THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT been taking medical treatment. PAGE THREE He 's will also visit with his dkughter, Mrs S. S. Johnson of that place. DR. J. E. SHEARER SURGRBY Miss Blanch Lucas has gone to Perrydale, Oregon, where she will teach in the Perrydale high school during the term beginning this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Mellinger, who have been visiting with relatives in thfs city for several days past, returned to their home at Dayton last week. D. A. Lengacher, who had an ex- hlbit at the county fair last week, left for his home in Portland Sat- urady. Miss Margaret Coates who has ben working in the banks of Los Angeles for nearly two years "past, arrived home from that plifce last Friday, Miss Coates may take a position in her father’s abstract of­ fice later on. Born to Mr. and Mrs Jack Roberts of Wilson river, on Tuesday of last week, a daughter, 'Dr. Boats attend- ing. R. R. Jones, father of Mrs. Fuqua of this city, left for his home near Sheridan Friday, after visiting with the latter for several days. ^feÁta>¿3cauáfu¿ Car inyt-ncrica Mrs. Potter and twresents absolute econom­ ic waste. ’’After settlement has been made” he said, “no one is better off than he was before the loss or damage occur­ red, while the country is poorer to the extent of the value of the prop­ erty destroyed, and the shipper is annoyed at the failure of his goods to reachc him in good order. The Southern Pacific company has inaugurated an intensive campaign among its employees during the mon th of September to demonstrate what can be done to eliminate loss and damage, and is asking shippers to join in a common effort to reduce this dead loss. “Carload freight is pucked, loaded and braced in the cai- by the slilp- per,” said Mr. Grate, “The function of the carrier is to transport tl\e car with reasonable dispatch, as directed by the shipper. If the freight is not property packed, loaded and braced in the car, damage is liable to occur. “Less than carload freight is pack ed and marked by the shipper. The carriers are forced to depend largely on the shipper to properly pack and clearly mark freight In compliance with tariff and classification require ments. **We appeal to shippers to assist us In delivery of freight In good or­ der by assuring themselves that sound shipping containers are being used, that classification requirement for marking are being complied with and that carload shipment's are pro­ perly loaded and braced. “Our Freight Protection depart­ ment Is at the service of shippers and is ready to render any assistance useful in solving these shipping pro­ blems.” X, r R. T. BOALS M. D. Surgeon and Physician I. O. O. F. Building TILAMOOK, OREGON X. BARRICK & HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW National Building Tillamook. Oregon X. y / DR. O. L. HOHLFELD VETERINARIAN Bell Phone 8F2. Mutual Phone Tillamook, Oregon X. ✓ f ----------------------- -------------------------------------- X dr . j. g . B urner Eye Specialist Permanently located In Tillamook Private ofllce in Jenkin’s jewelry store. Latest up-to-date instru­ ments and equipment. Evenings and Sunda> by appointment. Complete Lens Grinding Factory on the Premises. Any lens dupli­ cated. Chiropractor 211-12-13 TUUunook Bldg. » TOO MUCH FOR MRS. SMITH Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Smith neighbors, both were fat and beSfc were extremely sensitive about IL Both tried every method they could hear of for losing weight, and, until this summer, both continued to gain. Mrs. Brown went West early in the spring and while there managed in Silver Wave Chapter No.- IS some way to lose nearly thirty pounds. 0. B. 8. When she came back Mrs. Smith saw Stated communications first and her step from tbe taxi and realized that her neighbor had accomplished third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Visitors weleomo. what to her seemed unattainable. “Hello, dearie," called Mrs. Brown. LEJLIA D, DOTY. Sec. "Don't you think my trip bss agreed with me? Four months in the West Marathon Lodge Ne. certainly make a difference in one I” #3, Knights of Pythias Jealousy seized Mrs. Smith. The Regular meeting Mmi- Idea of Mrs. Brown bragging that way just because she weighed a few WMNv day evening sharp. Dy order of pounds least the Chancellor Cosn- “You have fallen off marvelously, mander. dear,” Mrs. 8mlth replied. “When John C. CarroH, 0. 0. you stepped out of the taxi I never would have known you, only for your W. R. 0. kat I” Corlnlth Relief Corps, No. »4 Dept, of Oregon, meets