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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
CLOVERDALE BRIEFS Mrs. W. A. High is on the sick net Boou and Mr. and Mrs. Al E --------- - child- There was a musical entertain ren were Portland viBlton the first I ment in Cloverdale last 8Murd?y of last week. Miss Iva Nelson is home fiom evening. The world’s greatest tax- Dallas where she has been attend ophone player was the main attri-.n- tion. ing high 'school. M F. M. Nelson and family were A serious accident was n' nowly averted on Wednesday afternoon of Pacific City visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Newby r.nd last week, when a Sheridan man by ;he name of Sackett had a mHhdp children of Portland arrived ;-.t ‘he with his Ford, running it off the home of Mrs. Newby’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hatfield, Saturday grade near the Hudson corn,.’. Mrs. W. R. Robelee came .;p from evening An accldens occurred last Wcdnes V/oods, on Tuesday of last ’’oii for a visit with her daughter Mrs Char day when Mrs. Henry Parks was re turning from Portland. Her par lie Murphy. Miss Beatrice Blackburu is work ents, three sisters and haF daughter Mae, were in the car when it took a ing for Mrs. Mary f-s • a. R. R Jones <>f Sho'tdr’i •»' in sudden notion to go over the grade. verdu.n on 1 .vi-»-!«» .f Inst week No one was hurt but the car was Mrs Will Glick wai a Tlllanif ok considerably damaged, Mrs. Park’s father went back to have the ear visitor last Thursday. Mrs. Will Peuter went to Meda repaired and the rest of the party the first of last week to assist in came in on the stage. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hilliker mov caring for her mother Mrs. Hesss, ed to their nae home at Hebo Sun who has been sick. L. H. Turner, Clovtrdala's barber day. Miss Minnie Nolan, one of the has gone to California Hilt wife and former Cloverdale school teachers, daughter accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Brandt made came from Eugene Saturday. Mrs. Oscar Bennett haa relatives a trip to the county eeat lust Thuru- from Kansas City visiting her. day. Word was received here that Leo . Trot W. E. Buell and family vis ited at the home of Clay Taylor on ..Norton’s little boy was, severly in- — - - - . week. . jured in an auto accident near Ore- Ore Wednesday evening of - last The Nortons were f-um- Charlie Cruthers was a Tillamook gon City. erly of this place. visitor last Thursday. “Uncle” John aBker of Meda was on our Streets last Thursday. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Juanita White of Portland is vis In the Circuit Court of the State iting her mother Mrs. Lizzie Collins of Oregon for Hood River C-junty. "Uncle Charlie” Ray left lest L. Saldern, Plaintiff vs C. F. Fieid week for Sunny California. A Mr. Hartley gave a demonstra and Alice C Field, defendants. By virtue of an attachment exe tion of Wearever aluminum at the home of Mrs. Mary Jenck; Thursday cution issued out of the Circuit afternoon. Court of the State of Oregon, for Max Traxler has the contract to flood River County, upon a judg carry the mall from Willamina to Cloverdale. The mall will come over ment for the sum of *1090.00 and interest on said sum at the rate of this route beginning July 1st. Lois Sheets had her collar bone eight per cent per annum since iha broken last week, Dr. LeFevre set the broken bone and she is doing 17th day of March, 1915, the fur ther sum of *100.00 attorney’s fees nicely now. I Ralph Dunn of Meda visited here and *23.00 costs and disbursements last Wednesday. which judgment is in favor of the Mrs. James Baggs' father is in plaintiff L. Saldern, and against the from the valley on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Brandt are defendants, C. E. Field and Alic-! C. Field, I will on Saturday, the ,251 h riding around in a new car. M b . A. A Omlah was a Hebo vis day of June, 1921, at 10 o’clock A itor Friday afternoon M. of said day, at the front door cf Miss Claire Warner left the fore part of last week for her home at the Coyrt House in the City of Tilla mook City, Oregon, sell at p iblic Eugene. Mrs. Tom Blackburn and daughter auction to the highest bidder f:,r Thelma, were Hebo visitors last cash in hand, for the purpose of sat Thursday. isfying said Judgment, the following Mr. and Mrs. D. T Werschkul re turned home from Portland on Mon described attached real estate, sit uated in Tillamook County, Oregon, day of last week Earl and Johnny Gee are working to-wit: for C W. Hatfield. Lot 32, Block 22, Tillamook Beach Mrs. Charlie Murphy visited her as per the recorded plat. mother Mrs. W. R. Robedee at Dated and posted the 26th Jay of Woods last Friday Mr. and Mrs Carl Shortridge were May, 1921. First publication, May 26, 1921 Pacific City visitors Sunday. H. H. Brooten and family were Last publication, June 23, 1921. Tillamook visitors last Thursday. JOHN ASCH1M Walter Todd and family were Hik ing in the sights at Pacific City Sun Sheriff of Tillamook County. Orc day. Mrs. John Fleck 1 b on the sick list Roland McGlnnlB, Lloyd Todd and MI bb Viva Owens were Tillamook We have a first-class visitors on Wednesday of las’ week A number of Cloverdale’s citizens attended the opening dance nt Pa Dispenser at your ser cific City Saturday evening vice at our Soda Foun- Mr. and Mrs. Eb Clark and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bays cf McMinnville visited at theg. J. Hud*.'- tain now, and we invite son home the forepart of last week. Mrs. Ed Hansen was a Tillamook you to try our home visitor Sunday. Jack Fendall, prop of Cloverdale's made Ice Cream. meat market, made a business trip to Salmon River last Thursday. Miss Bessie Hunter, who has been attending the U. of O. at Eugene, re turned to her home here, Saturday evening. , John R. Patterson M tb . Shearer and daughter Marga- tet, of Tillamook, were week-end vis itors In Cloverdale. PROP. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owenii’vidtt-d ut the home of her sister, Mr». J„hn Blum at Pleasant Valley Sunday. ULY 2-3 = AT = And enjoy the elaborate program that is to take place during the three*days celebration The Celebrated Ruth Stoker athletic director for women of the U.S. Navy at Mare Island, first American girf to mte world's swimming record, will give free exhibitions. Charles Dimond the famous Hawaiian musician and actor, assisted by two ladies and three gentlemen, all natives of Sunny Hawaii, will give high class entertainments in playing, singing and dancing. The Great De Kohls in a marvelous acrobatic exhibition coming down a flight of stairs on a rolling globe, balancing rope skipping, etc. Band Concerts lectures, vocal and instrumental solos, and other attractions, bull program will be. given in the Auditorium, where a small admission charge will be made, but a good program will be given in . the open air free. FREE CLAM BAKE at noon one day during celebration DANCE EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING in the dance pavilion. Music by Brenner’s six piece orchestra. Something Doing all the time, or rest and quiet if you desire along the beach or in the beautiful grove. Pacific City is equipped with good stores, hotel, restaurant, apartments, tents, superb camp grounds and an abundance of dry wood and pure mountain water. However, like all other Tilla mook resorts, its capacity for taking care of large crowds is limited, and we would advise as far as possible, that those who can, bring tents, blankets and full cooking equipment Thousands will go THE LOUVRE Back East this summer because of the Low Round-Trip Fares i5ï52SZ525îl52SZ5î5a5E5a5e5B5H5H5aîS31SHira5a5a5aS?5a5aSZSa5Z5a5a5B5aara Vacation Trips Plan now for a vlait back east to your old home town NEW EASTBOUND BACK EAST One-Way Fares Low round Trip Tickets, California Sale at Reduced Fare. offered by the big cross continent railroad THROUGH THROUGH Union Pacific System California in effect June 10 and Daily, thereafter. Serving the transportation needs of the Great Pacific Northwest Einalrcturn limit round trip ticket«, three month« from »ale date, not exceeding Octo'er 31 «t. Stop over« permitted anti choice of route«. ami giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago on these two strictly first class trains. On your hack enxt trip «ce Crater Lake, Lake Tahoe, Voaemltc, Sequoia Nat- ional Park,Carri««o Gorge, a grand and highly colored canyon «een from the car window«, or the Apache Trial and Rooaevelt Dam. Week End Special Train Oregon-Washington Limited” and “Continental Limited I« now (»¡»crating between Tickets on Sale Daily Portland and Tillamook •ortland S -.turday 12 46 p. m. 'illatnook Sunday 3.23 |>. m. Arrive» Tillamook S.1O p. m. Arrive« Portland 10.35 p. m. I'ntil and including August 15th. Return limit iK) days, but not later than October 31st. Enjoy ami outing in the mountains or by the seashore $113.65 Memphis $118.45 Pueblo Denver $84.25 Minneapolis $94.45 St. Pau! Kausas City $94.45 Omaha $94.45 St. Louis CklCAgO “Oregon Outdoors’’ A new Rummer booklet, graph Icallly dewrtbes the different re sort-; tn westerh Oregon and Includes hotel and catnp int'ortni- n Copy free on request. Hi- particulars as to pa sei ger fares, routes, train schedules hopin’, car rem>rvntalnna, inquire of any ticket ngvit of olthern $84.25 $94.46 $108.25 8 per cent war tax to be Added Proportionate reductions to niiny points East. Stop-overs at pleasure. Side trips may be ar ranged for Yellowstone, Zion and Rocky Mountain National parks. P acific L ines For complete details as tv rout Ings, train schedules, sido trips sleeping car rates mid resenat Ions, and other travel lnfotmu tton address, J. H. ON1-.1LL. Traveling Pa.tsenger Agent, or Wm. McMurray, Oeueral Pi ss enger Agent, Po.tlmd. Ore JOHN M SCOTT, General Passenger Agent k