Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 22, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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been taking medical treatment.
will also visit with his dkughter, Mrs
S. S. Johnson of that place.
Miss Blanch Lucas has gone to
Perrydale, Oregon, where she will
teach in the Perrydale high school
during the term beginning this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Mellinger, who have
been visiting with relatives in thfs
city for several days past, returned
to their home at Dayton last week.
D. A. Lengacher, who had an ex-
hlbit at the county fair last week,
left for his home in Portland Sat-
Miss Margaret Coates who has
ben working in the banks of Los
Angeles for nearly two years "past,
arrived home from that plifce last
Miss Coates may take a
position in her father’s abstract of­
fice later on.
Born to Mr. and Mrs Jack Roberts
of Wilson river, on Tuesday of last
week, a daughter, 'Dr. Boats attend-
R. R. Jones, father of Mrs. Fuqua
of this city, left for his home near
Sheridan Friday, after visiting with
the latter for several days.
^feÁta>¿3cauáfu¿ Car inyt-ncrica
Mrs. Potter and tw<? gfand child­
ren were passengers for Salem last
Friday, where the latter two will
enter school for the winter.- Mrs.
Potter resides at Beaver.
Performance, the Buyer’s Guide
design, appointment and finish, Paige 6-66 models
challenge the most artistic achievements in motordom.
Miss Anderson of this city left
last Saturday to attend business col­
lege at Portland the coming fall and
-fineccars are measured by performance—not by
lCe' Superiority must be revealed mainly in terms
of action
W. S. Buel of Bellevue, Yamhill
county, who recently visited h’s son,
Gail Buel of this city, returned home
Lie? the s,Sni^icance of the attested records of Paige
6-66 models on track and hill—nor so much because of the
exceptional speed and power these records revealed, as for the
stamina they demonstrated.
Mrs. Coop and son Zeon, who have
been visiting at the Hanson home,
returned to their home in Estacada
last Tuesday.
This superiority of performance and guarantee of long life
have been * the . principal itici.ors
factors in
in snattering
shattering the
the “ price
hrom the standpoint of appearance, performance
ttt^d sound investment the Paige 6-66 easily determines for
the buyer the price he should pay for a truly fine car.
A. C. Everson will take a tent and
camp at the state fair grounds at
Salem all of next week, leaving Sun­
Mauuiacturan of Motor Can ant Motor Truck*
■■ t.
Wayne W. Waldrop, manager of
the Packard stage line from Port­
land to Tillamook, was in the city
this week.
Tillamook Auto Company
J •
■ •
Closed Cars
Coupe, 6-44, 4-Passenger
Sedan, 6-44, 5-Passenger
Coupe, 6-66, 5-Passenger
Sedan, 6-66, 7-Passenger -
Limousine, 6-66, 7-Passenger
All Price» f.o.b. factory. T uk Extra
Tile Your Farm, It Pays I
Max Crandall of Hillsboro, the
well-known public accountant,, is
busy experting the accounts of the
several school clerks of this county
whose reports for the year past are
In the hands of the county school
Under the new
Alex Vlahos and
Morris Leach superintendent.
clerks must sub­
left town last Sunday for the hot
springs up the Columbia,
wherd mit their records to an expert ac­
countant each year.
they will spend a week or two.
Tillamook Clay Works
Mutual Phone
------------------------------------------------------- ’
Cadillac Stage Line
This line is owned by Tillomook men, desiring to
give good service. We protect you by careful driv­
ing and $40,000 accident insurance. Call Cadillac
Stage Line on either phone and we will go to your
home after you. Stage to Pacific City also.
Leaves TUlanook at
7:30 and 1:45
Leaves Portland Hoyt Hotel at
6 P-m-
Perhaps you hare said that, a little enviously, of someeb'ap
no better educated or brighter than you, but who seems to get
along faster.
Did you ever consider that his "luck” might be simply good
fln^pcial management? At the First National we a
young fellows go determinedly to work—save several 1hundred
dollars, invest it as we suggested, and then start in again.
The big mill at Timber, Oregon,
between Tillamook and Hillsboro,
was totaly destroyed by fire last
week, entailing a loss of »125.000.
M. J. Garland who was here dur­ The fire, originating in the boiler
ing the fair assisting in the stock room, was fanned by a high west
exhibit of the Fred Beals’ herd, re- wind and the sawmill, offices and
turend to his home at Rex Sunday. cottages were all consumed, includ­
ing considerable lumber.
Mrs. Talbot and cousin George
Mayer went out last Sunday by the
Cadillac stage to look over the new
town of Bently near Grand Ronde,
where the Miami lumber cdmpdhy
has its mills.
First class clay tiles made by
E. G. Krebs, Prop.
Mrs. A. J, Provost, an Oakland,
California business woman, has just
ended a very pleasant week’B visit
with Mrs. Sid Provout and with her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Benoit Provost,
who resides with ber sod on the Ril­
etti. river. Mrs. Provoet also visit­
ed all her brothers-in-law and their
families at Bay City.
Mrs. Provost
is a chemist, having laboratories at
Oakland, and is concerned in the
manufacture of the "Provo” gas
Mrs. Wm. Matthews and Mrs.
-k Smith left Sunday for Mon­
mouth, where they will visit Mrs.
Smith’s mother, who is reported sb
being quite ill.
Jos. Lattal who has been visiting
at the Durrer home for some days
past, returned to his home in Port­
land Saturday.
A regular old fashioned thunder
shower occured in Tillamook Sunday
night, with flashes of lightening and
deafening peals of thunder.
ence is made to it for the reason that
it is an unusual occurence in this
neck of the woods.
We wish to thank the many friends
and relatives who assisted us no
• F. J. Bergantz, who has been with kindly during the Bicknese of our
the Coats lumber company for some beloved one, also for the beautiful
time past, left last Saturday for the fliral offerings.
bedside of his wife in San Francisco,
Ward Sappington
where she has been reported very ill
and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kellow
Mrs. W. J. Hubbard of this city
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Kellow
left for Spokane, Wash, last Mon-
day to visit relatives for a short
Portland Woodlawn district has
»100,000 paving program on.
Woodburn— Cannery handles 20
A Mr. Hadley who is connected
with the operation of the Graves tons blackberries dally.
cannery at this place, made a trip
Haines Copper mine 3 miles west
to Newberg Monday.
being worked with 20 men.
Portland has started street and
Arnold P. White, with the War­
ren Construction company , left for sewer work to cost »4.00,000.
Portland Sunday to be examined for
Average of Marion county men
a soldier’s compensation for dipabil­ teacfffirs Is »145 a month, female
ity incurred on the battle fields of »101.83.
Ontario district produces 1200
ears spies and prunes for shipment.
G. L. Chasten of Portland, who
Pendleton— Big wheat yields in
was a guest at the Williams home
east of town for several days, left Weston-Athena district.
Portland— Renewed activities In
for home last Saturday.
lumber industry in southern Oregon
Frank Burns of this elty was a promised with purchase of »4,000,
passenger to Portland last Saturday, 000 feet of timber along Four-Bit
where he will meet life wife who has creek in the Crater lake forest.
National Building
Tillamook. Oregon
Assistance of Tillamook shippers
in cutting down loss and damage to
freight is being sought by Ray Grate
agent of the Southern Pacific com­
pany here, who recently made a spec
ial appeal for proper packing, mark­
ing and loading.
Mr. Grate pointed out that loss
and damage freight claims, which
on class one railroads mounted form
»23,346,965 in 1916 to »104,398,930
in 1920, r^>resents absolute econom­
ic waste.
’’After settlement has been made”
he said, “no one is better off than he
was before the loss or damage occur­
red, while the country is poorer to
the extent of the value of the prop­
erty destroyed, and the shipper is
annoyed at the failure of his goods
to reachc him in good order.
The Southern Pacific company has
inaugurated an intensive campaign
among its employees during the mon
th of September to demonstrate what
can be done to eliminate loss and
damage, and is asking shippers to
join in a common effort to reduce
this dead loss.
“Carload freight is pucked, loaded
and braced in the cai- by the slilp-
per,” said Mr. Grate, “The function
of the carrier is to transport tl\e car
with reasonable dispatch, as directed
by the shipper.
If the freight is
not property packed, loaded and
braced in the car, damage is liable
to occur.
“Less than carload freight is pack
ed and marked by the shipper.
carriers are forced to depend largely
on the shipper to properly pack and
clearly mark freight In compliance
with tariff and classification require
**We appeal to shippers to assist
us In delivery of freight In good or­
der by assuring themselves that
sound shipping containers are being
used, that classification requirement
for marking are being complied with
and that carload shipment's are pro­
perly loaded and braced.
“Our Freight Protection depart­
ment Is at the service of shippers and
is ready to render any assistance
useful in solving these shipping pro­
Surgeon and Physician
I. O. O. F. Building
National Building
Tillamook. Oregon
Bell Phone 8F2.
Mutual Phone
Tillamook, Oregon
f ----------------------- -------------------------------------- X
dr . j. g . B urner
Eye Specialist
Permanently located In Tillamook
Private ofllce in Jenkin’s jewelry
store. Latest up-to-date instru­
ments and equipment. Evenings
and Sunda> by appointment.
Complete Lens Grinding Factory
on the Premises. Any lens dupli­
211-12-13 TUUunook Bldg.
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Smith
neighbors, both were fat and beSfc
were extremely sensitive about IL
Both tried every method they could
hear of for losing weight, and, until
this summer, both continued to gain.
Mrs. Brown went West early in the
spring and while there managed in
Silver Wave Chapter No.- IS
some way to lose nearly thirty pounds.
0. B. 8.
When she came back Mrs. Smith saw
Stated communications first and
her step from tbe taxi and realized
that her neighbor had accomplished third Thursdays of each month in
Masonic Hall. Visitors weleomo.
what to her seemed unattainable.
“Hello, dearie," called Mrs. Brown.
"Don't you think my trip bss agreed
with me? Four months in the West
Marathon Lodge Ne.
certainly make a difference in one I”
#3, Knights of Pythias
Jealousy seized Mrs. Smith. The
Regular meeting Mmi-
Idea of Mrs. Brown bragging that way
just because she weighed a few WMNv day evening
Dy order of
pounds least
the Chancellor Cosn-
“You have fallen off marvelously,
dear,” Mrs. 8mlth replied. “When
John C. CarroH, 0. 0.
you stepped out of the taxi I never
would have known you, only for your
W. R. 0.
kat I”
Corlnlth Relief Corps, No. »4 Dept,
of Oregon, meets <fb first and third
Conserve Heat from Sun's Raya.
Friday evenings of each month, at
Long years ago, a gentleman In IB I p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Vlaitan
dla cooked a meal for some of his welcome .
friends by reflecting the rays of the
Minnie Johnson, President
sun from a mirror on 'his cooking
Elisabeth Conover, Soey.
utensil, says Popular Mechanics Mag
azine. This was, of course, out of
Corinth Post, No. 35, Dept, of Ong««
the question on rainy days and dur-
Ing the night. Now comes a mechan­ Meets on second and fourth
ical harness for the heat of the sun’s Saturdays of each month
rays wherein It is preserved for night at 1:30 p. m. in W. O. W. ]K|
and cleudy-day use. At tbe Smlthson- hall. Visitors welcome.
lan solar observing station on Mount
Wilson in California la auch a device.
H. W. Spear, Com’dr.
A large 7 by 10-foot mirror, built
Samuel Downs, Adjt.
aeml-cyllndrical in shape and made of
aluminum-covered steel plates, focuses
Johnson Chapter No. 94
the rays of the aun on a lH-inch pipe
R. A. M
Stated convocations every
placed centrally in its frame. Thia
third Fridays.
pipe carries an oil of high boiling
Visitors welcome.
point, which, after heating from the
f. E. Keldson, See.
reflected raya, rises to a reservoir that
la Insulated to retain tbs heat for a
long time. Oven compartments are Tillamook Lodge No. 07, A P. A A.M.
embodied in this reservoir tn which
Stated Communication sso-
the foods may be placed for cooking.
pnd Wednesday in each
month. Visiting Brstfaern
Night In Battery Par*.
Battery perk at dusk is filled with
Harvey Ebinger, See’y.
people seeking relief from the city's
beet. From tbe benches one may gaas
upon the Statue of IJberty, Governor1»
and Ellis islands. Tbe harbor is filled
with craft and now and then an ocean
liner noses Its way out to sea. It it
coo of the moot picturesque spots tn
all New York. In the background is
Lodge Directory
Better spell “luekq" "plucky.”
Donald Field of oats here threshes
80 bpshels to acre.
Salem pr per mills will develops
»100,000 electric power plant.
Portland —»5.000,000 to be soent
on poorer development for exposi-