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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1921)
PAGE FOUR lag get» farther than talk. Don t Let s let it al! go up in have some action. A weekly Paper Publish«« Every We believe that the peep.e New« report« have tl Thursday by ’.he eounty have been »carrely ..ce» ...n hxs died not Headlight P-ihiiihin« Cv~.pany. Ine. by the toads ite of a woman p i r.r.x the ÀX.' bave taxée ».be «pecîe Tilla monk. Oregon fcr never m Tikes Edi'cr Leslie "chirked rvr. tur ri be- Eoth Telephone's Local News nimui eh >tber b Entered aj fécond-'* lass matter r. I because u »he principa th» pc office at THU .<> k. O.r¿>n Dairvic of this CvU aillamnnk Hrahliqht h_rd ’.sr m unity Snos<nn:’.oz K¿.é< On year bLx months Three months Payable in afivacce 12.00 1.«. • .•x-ker» Early Bo«d C ur ¿1 Now is the for r id work a -.hi' ace» a bé Eia dr â > « l T u AD «C niter rebmsr- 1« a’ a charm zton thlmbl- W to her mother The h- use ■»!- ... i ■ each rue- cup and ca' at the table, where the : . e carried c scheme. Ta ose afternoon were rn L a«. Hu Dye. 55 cos». C L. Je« ha Headlight Classified Ads Lt.;. Cost—Bl« Results. a LVE. REARIN'.. SALE Of Piano - DRIEU Chutar . '.'S kheider* of Unemployment ana rr.ces According io a report issued by the Department of Labor the pex¿ of unemployment ha* been reaehcl and parsed with the movement grad ually working it« way westward. Oregon i« one of th< two «taies < f the west in which the labor ¿aua'.ioa i« bad. »ays the report, while w a*h- Ington 1« in a «till worae condition. If Oregon has been in a bad condì - regarding unemployed labor during the past few month» the peo- pi of our ?tate may I • k w.’.h "• greatest optimum to the future F r at no tim* ha* the extreme «ufftr- Ing urually associated with bad la- bor conditions been apparent. True the mild season during the last fe-v month» might account for somc thi*. while again it i* quite probable have Khat the laboring cl been as prodigal of their means has generally been supposed many a family has doubtless bank'd a good share of the high wage» ceived during IMS for the event cf a rainy day. Loral mills, which employ a con siderable number of people, expect to begin operation again about the flr<t of April and the local labor situa (ion will be relieved by this and :be road building that is to take psao- during the next »unimer Prices have tak*n a decline, and while «tí!» niurh above thetr ormer level, they will continue to dr>p un til an equilibrium is reached tween living and wage*. This is the beginrin ' * ’Le c-.ndi- tion that we have hoped the advent of abnormal condii i»t.« during war times. hat are people of Tillamook county going to do with the period ’ normalcy ' when it is reached Ar* they gra«p the opportunity and work harder than ever for a greater .A., • N Is the period M great building activity, enlargement eetabhshrd industries and general improvement of our county actually at hand? u« hope that much di«cu^«ed bar improv.-nx-nis. Improved roads and other I'pbuild- FRO i » ’ Sired oy hbred id arena. M. D P 0« Cent a Word Pet Esue All TUtawook County Reads Them. LOGANBERR1 PLAN Ta e.ved > be*1 n BUSINESS NOTICES DOUGLA.a COUNTY TAXIDERMi and Tanning Company. T lx L de. ni >f all kind.- of .... . i. f C ] as _. e ar.d heads. Tans all tut-: n aies fur# off classes Manufacturers v. ear. We also buy mountain 11«, bobcat and raccoon hides. pay best prices. Douglas Coun>.- . axidermy and Tanning Cimpa-.v Roseburg, Oregon. 12-2Jtf o: gan Í5" 1 Player ichines. Í1 .rt: ¡c 'nd many othe THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THE Tillamook M World have entrusted their repu- ■ Dealers. ta-lons to the Victor Records ALE-MAIL BOX SUITABLr FOR Hear them a their best in .er-ond hand for rural route, in own home. Tillamook Music c„ Apply headlight condition. Dealers, opposite P. O 12-30U U-lxtf z the year. e J* ere 151.44:« : - a this n • MD held up before tt i zapped cd AND GRAIN HAULING IF YOL WANT TO BUY OR EÁ HAY account cf the fall rzinj. The work of 3 > per cent. speciality. Oregon Transfer. Both change poultry let us Kn°* should be «carted ju*t xs soon a* n 4 pins method, the bu” ban.* phones Opposite P. O. also have getting eggs 12-9 -f sale. g y s* em -Ú IS 221 ->4 2 la p .-a-Lble to do -« chicks of 35 varieties THE STANDARD OF THE MOULD IS 4 k • per cent. fallowed much more will be Send in your order soon. MISTLAND BRAND Italian Prunes lbs. of cheese were Lt os noi be i.’ke ’he - Vi-.trolas and Victor Records c©Eipli*hed Hexman. Tillamook. prices rear. Lowest man the Arkatua* Traveler met who factored during Tillamook Music Co., Oppose v EAD TO Packed 1920 crop. SHELTER COVE HOME . be xes. «aid tha: whet it rained be eouid" t grade. 11-18tf sacks. I. the undersigned, will patch h? rvof and when the v either ihe yield for tne year bv sold. rer, weight boxés sell my homestead of 160 acres lbs. per l*)0 lbs. of mila was good he didn t have to paten it. es pc-itpaii: FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORE- part of it cleared and in gra An average of Î.83 Ibe f :he- — !•> ? b Transfer. both phones. Mie? -Boxes. lv»b. the other in small brush such as made for each lb. of butterfat Roosevelt Highway 14.53 .1.79 2-9 tf Cheese sold for 1141 4-i* >1 ap;e, bear berry, salmon When ’.heir fir»t Roosveh high way and a few scatterà aide. pnce 1.3> AT LAST — A VICTOR DEALER IX bill w*» killed in the legnature the . : : i n». k ■a rily cleared. Fern Tillamook County. \ icter ’ .’I coa»t county senator» introduced an There is a hous-. ? l ì 12 its of butterfat * j log? very few. other. providing that the counti-e* .if- trolas, 125.00 and up. Victor Re splits covered from whey cream and barn, orchard and good meadow. b_CK. recced by the proposed measure Satisfaction cords. 85 cents Tilla. -commodate 12 or 15 head f r S '. € 4 4 ? . new. could form a separate road district mook Music Co., Opposite P. 0 Prompt snipment. There is also 10 or Making chirges ¿ - r •.. - 7 cattle. ------- work themselves and nuance - of Chittem bark on the plac°. amounted to 3.4.4. ? 44 Check or money order. Ward K 11 l?tf Th« bill parsed the legislatore. year cove. Expenses during This place lies in Richardson, 235a Front nmply The coast county ■olone 121 ' ’ o 43 ro. nded by high mountains east WE HAUL ANYTHNG ANYWHER3 Though they Jem. Oregon will not stay "pul. »»»5 11 was added tc north and west: facing the south: time. Oregon Tra . f -, took enough from the highway com- the building* and e*’uip: the warmest ami most shelter» I BROOK office opposite P. O. Both phcr.c-: LILLI mission and other hostile in : for sale the const ruction cf the cn«^ place in Tillamook County, so de- to be properly squelched, they came 50 acre of the »! 12-9 f Stock ra ---------- r--: and 31 124 14 i « deduc’ serve? the name of Shelter Cove. e-' Tillamook Dairy land. located back for more with another bill depreciation. The land can ’ t b e beat, will gro THE WORLD MOVES; SO DO WE. 'heir, favorite subje««- It uiu*t 1 t-. mlleà from Tillamook City on Following is a financial stat? ment anything; some of it as good road to ■ bi Oregon Transfer, Paved opposite P. 0. the refreshing of the company at tins ( me Part of it can be iver bottom. cow s Bet if some of Both phones. make them like that 12-9 If tC WC ted from the creek that run- ResOu:' irriga____ OU «1 those inland-county people Barn stanchioned ? i : : ■’Trea»»!?* Island. ' . ling and ground* Tu * -day th :gh the place, which supplì MONEY TO LOAN — ENQUIRE OP F:ur box o milk 30 cows. move to a real country they wou.i S pphes on band wa er ill through th summer. QOOd John Leland Henderson. 2'>«-3rd get the bad taste out of their mouth - Par-?-« ;nt-AHcraii expense* paid 1*2’. you are looking for a . Nine room St., Tillamook, Oregon. the ’/eir. tor the Roosevelt htg rtiiikin g machine ¿-er * ;?. C r it me rhanc»\ here is cheap p modern dutc.1 eetinz of *hr Creamery A - house. A' Advanced to Patr For fur he information apply tc good outbuilding-1. kitchen. AGENCY — OPPOSITE «ociation recently VMkiam Max’* December mac ng <e4‘ • Manti' 1 SI .ijER place. owner Wired and electric ligh ’ ed. I ' - 2* Due factory for chees. Postomce. O. M. Cook. Where Are Our Skyscrapers ? • as ehe-en president of »hat illamook Count: ’ , Beaver. Suarres, and cold water in house, barn r.nd remembered that *h<.n lut ion. J H Hi.gate wu» elec’r* It will Oregon. milk house. Good berry gardei 521 241 • the high prie«« of everything r Làr.iten- PROFESSIONAL Lar.d is cn one vsee president and r and orchard. one« Li abiliti« up building the conservative WANTED ■A the be-t fishing rivers in the coun 11.321 December money in talk of the building they «en and Carl HaSer'.â- - Iked DR. RAMSEY. OSTEOPATH—Room ty and is some of the best land in WANTED—TO BUY (LEAN OL J elected inspector and ferretary Bills payable _ were going to do when the com ll<y I. O. O. F. Bide.. Tillamook. Income for 1920 was the state. Capital ¿lock outstanding Thit ••peeuvely cotton rags. Headlight office. building material dropp- i Mutual phone. Bell phone 146-M. Price »30.<'0>. one-third lOJ''?. Sirplu= time here. I Dr Le bow. who ha« been associa cash, balance terms. WANTED REST — MARRIED DR. ’S ALLEN £ SHARP DENTISTS U hardly possible that prices ed with Dr Wise in the dental prac- Smith, owner, Tillamook, Oregon, 121 241 National Building. , will go much lower, and they mi.- man wants to rent ranch on half. 2-10'4 CARL HABERLACH Uce here, left Monday seeking R. 1, Box Don t put • -.k- a rise instead Phone Bay City, 3"F4. s • DR. J. B. GRIDER. DENTIST, I. 0. Mr«?. Lebow your building program until such a drier climate. RANCH ACRE FOR SALE— It . O F. Bide.. Tillamook, Oregon. WANTED—MENS WASHING. Wil! f. : nie that all you will be able to do panted him and they will probably tear Boardman. Oregon. !-■' acres !• !C talk about it again. Let « go de ¡ver. Murual located in Southern Orez n f-aturinz Jn-nr.e I Blackbirds. >W CAN BE FOUND improved, 100 acres in alfalfa. 40 phone. Mane Getchc-11. 11-lMf who J -hnst ne. Dr. \\ ise 8 Tillamook office, south Sunday afterno'n Mr. and Mr? Dan Billing-1 acres leveled. New rabbit-proof or the Court House every Monday, FOR RENT — SEVERAL T’NFFR- left «me time ago for a trip tbrouzu -.a evening. fence now around half. Buildings Tuesday and Wednesday 'California, have returned They d; nished Inquire apartments. Tillamook. Ore Feb. 5. 1921. and implements included, V mile no m. 'not express themselves a» be.r.g par To the stockholder« of Tiilatnock Plasker Brothers plumbing step. Must from town on good road I; IN NEED OF GLASSES SEE A. H. ticularly pleiad with our neighbor- C reame ry raise money and will sell cheap. Following is my report s«ec.--.- LOST AND FOUND Harris. Registered optician, at R. ing state, prefering the damp and 2-3:.' tary -salesman for the year 192 Y Inquire Headlight office. W. Bennett’s Jewelry «tore Tues- LOST — FLAT BOTTOMED ROM in i - ñ - of Or gon The far tory received notice. will make dates any time. boat painted green reward. •’Hi« Official Financée, a ripp ing of milk during the year FOR SALE - FIFTEEN GROSS day and Saturdays until further rf bt There were ÎM.'B 43 I M alter Nelson. comedy drama. Gem. Friday nizhr 2-l"f Phone 143-J. da pop bottles, all in good condi- terfat in the milk, an average tes- 'f M imic on the * UurP.tier at Will Sei at DR. REEDY’S CATTLE EXCHANGE. Near Depot Gons. Will sell part or all. -oc 4.w9 per cent. Gem every program doren. Inquire Headlight 912 324 lbs of cheese were man.:- Houaeliold I hmk I s — Hed- One Sliellaml Bonv. Port.5.’- 4 taetured. mak ng 11 11« boxes Harr*- ” steads, etc. Pig», all kiini» anil size» The average yield was 1151 -pent -evera! day« in Tillamook this FOR SALE- EVERGREEN BLACK ileavv Wagon and I.ivht week looking over bust new intereatA of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk . -rv plants 3.9 00 per thousand Registered Holstein Bu.i Milk W ason. An average of 2 si lbs. f che < In«- « ear old. two-year Pr^styerlan Guild met loganberry made per lb of butterfat Mar Saddle and Brulle piCr-s 3 »5.“" rfr thousand. meeting at the home of Mr* Ander- blood. Registered full Cheese sold for 1238.897 5« ness and Cart lor She! ■on with Mr?. EaDtman aMitllng F'*«!er. R. D. No. , Dallas, Ore- pme ■ 2 - 1-7 tear old Jersey. land I' oiiv decorated Tillamook The home hoeteM 2 ol4c Full bl«x>d Jersev Cow. o RhiMle Is and C hickens The factory received from tnaklr. with cupidi and the program prepar- 'ear cows and 3 1 wo Kink« Re<is, Kinglet SALE charges »3 5 71« «2 SWEET ed by Mra Baie* wa? a test of skill Cattle in ol ! Heifers Incubator «O egg capaci the year were Tn- expenses assorted.! prunes. Fir t.r.'.ce nex: dart«. shooting cupid « spected by Government »32.351 ->4 tv. Readv to nm Bring smaller t.i n r il . t but » .g will be at th* h« ’ e of Mr- If 3«> 22 was added to the valu- Inspectors- your eggs and kerosene. e.iTf with >ut sugar Tue^cday at 2:30 P of the plant and equipment on a-- McNair I eight prepaid to Tillamook eount of the residence purchased, im- Many More Artidea I Expect to Get • ■ 1 U : Before Date of S^e March i» the closing month boiler pur- provements made. cent? per pound. th* year*» work and annual r*por;» ■ h i—.i The depreciaticn charge? Haynes, Prime Grower. Ya Lililí. *i¡! be made up more ea^Iy r.-ed to I 2-~>tf members in arrear» will not put ou II r- of butterfat were re- settlement until the ciooing met ine covered from whey cream which =old I OR SALE FI LLER AND JOHN- Mrs S¿m G reere was hoste» x\e¿- for 17 231 4 son 20 H. P heavy duty engine FMIow-r.g « a financial statem’nt «.as or diet i .late. ¿f the company at this time:’ KMoartti : Priced reasonably. Inquire Building and ground 112.423 34 Headlight office 2-3tf oupplie« ->n hand ? 463 4 • Cash in hank 859.53 rvR SALE—A TEN COW RANCH L’ iv-arcia’s baby dress though made of Advanced to Patrons 161 • ’> on Foley creek Eight cows, one Due for cheese 1.631 32 ? tnost horse and buggy goes with it. en was ultimately worn thread small payment down J. F. Wlll- ■?ae day it landed in the rag bag and 12') 53^ S4 f( rd Mohler. Oregon ----- 1-I3t4c 1 to the junk dealer. When the rag sorter LiabJitiei : Let me bring you a Vaugh drag- ■ the C searded garment he detected in a flash Uutual phone. E. G. Kreo^ Capital stock outstanding 1 15 <» ‘ nality of the flax and set it aside for a journey 1-1 3tf Surplus 1 s s À < •% ; 'V ir.L - j of «- ^raving and Printing at Washing- FOR SALE LOGAN BERRY --• it became legal tender—a bank-note. plants 120 5JS ¿4 Any quantity. Order now. Ju;,', tie Respectfully submitted a > tc2d in one of the beautiful booklets R Brown Woodburn. Ore CARL HABERLACH. ‘•-.i Dur Government which we are sending each 1-13 t6p Secretar» 40 those interested. FOR SALE dairy farm about *0 acres New bulldir.s». J-st »euu us your uame and addre»s and you will Y t I hat is "Be- bead cow> team, soma ▼ounr '«.A^ve a copy of every issue of the senes without bicd the Door.” see it at the Geni itisi Place will support Saturday night. c w« It ; • Jehu Theiier Pleasant Vail,, 1-ltt Coates. A. C. Everson or the crea ■>: the ire house. Dr. Wise will b* at h>s Ner.aiem 4th d office :a Thursday. Feb at Wheeler on Friday A. A Pennington has installed a measurezraph. an instrument whim measures cloth up to the of a yard. Besides reg.stenn« exact measure it computes the ex of the piece measured. I Charles Van Patten is building a five rwn h -.use on Miller av-nue --- tween Sth and 7th streets which he nte .is to sell or rent after compie non. Carl aDwson was a Tillamook visitor from Garibaldi Core wek. ( * made ar- The nre department re chimney ?w-.- C-- Di doue. work done nuy gpply to the bov*e. leaving their names ini a PARTIAL CONSIGNMENT Auction Sale! THE BEGINNING OF A BANK-NOTE DON’T FORGET THE SUNSET CAFE C. F. GERARD, Chef T m Lat« to Classliy FOR SALK - HOUSB AND LOTS tor I1ÛQ0 Ka»y ternu Intuir» at AFARlMINT- Haadligfct offic» U-2 tf I. per week. 5Oc per nigh; » r .iuk- 1VK SALK GOOD »TEIL RANGX Ila apartment^ Watchtower butld- Call Waiter Nel»<a. 3-24U Mur tal ph. ue 11 .* f FUR SALE -3 GOOD MILK COWS FOR SALE HOUSE TWO fresi 1 < ming freah *- n Call lots ob easy terms _ Price »1,000 T J G ree a. Beaver, Ore 2-1 It J Inquire at Headlight offlee 11- bOR SALE l«0 ACRES ON SAN"' FO«. \LE— TWO I^ATEST STALK Lake 12 ».#0 per acre, easy ter : - l• nite sewing ■lArhines. aim 4t or will trade for g-xid preperty Tillamook ‘ ,nFT Agency, opposite P Billing« Rt«-. way Ore J-Î411 FOR RBNT I; NEB MENU Elicli iladcs Mexican «and Chicken (’hop Sue} 1 amales Chili cou Carne VII Kind- oi Spanish <. vvkin^ the Epicure TWO FOR SALE m ACRES. ONE COW ICR SALE - HOUSE AND THREE cow. good house and barn t- on Stillwell Avenue. No. 910 Wilson River I. D Smith 2 4-14 four blocks from pubhc »chool ' " E’r on premise« FOR SALE ACRES. COWS 1. -t 4 C’X*J building«. “ il*>n Rh> , SALE 40-ACRE I. an B- ir- L D Smith î 24 : riHes from Mohler and N«ha L4>1 BLACK MOORS FOUNTAIN i acres clear; about place on Main stree; fruit trees »11 kinds of garden I Finder please return to berries. 5-room bou.« Bare. Fourth grade rooir.. **; K"Od barn. farm iniptemrents and light hous- RHODE cheap for cash I :i. Dougherty. Rav < Bl 11 it HOME MADE PASTRY FOR SALE *5 4'AUbER AV Tillamook County Rank REX Ruthofthe FRIDAY FEB Rockies Hoes she recover her trunk; Get the solu- t«on to this thrilling story at the Rex Friday \lso the famous star of the barrier — MITCH LEWIS . .vl’s Gold” ri i snoninff ont drama OI- ’ uors