Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 12, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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HeH-Diver” Refused to Figure
on Pursuer’s Menu.
Curious Spaed Contest Reported by
Nature Student, Who Witnessed
the Incident, on Maino Coast
Uncle Watt’s
Writer Denounces the “Life Imprison­
ment" Which Confinement in Zoo­
logical Garden Means.
Mrs. Newbrido Had It All Figured, to
Her Own Satisfaction, at
Any Rato.
"Yes, It does, as you say, give rath­
er an uir to the flat,” agreed the al-
uioat new husband. Hla wife had tent­
ed herself on the arm of his chair sur­
veying their latest acquisition, tbe
baby grand piano, which filled three-
fourths of the living room.
“And now If we only had one of
those nifty one-arm floor lamps,"
mused the almost new husband's bride.
“Why, Bettina, it was only yester­
day that you argued tlie pluno would
finish the room without buying un-
other thing," protested the almost new
husband. “That wng one of the ar­
guments you used to wheedle me Into
"Well, of course, It saves us buying
a luscious blue plush bed-davenport, or
a gruceful chaise loc.gue or a library
table,” she defended. “Thera simply
Isn't room In this apartment for much
It really Is an
besides the piano,
economy in the end. But a lamp is
different. You know that a grand pl-
ano is not complete wlthout a floor
lamp. Aud while we are at it we
might as well get one of the newest
kind. Just think how cozy we would
look with you sitting peacefully under
the new lamp while I play to you ev­
ery evening!”
“Hum!” groaned the almost new
husband. "The next thing you'll’ be
telling me that a grand pluno requires
an oriental prayer rug under the ped­
als, a Persian scarf thrown across ths
bench and a vase of dollar-H-smell
roses in constant attendance. I’m
rather surprised that you haven't men­
tioned another apartment with a pi­
ano room for your pet!”
"It would be nice,” agreed tlie bride
fulling to note the touch of sarcasm in
the voice of her husband. Then she
rallied her forces once more. "But
think how much money it will save
us on movies. By staying home to
play and sing we save—let me see—
exnctly 66 cents u day!”
“By the way,” said the almost new
husband, “we mustn't forget our serial
on Friday night. Last week left Harry
Hairbreadth In an uwful fix. Do you
think the pluno would mind If we
left It alone Just once?”
“Oil, I guess not," answered Betty
absent-mindedly, Then *he launched
her finnl attack, “You know, Billy, I
can't expect you to give up going out
entirely, at least until I learn to play
better. I have heard of a splendid
teacher nt $10 an hour and I really
think, to be worthy of such an Instru­
ment, I should take lessons!”
“It's not the original cost. It's the
upkeep!” said tlie almost new husband.
“Come along, my dear, to tlie movies.”
What every woman want» more than
anything else In the world 1» absolute
dominion over one man. There 1» »
pemllarly vamplsh trend In feminine
love which takes the form of demand­
ing entire ponaesslon of tlie creature
ujsin whom the affections huvo been
Every woman want» to feel that, no
matter what his occupation—be It tbe
most engrossing business or merely a
game of golf—she is ever the com­
jielllng note at the back of ber man's
head. He must not forget her for a
single Instant, and he must be regret-
fully conscious that nothing 1« quite
satisfactory, lacking the saving grace
of her presence. And she requires
continually to be assured of this. She
believes that in hoarding her perpet­
ual recollection he holds a talisman
rendering him Immune from the attrac­
tions or blandishments of all other
It is difficult for the feminine men­
tality to grasp the curiou* power of
detachment of the masculine, A worn-
an cannot comprehend, much less sym­
pathize with, that trait by which a
man can divest himself completely of
any thought of her while absorbed in I
something else.
A man’s mind—and this particular­
ly refer» to the man of many serious
interest»—Is like a number of com-
partmentx, each sealed from the other
and docketed as to content». While
he 1» in one, he shuts out everything I
pertaining to any other.
A woman has not thia capability of |
detachment. Whether she Is playing
bridge or apparently obsessed with
some knotty domestic detail, she is
always subcoriHclouBly aware of the
The retentive quality Is the pre-
vailing characterfstlc of woman. It Is
at once her greatest strength and her
greatest weakness—she cannot bear
to let go. If she sees the flame of a
love on the wane she tries frantically
to restore It to Us full force. A man
faced with tlie Mime contingency Is
apt to be more resigned—or brutal—
and makes haste fo finish completely
the cooling affection.
A man likes to do a thing, have
done with It, and consign nil memory
to oblivion—to wipe the slate clean
and lie ready for something new.—
May Isabel Fisk in the Continental
Edition of the London Dally Mall.
"Purely as a matter of ethics, aboli­
tion Is the ultimate logic of all zoo­
logical gardens.” Such is the opinion
of a writer In the Nation of London.
“Animals have committed no crimes
against the community,” he says, “and
therefore the community has no right
whatever to give them life sentences
of imprisonment.” A very few of the
larger animals, he admits, may affect
human life Injuriously, but they form
an Infinitesimal portion of. the Inhabi­
tants of a zoological garden. On the
other hand, It is argued that we never
thought of confining those animals be­
lieved to be the most injurious, namely
Insects—nnd therefore It is plain that
“the punishment does not fit the
Even if it were granted that animals
are happier In captivity than in their
native wilds, this can only be meant
relatively, fof though protected and
cared for, animals in captivity are de­
nied the primal joys of liberty and fit­
ness to environment, among such jobs
being their power of exercising their
suppleness of body or strength of witig
in graceful movements, and not least
of all Joys, the power of satisfying
their continual curiosity.
Much has been done for animal», and
much more might be done for the wild
birds. For the eagles, hawks, condors
and vultures the writer feels that
nothing can be done. He quotes from
that great lover of birds, W. IV. Hud­
son, to whom the sight of any bird In
a cage, be It robin redbreast or bird
unknown to William Blake, literally
sets him In a rage. He has some­
where described a sermon he heard on
genius. In which the preacher likened
the life of the ordinary person to that
of the cannry In Its cage. But of the
genius—“A cloud enme over hl» (the
preacher's) majestic features, he drew
himself up nnd swayed his body from
side to side, nnd shook his black gown
and lifted his arms as a great bird
lifts Its plumed homologues, and let
them fall again two or three times, nnd
then ¡add In deep measured tones
which seemed to express rnge and de­
spair—‘But did you ever see the eagle
In his cage?' ”
The brooding hopeless gaze of those
stern eyes offers only o-ie solution to
the aquiline problem, the key» of the
city of the air.
Report of the condition of the
at Tillamook
in the State of Oregon, at the cl.'BJ of business April 28, 1921.
fathers of men
Loans and discounts ----------- - —...... —--------------
Overdrafts, secured and unsecuiel --- --------------
Bonds and warrants ......... ................ ..........................
Stocks, securities, judgments etc.. ------------------
Furniture and fixtures ....................... ........... ..............
Other real estate owned .......... - - ------------------
Due from banks (not reserve oanki. ------------------
P"-e f:S^i approved reserve buiiki ------ ---------------
And other cash items
---- -------------
Exch^Kes for clearing house ... -.......... ------------
Cash oil hand ................ -.......-................................ ......
Customer’s liability account of "Acceptances” ._
Other resources ___________ _________ ___ 7—------
Total ................
-....................... ......
Seals are quick of movement, nnd
gxrwa HERE I s much truth in the old
anyone who
‘ has ever watched
______ _____
1 saying, 'As the twig is bent, so
feeding cannot but marvel at the speed
the tree inclines,’ ” observed the re­
with which they dart about in the
tired merchant. “If a boy Inclined
water and the apparent ease with
to crookedness grew up to be a
which they are able to overtake their
and reliable man. It would be nothing
prey, says a Bulletin of the American
short of a miracle.
Game Protective association, and like­
Therefore I trem­
wise there are few duck hunter* who
ble for the future
have not had the opiiortuulty of wit­
of Spoonable’s
nessing the speed of the grebe, com­
boy, William Hen­
monly known as the hell-diver. He
ry. He seems to
can easily protect himself by divlug
Capital stock paid in ......... . .......... ----------------------
-.. $49,00).Oi)
be just naturally
and swimming under water, and "light­
Surplus fund ... .........
-..... ........... .......................
.... 10,000.00
ning is slow as compared with the
“You're full of
rndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid
....... j.554 ll
speed with which a tell-dlver sub­
excelsor,” said the
Due to banks and bankers--------------------------------
-— 6,1.13 71
merges when lie sees the flash of a gun
hotelkeeper polite­
Individual deposit;! subject tc, check--------------
••• 336.137 16
beaded in his direction.”
"All those
certificates of deposit ----- --------------- ---
Which of the two is quicker in the
----- 2,192 59
chestnutty old say­
water becomes a nice question, to the
Cashier cheeks outstanding
.. ......................-
ings are fakes.
----- 6,389.5$
discussion of which Arthur L. Pennis
The patriarchs
Certified checks ------------ --- ------------------------------
-------- 49.70
man contributes the story of a con­
usejj to be t^lways
Time and savings Deposits------------- ------------------
18 >.379.92
test he witnessed on the Maine coast.
saying that the
Notes and bills rediscounted ...................................
... 218.564 46
Tn the Penobscot bay region, between
boy is the father of the man, but he
Ellis payable for money borrowed ............ ..............
a seal and a pied-billed grebe, when
—.. 15,800.00
isn’t; and he isn’t grandmother to the
each contestant was apparently doing
"Acceptances” of this bank ................... -.... —..........
.... 43,000 00
man, either. You can’t study a boy
his best, 'the seal looking for his
Other liabilities __
and predict what sort of a man he’s
......... 155.03
supper and the hell-diver intent on
going to be, any more than the official
-- 896,821.51
seeing that he didn't make up the
forecaster can examine his maps and
State of Oregon, County of Tillnm 00k, ss.
charts and tell us what the weather
I, B. L. Beals Jr., Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly «wear
“While we were engaged in atudying
will be like tomorrow.
the habits of a fish hawk,” Mr. Penni­
that the above statement is true to the b:st ot my knowledge and belief.
“You observe that my larboard eye
man writes, "our attention was at­
B. L. BEALS Jr., Cashier.
is somewhat discolored and I have a
tracted by a great coinmotion In the
contusion on my brow, and my nose
day of May. 1921.
water off shore, From our blind we
is slightly out of alignment. Yester­
F. B. McKinley, Notary Public,
could see that the splashing was
day f was pfrootlng along a back street
Correct Attest:
caused by a seal performing the most
on n little errand, when I beheld a
curious antics in his attempt* to catch
big, husky teamster pounding the saw­
a bird which we later identified as a
David Kuratll
pled-bllleil grebe.
"Tlie seal made rapid progress, por­
and protested in the most courteous
poising in nnd out of the water In
way, and he said It would afford Kim
quick diving leaps und was fast over­
genuine pleasure to kick my sp|ne up
hauling the bird, which was swimming
through my hat, if I didn’t go my way
frantically to escape his pursuer, but,
leave him alone. I informed him
however, made no attempt to fly. Af­
that if he hit that horse again I
ter n stralght-away race of some fifty
would push bls countenance out of
yards or more, It seemed as If the
place, ttnd he immediately clubbed the
chase was over, as both bird and seal
suffering animal harder than ever.
disappeared in the same splash ns the
“I am glad to say that I succeeded
senl struck tile water.
When the
in kicking most of the rind off the
splash subsided we saw that the grebe
teamster's shins before he got me
had cleverly dodged to one side mid.
and sat on my head, but I sub-
after twisting and turning quickly
Every Man to His Trade.
mit that a man who will take such
around a very small circuit to elude
A devoted couple, married a short chances as I did must have the cause
the Beal, he headed strnight for shore.
time ago, took up their abode in a of cruelty to animals much at heart.
Succeeds in Molding Basalt.
“The bird now began to use Its
The common volcanic rock known dainty cottage in a suburban quarter. There’s nothing makes my blood boil
wings, nnd, skittering rapidly over the
ns basalt ennnot tie easily shaped with Everything in tbe house was tlie lat­ quicker than to see an animal abused.
water, soon distanced tlic seal, which
“Well, when I was a boy I had a
chisel and hammer, but Dr. Rlbbe. a est and gave uninlxed satisfaction,
continued the chase until within 30
French experimenter, claims much But one evening when the husband wide reputation for erueity. I used
feet of the bench, where the water
success for ids method of shaping by returned he found, to his disgust, that to delight in tying tin cans to the
was no more than knee deep,
House of 1,000 Rooms.
a water pipe had burst. The rooms tails of dogs, and 1» drowning cats,
“There he sat with his shoulder* out
A maze which forms a happy hunt­ molding after It hus been n :4ted nt were flooded and the carpets, which and in robbing birds' nestA and all
of tlie water, watching the grebe as ing ground for robbers, Is the house about 1,300 degrees Centigrade. His
the Intter ran along the edge of the formerly occupied by the ministry of first product wns n glnssy substance, were the husband's special pride, were such sinful pastimes-. The moralists
of that period agreed1 that I wm en­
shore. Then, as though he hated to war in Vienna, says h correspondent. which he has since been able to in danger of being spoiled.
“Well, well,” said he impatiently to titled to the mantle of Nero, and that
give up his meal, he slowly pursued The great size of the thousand roomed change to the crystalline structure of
the bird on a parallel course In the house evidently attracts the attention the original rock by a devitrifying his wife, “why on earth didn't you I would come to a bad end. Yet when
The rock which has been hammer the pipe up! Here, give me I became old enough to have some
water, paying not the slightest atten­ of thieves mid the military mid police process.
molded Is found to be su­ a hammer nnd I'll do It in a twink­ sense, I made pets of ail the dumb
tion to the men on the beach until lie seem unable to keep them out. Or­
critters within eight miles.
was frightened off by our intervention naments, pictures, typewriters, every­ perior to the natural basalt In resist­ ling."
“If that old maxim about the twig
He got the hammer and pounded
ance to scratching nnd wear, nnd it
In the contest.”
thing and anything, even to the door
proves to tie especially desirable for away at a pipe down in the cellar, and the tree were nny good. It ought
knobs and knockers are constantly be­
such purposes ns paving, curbstones When he had finished he paused to to work both ways, and the saintly boy
D»v*toplnp Guatemala.
ing carried away. When a thief, In
It can be shaped with examine the result of his labor. Then, always would become a grand, good
President Herrera ofGuateiniiln, has' the courr.« of his wanderings, meets and stairs.
undertaken to Interest ftuelgn capital anyone, he simply pretends to have great smoothness nnd exactness. As to his complete chagrin, he heard the man. But as a rule the truly good
In the development of some Ifi.tkK) come on business, nnd goes on until he the material Is i ot nttacked by aclt’s. sweetly chiding voice of his wife at boys don't amount to tnucii In after
life. Nearly all our useful citizens
square miles of unexploited territory comes to nn unoccupied room, there It Is suitable for vats for chemical the top of the stairs.
"Howard!” said she, “the gas has were hard citizens when they were
In Guatemala which still awaits the he quickly gnthers together anything use; nnd it Is also an excellent elec­
hand of the pioneer and the Invader be can lay his hands on, and departs. trical Insulator, und a useful sub­ gone out, and the water Is still run­ boys, and the shlftle»-«, no-account men
were simply angelic when they went
to transform it into productive fields. Tn many cnses the robbers have an stance for firmly fixing metallic posts ning."
Then he Rent lor a plumber.—An­ to school.
A • the first step he has created a new accomplice in the street to whom ar­ or other fittings In place by using as I
“A boy gets tired of being immacu­
a hot paste.
department of agriculture with a min­ ticles are thrown’from the window.
late after he has tried it a few years,
ister in his cabinet and has appointed
and be goes to the other extreme.
Danger In Unclean Dishes.
Unfortimate Apology.
as head of thia department Antonio
Crom-C»lyr»d Mol»».
lust how serious Is the danger of
A certain editor of a country news­ And tbe boy wlio has been a horrible
It Is rather curious to find dead
action from lmi>erfectly washed paper In Kamfits was asked to l<*ave example ever since he left tlie cradle
Both the president and the new min­ moles lying about dykesldcs when
ister have devoted the main part of mole-fur price» are so high, writes a dishes in eating places has not been the community az the result of a typo­ gets sick of that sort of thing when he
their Ilves to agricultural development correspondent from Scotland. I crossed determined, but the high count of graphical emu In his rejiort of the has cut his wisdom teeth, and be be­
and are therefore keenly Interested tn a field, and at the exit I counted uo bacteria left upon restaurant utensils wedding of the mayor’s daughter, re­ comes so virtuous that there’s no lin­
providing encouragement to tbe farm­ fewer than 22 moles In a heap. These suggests unpleasant possibilities. In lates Pep. After exhausting his sup­ ing In tbe same block with him.
“Meet of the old sayings are fool­ I
ers and planters. Both realise foreign biid evidently been thrown there the investigation of Roy S. Dearstyne. ply of large wo»<te about the "blush-
Investment must be encouraged to ac­ by a ' local trnppcr as useless lum- health official of Charlotte, N. C., the Ing bride," he liad said: 'Tbe large ish and trifling, and I am surprised j Í I
complish this end and believe that her. More curious still, I came on Utensils were from six eating tn mses, elaborate biHMjuea» of roaes were when a grown man goes around quot­
ing them. Tet a lot of fellows think >
such aid must be expected as a re­ what may be called the unique in of w?»lch one used a modern elcrtrlf i punk."
sult of diffusion of the knowledge that moles. A gardener had trap|>ed four dishwasher. The bacteria on hntol-
The mayor denierxted a correction they have clinched an argument when
dpatemala has a safe and sane govem- of these rodents of a decided cream washed coffee mugs from different and apology tn the next week's Issue. they drag In a bewhiskered maxim.
In order to show that Spoonable's boy |
mqpt, la a fit place to live In nnd has color. No portion of the luidles gave lunch morns ranged from 26,090 fo all of which "lie editor was glad to is
foredoomed, you spring that oldl J
290.000 ; on water glasses, 23,000 f» promise. The aext lt«ue contained:
mufti territory a* yet undeveloped.
signs of normal cohiring. The gar-
about thg^twlg and the tree. '-
130,000; spoons, 3,400 to 70.000»;:
“We wish to apologize Ibr the man­
dener said he surmised there were
Na Ifen^Fakra Alike.
knives. l.lWO to 20.000; forks. I,»** ner in which w <tl*gra<»ed the beauti­ You might Just as well say that Mary
more on Ills premises, but he had
Report of the condition of
For fc years Wilson Alwyn Bentley failed to catch them nt the date he to 11,000. With the cleanly machine ful wedding lust week. Through an had a little lutob, and consider the ar­
washing, the coffee mugs had 3.NOO error of the typesetter we were made gument closed.
o? Jerlebo. Vt.. has been studying exhibited the four referred to.
“I know you sre suffering to remind,
bacteria, no Other utensils more than to say “the rose» were 'pimk.' What
snowflakch. In that time he has made
me that people who live In glass houses
3.HIM) photomicrograph« of snowflakes
Continental Camp Rediscovered.
shouldn't throw stone«, but I won’t
Phlladelpflla Bulletta.
and has fopnd that no two of them
at Bay City, Ore., at the clone of botines«, April 28, 1921
"Connecticut Village,' one of the
stand for it”
are exactly alike. Aa a result of hts camps of Washington's I soldiers In tbe
Gorilla Fo«d of Musk.
The movement to enforce n "Blue
exhaustive study he firmly believes Hudson highlands, the • site of which
___ $88,694.90
A'gorilla beating: a drum aetenishnl
that the snowflake Is the most exquis­ bus long Jieen unknown, has been redis­ Law” Sunday oi> the people of the
.............. 263 it
United States recalls the fact that only Marseilles. The animal had bee«
ite example of nature's art.
covered by members of the
’ New —
York -
____ 42 748.31
taken to the French port frout Africa
His photographs have been Intro­ Historical society. The unearthing of
_____ 2,bu3.25
Stocks, securities, judgments etc.
duced Into several universities, and a liayonet blade, a gia|ieahot, buttons Sinai has Sunday been abandoned by i Sy a colonel. One toy tlie gseilla was observe the liuprisskiu» chat your weo
have also won a niche In the arts mid of the Continental Infantry and artil­ any nation claiming Jehovah us God. toon walking down the boulevard h«4«9- feet make. If raw feet are normal,
_____ 2.500-90
sciences, ns well as being used for lery, bullets, guntllnts and other mili­ That once was during and immediately tag a Degress by tho hand. The- wouiua then- will be a. i arrow line from heed
_____ 2,341 84
designs In artcraft shops and for tary relics, togther with topographical after the French revolution. A decree entered a toy shop «nd bought a truiib- to tew on the uetslde; if they are flats
_____ 6,670.13
Jewelry designing.
characteristics that tally accurately Paris, that the French should worship pvt and drum. lighted, ttte- gnrtlhi abw.
.............. 485-68
Due from banks (not re erxo banks!
with records In Continental documents, Liberty, Equality and Reason lu place Seat the drum and» blew tho- trumpet
How can yen cure flat-footednese?
for Sb »mist*.
liave placed the camp on the farm of
Buy a handful *< marbles, place than
____ 1,311-42
Che-.-ks and other cash ifems ............
The te» hnlcal chemists of the world ■Tames Smith, about a mile and a half of God. and. to make sure of the peo­ whereupon the gorilla looked wto-ried. In two rows, «4 start picking tbatn
ple's forgetting of the church, the •cratch»si his head! perplexedly amL
are a»ke<1 io solve n very tempting from Cold Spring village.
Exchanges from clearing bouse.........
were denuded ot their sacred •■»-entering the shop, seized another up with your • es. To do this ¿on
puzzle. They are told that If they can
ornaments and dvlv feasts substituted Jrntn and ran down the street, beating must curl nj» y -ur toes; as u rvMi-rt
only dliwover how to get It out, there
Cow Gives 42 Tons of Milk.
It triumphantly. Tile ne«res» fWlenved.
Is tn he had from Jerusalem artichoke*
cised and 'hfttty strengthened.
A British Friesian cow, owned by an
a substance which can be turned into English farmer, gave more than 2,000 Sunday was wiped from the calendar but the beast climbed t« a hatcony nlar Science- M. nthly.
Capital stock paid in _ ___________ ________ ____
a sugar sweeter than cane augur. gallons of milk during Bill*, and prom­ by creating month»- of 30 days each ami remained thee» half an hour,
bentlng a military
in perfect
_____ 609-00
The yield per acre of aillchokrs would ises to repeat the |>erformanee this and giving a holiday every ten days.
Surplus fund .................. ........................ .........................
be higher than the yield of beet sugar
And He Meant It, Too.
........... 280.H
Undivtdei profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid
year, In the two years her output of
Made Fun of Canadian Flag.
per acre of beet, and higher than the
__ 98,381-90
return home fq
Individual deposits subject to check ___ _________
milk amounted to considerably more
average yield of cane sugar per acre
birthday purty of a girl In th» neigb-
than 4,600 gallons mid weighs more world has caused the government to
___ 1,285 2«
The two main crops «4 Hawaii are
nf cane. Truly an alluring halt, and
than is tons. In less than six years have the house flhc of the Canadian sugar and piauuptdea. The greater ' borhood, tec was telling his mother
............ 40 9«
Certified cbggks ........... .... ........................ ........ .......... .
an opportunity to make the land flow, Moss
Rose has had seven calves and government merchant marine changed part of the land twut suited to agri­ about her mother. When th«-children
__ 22,345.25
Tim« anaxsa
If not with honey, at any rate with
given more than 42 tona of milk
Until now the fine displayed on It the culture Is In parts of the territory
___ 24.000.00
mimethlng not unlike it.
Canadian beaver, but the likeness W deficient In ramfall. ThM has made a wish her little girl some: bio« nice.
_ ____ 14.59
Lpo»d Int. accenni
Whereupon Jimmie's motto* said to *
More Trouble.
this industrious animal to another large Irrigation nweweary. The Im
A firm of music publishers have pro­ rodent caused sailors the world oxer i«orts for the fiscal year of 191» were) him: “Itrust that my litt'.ehny wished
_ 171,947.21
"The mill* of the god» grind slowly ” duced »hat they describe aa a three-
to refer to th«- Sa nudls n government I $.’<>.743.7W3. The exports amounted to the littft girl something Mee.
remarked the ready-iuade philosopher. quarter one step. It will soon tie Im
service as “tbe rat line” Hereijier 9S8.250.02k. Most Of Hawaii's com
“Ck yea,” said JImml< still seetpg
■n^Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
“Ye»," replied Farmer Corntoesei,
IHissitile to get a dance without belnc
the hnyse flag will display In lince marce is with the United States. Othe> visions of cake and Igv cream: “1
"I reckon If we had to depend on accompanied by a profeasloual ar I th
is trm o t he best of my knowledge and nclief-
of the beavet a cross enclosed in
products of the Island am coffee, wlaknd her that she'd! soon have »n.
them, the price of flour never would
A. W. Larson, Cashier.
uietlcian.—Loudon Punch-
fruits, Mts, rWe and hides.
come down.”
Subscribed and sworn to befere me this 10th day of May 1921, —T K-
Ashley, Notary public.
SINKERS, Etc., Etc,
You Wont. Lose the Big
Ones When Using Our
It’s the Best.
The First National Bank of Bay Qty
There will be a meeting ot the
Jersey Club at Fairview Hr. 11 <>n
Tuesday, May 17th.
It la reqiuated that every iiVMnbei
be greeent to help complete ar rang»
menta for th« Jersey Jubilee A tel­
ler from the Stale Secretary ha» been
received eaylng many out of Mate
vlaitore are expected to attend t
CMAWrOED. «fo-y.
Prom The Benedictine Sisters
Indigestion and Conitipation.
Jersey Breeden to Meet
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
The Road to Happincs«
You must keep well If yru wish
•'Everyone who has used Chamber- to be happy, When constlpaied take
lain'» Dough Remedy speaks well of one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets
Immediately after supper,
It," writes Edward P. Miller. Abbott» cause a gentle movement
of »he
town. Pa. People who once use thia bowel«
$r«*aratton are seldom satisfied with
any other. It ta eseellent to aliar a
Headlight Classified «da bring
* *>,C
Adv. quick reatina.
The following from the Benedictine
’’ Prior to using Chamberlain’s Sisters, Holy Name Convent, San An
Tabiota, I suffered dreadfully frwn tonta, Fla., la of value to every mo­
Indigestion. Nothing I ate agreed ther: "We hav* Just received ship­
with ma and I lost flesh aud ran ment of Foley's Honey and Tar. Il
down in health. Chamberlain'» Tab­ is a household remedy. We have used
lets strengthened my digeetfoa and it «ine» w» knew of It, for our chll
cured me of constipation,** writes dr«n especially, and always found It
Mrs. George Stroup. Solvay, N. Y.
Sold Everywhere.
Headlight ClaaMtM «4a hila.!
t«iek romita.
ClasoKleA »4» get resulti.
Correct Attest:
John A. Nelson
A. Ramsey
The Beadlight $1 per year