Pay a visit to this store for holiday shopping. Make it »• your Xmas headquarters. WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Portland building permits show gain 179 per cea- in October. Heppner—18 foot vein of coal be ing opened on Willow crek. Portland city delinquent liens from *2,000,000 to *3,000,ooo. Albany Democrat Nov. 22 prints f The Better Way the value Itie flrat i» by Hsta^iag to arhat the iasuranca agent ha» to »ay. The sesond is by actual experisaca. Experience is amighty good teacher—but the bills he sends in for tuition amounts to a heap more than a few insnrance premiums. MAGINNIS ¿t GILHAM INSURANCE SPECIALISTS OREGON 7 y 'j a. s» .1 7----------------- Farmers ’ Week •orvaliis, Or., »•». 56-21, 1*21 TILLAMOOK-PORTLAND Wiiter Short Courses Cadillac Stage Line Ivory Pyralin We have an exceptionally large and complete line of beautiful engraved Christmas greeting cards. Select your cards now while there is a large variety for you to choose from. At Just One-half the Regular Make Your Christmas Gifts Attractive Fnsit A Tagatabla _ Dp«. *-17, ’21 Tractar Maebaaiea Jaa. 2-liar. 18,22 Dairy Maa«fa«tura Jaa.2-Mar 1*,’22 Agiitwltas« Conree,’22 Dairy Hcrdsmea Jaa.2-Jnnal*.’22 Orai» Grading __ Jaa. 9-21, ’22 »•akaapiag Jaa. 3*-Feb. 25 ’22 iHumakiH Waaf. Mbr..2t-2S, ’22 •BE. abucvl TTBAL ••LUMW FuH iatocmatlM op say aaaraa by waiiiag The RagiaVrar, •. A. «., dar vallia. drapas. mm . Patresize leae Iidastry Leave* Tillaaeek at 7:31 aid 1:45 Christmas Cards COURSES F»r the cpmfert «f our patr«as we have instated elec tric heaters ia all awr cars. W b protect you hv careful drivers and $4 o , om accideat iasuraaee. Reaiew.hor you caa call us either phoae. We will call at your hoaae for yoa. Stage to Pacific City also. This line is Leave* PerWuMl leyt leu! at. f 1:15 *.■. aid 1 p.m. IVAN DONALDSON, A^nt ' g kL W Chiropractic i I Ä «•aeists - «atirely af ADJUST»« movahla *f th* SPIW- I rhe AL MLWMN t* aaraial poll ties thereby rsmevhig th» «AVSB af J dl»-aaM. P»’KST L. 1*WA1> CnttPUCTOK • «lea «raaad Maar, Natl. Bide. SI 1-13 Tillameek Bwildi»r le»h Fka»«« Pacific Abstract Company I Presbyterian Church Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. subject “Vicari of Christ.’’ Evening worship at 7:30, subject, “Walking the Waves." In His name we invite you.—Al lan A. McRae, Minister. About 1661 an agitation commenced to have men remove their hats in church—Pepys makes gentle fun of it. The custom was first to remove the hat to cover the eyes in prayer, and later it was taken off altogether. Call For Warrants The introduction of the wig helped Notice is hereby g'.vgn that all ♦he custom—for ft preyed difficult to warrants held again»* School Dist keep one’s hat on over a tousled No. 28, Mohler, Oregon, are called mass of false curls. Tills also led to for payment' this 1st day of Decem large hats with plumes going out of ber, 1921. Interest ceases this date rtjrle. A. D. LOMMEN, Clerk Dist 21 Put SefMee Iato Farm PrasMe« ANN0UNC1 ownod by Trltamook Ramova Their Hate During Religious Services. Christmas Suggestions of Traveler« Automobile lasurance. < Then, Instead of wearing bats a. doors, men went to the other extrtiu. Madam *rrt*» Display an Amazing •nd often carried them in their when out of doors. The Puritan* |. darelaaanaaa In Minus« England continued to wear th** th«r of M m Words. broad-brimmed hata, however, laifo^, Tn English thare is not a more dad- and out. Men’s hata and clothing Wetw ifta word tha» sabbath, yet it Is used with an an^Bng carelessneaa as u changed with the French Reveiuttca- synonym for Sunday. The writer« and wHts went out, «««I then with th« r|^ translators of the New Testament use of Napoleon, dress became military sabbath correctly, says a writdr in th« in style. In 1815, djiriag th« k«», tlon period, arose the "stovepipe hit," Brooklyn Eagle. ''*f5^=o-;'£,-/*'' U is always Hebrew and in no in and breeches, at the same tine b* gun to be worn to the ankle. _ L stance is it associated with the New Testament dispensation—now univer Methodist Church sally known as Christianity. Indeed Sunday school at ten o'clock. the apostles were severely rebuked by Morning sermon at eleven. th*7uL the Jew« foe breaking the sabbath. ject will be "Divine Essentials.11 Christians cannot break the sabbath, The evening sermon at 7:30 will for they do not have it to break. be "Procras'ination.” Como Sabbath and Sunday are observed worship with us. on separate days, but this is not nec CHARLES L. DARK. Paswr essary. as astronomy shows that the identity ef days from year to year is Reformed Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn- impossible; since the year and day are incommensurable. The leap years ing worsh’p \t 11 o’clock, subject' show that any given date varies a "Shall We Ixiok for Another’’1 day; even this does not correct the Heidelberg league meeting aa‘ 7: <5 date«, as other corrections—the cen- subject: “Christian Progress Among turlal leap years—become necessary. the Immigrants.” Bvenlng service There Is a still deeper reason for dis at 8:15, subject: "The Gift of a ” carding the severity of the sabbath, Son. The sermons of the day will em namely, oor seven-day week is un phasize *the significance of the A4- counted thousands of years older than vont season. You are cordially tn- the book of Genesis. Evidence is very vited to worship with us. . strong that It was founded on quarter W. G. LIENKAEMPER, Pastor ing the sidereal month—the “true month." Long before anything even Christian Church approaching astronomy arose man no Sunday school 10 a. m. sermoa ticed that the moon slowly moved into 11 “The First Description.” Sermo» another group of stars each night, and at 7:30 p. m., subject "Peter Stand by rough eye measurement, completed ing Without.” Christian Endeavw her revolution .n 28 days—“the 28 at 6:30 p. m.. Rev. Tucker and family wish t« mansions of heaven” of the Chinese sincerely thank the church and and Japanese. lodge members, also kind friend«, who so ably and willingly assist*« during their lllnes» of dypther COVERED HEADS IN CHURCH them ia and made their confinement t* their home so much easier. Before the Year 1661 Men Did hot HARRY E. TUCKER, Pastor ceoocoooBcocoooonnnnnoeoaej There are two ways of learning TILLAMOOK, “SABBATH DAY** NOT SUNDAY Such little things as Tinsel Ribbon Holly Paper Seals. Address Labels, Do not open labels Tags, cards, etc., etc. Add tone and individuality to Christmas package. vour \\ e will be glad to pack and mail any article you wish sent out of town, free charge. Retail Price! 1 his is a big reduction and means a big saving to you. Pyralin Ivory is beau tiful, serviceable and a gift one will al ways remember. At this price it is not expensive but buy early. Below are a few of the articles and prices: Puff Boxes........................ yoc to $2.50 Hair Receivers.................. 65c to $3.00 Pin Cushions & Jewel Boxes 80c-$2.60 Soap Boxes........................... 20c to 90c Military Brushes............ $4.20 to $6.00 Hand Mirrors ............... $2.65 to $8.40 Picture Frames.................. 55c to $3-45 Dressing Combs......... . . .20c t-o Si.75 Hair Brushs...................... $1.50 to $6.00 Dressing Trays................... 65c to £4.20 Cuticle Scissors............................. $1.00 Nail Files...... ........................ 35c to 70c Perfume Bottles...............60c to $3.50 Cream and Salve Boxes........35c ko 90c Cloth Brushes.................. 50c to $3.00 TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST C. I. Clough Co Adjs.Maeati will be givra In the hem» if patient 1» unable cema ta afflaa L. ▼. HMIÀIK Prep •eaplew let ef Abedraed* ef 4« leeenli ef MUtaeek •eiaW- WhM y»u Mak df Kfe Inauranee, Thiak MASS. MUTUAL Sea W. A. Church, Ideal rejrregentatide Tillamook Tire Company Go To Church For Insurance z 52 Copies of the ©uamoot Jjeadiiaut for $2.00 j.I You can’t AFFORD to miss this! II I ■