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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
t r COUNTY ROAD BUILDING (Continued from page one) turns out about 400 yards of the best crushed rock to be found on the coast. The rock is very hard, and shows the presence of iron, and is used on all the roads in the south part of the county. A huge shovel hoists it to the elevators of the plant where it enters the crusher atiu is elevated to the first story bins, and thence goes into the big auto trucks through a chute for distribution on the roads. Considerable of this pro duct is being used by the state in its surfacing and patching work. A force of thirty-five men are employ- . d at this plant, in the crushing and distribution work. The foreman is Bob Howard, and there are two day shifts. Located at Cloverdale is the new ly constructed toolshed for road dis trict No. 3, which is 50x80 feet, with four huge beams for hoisting purposes. The room is ample for storage purpose, and this is one of five other like sheds in the county, the largest one being located in this city. When not in use all county equipment is stored in these sheds, and the county has found that it pays. Beyond Cloverdale occurs a new piece of road which has just been opened to travel known as the Dan iels-Werschkull cut-off, which saves over a half mile of travel on the road to the beach. A new tempor ary bridge has been constructed over Clear creek for winter travel which will next season be replaced with a concrete structure. This new road Is perhaps the most important change made in the southern part of the county this year. As is well known tc older resi dents of the county, Tillamook is divided into three large t’oad dis- tricts. No. 2 is taken care of by deputy county roadamaster Henry Nelson, while Forrest Ayers looks af ter the work In district No. 3, with headquarters at Cloverdale. The county has just purchased two loadometers which will save time in weighing loaded trucks where the county is selling rock to the state. The county is also considering the matter of regulating travel on some of the side roads during the wet weather period, believiing that the in terests of the whole number will be conserved, except those who put off heavy hauling until the bad weath er sets in. One thing noticed by the reporter was that there seems to be no lost motion In the work, and that from the Roadmaster down, there is a live interest in pushing the work, and that there seems to be a real spirit of co-operation from the shovel-man up. A » THURSDAY. OCTOBI R 8. 102? THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT ‘ PAGE EIGHT CLARK-PHILLIPS RECITAL The Christian church will be the scene of an unique recital on Friday evening, Oct. 14, when J. S. Lamar will introduce MisB Helen Clark, con tralto, Mr. Joseph Phillips, baritone and Thomas George to an audience of interested music lovers. This promises to be the most unus ual recital heard here in years, as each of the artists comes recommend ed in a most flattering manner. At this recital the presumably im possible will be accomplished. Miss Clark will positively sing a duet with herself. It can’t be done? Well just anl see—even it y vu’ro not from Missouri. Some real novelties will be pre sented by this duo of “Songs Ameri ca Loves’’ both as solos and duets. It is advisable to secure tickets at once from Mr. Lamar as a capacity house is certain. Admittance will be by card of introduction only. Mr. Lamar states that it will be necessary on account of preserving silence in the building during the re cital, to admit no one after 8:15 P- m., when the entertainment is scheduled to start. LOCAL NEWS Married at the Christian parson age Monday, Oct. 3, Mr. enffbr« Thomas and Miss Hallie Desmond, both of Pleasant Valley, Ore. Rev. Harry E. “ Tucker officiated. These young people will make their home near Pleasant Valley where the groom has a ranch. WATER PRESSURE AVERAGES ONLY ABOUT 25 POUNDS SAW BIG PLOT IN FOOTBALL The water pressure is ranging per ilcusly low these Jxyi. The readl. g which is posted daily at the engi’ e houee shows'that 25 pound* Is about the average present water pressure. On last Saturday at 7 a. m. (heie was 30 pounds; at 5 o’cb <k p. m. the pressure vzas 25 pounds. The normal pressure for fire purposes is about 95 pounds, and the present pressure would make operation of the big fire engine practically impos sible from the water pipes supplying the town from the reservoir. In case of a fire, a line could be laid to the slough which would give protection to the business part of the city, but would noj be avail able for the protection of the resi dence districts of the town. The only aid in the latter case would come from the chemicals, which would only be of value in the incip ient Btages of a fire. This is the condition now facing the city. It would seem that more water for fire protection is now a crying necessslty. The above figures may be verified at the engine house from the daily posted records of wa ter pressure, which any one may see. Hard to Convince Turkish Authorities That the Game Was Not Revolu tionary Camouflage. Durrer-Kynfc Thursday morning at 7 a. tfr. in the Rose City Catholic church, Jos. Durrer, Jr., a well-known young dairyman of near Tillamook, was married to Miss Grace Kyne, a pop ular musician of the Rose City. The groom is the youngest son of Joseph Durrer, senior, one of the leading dairymen of the Tillamook section, and has many friends here. The young married people will spend a J. F. Auer of near Hemlock paid couple weeks on their honeymoon, this city a visit Wednesday last. when they will return to Tillamook, where the groom will resume dairy ing near this city. F. D. Mitchell, of Bayocean, was in the city this week. Mr. Mitchell is quite anxious to see the road to UlliniHIliilliKMhillHHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHr Bayocean finished, and believes that business interests in Tillamook would be advanced by the comple tion of the road. He said That own 1-quart Aluminum ers of lots on that beach were wait ing for a road, when they will build Stew Pan LIMITED many fine cottages. A number of Special offer ex- on date For ONLY 38 c. pires Portland people arc interested in the named below beach as a place to make their sum on or before OCT. 15 mer homes. 1H Cover only c. extra Rev. R. Y. Blalock and wife of near Beaver, were in the city Wed- nesday. Mr. Blalock has removed the newspaper plant formerly used at Cloverdale to print the Enterprise to his home near Beaver, and Will soon begin the publication of a Bap tist monthly to be known as the "Western Baptist.’’ "Wear-Ever” I ACTIVITIES AT ROCKAWAY Mr. Windier's new dwelling is nearly finished at Rockaway by con tractor Bovic. Agent Howell, the accommodating agent for the S. P. Co., will soon be gin the erection of a modern cot tage. Quite a number of people are spending the winter at Rockaway and considerable building is going on. Rockaway citizens are canvassing the matter of the building of a big natatorium at Lake Lytle, and the idea may take tangible form. O. D. Spencer and father recently returned to Rockaway from a trip to Marlon county. HEE tbs difference FEEL the differ ence--- KNOW th« difference between ordinary aluminum and Weax-Ever” This Special Offer is made so you can see for yourself that aluminum utensils are NOT all the same. “Wesr-Eyer” utensils are made from hard, thick cold-rolled sheet aluminum--- metal which again and again has been passed through gigantic rolling mills and subjected to the pressure of huge stamping machines. Get your Stew Pan today WUMVW KING * CRENSHAW Tillamook. Ore- I It has always been a difficult matter to be u sportsman in Turkey. One Turk, Itechad Bey, tried it with a re sult weird enough to serve as a basis for a detective story. It api**nrs that the young Turk had I organized a football team among his friends, together with some Greeks and Armenians, and began practicing. Shortly thereafter. In the middle of the night, police came to his house and carried him off to Scutari. There he was submitted to a long examina tion as to tile club and the game of football. The authorities were convinced that they had found a great plot, and that the club must be a secret society. A special messenger was sent for the ball, and that was duly examined and found to be an Infernal machine. The rules of the game were considered to be another piece of damning evidence, and still worse were the sweaters and colors of the club. After long deliberation the culprit was sent to the higher police authori ties in Stamboul, who went through a second long examination and came to the conclusion that the empire had been saved from disintegration by the early discovery of a great plot They dispatched the whole matter to be in quired into at the sultan’s palace at Ylldlz, and a special commission took the matter in hand. After much careful thought and ex amination of the evidence of the crime It was decided that there might be nothing in It, but that it must not be committed again. F-O.B. DETROIT » Í I » I Chassis........................ Runabout - - - - Touring Car - - . . v H h Truck Chassis - - - Coupe ........................ » ’ ■ '4 r h jl Sedan ........................ $295 Many runners in Wall Street are adopting novel methods of their own to safeguard tiie securities given In their care for delivery. In some in stances firms have made suggestions and rules for “camouflaging” the han dling of stocks and bonds outside of their offices. One broker’s house has all securities pinned Inside newspapers and one of its runners apparently walks around with a single newspaper under his arm which has attached to its pages Inside valuable bonds and stocks. Yet another firm has hired former policemen to handle its deliv eries of stock. Another firm lias presented its run ners with suits, the vests of which have large inside pockets which are but toned and in these the securities nre i carried and must be on pain of dis missal. One wet day recently a special mes senger of a large brokerage house car ried two Liberty bonds of $50,000 apiece and three of $10,000 each pin ned inside a closed umbrella.—Wail Street Journal. His Desires. The manager of the Indiana Mason ic home overheard a group of small boys from the home discussing wliat they desired to be when they grew to be men. One insisted he would be a Mnson, another a Shrlner and another had ambitions to be a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, but five-year-old Jack, drum major in the home band, said : “No, I do not want to be any of those.” "What," the others replied, “don’t want to be a Shrlner or Mason of Noble; why, what do you want to he?” Ho drew himself up anil replied proudly, “Well. I'll tell you what.- I want to be a popentate.”—Imliamipoll« News. $325 $355 $445 $595 $660 I e- » Small Orphan Traveled Far. These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure delivery. I I & Í i jay . H » I * -1 1 ~ * 4 Xi Í’ E* ’ : .* • .•’V ■ .. • ’ r •w ». / VI**' ' ,v , > 1 H • 4 N s i * . It is significant that more than half the motorists of the Pacific Coast use Zero- lene for Correct Lubrica tion, and the number is growing. Such wide-spread approval of Zerolene is its best recommendation to you. 4 r- * r / 4 M i ' ■ i Get a Correct Lubrica tion Chart for your car. Use Zerolene for Correct Lubrication. 1/ STANDARD OIL COMPANY I » ( (California) ! . /J**« DOES AWAY WITH ALL PAIN Remarkable Anesthetic May Soon Be i Employed in Delicate Dental Surgical Operations. A coal-tar chemical for the elimina tion of all pain In dental surgical op erations, simple of application and suitable for repeated and universal use In oral surgery, according to the Scientific American, Is announced by Dr. Joseph A. Klein of New York city. f This new chemical Is liquid In form, is applied on a pellet of cotton to the gum or mucous membrane surrounding the tooth to be anesthetized or Into a cavity prior to excavation where a tooth Is to be filled or treated. It produces complete local anesthesia In from two to eight minutes and eliin- lnntes all feeling for from one to six hours. Doctor Klein ha, extracted teeth and pulps painlessly by the use of this chemical. Its effect is entirely local, so it may be applied with perfect safe ty, regardless of the patient’s age or general physical condition, and it is particularly valuable as an anesthetic in the extraction of children's teeth. It lenves no disagreeable after-effect, but because of Its long period of ac tivity gives the nervous system ample time to recover from the shock of op eration before the nerves in the area of the operation regain their normal feeling or activity. •> CKeer Up! TOWERS FISH BRAND KEFLEX SUCKER’4? knocks ratr\y dzy gloom ------- —ibio a cocked Kat----- lOWEfts A.J. tower co I 3 Reached for Hip Pocket*. Raking of moving pictures is rntllif a novelty in Arizona, and Bisbee resi dents have difficulty in getting used to seeing gaudily dressed western “had men’’ rushing around with artillery strapped on their belts. Some of the real old-time western ers are apt to Jump to the wrong con clusion when a "movie westerner” goes on the warpath. For this reason a moving picture company, planning to stage a holdup scene at the depot at Osborn, eight miles south of here, had tiie train crew warn passengers no less than ten times before reaching the sta tion that a "movie train robbery" would lie staged. In spite of this sev eral old-timers on tiie train reached for their hips when the "bandits" ap peared and had to be convinced by fellow passengers that tiie holdup was not the real thing.—Los Angeles Times. « t j.A****'*' Explosions. Volcanic explosions are commonly regarded as the release of stores of energy kept confined by external pres sure. and holler explosions and geyser eruptions are typical of this class of outbreaks. An expert of the United States geophysical laboratory finds that another class of explosions, that of explosive mixtures like gunpowder, are not likely to occur in volcanoes. But a third class, that of explosive compounds brought Into contact with oxygen or water, is more probably the usual source of volcanic explo sions, and is Illustrated by aluminum sesquloxlde — finely divided — brought Into such relation with water in the electric furnace that mechanical deto nation causes violent explosion. The dust of Mont Pelee may have been analogous to the aluminum sesqui- oxide. Australia’s Geographic Position. Australia's exact position on world maps, originally determined by Cap tain Cook, the early explorer, was brought into question recently when wireless authorities, after direct check ing by radio with standard time clocks at Lyons, France, said they be lieved there is an error of perhaps 100 yards on all maps in Australia’s north-south lines. Seafarers who first sketched Alis- tralia's position based tlielr calcula- tions on the chronometer, the finely made watch which keeps Greenwich time. Corrections were made from time to tlqie, until final checking by cable was believed to be accurate. Lately, however, Sydney wireless men who have been listening to the clock ticks at Lyons, say they have discovered there Is a perceptible loss of time in transmitting the correct seconds over the cable. The loss. It Is said, led to errors In map-making. Her baggage consisting of two let- ters, dealing with her father's war record. tlire'e-year-old Wlnnlfred Jo sephine McKinley passed through Port Arthur. Ontario, recently on the Ca nadian Pacific on tiie way to her uncles home In Swift Current, Sas katchewan. From her faraway home In Glasgow, Scotland, to the I'anadlnn Mohammedan Law. West, more than 4.000 miles, the little In the Moslem state of Turkey the orphan had only the kindly directions laws of the empire rest in principle of train and steamship officials to on the basis of the Koran, the Hndlth. guide her. or traditions of Monammed. and the reported sayings of his successors, all Superiority of Oil Over Coal. of which are binding upon the srfv- The amazing increase In the use of ereigri of the state as upon nil Mos oil for fuel is not surprising when it lems. Each successive sultan, how is considered that weight for weight ever. h:,s ofuote*! vtntntes as suited and with pnqier burners the oil gives hl* IndlvMttnl purpose niul. by virtue SO per cent more strain than coal. It of his nhsolnte authority, ifs laws is easier than coal to handle. It ole have «too«! until others have swept vlates dust ami dirt, makes little them away. The nearest approach to smoke and no ashes and can be light a Supreme court justice is the sultan. 'll Instantly and controlled absolutely. He Interprets (?) the law as he thinks best for his people.—New York Trlb- TILLAMOOK GARAGE I I Wall Street Bankers Have Devised Some Novel Methods of Camou flaging Securities. Feet fit for feats, both as to shape and shoes, are no longer confined to men nor yet to the women of the west ern world, says a bulletin from the national board of the Y. W. C. A. In the recent Olympic races of the Far East, held in Shanghai, 1,200 girls and young women took part. Of these 200 were from Japan and the Philippine Islands, and the rest from China, 500 being Shanghai girls, The Shanghai delegation Mas ns selected selected and trained for the events by the Yi ’oung Woiuen’o Christian association of Shanghai, “It is within the last six years that this activity In the land of little bound feet has developed," writes Miss Flor ence Brown of Rochester, N. Y., who Is at present In Shanghai for the Y. W. C. A. “In 1015, when the last Olym pic games were held," she says, "the only girls who took part were a few Filipino girls, who formed a baseball team.” NEW PRICES i OUTWITTING THE BOND THIEF Eastern Women Advancing. I e I fife & Coaxing It. “Is Mr. Dubwaite’s golf game im proving?" "It doesn't show much improvement, but he certainly Is In earnest.” "How Is that?” "He talks to a golf ball as If he were addressing a pair of dice."—Birming ham Age-Herald. ■ i I i /Ufo 2 *1 Prize Stock for Canada. The prince of Wales won most of the prizes with his exhibits of Short horn cattle and Shropshire sheep at 'lie agricultural show, held recently In England. He declared his intention of shipping some of these farm ads- toe-rats to his ranch in Alberta, Ca ti ada, where there is already a fine blooded aggregation. ■