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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1921)
*------------ !----- " J ' tz yi «. . Fz D on ’ t W orry ! iTfr 1 f vi A Jfzf. Lzl zK F . Tzrzf AAA Don't worry about Ice Cream. (iPat" is never out any more — he makes it. zb i 1 Ï I ZG I •Ì $ % Si it All Phone Orders Promptly! taken Care of. <15 T ORDINANCE NO. 40) 3Ì I M AN ICES A SPECIALTY. 3 I rh J. LOUVKE RESTAURANT <T JOHN R. PATTRRSON, Prep. V.r'.-V' •ràiSfêirlv# <p <p For Your Picnic Lunches & £ I. Bamboo Knive^ and Forks, Spoons, Paper Plates and Napkins—Cheese. Sar- diner.. Canned Meats, Pickles, Clives, Jellies and Jams, Cookies, Cakes, Crack ers and many other good things may? be found at THE it I <• , STORE. GOOD GOODS. I RIGHT PRICES. E. G. Anderson f 1 At The Churches 1 S— Í I Headlight Advertisers Get Quick and Sure Results Section Thirty-nine: Any person, limi, company or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty'^of niisde mcaenor, and upon conviction there of before the City Recorde“ shall be punished by a fine of not exceed ing TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS (>200.00) or by Imprisonment in the city jail of Tillamook City, Ore gon, not to exceed ninety (90) days or by both flne and imprisonment, providing that in default of the pay ment of such fine shall be tniprlsi n- ed in the City Jail until such fine shall be discharged at the ra'o of one days imprisonment for each two dollars of such fine. Approved by the Mayor on the 9th day of June, 1921. S. A. MOULTON, Mayor Attest: FRANCES STRANNAHAN, City Recorder. Let the HEADLIGHT do your jo], printing! We are equiped to print anything, from handbills to hooks. Goodrich lire Prices per cent reduced The last word in Quality The best word in Price a S1LVERIOWN COKDC 3O3\ 32«3\ --------- A. J I (Continued from Page 2) forms to the requirements set forth in this Ordinance or as otherwise provided herein. The City Recorder may ¡»sue a The Cl services permit to any person, fl rm company IT 'tonal 1 ins an or corporation dei siring to any plumbing in any building in V.ednesd.. h the city, and it shall be unlawful and third any person, firm, company or for .oration to install any plumbin- » ♦ ing in said city without having fli=t Christian Church T t applied for, and received sa'd We extend a cordial invitation tc mlt from the Cty Recorder. Before the public to attqpd services at the any plumbing permit is issued there Christian church Sunday, June l'J-h. shall first be paid to, the City Re Strangers will find this church the homelike church. corder the sum of $1. Communion and sermon 11 a. nt. Section Thirty-seven. 8 o'clock song service and -mon. Fixtures under this-Ordinance are Biblschool at 10 a. in. We use graded ay stem. Come. defined as follows: HARRY E. TUCKER, pustrr. Water Closets, Urinals, Wash Trays, Range Boilers, Bjitli Tub3 and x , M-diodist Church Shower Baths, Stear n exhaust tantes, j ^"Sunday school ut 10 o'clock. The ashstands. Fountain, Lavatories or Wa_ ■ai ning sermon at 11. Tne subject Cuspidors, Kitchen and Pantry* morning sermon will b; “A tav ¡Id’s Conquest for Christ.'’ sinks. lev. ning sermon at 8 o'clock. '1 he Section Thirty-eight: The Plumbing Inspector shall be- Subject of the evening sermon will -be “A Great Leader.” The church paid for his services as follow« by piayer and praise^meeting on Thui the plumbers employing him $0 7E day evening at eight o’clock. You arc invited to attend all of minimum charge which shall iaojudc inspection of not int^e lliaji throe these metings. CHARLES L. DARK, past»." fixtures and »0.10 per flxtu.i tfit ex f cess of said three fixtures. A SATISFACTION $ r H? £ THURSDAY, JUME 1«. 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE TWO Anti skid SafrtytnMd TUBES $24.50 «32.90 ^L55 •2.90 «43JO »47.30 »48.40 »49.65 »58.90 »61.90 •3JO •450 * . Presbyterian Church Sunday schoo 110 a. m. Mornia;! worship 11 a. nt., subject, -‘!'hy Father;” Recitation ”Daddy”, Jos eph Heyd; Quartet, “One Sweetly Solemn Thought,” Soprano, Lettie Orth, alto, Mrs. David Kuratli. ten or, Mr. Newton Anderson, bass, Mr. David Kuratli. Violin obligato, Ar- eta Everson. This is a Father’s day service, given in honor of our fath ers. Evening worship 8 p. tn., sub ject, “The Fool’s Vedrlct” Where everybody is welcome. ALLAN A. McRAE, Minister. DALLAS RUTGEBS WEDDING One quiet June wedding was Ibat ot William L. Dallas to Lenh R'il- rer’s Tuesday morning at th- h'-nie of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Anna •it gers. ' i j > * -4 The bride was attired in white ir- gandie while the groom was prop- crly attired in black. Immediately alter the ceremony ;c yrung couple left on an extend- ed honeymoon trip to Portland and vicinity. Rev. Tucker officiated. Thursday Bridge Club Entcrtaiiii The Thursday Bridge club was entertained by Mrs. F. C. Each • i her home this week, A dainty lun- cheon was served by the hoste.-i at 1:30 p. nt., after which the after- noon was spent at bridge, All pr^s- ent reported an enjoyable af'i'i noi n. The following guests were in attend ance: Mesdames Robinson, Gride'-, and Foelkner. H< adlight Classified ads bring quick results. -«■ *HAS F l TH IN HIS “CURE* it Who Tried Snake Diet Only Patte I for LCg . y Died, but Doctor Hu us to Kia Theory. tl med ' Ine for the bem»- out one es I i rosy, which is Il io i ulh it in he Arch- t why, Ince a 1 a » man should not be ng. us a rich Chi- Ill Si, Ong Si Chew, , known liy why I d '1 me rei ;w remedy • for U IB SUU 4 a large ho ■ ok care 32*4^ 33*4’1 34*4‘i I a tried all JctuFS lU- told him tlia t I lmd sonie- thing that might help. He asked m* what it wai i, but I would not tell him, answered, When he insisted, I “Snakes." “Ul-la 1" he exclaimed, waving bi arms In the air. Then I explained my theory, liw ability of a snake to ahed his skm might be transferred to a human be ¡ng if h>- ate snake»; and if so, the person would be able to shed his lep rosy. Ong Si Chew did not care for lla- Idea at all. but I told him it was worth trying and I argued that a snake Is much cleaner than an eel. At hist he consented, find I furnished him with a number of small pythons, with the instructions that they were to be killed and cleaned immediately before they wen* eaten. He was to eat them raw with his rice. T left Singapore soon after that, and when I returned I fi<md that Ong Si Chew had died. People thought it was it great joke on me because my patient hml not survived the treatment, but I am far from being convinced that the cure will not work—or, at least, help to throw off leprosy. Ong Si Chew ; in tlie last Stages of the disease, and his rase was not a fair test.— Charles Mayer, in Asia Magazine. Polly Remembered Cyclone, A parrot, named Polly t.angsiou, Langston, died recently at the age of fifty-three. A native of Missouri, Polly was a feathered prodigy whose remarkable talents included many vocal and lin gulstlc accomplishments. She could sing and talk in English as well as Spanish, her mother tongue; pray and sing several of the old familiar hymns, i, which she had picked up at church and social gatherings, besides naving a wide repertory of conversa- small talk." At one time, tlonai “ ------- — when the circus came to her local town, and Polly had poured forth her sage salutations to the passing para ders, the attention of the late P. T. Barnum was attracted to her and a targe cash offer was made for her, but her owner could not be induced to part with her. She remembered to her passing hour an event of her early life when a cyclone wrecked tlie town and brought death to scores of the in habitants. Polly survived by k mlr- acle, hut for more than •!:) years aft- erwards whenever the dark clouds gathered she became so frantic with fear that it was necessary to put her would »scape the where she lightning's flash and the roar of tliun der. DOÌPEOPLE 33x5 35*5 READ THE ADS? OT long ago, a certain publication in order to test cut the efficiency of its advertising, sent out questionaires to its read ers asking, among other things, how many read the ads. From the replies it was determined that at least 75 PER CENT of the people are interest ed in what the merchant says of his goods through the columns ofthe news paper. N <4.75 •555 •580 Fabric Tires 1^130*31*11451 Goodrich 3Ox)i onti-dtid safety tread Jabí ic tire Goodrich 1. One quality 2. Extra size 3. Specially designed 4. ad nt i-s kid 5. Fair price Z3EZES Enee Uva May 1 íbiwZf of “Excellence The name of Goodrich on a tire means one quality only Like all other Goodrich tires this 30x3i is one quality. This stand ard is a fixed principle, and that quality must be the best our resources, skill and experience can produce. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY oftroM, OA m rd. It is reported that tlie«coun'y la gliding a trail from JJhycceun to Cape Mears Lighthouse. The trail will be built in such a way that no „rade exceeds s per cent. T»-> pos. of this is selDevident, the c ty on account of lack of fui'da not at the present time build a road from Bayocean to the lighthouse. and tn its place will build tho trail, whichi on account of its emisi rue tion, may be made a road tritwr the county has the money. Th • n ail will be above the slide wlf-h has d so much trouble in he piq. til is stated that the Ba> KtaafU !>- sorts wiil open the same datt as 'b ' past season. i. 32*4 33«4 Light House Trail to Be Built N8 SUBSTANCE TO DREAMS Writer Gives Reasons for Her Refusal to Have Any Bebef in Common • Superstitions. The mind during sleep reminds me of a naughty child, writes Marion Hulmes In the Chicago Daily News. With a normal person during waking hours reason controls it and when it seems a r... fooll.vh train Inclined to let loose w s ____ of thought rebukes it with “Nonsense! behave yourself!” But when reason joes to sleep the mind bus seasons of wild capering. It makes you do things that when awake would scorch you with blushes. It causes you to go to church dressed in your very best except your shoes and stockings, which you find you have left at home. It makes you marry a dark man with big black whiskers when you already have a perfectly satisfactory husband who is blond and smooth faced. There is nothing that It will not do uncon trolled by reason. Therefore I never have had much faith in the prophetic quality of dreams, although there are persons who pin their faith to those so-called warnings. We have heard them say. “I dreamed last ulght that I had lost a tooth. That means bad news," or "1 dreamed of walking among ruined buildings. That means that somebtiiy In the family Is going to be ill,” and, like fortune telling, the predictions thut do not “make good" are forgotten. A recurrent dream is of no impor tance. I have known the same stage setting with its incidents to be pre sented over and over in sleeping vis ions without ever rt aching Its coun terpart in reality. An uncomfortable position during sleep, or the fact that you are not feeling well often occa sions troubled dreams. NEW THEORY IN ASTRONOMY Possibility That There Is a Tail At. tached to Our Earth Leads to Ingenious Suggestions. Opposite to the sun there Is a very- mysterious glowing patch, which Is thought to be attached to the earth us a cometlike tall. The highest regions of our atmos phere consist of very light gases, and the Impression Is that some of these were driven away by the sun or by other means, and that they stream off from the earth Into space Just as tje light gases do from the head of a targe comet. Naturally, this theory has aroused much controversy, and has led to all sorts of Ingenious suggestions. One. of these is that a swarm of meteors! (of the kind we know as shooting’- stars) keeps us company through space at a distance of about a million miles, or four times the distance of the moon. But a tailed Wirth is an Ideal vehicle for Imaginative flights. It might be argued that if our globe has a tail why should not the planets Mercury and Venus, and even Marat have one. Well, perhaps they have, for ail we know to the contrary, Our earth's tail would be much more easily seen by us because of Its near- ness and brightness. KTk During a three-inch snow fall In Kars on October 30, 1920, fifty thous and Armenian men were stripped of everything by the invading army, to be driven into the^ plain unclad. Suwr&oKind tbmßiiable PEARL Oil (KEROSENE) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALtrOPHlAl 4 This, Mister Merchant, means that OVER 800 Tillamook county people read what you have to say in the HEADLIGHT each week. Tillamook Bakery 1 lie home of good bread anti all krndo of title pastry Everything Strictly Sanitary - (' CHAS. VOGLHL Prop