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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
B Lamb, salarv A ttiUamook Î)caôhgïit , G. Mallon Hare, salary A Weekly Paper Published Thursday by the Every Headlight Publithmg Coutpanv. Inc ! Tillamook. Oregon Lesli* Harrison Managing Editor Both Telephone.' Subscription Rates ... 3200 One year ........ . ... 1.00 Six months .. . ............... 50 Three month.« . Payable in advance The Jap* have put on a n passenger steamers from Pol direct to China and Japan, wonder Amer can spirit h.i-i’. t th« -ano thing 1 ng age. Ten thousand veterans of the late war are wanted to march in the Armistice day parade at Portland. November 11th It ought to bo - great day for the boys. A big British frteghter 1« loading with Oregon apples for Liverpool. The English like Oregon apple» and the expert of that staple pi duct is increasing year by year Anothe* product they seek is the Oregon hops. They also use lots f Oregon wheat and salmon. The big film companies who have several million dollars tied up in Fatty Arbuckle s films have hired Galvin McNab, the famous Scotch criminal lawyer of San Franciscj to alt in with Fatty s counsel at hi* coming trial. It has been pretty well established that the liquor th- party drank during the big carcase came from British Columbia, which takes the California • moonshine” i-t ng out of the original story. Oregon has just received *s quota for the fiscal year of 3102,489.51. This money represents its shar- of the receipts from the sale o? timber, pasturage, etc., on the federal re- ervee of the United States ar.d which is apportioned to the different states according to its at reage in the fed untie* eral reserve«- Thirty one are represented in Oregon as bene ficiaries of the above fund, which go,* to reforesting the burned over areas, road building through forest reserves, trails, etc. COMMISSIONERS' COURT e*penA 150.00 95.00 35.00 Cota E. DeFord. p«»or 10 E. W, Stanley, jua ct 111 T- E. Epplett. 250 D. R. Titinerstet, salary 5. Tillamook C< Mut Tel Co V 90. Epplett. salary imook Gen. llosp, poor 103 too. E X’ldito, poor 30 e Vidito. poor 1 k Embuin. jus rt. 90 >0 net Merrick Hosp, pool 19 A A Pennington, poor ■>t» A X Pennington, poor so 6 2 Tilla ook Herald, printing Harley-Davidson Motorcycle 24X 50 Supply Co. . J so R. F. Zachman, supplies 49 50 Coast Power Co. 50 Frank Heyde A- Co. 1 SO Tillamook Garage. supplies Al.x McNair a Co. supplies 6.S5 3 T. C. Percy, repairs Oregon Transfer Co 3 94 k F Coates Lumber Co. 5 L. L Hoy, Poor 29 Mrs. F J Mietxke. poor 9 Conover a ' otiover. supplies Peter S* hran t ( adv 54 1 B.iy.'Ctan She*: Metal XX : ks supplies ._ 14 65 Tillani.-ok Co Fair Bvaid Board -1000.00 . j M., Bey ocean She-t Metal XVk* E. L Glatsyer. salary 50.00 88 M> E L. Gk layer. salary E L. Glalsyer. salary 111 20 XV. 8. Coates, sundries 5.00 John Zwald. advertising 14 3 John Zwald. adv. a exp 93 W D. Pine, advertising 19 John Asctini. sheriff 50 C A. Johnson. salary 150 «O Myrtle Wallin. salary 100 00 Ellen Norberg salary 10 Ort Sunset Garage. sup. d rep 32 45 Southern Pac. Co._______ 328.12 H S. Brfmhall. sundry exp. 4 00 Chas. Gross, adv. E. S. Batcher Milling Co adv 49 01 Standard Feed Co. adv 17.78 King-Crenshaw Hdw Co sup 18 48 Carl Haberlach. adv 8 81 Headlight Pub Co. printing 18 14 Kathleen Milla, salary 125 0 ) W. R. Gould Fair Grounds 32 47 2« 20 52 05 W II Hardt, fail ground« Joe Miigarrel. fair ground* Xmo* Fuqua, fall ground* F. W. Talbot, sign* Kilby, fair gioitnd K C. Magarteli fair gid- a imp __ . - li C Ma gar tell, fr grd a Tillamook rransfet Co K F. F, Zachman. Z..U hmnn. s .upplles Frederick P *t C up • er Co. Coast Pou Power Lamar '.* Drug so >• »up 11 A Fowler, adv * exp Pacific Tel A T» King A ■nshaw Nehalem Tel A k Co. Mut Tel Co Tillan Chas. F Pankow, sup A Tillan: look Garage, »up A John A.-< him, *h< i ift 142 87 2 79 34 69 30.30 30 70 390 4M Frank Laudolt Frank l.audolt Cha* Hi Ina» Peter Cavay George Henderson Soitlhr! II Bacille Co WWW Be Ready For t lie First Cold Circuit court com cued again l««t Monday. Judge Bagley ha* just Ic trippe, covered front an nitack of but is busy hearitut < nr«» thl» weik a» they docket. Bitr.g Bi > k the Plate X few . venlng- when Cordel Oatfield wa* entri talnlng a few t lutiti* at her home, some sneak thief entered th pantry and stole a pyre* plate and ph- He la w «• Iconic to the pie. but wiwild Ilk«' to have rim return the plat«1 Mi M E Adv. (¡rubar. Market Roads W Coates W. E Andet son A. H G u l«t rum X er t.arson G E Davis Vic Da via F. ( Feldschau John Jenck Lamb S' brader Co. I.<< Hi d* Buckles E. D Freeman XI L Freeman J G. Parker Xlbert Miller XVm. Morrison Wm. Corder kndrew Dav Id »on Chas. E«v John Grey Dan Davidson 3. C. Larnon A. S. Tilden B. Scovell Chas. Steven« «'has. Koneckl E. Davis 3 19 165 34 52 6s 15S 16 100 65 152.77 Ewan C E Allem Bud Steele Ed Morgenroth Guy Anderson Frltx Reust Fritz Reust 133.23 r? 79 34 79 34 95 26 4 2 26 54 81 cheer November Millinery Chanuing Type» of the New V.i cue Are Hcie in the Original Modell Announcement! equipment. A portable heater electric warms i corner in a hurry In al ami <•« <>nomii al lot sax - To teip you keep warm Fireplace F i.xiiin ■» llcat Regulator» Coa 1 Shovels Ash Sitters Hot Water 1 leater> Furnace Ace« * *"fic *> ti* Now is the time to pro- vide for comfort this winter Have you heating equip* merit in the right •ha p<* when winter weather comes. WNCH£5T£H Original Creations Trimmed in Popular Materiali Sanctioned Bv Fashion STORE Í When Thinking of ALL THIS MONTH •lrvrn ing coal between seasons. \\ hatever else in heating equipment you need conic to King-Crenshaxv Hdw. Co. THE November Opening We have opened in our new Location on First Street. 3 doors West of Lamar’s drugstore with a full line if heating OWN FOUND: FOUS 1 xlX PEN er can i hit'r suin' fr cost of thl* adv. C. I I. Dark 50 It H Lin d'.n of l.vunbrook was u Miss Patterson MILK CANS THINK OF US Home Made Candies THE TILLAMOOK TINNING CO. Made fresh in our uwu Candv Kitchen Daily. < >ur Kitchen and methods pa-s state inspection General Fund W. E. N yes. indemnity Mary Burtnaster, moth. pen. Johanna Y rk. nr h. p* n Ivel V Gillam, north, pen Augusta Williams, mo pen. Man« G- ■ hell, m th. p-:. __ Lena C. Hall, mo Myrtle Dougherty THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1»2I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE FOUR___________________ 10.00 17 50 17.50 10.00 I THE BLUE BIRD Eat more Candy. Tillamook Tinning Co It’s Food VIRGINIA BURLEY TURKISH The perfect blmd ci the three ihree 55 . CITY TRANSFER “QUICK SERVICE“ tS OUR MOTTO Friendly Gentlemen pv .-ct cigarette tobacco* tn oiu- perfect cigarette one-eleven WING cigarettes CALL 65J Johnson & Cater, Props Every Evening John R. J Walter D. Fitzpati Fosti ty E At The Palin A Good Place to Spend Your Evenings J ZJ a-.iw sup *, hid Gbrl.-t«.- Hodson, vu , up John A Bens« 1. poor Burroughs Add M.i'h Co rep XV. S. Coate' i surveyor ..... L. S. Hushix-« k. p'Hjr Tillamook Meir. Co. p<>or P. W. Barrett, printing G. B Lamb, exp E. XV. Stanley, ju» ,t Geo. T. Ba x' er, I • ¡.. 1 1 - J. F. ~ Jones d t. «-a)er G. B. Lamb, «Pt. exp. _____ A. L McCaity, sal. t. ward Lura I . ach, salary ' ) CL d A«kl , jijs r t. V. J. Browl c» John Erick:! «g st. Da- id .Marti E. E. K w A, \ F XV. Perkll Wm z ere’ £ R«jy Sr: .th ju . John L. ley, * r Ct. . Walter R«<-d. Ct. _ John Parue n «. Ct.. John Paquet, » Ct. Wm. Graven«; U8. Ct. J. M. Selby, tri nt officer John . Aachlm, ¿alary ik exp Dr. R T Hot Ju health oflcer T. H Goyn^f salary G. B. Lamb, expenses A.-’ EVERYBODY WELCOME NO BETTER LAVATORY 131.70 i Y 13.85 150.00 35.00 1 40 1 30 1.20 1 40 1 2 i 7.50 4 30 4.20 4.30 4 30 4.30 3.00 188.79 86 10 128 25 30.87 g ¿oíd You might suppose that, because Willard will not make a special Ford battery, the regular Willard Battery (Ford size) would cost a lot more than others, but it doesn’t. We can show you in five minutes if you’ll come in. f TILLAMOOK BATTERY STATION ran b<- made than our porcelain or O seal in the delicious Burley flavor Once you’ve enjoyed the loaned flavor you will al* waya want it whit« enamel toilet. It 1« ra»y to lake . it«. <,f u,,(| k,., p w||| last n lifetime, I m virtually nolseieHH in operation, <Jo< not get/out of order 1.« I iim show you this toilet. GEO. J. BURCKARD Tillamook THE GRAND LEADER Women’s Ready to Wear /