Image provided by: Tillamook County Library
About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1921)
sM N Relative to th« controversy over the. increase ia rates grant-id the pany in group five communi'i ! 13 in Portland. A comparison -if Pacific gr-tip aire rate« and Portland ratos with Me I Mi'.inville rates in six major classes of service follow _ The wage -car now tn force in the Home Telephone cumpanv ex change 1« the same ’ aa the Pacific i ! system scale, according to W. H Logan, president and manager of company. Costs at the pres.-nt for wire, teiephenej and other ad , terials used by t he company much higher than in former jerr and the net earning power under the present rater is-not as high us it should be <o protect adiquate’y ’’a • property of the company, according to Mr. Logan. “When we appeared I before • 1 h<; public service commission i for an i in crease in rat s last year.’’ said Mr Logan, "th.y cruized us for net buMdrng up a much greater re- I A Little journeys in Tillamook County Tie! pa ked In a blu« risively they greeted us, i.xpiaiinii Pacific Telephone Company recently, what i 'at ci lance we had of catch a .McMinnville dispatch in last Sun ing an ythint ig at that time day’s Oregonian compares the rates with the tin? coming in. of the Pacific system with those of Howev er. having come to hen the Home Telephone company ut The menu was planned v-ith care, were I not to be lightly turned from McMinnville: mindful of both posntoilltic.-s and our purpose, and firmly we demur d- probablilt i: s. and varied to cops th the promise a bait, A wretched With the-rising rid« of feeling with the extreme fortunes of ciam was handed out and divide« throughout the scat« »j»in»i th« re like Joseph's raiment, was appor cent rat« increase granted to the Pa a fishing trip. Th« advice of various “old heads" tioned among the assembled fish» cific Telephone A Telegraph com was followed in the matter of men. Pany, McMinnville telephone users Immediately the endurance con "gear” and Sunday morning found are finding some gratification in as on our way, accoutered in the test commenced. You threw yr,nr * comparisons. In citle» of the same most approved style and apparently line as far aa you could into the bay group under t.he Pacific system, teie. phone patron« ar« paying from 7 to prepared to handle any situati >n and then drew it hastily bark. the 125 per eent more for the same class serve fund for replacement that might artee 'nit of the water« one hauling in the most sea weed and body fir in a given time being of residence and surburban service emergencies, instead of paying of Netarts bay. than McMinnville people pay the high dividends as we have been pay Th« detail of bait had been left awarded the honors for the day. After a couple of hours operatioi.s Home Telephone company for ser ing.“ to L. W. Eberhardt. who professed were brought to a close by vice that compares favorably with A substantial increase in business to have an inumate knowledge of wearing out of th« ciam. and any in the stale. rates was granted to the Home Tele the habits and tastes of the partic- retraced our steps with nothing Buxine«« house« have lees ground! phone company last December by the ular finny tribe against which cur hearsay evidence in support nt for gloating, although users in rhe public service commission, but no i operations were to be directed. claim that there were any fish at Pacific system of the tame size pay Forty-live minutes after th« edi increase was granted in residerce j al| in the bay. 7 or 8 per cent more for their -er- torial chariot gave its first snort on rates at that time. The day was not a total loss, nev vlce. The Homa Telephone company was I main street we were gazing down ertheless. for there is more in fish When compared with Portlai.d organized in 1908 and wasi financed i on th« surging waters of the re ing than just catching fish, and Ne-j rates. McMinnville patrons find even for the most part by McMinnville i clfic. tarts has other attractions for the more reasons for feeling satlsfle 1 capital. It entered into competition | Parenthically we might .-tute entertainment of her sojourn- | with thir own service, as Portland with the Bell system, which had i that a good road builder would find ers. The sandy beach provides a business rates range from 167 to 185 wonderful opportunities for the x- tempting promenade.and the grassy Per cent higher and residence and local service in McMinnville at that i ercise of his talent on the stretch hills offer Innumerable reserved time. A private trunk line wai - x ■ suburban rates from 100 to 175 per of road between the Tillamook river seats from which to contemplate cent above those of McMinnville. tended to Portland. Later tho Beil I bridge and Netarts. the ever-changing panorama of the The comparison, pf course, does not system compromised, giving its lomu I A few minutes hike down the bay ocean. telephones in exchange for the Port tak« into consideration the reeognlz- we found Messrs. Eberhardt and For the kiddies t and frivolous ed fact that overhead and Invest land trunk line. grown-ups there are I high, steep At the present time the Heme ment are much greater in proportion sand banks provided by nature for to revenue trom subbcrlbers n ex Telephone company operates 314 apparently no other ; purpose t hail changes as large aa Portland than miles of wire and has practically sliding down. in the smaller McMinn rule « X- 1200 subscribers. Of this number 7 Delightful picnic ispots abound approximately 900 are city sub - change. i and here and there throughout t hi- scribers and the remainder suburban In vpttc nt the fact that teie- camp grounds are open-air fi re CHRISTIAN SCIENCE phone equipment haa doubled and All t- lepiione lines, telephone» and Th« Christian Science society holds places for the convenience of the In many caasu« tripled in price since equipment in th» city are owned by the I serviees in the Woodman s Hall. Na summer residents. Although 1917, the Home Telephone company the company and a number of ru- is able to maintain its service and burbau lines in the am* way. tional Building, every Sunday at 11 beach season 'vili not open for sever A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. al weeks activities were to be noted pay dividends on ita investment un A larg ■ number of suburban Hues Wednesday evening meetings first which foreeast that'Netarts will not der the rate scale in effeet. During are built and maintained by the and third Wednesdays of each month be the least popular nt Tillamook the past year the company its de farmers. Oil these an exchange fee i Everybody welcome. county resorts during the apprrach- clared dividends of 8 per cent upon of 50 cents a month for each tele, Ing summer. itc capital stock of *29,6UU. Yet it phone is levied. And as we vibrated homeward 'n Is strictly a non-co-operaiive bu»i- Th« Home Telephone company has EPISCOPAL the gathering dusk, framing an nees enterprise owning and operat connection with the Pacific Tele Services will be held next Sundaj alibi for the fish which we- bad ing its linss and equipment within phone A Telegraph company long morning at the Masonic Building, so recklessly promised, we resolved the city and maintaining some su distance service over eight trunk lo get another clam and try again burban lines. lines. Since the compromise by with morning prayer and the litany ■some day. McMinnvtlle comss in the -ame which the Pacific system took >w*r Archdeacon Chambers will be un class as Ashland, Bend. Grants Pass, the long-diatance service of th.- M<-- | able to he present, owing to an ea- gagement elsewhere. Tillamook. PrtnevlUe. Woodburn MlnnvHl«, company the two cornpan XUSICALE and Hepp ter—the group tlv. cities les have operated harmoniously and An enjoyable and instructive pro of the i'ticilic system. The McM in il na attempt has been made by rhe gram ws» given at the home of Mr. vtito ei tizen with • oae-pnrty reei- I larger system to take over the local PRESBYTERIAN ■ and Mrs. Koch, under rhe tuspices dense iln. pays *1.75 » mouth, , aervteo. Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. while the patron m the group rtv.-I Morning Worship, 11:00 V M. of th« .Monday Musical Clue ind tii¿ Pact tie system cities pays *3 and the i Subject: “400th Reformation Anni Harmony Class. A brief review was ni?de of t he i Portland patron *4. l bs McMinn- ! versary.’' Call for City of Tillamook viile patron on a six party residence Evening Worship. 7:30 P. M. past six weeks work and music ap- Improv-meat Bonds line pays (1 a month aa coni par'd | Suojeet: “Sowing and Reaping *’ predation was introduce«; at this I City of Tillamook. Oregon, six per with «2.25 and *2.75 paid on fo«ir The Church needs you, but you meeting. Mary Harrtmr- and Helen party lines by the Tillamook and cent Improvement Bonds number i I need the Church more. Christ Schultz demonstrated some of the 41 to 60 Inclusive and dated Noveni Portland eubaortbers. respectively. needs you. but you need Christ more points previously mentioned. Hekn On business teiepaunes the Me her 7th, 1917. will be paid May 7th. You are more than welcome. Leonard's display in ear training Mlnnviile one-party line stAerriber 1921. when interest will cease. as well as her little song showed Allan A. McRea. .Minister LESLIE HARRISON. Trea.iirer, pays (3.50, the group five Paeifis what cooperative work will do in adv subscriber «3.75. and the Portland City of Tlilamook. six month’s time. METHODIST subscriber «10. Suburban subs.' ),-, Others who favored the Club with »rs pay »1.50 to the McMinnville I Sunday School at ten o clock. selections were Mary Lamar. Velma \PRIL 29th. OREEN STOCKINGS" eompeny. ,2.50 to the Pacific Sunday morning sermon at 11:00 Daniels. Ramona Haltom. John Car o clock. The -ubject of the iiora. rol, Mrs. O. M. Cook. Mr. Koch Ing sermon will be “Cooperation. a| Mrs. F. D. Smail. Divine Plan.“ Th« Club haa finished a large The hour of evening worship will share of the fundamental work and be 7:30. Th« subject of th« -ven- about to enter the second period in ing discourse will be Personal utid music history. Anyone desiring to SiMiial Responsibility.'' The sermon fail in line at this time may do so will be preceded by a short sung within the next two weeks. service. Meets every Monday at 2 o’clock Th« Church prayer meeting for one hour -tnay at the home nt conference on Thursday evening at Mrs. Koch. Visitors are alwa>< 7:30. Your attendance at all of welcome. theee service» Is greatly appreciated. A cordial welcome is accord«« the stranger. TEETH ARE WORTH JI 50 EACH Charles L. Dark. Pastor. Flounder, a la Turque Planked Cod Halibut, a la Roulette Mussels, au gratin Rock Oysters, aw g’v.'au correct lubrication A Z erolene D isc is th« identifying mark of high-grade lubri cants, the symbol of an stridency in the manufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere tn the world. Ia Correct Lubrication. Follow the recommendation« of our Board of Lubrication En gineers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart. There’s a grade of Zerolene for the Correct Lubrication of your en-ina. Aak tor a Chart tor your car. STANDARD OIL COMP ANY • CaMbaalai grade fir each type of engine Refinish Yours Yourself ,-------------------------- At The Churches Big Stumps—or Little! Get them ad out with with paint or varnish. We tell how T’S a simple matter, if you ishrs called “F:fteen-for-FlooW' 3iul ”Fullerwear.'’ cannot get a painter, to re- ttmsh any floor—tun, in fact, They are Fuller's Specifica to do the work yourself. tions tor home floors—eacn for We make the finest finishes. -a partxuiar effect. They dry over night, so you We: make also a special lire can walk on them in the morn of naan. varnishes, enamels, ing. etc., for ail kinds :f interior They are made for laymen's deco rating. And we maintain use as well as painter’s—they a Free .Advice Department that flow and spread easily and cover will tell you in detail haw to well. The result is a smooth use them.. You simply and lustrous finish—just the the article, how finished now, one you want to get, although and the effect you want to get. you — an amateur—do the We’ve specified these ma work. terials and methods for you Women can apply these prod after 72 years' experience with ucts as well as men. paints and painting practice. Fuller makes a famous floor We are one of the largest paint paint—Rubber Cement Floor manufacturers a the United ( Paint and two famous vam- States. i Don’t think yotr can’t do work like this simply because you haven’t ever done it. Fol- io«v FuO.-r Sr„^ificatiom and you'll get the riyht effect. Where to Buy Impo-.tant that you get the right material so be sure to go to the right store for Fuller Products. Cut out the coupon below as a memo to direct vcc. FU* 1 ER paints A. McXAIR Jt CO Tillamook, CHRISTIAN The general public will receive a eordiai welcome to all service« aoid will find the answer to your nee in thia church home. Sermon and communion, 11:00. Evening song .service and sermon at 8 o'clock. IMteie school. 10:00 A. M. C. T o'clock. Prayer meet I ng Wednesday T- 46. Harry K. Tucker, Minister LIBRARY irons STUMPING POWDERS Du Pont and Repauno Brand« I Pacific Nwthwwt PreducMj to ad to lo U m Iswi. di« uuua -mi KING CEEN8HAW l7DWE TtQbinbok. »Heron r <i-.i 1*1 The library ha« made a steady growth the past »IX months, the It hrarian report for March showing ti I now reader* and a circulation of 140 Mmnd books. Tharo who have read rhe “Mon- Mother ' rrnmuirnd it tn *»«ry m<xh«r -»f young children An other gift that ia very intormrtl«« Is | “t’roative Chemistry." For -hoso who Ilk» local hlatory. Mrs McNair irewnted the library with “Pbr- traits and biographical reeords of Western Oregon." which will ho in- i »resting reading. In ihe later shipments of will be found rhe following: 3-Ldqqed Wott ’Bandit" To Be Used as Oeoov -Ve invite you to take one thorough non behind the 6-Ó6 motor and a record at the PA1Q»-O«T«O!T MOTO« CA« CO, fi--tt»m Vomforf. "Son Pnww'*- Webeter Maa's Man“; Luts. m the Wilderness and Fltiehtmrt <i Harn”; '«ppenhetm. t'nrtone Queet" i»t the SHv«w Ha«* Parrish. Sfyrery r nt er Richard» TenderftWM rirutfit'. Greeter. ' As > «Ml PHI ' fillamook Auto Company Oregon