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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1921)
LOCAL NEWS THURSDAY. AUGUST 2\ IMI. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE EIGHT b< tu’fitti'd thereby l>y the openin« of Sixth atreet West from Serond Ate Ea«t the cost of th«» improvement and that tlic a »i -siiient so made has been entered in th«' Lien IkH-ket of Tillamook City. Oregon, and that the amount so assewed against each lot or patt thereof, or tract or parcel of ’ land together with the name of the owner or reputed owner of the lol. or part thereof, or tract so aaaeastd are nil a« net forth In the following list: Add Blk Lot Amt On ner Harters 1 I 7 S II N Ibnkle »225.00 I Harters 1 9-10E I. Knight 250.00 Harters t I 11 H C H< one 145.00 Hartei s 1 12 M F Leach 146.CO Central 1 7-S J It ll.iakell 52.50 Central 1 5-« M Schnal 50.90 Central 2 3-4 M E Vaughn 50.00 Central 2 1 2 C T McKinley 5 • .30 Tract beginning _ at a _____ point 60 feet South of the S E cor ner of Lot ' Block 1. Harters Add to Tillamook City th<*nce South 210 feet. thence West 300 feet, thence North .’10 ft. theme East 300 ft to place of beginning Mrs Ida Martlny < b .1 Miss Lola Baldwin, chief of th» Womeu's Proti-i tiv« a>.-* elation of Portland. Is spending a week at Ko< kaway. While in Tillamook the other day. she called on M. E. Giu ber, who used to be on the PoiGsnd police force, and who assisted her In her duties Ml*» Baldwin lias d> lie a great work in the line her in tie« in Portland. Mauled at the home of Geo. I. Hamlin hy R«’v. Harry E. Tucker, of tht Chiisiiun church. August 20th. 1921, tiffed W. Alideison and Eli xabeth Meyers. D. K. Tinnerstet and family left la.»: Monday morning for Montesano Wash., ou a short visit. Miss Blanche Barrett of Salem, d a vii to I m • brotho* r. w. Barrett of this city last Friday, in i. ml'.uij with Siu lift and Mrs. F. H Fergusou of MiMinnvllle. Aft r i. two days stay at Rockaway the party letumed home Monday Mrs E. W. Petty ami husband of Nitarts recently received a checs of »300 tor a motion picture story from an eastern company. They collab Total »1.735.00 orate In th«' writing, and have sold Said assessments have been en- six scenarios up to date. tered as or August 22. 2. ZtZi 1921 and ate P. A. Swenson, a former resident now payable at the office of the of Tillamook county, returned to his City Recorder, Dated this 25lh day home in Montesano. Wash., this of August. 1921. I week, after a visit with friends in FRANCESB STRANNAHAN this section. City Recorder of Tillamook City Ore Miss Matilda Matire of New berg, returned Monday via the Cad STATEMENT iliac stage, after a few weeks spent Of the Nestucca Valley Bank at Rockaway. T F. W. Stodert. deputy city attor Cloverdal«',. County of Tlllanio k. ney of Portland, was a passenger by State of Oregon, show ing the amounr the Cadillac route to Portland Tues standing to the credit of every de day. Mi. Stodert had just complet positor July 1, 1921. who has not ed a hike from Newport up the beach made a deposit, or who has not with drawn any part of his deposit (con to this city. T. P. Kedniond wife and son. who mortal deposts), principal or inter have been visiting with the Pen- i est, for a period of more than sev* n ningtons for some days past, return- , (7) years immediately prior to said ed to their home in McMinnv ille date with the name, last known place of residence or post office ad Tuesday last. dress of sueh depositor, and the H. D. Bochsler left Portlaud ou his way to attend the fact of his death. If known. Name Residence or I’ O Vniversity at Berkley. California. Address Floyd Eberman went out via the Amount Cadillac loute Tuesday to Portland, Chas. Cooper, San Francisco »3 9« on his way to Seaside for a tew days. J C. Creecy. Beeaver .50 Miss Smock was a passenger to A. L. Darby. Tillamook Ss Will Hadley. Tillamook Portland Tuesday. .73 Clyde Makinster had the pleas Jas. Holcomb. Cloverdale 1 15 Mrs Allee Roenecki, Woods ure of killing a bear Sunday. 37 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison of Sa F. C. Schniellzer. Hebo 7 i «0 P. Thomas. Hebo lem aud daughter. M.s. Green of 1 17 Portland are spending the week at State of Oregon. County of Till«- monk. as. the J. R. Collins home. I E. M Stone of Blaine, was a bus I. E. L. McCabe, being first duly iness caller Saturday. sworn, depose and say upon oath, t Charles W. Talmadge and wife that I am the cashier of the Nestuc- who spent two weeks in Tilla’iiock ca Valley Hank of Cloverdale. r...;’n. and at the beaches, expect to leturu ty of Tillamook. State of Oregon: to McMinnville the latter part of that the foregoing statement Is n ‘ t he week. Charley says It does an full. true, correct and complete «tat« old Tillamooker good to return and ment showing the name, last known get a whifT of the salt air. lesidence or post office address fart The Loganberry crop is about all of death, if known, and the amount gone. It was a gisud one thia year, to the credit of each depositor as re One advantage in the beach sec quired by the provision.« of Sections tion is that the old smoker need not 10160-10163. inclusive. Oregon la W« growl about having to smoke dry E L M c C abe | tobacco. Sul scribed and sworn to before me • A. Saures of Beaver, was a city mis this lam 15th day of July, July. A a I). i;;;. 1921. caller last Monday. J. L. George. Notary »»ublic’for I Henry Heisel and »i.e left___ la.«'. Oregon ¿ly commission expires Ain Monday to visit relatives and friends 9. 1923. at .Montesano, Wash. Married by E W. Stanley, J. P. or LOWER prices August 23rd. T. W. Purvis of Bay- We desire to call your silent;.’, to I City and Mrs. A. E. Alberdlng of the price» as quoted below ud we Tillamook county. The ceremony will be pleased to have you «all and was performed at the Court House. i look us over. We know we can sell H. U Morlan pleaded guilty to unlawfully operating an automobile you goods cheaper than anybody else and was taxed »10 and »5 50 costs Because we sell for cash aud out ex by Judge Stanley on the 22nd nut. pense» are light Look cv«.r the fol Morlan was from the outside some . I lowing and If you want t « save some where. g money, call in and place your «>>ders County Agent Pine will receive We deliver your goods free orders for picric a' id cartridges for Velvet Tobacco 2 cans tot 25c. blasting purposes in agricultural Very be»t Creamery butte* 95c jquar and Carnation m lk J cans work until sfpt. 15th. One thous Bordens 25c. and pounds of the explosive have been oidered thus far. The explo 16 lbs best head rice for »1 00. sive was used during the late war, Good grade bulk cofle 14: ib. I end as a salvaged war material is 11 > al Club and Dependa Pe m .7«- An automolAie toelwnging to J L 38c lb. now available for the above purp >. - Jon« » was rtohn tb« early pad of | es, and may be had for less than ord Hills Bros a M J B coffe- 4«‘c lb ------ found ' —* at the prevent week, and " later inary explosive- If you want to get Korina 70c for 10 lb aa* k. Rockaway Th« thief ha« not >•’ 1 White or yellow corn m« al 35c sack I your quota, see Mr. Pine before the Dei Monte hard wheat fl-.ur 41 9'J >k been apprehended. Anoth«-r auto above date. mobile belonging to Mrs Vldilo of M. J. Maddox, who is operating a 4 lbs corn starch in balk far 25c. big sixteen pa.-renger stage between 5 lb. pails Swiits p.jre lard for 95c this city was take« frbiu In front of Manhattan beach and Tillamook and Star, Climax A Horses<a.<> 75« plug. her home Tuesday night and polirriy returned th«- next Bight. No n >te intervening points, reports that the Pearl shortening 65e and 11.25 jt thanks accompanlnd tho return of I carrying business is increasing al a Economy jar Ups 28c jn d<*a the machine. very satisfactory rate. His line will English breakfast tea 25c lb. Special prices on all klada of ti u t be operated all winter, and nix' I ANNOUNCEMENT spring be plans on putting on an- I Jars. fJber b... the slM of the present one. > 13 lbs granulated sugar fwr »190 Mias Marie Holden who Is an *t< • Mr. Maddox is a resident of thia 3 lb can ground chocolat« |1.0«9 credited teacher of pwuio wiahe» to VICTORY CA.->H GROCERY announce that ahe will open h«-r stu county, and his enterprise in putting on a pa»«*nger service is be,n< dio for instruction S»pt»mb»i 1. NOTICE appreciated not only by transient J»21, 202 Stillwell Ave. Phom 13311 We will allow 5 per cent disctun« ; People but by county residents, who »-25 If on all August bills that are paid »¿w and it a convenience worth having Dr. Pollock returned home Friday I on or before Sept. 5. 192L—TilU- Ckristian Chuxah ad «ftern«jon with his family from a vis rnook •M»rc. Co. A cordial invitation I» extendtu to it to p<ont>- in the Willamette valley I On «text Mondar we ate goina to ail to attend the seivl«»» fol Hut «'ty Wille gone the doctor attended lec tures given by an eastern dental laise the pnees oo sugai to confort.i Aog 28th. Blltle school at 10 a. m. with the preweat market value- a> Morning servo e I 1 a in. Evening specialist in the metropolis. I Mrs. Chas. D. Connor and chlldrea f if you are going lo need sugar i>a> »«rvn e at K p. m. HARRY E Tl < KEIt. MI h ; - ' I Tillamook Merc. Co. A4* from Stanfield. Oieg'.n, are visiting it now Dr. Wise Will be at the Nehalem at the D P. Hopkins home. .Mr. and Mrs F. M. Ferguson and hotel on Thursday September 1st PORTLAND HUNT CLUB daughter Hazel Marie of Portland and his Wheeler off!«-» on Friday VISITS TILLAMOOK BEACHES are visiting friends and relative« In Sept 2nd 21 Dr Win* will be at hie • l/»«*i d.ili Thiiieen members of ’hr Portland I this eiiy. '.'hilt -4 IV Hunt club in< lulling the riding u. Dr. C. B Over dentist of Boise, off!«:«- or, Wednesday end I Idaho, spent a few days this week Sept 7th and 8th 21 tei. arrived In Tillamook the lai ii part of last »ok, anil stopped at th»- visiting hi« hoyb'Mid friend p W. A picnic will be held at I be I’el ,r - Barrett. I illamook hotel. The party < aim in on the I Sth of t lie month, were 13 Dr. H«>y ieports the bir«h of a place one half mile north . Z Clover dale, next Sunday Mass ai IT a nt. in number amt w In n they aiiiv.- i, ^-:1 tq Mi* hni M’s Owar Heilen In the afternoon ports will «>#««■■. they were ihoioughlv soaked with who-« home is brand whos< if at Salmon nv including a tug of war. A new ram. it having rained steadily all «r. Lincoln county I'na Baker and Ervins Bak« I had ' atbolle church u> being belli tiare, I day on the above uriluiky day an«l number The party immediately re Il y and th«- work Is well under way their tonsils icrnoved by Dr. A hnppy birthday party watt given tiled, aud flieii < |,«thing was tukeii Wednesday morning oi the lgth for one year old Chai l»s to the itasemi nt lo In- dried .Mrs Louis Ludlke and children Francis Lucas, son of Mrs Lola De The paity tame over tin- Wilson »ns down from Nehalem on bust t Lille Lucas ar the Del.rBe jpi rt rivei route ami leglaleied as "Mi nes.- Tuesday- m«-nts. The following little tots a»«.* I Hart and Family " Mrs Hail iliii|, Solon .■»« hiffiuan ul Barnsdall- present ' Charles France» Lucas. 1 «•toned th* ladle» of the party, a.irl in town Wednesday Kingsland, Vivian Anderson. Gen« the riding master «httper-onerf tT<- Herrington. Virginia B Who « haperone«) Kingsland I men of Hu- patly NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT and th<-lr mothers Ice « ream an«! Hie tiding master is a mystery uke were server! OPENING STREET Th« day following was pent a Ion;: the beaches On Friday morning > Notice is heieby given to all whom J I Hollett and family reim m •' the paity rode thioiigh th«- stre«-K' it may concern that the Common his week from a several month«’ 'r, th«- «Ity on their way home, ami ! Council of Tillamook City. Ote on, fay al Modesto California, wrier«* attiacted attention by the elegance «). lia- ■-• * <<1 io tlx pi operty specially th'-y have been operating a ranch. thdr riding tills, and Hie fine a t AMOOK COUNTY FAIR « SEPTEMBER 13-14-15-16 Cattle Show, Horse Races. Stock Parade, Agricultural Exhibits, Feed Exhibits, Poultry Exhibits, Etc- A PRIZE FOR EVERYONE Write Secretary for Premium List I ( Imais ridden Th«- patty was led by th»- riding maatss llarry Keiron. ami ih*- style of ildiag wa« distinctly >y English The hotsaw w«-ir g«M«d tro« Irra, and the Joins Gilpin * uppltly bunipety" style of riding was <>t* served. The stlrrvps wsre very I short, which allow«4 the riders I* rise and fall about a foot In tho ««uf dl«. like a new West Point cadet, on parade To a casual observer If i«»ik«-«l too much Ilk» "working one ■ way" on horseback, but if one tic kings to a hunt club oue must of, »• rve the atbl'iaty style» or «-fay ««ut of the game. I he party was composed «if the fol lowing society people of Portland Harry Kerron, riding mastei, .Mrs. Tbos Hart, Ml»»»» Mad»lyi«e Mitchel, Martla Babb. May Chen«« with. All««- Moore, Florence Di.y. Winifred Llpacomp, Edna Gray, Nell (»»home and Messis. T. T. Mliain, Harvey Dick and Everett M««*ar)and Swing East Through California Via »it 1 lie Scenic Shasta Rout,«* Watch the Siskiyou Mountaine* unfold their magic before y >u. and if time Will peinm inriude a «id« trip to Crater Lake, one« a hug« mountan, now • heaullfi ake within a crater New Oae Way Farei Are in effect to all EASTERN DESTINATIONS Via THE NEW TILLAMOOK COUNTY MUSICAL ORGANIZATION line nionth ago a movement wi s -tailed t«i form a musical organlxa Hon having a scope and importance worthy of th«- musical talent of thli' • ounty, and using th«- combined l>aii<Js uf Bay City and Tillamook as a mi« li-iis, un association was Inaug tl i at «-«I to be known a- th«- k. p. I ..«id ul I lllniiKiok «ounty Th* 1 • lieari ill- will lotlllnue to lie h«-ld ll Marathon Midge of Tillamook Th« oiganl/atlon ha» Just ln-*-n pi fi' i«-«l by th«- adoptl« ii of nrtl«li- ut iKrtuclatlon ami lh< ibitioii of tin* billow Illg offl«eis W I” Doty oi Bay City and I W White, I ill iiKMik, lituuses W M P<-if«*yx, mail- nger; W F. Baker, re<r«-iaiy tins 'll« ! . 0 M Cook, ditev tof I hr mi iiilu-iship now numbers 2k m. n A fl«-«* Hiimliiy afternoon conceit will be given at the High si li«s>l a in it Tillamook ami another nt ilnv < ity in th«- nt'iir fiitun dull-» t<, b* aiuioiim * «1 Inlet MARRIAGE,- At Illi n-slilener of fh' ^i.eloi of the U. B church, Tillamook, Dimon, Hhsst.i O|r»1»n Golden Siate Munse t « arrlao Gorge and many ulhel mules FOUR DAILY TRAINS The Shasta" "l «litio ma Expi *«i I "Ì he Oregnnla 1 "8an F/«nrl»«o Lepre» >l»> ping <aia, pt >«i de «««»lient servi« niogatlona. "California book I« I, ? hl. n»w llhialrs'el <>r California. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES •HHIN M Mi'orr, «¡inaiai PaxHen gei Agent