Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 07, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    Uncle Xali’s
Medern Writer» Display an Amazing
Ca retesan ess in tfoalr Misuse
of th» ri ords.
In English there la not a more defi­
nite word than sabbath, yet It la used
with an amazing curaiaaaM»» aa a
synonym for Sunday. The writers and
translators of the New Testament uas
sabbath correctly, says a writer in the
Brooklyn Eagle.
It is always Hebrew and In no In­
stance 1» It associated with the New
Tewrsmeut dispensation—now unlvet
«ally known as Chrtstfnnhy. Inilet-«:
the apostles were severely rebuked h;
tbe Jews for breaking the sail hath
Cbrtatiuns cannot break the sabbath
for they do not liave It io break.
Sabbath anti Sumtay are observed
on separate «lay* but this 1» not nee
• ssary. as astronomy shows that the
Identity of «lays from year to year is
Impossible: since the year and day
are incommensurable, The leap years
show that any given late varies a
lay; even this does not correct the
dates, as other correction»—the con-
turial leap years—tiecome necessary.
There Is a still deefter reason for dis­
carding tbe severtt.v of the sabbath,
namely, our seven-day week la un­
counted thousands of years older than
the book of '¡enests. Evidence Is very
strong that it was founded on quarter­
ing the qderenl month—the “true
month.” Long before anything even
approaching astronomy arose man no­
ticed thaf rhe inoon slowly moved into
another group of star» each night, anil
by rough eye measurement, «•ompleted
her revolution In 28 days—"the 2S
mansion» of heaven” of the Cblneee
and Japanese.
American Legion
Tillamook Post meets <
the 14th, at the city ¡tail.
nunwid* y
otsts ï ourself
with paint er varman. W e tell how
r îocrs
outclassed by eight or nine tn
tous -ection».
Memorial Day celebration will re
Tillamook Post lost an active mem
ceive attention at ihe next meet 1 n
ber when F.H. Gardner, until recer*
of Tillamook Post. Plans of the Le-
ly salesman for the Standard Oil " - .
gton to commemorate thia day extend
here, was asaigned as agency manag«;
not only across the Nation but to the
at Crane, in Malheur County. F. II.
cemeteries of France and the graves
was regular In attendance, willing to
of American soldiers who 1U bi.ried
work and a mighty dependable fc-1
there will receive the same tender
ow. Mrs. Gardner also took .reat
care that will b given the final rest .,
Ing places of soldiers i n this country, interest in the aim» of the Leg’on.
being airres and was an active member 4
Local memorial services are
planned in which Tillamook Post will the local auxilllary. They wil un
doubtedly help to keep things mov
ing in their new location.
• a •
* » •
Elsewhere in this issue is the ad.,
Tillamook Post meets on Thursday 1
vertlsement of "Flashes of Action.”
the 14th. at the city hall.
a motion picture which will be exhi
bited at the Gem Theater in Tills
mook on Friday. April 15th.
The Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup fre
is not a movie in the ordinary sense
of the word for it has neither nor tube offer expires fhe 10th of April.
plot. It 1» a series of films taken by Anticipate your wants, come in and
the Signal Corps of the Army during see us before the above date, if yon
the late war and is issued officially are not needing tires at present make
by the government as showing things a small deposit and we will take car®
of your future needs and secure for
that actually transpired during var
you the free tube.
ioua actions in which American
troops participated. The film is ex.,
Williams <x Williams Garage
hlbited by the local Post of the Amer.,
lean Legion and all profits derived
COVERED HEADS IN CHURCH from its showing go to the Post.
• •
aefore the Year 1M1 Man Old Not
Tillamook Post meets on Thursday.
Remove Their Hat» During
the 14th. at the city hall.
Religious Services.
64/“\l-D Singlefoot In going to «-ele-
VJ brate hie golden wedding to­
morrow," .aid the asaezHor; "we are
planning to give him a surprise party,
and would Ilka you to go along.”
"Yon couldn’t drag me there with a
team of govern-
merit tuuies. ’ re­
plied tile -village
tMe meanest trick
you can play a man
1» to spring a step
prise party on him.
Of course the tnn-
jorlty of surprise
parties are takes.
The victim has
been informed in
advance that he is
going to be am-
bushed upon a cer­
tain date, and tie
bi» preparations accordingly.
Then when the visitor« arrive at his
abode be pretends to be immensely
aatonlxhed, and says he never dreamed
of such a visitation; but tbe fact that
bo is rearing bls Sunday shirr, and
has tils hair parted In tbe middle,
gives the 11« to all bis protestations.
"There Is no serious objection to a
surprise party when rhe victim Is
warned tn advance, although, as I have
shown. It encourages skullduggery and
hypocrisy, for no man can be Thor­
oughly honest who pretends amaze­
ment over a visit oe baa .been plan­
ning for.
"But tbe genuine surprise party 1»
The "Homme» Club” recently or..
About Iflfll an agltntlon commenced
an ontrage, and people who resort to
It should he severely punished. There’s to have men -emove their hats In ,anlzed. consists of half a dozen for
nothing more humiliating to a «»If '•hnrch—Pepys makes gentle fun of It mer service men who have rented a
respecting man than ro have a whole The custom was first to remove the house, hired a cook an.i think they
neighborhood blow into his dwelling hat to cover tbe eyes in prayer, and are enjoying life. Among the mem
'ater It was taken off altogether.
wh< ii r.e isn’t looking for IL
hers are Iivie Keidson. Vie While. 1
Tlie Introduction of the wig helped
" When I am at home I naert ilei*
everything to personal comfort, I the custom—for It proved difficult to L'ick Donrvan and Gilbert Finite. It
take off my shoes and collar and neck­ keep one’s bat on over a tousled will be a gay extstanee—until Cupid
tie, ami roll up my shirtsleeves ami mass of false curia. Tills also let! to butts In.
slip my suspendera down over my large lints with illumes going out of
arms. I don’t care how r look if I am styls.
.< dividend 1» to be paid in th» near
feeling at »are. If I am expeettng
Then. Instead of wearing hats In­
visitors. I go to my boudoir and rtx doors, men went to the other extreme. fin ure to uil former service men who
myself up w I look like bridegroom. and often carried them In their hands h..v» con»»rtfd their life grid >« ¡n
Mv wife has theories, similar to mine, when out of doors. The Puritan» tn ro any of th« permnnt’it forms of
and doesn’t believe in being arrayed England continued to wear their gc» emment Insurance
AbMH |X5<).
In purple and tine linen all the time. brond hrtmnied lists, however. Indoors
001' 1» to ba derided am >ng thcs.-> wh
But she wouldn't he seen looking and out
slouchy for anything.
Men’s hats and clothing were have carried converted Insurance f '
"Rome months ago my wife casually "hanged with the French llevoliitlon; ever a yeu •. This s’ivi represents
remarked to a neighbor that my blrth- wigs went out. and then with the rise ••rings ni th departe ent a»-r an
day would oecur on rhe following of Napoleon, dres.i became military
shove the actual cost >’ the lour
Wednesday. and that neighbor, being In style. In 1S1B, «luring the Restora­
a "ontlrmed husybodv. got busy and tion period, arose the "stovepipe lint.’’
organized a surprise party. I never anti breeches, at the same rime bu>
received the faintest bint of the gan to lie worn to the ankle.
Tlllamcnk Pont meets
scheduled •ataatropbe. and on rhe
he 14th at the city l«a”
evening of my birthday I wa» lying on
• e •
Hew Old Armor Wee Made
the floor of the sitting mom. with
a tremendous
abont a hundred newspapers around
me. My wife waa wearing an old plete Iren suit of exclusive deslgn gain in paid up membertnip» in Ore..
wrapper, and we» popping com on 'he might '"«tick“ the purchaser for as gon, say» a report issued by E.J.
kitchen stove. There was nobody else much a» $1.001» which w»» a great Eivars. Department adjutant. 1272
in the non»», and we had no idea visi­ sum In thoae «lay* Baronial gentle­
tors would come. for It waa a bad men, however, had their own profes- new names coming into headquarters
s'onaj irmorers to turn out such tn one week. There are now ninety
.»— - «»—«..» - ....
’■•kht o'clock. Just when I metal garments. The common soldiers eight posts in the state. Tillani ok
waa thinking of “ going to bed. there went to battle with nothing better to Pnst ranked among the largest In the
was a knock at the front door. My protect them than leather Jerkins and State earlyAn the year hut is now
Recently samplea were
wife thought it was some boy on an «teel cape.
errand so she went to the door with a tn ken from a dozen of ancient pleres
sfovebook in one hand, and the corn anil put through a chemical and micro­
popper In the other, and -J».« gave a scopical examination by experts In or­
shriek of anguish when she sew the der to rind out something about how
.■ossa meeting on the front porch. The the stuff waa made. It was found
hat all the pieces thus tested were
mlnnte the door waa open all those
delegates pushed themselves in. smil­ made from very pure wrought iron,
ing and giggling as though thev were converted info steel hy the old “<-emen-
tntlon" process
The original iron
doing something mighty funny
t. "Our house hadn't been in inch dis­ wits produced much like our modern
It was carbonized,
order tn twenty years. It looked as wrangbt Iron.
though a «'onple of amateur teams had hamniereit into sheets and the sheets
The whole was
been playing basketball In It. My iveMetl together
wife and I began apologising and efr then hammered into shape while heat­
plaining, aa people will do under such ed and pluiigetl Into water, thus pro­
condition», although they know that ducing the llnal hardening.
jjpbodv will iielleve what thev «ay;
the guests issnred til that It was all
Religion in Cverydav Life
right, but I could see them «flnlntlng
The wldrepremt inprewlon 'bar re­
around and making mental notes for ligion la >i thing of life »part and not
future reference and inside of a week an «■«•entlHl part <»f profitable life is
Ca.ich her! She s
the story was all over town that our at the I mt tom of all our serial prnb-
ovitside the law
tionre waa a fright and no respectable lem», Were the people taught, not
cow could live In It.
merely preacheil to eo Munday* l>wt
"That was ths most miserable even­ taught in school from mfawcv t«a ->M
ing I ever «pent, my friends, and I age, that to «leal ftMttlv. to ho kind
have never forgiven the people who and gañeron», and tn revere the pow
rook part in that uprising. And von ers above ‘nrthly power», our social
may he-sure HI never treat another alfa 1rs would «non umiline. or approx- THAT SUDDEN
as I wan treated.
'mate, the condition« contemplated l>v
In the«» more enllght-
the Master
enetl time» men want to know the
A snldler preeented hlmaelf at th* vaine of rel'glnn an a pernrinal asset
Commonwealth irreatiry in Melbourne. In life rather than a promised assur
you ex-
men of peate
peace and soffri after
Ajlgtralia, und «nid. "1 am a JO-pound
pwrienae at
note and «rent to be ea»hed.'‘ Ile death. i An iw.-mrt. nal »erman on the
amen em he
•tated that he bad »wall.rwed the value of religion re a personal nreet
•emowd. No
uot« at Flenrbnix when he expert cd In «vial anil i uh N O»« Hfb would be
wonuui naff ’he
to be ,-aptured. He reruembrred the helpful to ma ny fol 1er* — K razmua
right to suffer
.Kimber, and "hf, not, In queatlon Wilson.
nime! out in he the -wily ono mlaelng
»men abe « - mu
ReelO« fee Good Memory
' »btain relief
fmm A perticuter issue which had
Rose, tbe gurrnlnne domestic. *n
hem roralled.
safely, owtainiv
give yon facts of hlstsrv—Internation­
and promptly.
al dramatic, »candaloee right off th*
1 ^’lppuffe yen ¿io
hat without a mcmenr’» hesitation,
/ dare head­
"How do row manage to remember
ache*. back­
»11 these things. Ho«»’“ inquired lie»
aches. extreme
employer the ofbrr «toy.
fMTVOUlUWB. low-
Then Rose <-ame heck with the la-
splnta ia«i general
fallible rule for .owner t trainlag.
®oo«l - for - noth­
"HI tell ye ma am." «ay» «he. "All
ing feelings at
me Hfo never a tie Eve told. And
‘.IUMH? Your MkM
when ye don’t have to be taxin’ ver
is not hopeleaa.
memory to be rememlwriti wbnt yo
Try Doctor Pierce s
told this one or that one or how ya
Pavnnte Prescrip­
explained fols or that rw 'lou t over
Sold bjr
work It »mi It tests ye. <♦>»! ■■ sew.
drugffwta m dQuxj
ar tablets, or send
10c. to Dr. Prcc»'»
Invalid« Hotel in
Thia Woman ihitferrd
Fr»m The Benedwtiae Sis>r»
Buifalo. N T„ for
Mr< H A. Leaman. Rtnrcia. Colo.
a trial package.
rte tollnwi*a from tbs Benedict I »•
Read what this
*rltre ”1 suff»r»d with bladder and
Slater». Holy Name Convent. «eu ka-
kidney troublr for yvora. Tolay Kl.l-
tenia. Fla . I» •< r*4ue te »vary eu
Rrawor. C al .—"Aboot Ssa rear»
We llave Ju»» rmetvM ship­ nay Pills helped me mi much I fwl ago I iuf!»r*d aawreiv. I crmanJtad a
• local doctor and be -aid I wnmm I hare
ment oí Polar« Honey and Tar. It fine new. Suffered
to undergo an «paraZem. I then tried
u a household remedy We have uM hardly -ouId live I recommend F
Pr. Fere»"» Favorite Prearrptem--
took oaa bntt.'e— aleu on» boule >1 u»
It »tace ws kaew of H, for œ» »teil ey‘e Kidney Pill» to ail »ht. »uff
' • »uuen deds al Liken rery and ooad
dren »apmially. aad atwaye found it
the T a -H ou TsbiatB,' and I hare not
been irmt led ffmw. — Mu L. G
Atuatuirr. R. F l> No. I.
We moire the inoit hnisnes.
Tht> ary over ni^nt. - - ycu
can walk on them in the morn­
They are made foi lay men’s
use as tveil ns "sinter's
__ _ .pread
_ anL cover
flew and
The result is a smooth
and lstr’us rir.L.h—j t the
one •cu want to ^et, zirhough
you - — an .unateur — uo the
Women can appiv these pred-
ucts as well as men.
Fuller makes a famous ^oor
paint—Rubber Cement Floor
Paint and two iamous vam-
.It : - «7'r-H
r - p ars'
anti " Fuiierwiar.
They are Fuller's bpec ca-
tior. or :.-m«’_nc'rs—eac. ‘or
a p...'t’cuiar eiiect.
We make ai; a special
of paints, varnishes, ena
etc- tor ail 1cm; • : mt
ilecorating. Ami
. r—. u ."■■ ■ De~"ir".:rr
wl . .e.i you
y-’ ■ ■ ■-
use them. You 'mp- ■ <f ' ■
the artte'-t. hew tin: "e: now.
and the enrect you war.: t gs’-
We’ve specified these ma-
tenals and methods tor you
after 72 years' experience Wl'.T
paints and painting practice.
We are one of the largest paint
manufacturers in the United
Fu Herb
W. P. Fuller <k Co.
û«pt. 2, San Francisco
Ea’abtisoffid 1849
Pioneer Paint
Branche! in 16
Manufacturers for
Cities a the West
Home S jrvice" Paints
(Cut ihis out and put it in yeur
pocket bock or head bag aa a
Vomi tes - únamele
Whcrs to
I.mpr 'in- that
■. ret the ri^ht
material :□ be sure
to go to the nght
• J -ff» f/■»
Prnrfuct"3. Cut cut
the couucn below as
a lneiiiu to direct
3P :ifíCATlM
rill I Eff
Don’t think you can’t Jo
re th .:<•* this simply because
y m haven’t ever done it. Fol­
low Fut .r
- •■’".ihr -.iect.
Rubber Cement Floor P.ist—
a tannery, watarproot ini iur-
able paint for ■loon oi kitchens,
in coler
cioasts. Attractive
Attrscuve ie
color aad
Jnn sard over night.
Mad« a 13 colon.
Alio makers at House Paint.
All-purpose Vamisr.m. Silken-
»nite Enamel. Sifte«n-ior-Ploors.
Washable Wall Fi.iiih. Auto
Enamel. 3am and Boot Paint.
Porch snd Step Paint and Pio­
neer "White Lead.
Puller’3 "Home Service” Paint
Product* are «old by the following
in your city:
( Dealers' Mi
end Addressee/
—note !
For one week—commencing Monday, April
4th. — our Dealers in every section of the
nation will conduct a special series of demon
strations with the complete line of Paige cars.
Our “Daytona 6-66” model now
holds the world’s stock car record for
speed. It will be the purpose of
Demonstration Week to prove that
any Paige car — in the hands of an
unprofessional driver—is indeed
Master of the Highway.
No other stock car has ever equalled
our own speed record of 102.8 miles
per hour. No other car, we are con-
fldent, can defeat a Paige in the
milder tests of general demonstra­
tion work.
By proving itself the fastest car, the
Paige 6-66 has revealed qualities of
endurance and strength that are be­
yond dispute. World’s champion­
ship form is a guarantee of all ’round
efficiency — the best guarantee that
the sporting world affords.
Demonstration Week offers an un^
rivaled opportunity. You have but |
to get in touch with our Dealer and ’
he will book you for a ride that will
prove finally convincing.
Then, with an actual record of the
tests, you will be in position to com­
pare the Paige 6-66 with any other
motor car —at any price — on . the
American market
You will also be able to determine
whether the New Series “Glenbrook
Six-44” is or is not the greatest dollar
for dollar value in the light six field.
Surely no man could ask for a fairer
or more sportsmanlike proposition.
Whether you contemplate buying- a
motor car or not, we very cordially in­
vite you to ride with Paige during th«
coming week. It will prove a revela­
tion, \A"e believe—and a liberal educa­
tion in strictly modern engineering.
pa igb - dbtro i t motor car company , d ' btboit .
ofP^i9 MofO, Car. .ad Mof^ 7>wc>.