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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1921)
THURSDAY. FEBRUAEY m t |I PAGE FOUR 2TiUumniik MeaMujht A Weekly Paper Published Thursday by the Every Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. Tillamook, Oregon Leslie Harrison Editor Both Telephones Entered as second-class matter in tlie postofflce at Tillamook, Oregon. 14-YEAR TESTS OF PLA’H LIFE Reveal That Wild Flora Do Not Always Grow in Most Congenial Habitat. OWN GAS KILLS HIM Chemist Commits Suicide Under Dramatic Circumstances. Pays All Debts and From Remaining Stock of Chemicals Mixes Com pound to Generate Gas. TO SAVE FISH ALONG COAST Pollution of Water and Catching in Nets Is Cause of Serious Condition. London.—Composing his own lethal gas, Constantine De Mere- chevs :.v. a chemist nnd botanist of International repute, former professor In the Uni versity of Petrograd, committed sui cide lu a Geneva hotel under dramatic circumstances. sky escaped from Russia wltli a small fortune, which was ex hausted after fro years’ residence In » Genevu. where he continued Ills re search work mil wrote u number of sciei.title books. When his funds were gone in- was too proud to appeal tor help, though In view of Ins high stand ing he could have obtained a hand some subsidy to pursue ills studies from »-¡entitle associations in Amer ica. France and England hud lie stooped to solicit aid. He preferred to die. He scrupulous ly paid iill Ids debts and then from his remaining stock of chemicals mixed a ■ special composition which he poured Into a receptacle, to which he attached a tube. At the other end of the tube was a mask which lie placed over ills face, and then binding himself to the bed released the gas which was glv< en off from tlie composition. He died I fr<>m asphyxiation. Firemen had to «ear smoke helmets to remove tlie body from the room. Headlight Classified Ads Little Cost-Big Results. All Tillamook County Reads I hew. FOR SALE SOME FOR SALE MILK COWS. fresh tills month. Apply Pin* Ja' 2-1012 cobs. BROOK FOR SALE THE LI tht i!n- Stock Farm. 60 act I.U.,1',‘,1 est Tillamook Dairy 1 i.j miles from Tilla road to Wilson river. Pav< 1 town. R ins 30 tot s and cuts own hay. Barn stat: ■hioned t n J piped to milk 30 cov s. Four box stalls for testing cows. Good milking machine, new. Nine room two story house, modern dutch kitchen, all good outbuildings. Wired and electric lighted. Hot and cold water in house, barn and milk house. Good berry gardens and orchard. Land is on one of the best fishing river» in the coun ty and is some of the best land in , t n nn «.r.i j the state. Income for 1920 was $6500. Price $3,000. one-third cash, balance terms. See L. D. Smith, owner, Tillamook, Oregon, 2-10'4 _R. 1, Box 22. One Cent a Word Per iSSUi Suarrea, Beaver, Tillamook Co., Oregon. *____ FOR SALE p S lton wheel with connections for milking machine Tn01; h°- lighting system. Inquiry Headlight office. TRUCK FOR SALE—1921 NEW TO EXCHANGE—95 ACRE«" job. Will sell or trade in on an- One year ............................................ $2.00 Acres in prunes, 8 years old he other machine. For information Six months ...................................... 1.00 mice in crop except 8 acre. . C. R. Seymour, Twin Rocks, write ced off for pasture; land f*"' Three months ........................................ 5p Experienced Fishermen Say That Sup Flowers Taken From Mountain Tops Oregon, Tillamook County. gently rolling and well drL^1 Payable in advance ply of Migratory Fish Has Been Grow Much More Luxuriantly and Located 2 »4 miles south of L 1 PRUNES, I1* Seriously Depleted—Other Sea Produce More Leaves, Flowers mouth on main highway tn > to epaid, 7c Sufferers. board States Are and Fruit at Sea Level. OREGONIAN versus PEOPLE paved this year. Very <ou„i u berry plants. ings. Price $15000. AVoui?“.'^ Under a heading, “Bad Business", R. V. Ohmart, Chicago. — At a lecture given liefore to exchange for a dairy ranch th Oregonian has an editorial in b, en siar’ed In New Jersey to save will support about 15 cows!? 2-10t 3 an assemblage of geographer« ami issue of February 4th relating from exteiiuinatiou the migratery rtsh dress Ovvjt^, Box n3, Auron biologists representing several socie to the Roosevelt Military highway ties, Dr. D. T. MncDmigiil, director of Oregon.____________________ j j,r • which sj awn in one place and move loganberry plants for sale bill now pending in the state legisla i the Botanical research department of along the Atlantic coust wltli the in large or small quantities. WANTED changing- of the seasons—such as ture. the Carnegie Institution at Washing Prime plants properly handled. mackerel, menhaden, herring and nu The bad business referred to evl- ton, described the results of a series RANCH WANTED TO RENT- MA r S^ FOR SALE — 160 ACRE W. Mahon, Hillsboro, Oregon. merous other varieties peculiar to cer dently rtienns bad business for Mult of experiments extending over four man wants to rent ranch on half near Boardman. Oregon, 120 acres tain localities on this coast. Experi FOR SALE—GOOD ORGAN, $10.00. nomah county, for the Oregonian teen yeurs and embracing 189 species Phone Bay City, 30F4. improved, 100 acres in alfalfa, 40 enced fishermen declare that the sup See Walter Nel-on. 2-10tf fails to see w here Portland and Mult of plants, the experiments tending to acres leveled. New rabbit-proof WANTED TO RENT — DAIRy ply of these migrator;! fish lm« been show that the wild plant Is not al nomah county will derive any spec fence now around half. Buildings seriously depleted by the pollution of FOR-SALE $12 ELECTRIC HEAT- ranch, by two experienced dai-v ways found lu tlie environment most ial benefit from the passage of this suited to It. men; on the 50-50 plan. inqui£ the areas in which they spawn and by and Implements included. % mile er $8.00; $35 Victor talking ma at this office. l-3tl measure. Portland's apprehension of the reckless manner in which they "A great many people think this,” chine $25; Heating stove, grass from town on good road. Must have b< ett caught In nets. Astoria, a wide-awake, coming city, said Dr. Min i lotigal, "but It lias been rug, kitchen chairs, reasonable. raise money and will sell cheap. WANTED—TO BUY CLEA.X The method proposed by the New and retaliation for the failure of the found to lie absolutely false," See them at 104 East Sth Street Inquire Headlight office. 2-3tf cotton rag«. Headlight office, tf Jersey Fish and Game Conservation With stations established at four Port of Portland bill last November any time until Feb. 14. 2-10tl WANTED —I MEN’S \VA league to prevent from extermination FOR SALE FIFTEEN GROSS SO- . ^7 different altitudes, 8, <<00 feet, 8,200 are doubtless inciting causes of the Is to induce the United States govern call for and deliver, ■Mutual da pop bottles, all in good condi Prunes Oregonian’s attack against the high feet, 2300 feet and at sea level, plants MISTLAND BRAND Italian ment to take control of and regulate have been transferred from one place phone. Marie Getchell. tions. Wil! sell part or all, 25c ll-18tf way measure. Be»t Lowest prices in years. the catching of these fish and stop pol to another, and the results of the cul I dozen. Inquire Headlight. Pl AN OSTORAGE—HAVE ROOM In both editorials and news items tural experiments of fourteen yeurs I in grade. 1920 crop, >. Packed lution of tlie spawning areas. It Is the Portland daily lias attempted t<; have now been compiled. for piano in home occupied by two net weight boxes or in 1 sack». FOR SALE> EVERGREEN BLACK- contended that only in this way can instill into the minds of the legisla adults, good care. Address Box tlie Increasing cost of fish food to the Prices postpaid: berry plants $20.00 per thousand. Grow More Luxuriantly. tors that the voters of Oregon ar' ' consumer be checked or reduced. 12 Headlight. 2-10tl Sizes-Boxes, 101b. ! 251b 501b 1001b Also two-year old loganberry In these experiments plants from the 26,869 ALIENS IN SHANGHAI against tlie highway bill and that It mountain tops, some from a height of Four Fundamental Points. 40-50................. 1.79 ■ 4.02 7.83 14.58 plants $75.00 per thousand. Jud FOR RENI’ — SEVERAL UNFITR- i should be killed. close to one and one half miles above Entire Population Estimated at More 60-70................. 1.35 : " 9 " 5.64 10.21 The four fundamental points In the Foster, IL D. No. 2, Dallas, Ore nished apartments. Inquire of In May 1919 the voters of Oregon sea level, were found to grow much na- New Jersey league's proposal for 90-100................ 79 1.51 2.83 4.59 Than 2,000,000—No Census of gon. 2-31-lc Plasker Brothers plumbing shop. tloniil legislation are: showed their willingness to expend more luxuriantly, producing more City Taken. Splits. ..’............ 95 1.98 3.77 6.46 FOR SALE- PRUNES; FIRST GR- Protect spawning areas against pot- $2,500,000 for the construction of a leaves, flowers mid fruits at sea level back. LOST AND FOUND Satisfaction or money ade 80-90», sorted, graded, process Shanghai.—A quinquennial census lutfon. road through tlie const counties that than they liud in their native hatdtat. Prompt shipment. Order now. LOST — FLAT BOTTOMED These plants were not cultivated, pro taken in October in the French eiin- Prevent fishing in spawning areas. ed and standard packed. 5$-lb box could be used, if need be, for military Check or money order. Ward K. tected or fostered In any wuy in their cession and the iriternatlomil settle boat painted green. $5 reward. 0) lüPshPfí Regulate the size of the by prepaid parcel post $5.00. King purposes. The Oregonian tries to Richardson, 2355 Front St., Sa new situations. Once placed, they he Walter Nelson. 2-10tf wood Orchards, Salem, Oregon, Rt. give tlie impression that tlie voter; I were to all intents nnd purposes wild ment gives Shanghai a foreign popu nets so rhe Immature fish cannot lem, Oregon. lation of 2G.8C9, according to off! lai caught. wanted a strictly military highway flowers and hud to light their own bat- returns. 2. 2-3 t> LOST GOLD BROOCH LAS ' SAT- Protect the natural food supply of and were willing to spend a larg urday evening in city. Finder ties anil take chances ns before. A census of the entire city, native eatable fishes. FOR SALE- SEEVEN MONTH OLD leave at Vaughn & Larson’s and amount of money to help tlie federal one hundred mid thirty-nine plunts and foreign, has never been taken, Ltit Tin- fourth point has to do with one Fox Terrior trick dog. Exception- receive reward. l-3tl government out. Since when dl l were used In these experiments, em careful estimate» place tlie population of the most perplexing phases of tlie ly smart. Box 418, city. 2-3 fl bracing forms of such wide divergence at more than 2.000,Oik). FOUND—Woman’s watch. Owoner Oregon begin taking such an Inter salt water problem—the matter of the Tlie international settlement has a menhaden industry. Tlie menhaden, can have same by applying to est In the government’s military pro us grasses, wild Hiles nnd oHk nnd wal FUR SALE — SWEET PElli’i-; Doctors, Ta<es. Policemen Un- nut trees, ns well aa cacti mid other foreign population of 23,307 nnd the otherwise known as mosshunker, which blems? Why not give a few mill unusual plants. Headlight office and paying for prunes. Fust grade assorted. French concession 3.1102. In the two once swarmed along the coast In Incal known in flic an da Cunha. ions to building up the coast defenses this ad. 2-3tf Smaller t’i n TtaL-t. but svvueier. "While a plant may thrive well In concessions the Japanese lend In point I culable numbers, attracting hordes of now located in our state, or why not Its new sltumbm," said Dr. MacDou- Can be eaten without, sugar. of numbers with 10,521. British are FOUND LADIES’ PURSE IN Front appropriate something to help estab gill, "It will sometimes display a be si’.... id with 0,385. Americans third. edible fishes that preyed on them, have Freight prepaid to Tillamook at Chaplain Tells of a Wonderful Island of Halloin’» store. Owner can been slaughtered light and left to pro lish the much talked of naval ba ■ havior quite nt variance with that by 2.813, and Russians fourth. 1,382. six cents per pound. 0 W. duce oil and fertilizer. In tlie view of Wnere Lawye s a.'.d Pastors have same by applying at Head at Tongue’s Point? That would be which It Is ordinarily known. Tims There are 840 Frenchmen in tlie two experts their end is not far off, and Haynes, Prune Grower, , Yauihill, Nover lavad» light office and paying for thia the conimon witchhazel, which Is districts. just as reasonable. The Headlight ' with their passing will disappear from Ore. ’ 2-3tf notice. known to bloom In the vicinity of New Tiie International settlement lias 3* Atlantic coastal waters many of such has very little doubt of wliat th Buenos Aires.—The island of Tris FOR SALE—FULLER i York when the frosts come, when tak known different nationalities, with Is ‘ people wanted when they passed the tan da Cunha is de< •ribed us "an un en to the eipiltable climate of the l‘a- of undefined nationality. Tlie Ger edible species ns now remain. LOST-CRANK FROM OLSMOBILEJ son 20 H. P. heavy Roosevelt highway measure in 1919. I clflc const reverts to tlie normal or Fisheries Board Breaks Down. spoiled haven ol' r i for the w ‘ary somewhere between Tillamook end man population, which In 1915 totaled Gas or distillate. But nothing must Interfere with »iimmer-blooinlng habit. Other species Efforts to cope with the problem soul, a Mecca lor tin ; e who long :’o.- re Netarts. Finder return to Head 1,155, Ims dwindled to 280. Priced reasonably. he well-being of the Multnomah «how flower forms, fruits and leaves through state regulation here have lief from w orries of life." by the chap light office and receive reward. Headlight office. failed utterly, the last straw being the lain of the British cruiser Dartmouth, Empire, long may she live, and if ; notably different from those previous 12-23tf CONQUER YANGTSZE RAPIDS complete breakdown of the state board which lu..-. just returned from a visit to passing the Roosevelt highway biP ly displayed by them. FOR SALE — LOGANBERRY BUSINESS NOTICES of fisheries, which had been created that Isolated «pot. “Aquatic plants of cress family takes some of the money Portlander» plants, any quantity, Oredr now. soil on the Hydrosllde to Be Used to Effect Navi, by legislative enactment with a view to “No need to worry over money there, DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY want for roads, the coast counties were made to grow R. R. Brown, Woodburn, Ore. gation Beyond Gorges in Chi mountain tops, where incrensfng tlie supply of food fishes and for there la mine,” said the chaplain. I roots formed and Tanning Company, Taxi- l-13t$ can “go hang". Some week-kneed small radishes, like nese Stream. reducing the cost to the consumers. "There ure no tuxes, no dockors, uo Ir relatives. dermist of all kinds of animals legislators will heartily agree wltli The radish Is a cress, Tlie five members of the board resigned lawyers, no clergymen, uo polkeuieu, FOR SALE A TEN COW RANCH and heads. Tans all classes on Foley creek. Eight cows, one the Oregonian that the bill is Imposs these plants came back to the ances Shanghai.—By mentis of the hydro in a body in July, 1919, and there have not even a head man. New spapers and furs; makes furs off classes I horse and buggy goes with it. A slide, which tlie British used succe»«- been no reappointments. ible. tral liublt of forming u radish. mail arrive, w ith luck, about once every furs. Manufacturers of all small payment down. J. F. Will fully in Mesopotamia during the war, The Oregonian speaks of the pro wear. We also buy mountain Investigation by a committee of vet two years. Interest to Biologists. ford. Mohler, Oregon. 1-I3t4c bobcat and raccoon hides. bable cost of the undertaking as "There is not even any medilcne, for “The manner In which plants travel another effort, aud one wholly novel eran const men disclosed an equally Let me bring you a Vaugh drag to China, is to be made to conquer deplorable condition, it is said, in o'ti the last supply of remedies was thrown pay best prices. Douglas County around $10.000,000. This is pure aliotit the world or are distributed is saw. Mutual phone, E. G. Krebs. the raiiida of the Yangtsze gorges. Taxidermy and Tanning Cimpany, er seaboard states. It was learned, also, into the sea by the Inhabitants, who rot. i Consideration must be given a problem of great Interest to Idolo- l-13tf At pluces there the current attains' that fisheries officials of Connecticut are remarkubiy healthy. Epidemics are ______________ Roseburg, Oregon. 12-23tf gists, and In this experimental work to the fuel that most of the proposed FOR SALE — LOGAN BERRY a velocity of more than thirty miles and Maryland agreed with those of unknot u. highway I h already laid out nnd a particular attention was given to ob an hour. I plants. Any quantity. Order now. THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THE New Jersey that a federal law was the talnlng evidence on some of the prob "Tristan is a British possession In H. R. Brown, Woodburn. Ore. » great amount is already completed. lems of dissemination or movement of World have entrusted their repu The ordinary head of navigation for > only remedy. I the South Atlantic between South Af t______________ 1-13 t6p tations to the Victor Records. Buch argument^ fire advanced as a plants across the face of tne country." steamers ou the Yangtsze Is at Ichang, rica and South America. Its suow- I I a thousand miles from the coast, hut Hear them at their best in your FOR SALK SECOND HANDDESK bugaboo for timid lawmakers. ft Was found that rabbits and ro capjied [leak towers nearly 8,000 feet Szechuen, China's moot populous prov INTERNAL ORGANS MISPLACED own home. Tillamook Music Co., Inquire at Headlight office. l-6tf dents which Inhabit the oalj tend at above sea level. It is only 21 miles in ince, and one of its richest. Iles near- | Dealers, opposite P. O. ll-18tf the top of the niountalu range acted Hospital Patient In Vermont Has circumference. The nearest Inhabited SALE DAIRY F\RM, ABOUT’ Hepator Norblud’s bill preventing very eltecilvety as a barrier to pre |y feur hundred miles further up the ; place is st. Helena, 1,200 miles away. 30 acres, Heart, Liver and Stomach on New buildings, ten ;HAY AND GRAIN HAULING A trolling for salmon in any Oregon vent cacti and other plants front mov river, beyond the wild bandit-ridden ( The Island Itself 1« of volcanic origin, head cows, team, some Wrong Side. young speciality. Oregon Transfer. Both country of the gorges. stock. P" the only habitable portion of it being waters north of Tillamook Head ing up or down tlie mountain «lopes. Place will support 15 i i phones. Opposite P. O. 12-9 tf The use »f the hydroslide» on the « tor gue of fertile laud at cows. Inquire John Theiler, ’ — ! To verify this a barrage zone was es the foot of practically means that no trolling Rutland, Vt.—William Bowen of I lipper Yangtnze 1« tlie enterprise of a Pleasant Valley. the precipitous cliffs. l-6tf THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD wonid be allowed any place but tn tablished mid the plants protected In French company with headquarters in West Charleston, Vt.. twenty-six, a 1 “Sufficient potatoes are grown In FOR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS Clatsop county if the bill should pass. screened enclosures which kept off the Shanghai. A number of these craft patient at the Vermont sanitarium —Victrolas and Victor Records. little nibbling animal«. The plants plots to meet the needs of the inhabl- for $1000. Easy terms. Inquire at Tillamook Music Co., Opposi'e P. That would be a very fine thing for from In Pittsford, la a curiosity to the med- tants. thrived mid prospered und spread were sent up the Yangtsxe Cattle and sheep were Intro I Headlight office. leal world. O. 11-18tf Astorians but not for the rest of Ore wltiiln the enclosed section. Out In Shanghai In December for trial runs. 12-2 tf v All his Internal organs are on the duced years ago and many cattle now gon. The learned senator from As the open, to either side of the bar wrong »Ide. He has tuberculosis, but run wild. Clothe« are only to be ob FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL RANGE FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORE- toria give« no reason for the passage rage zone, they rapidly disappeared, MILUKOFF GIVES UP LIBRARY tlii» tias nothing to do with the mis tained by bartering from ships son Transfer, both phones. also organ. Call Walter Nelson J of this measure except that it is for being eaten by the rabbits. This ex call. For protection to the feet the Mutual phone. 12-9 tf placed ot guns. ll-25:f| "the public peace, health nnd safty". plained the mysterlou« sudden stop Former U. of C. Prof«««or Present» The transposition was discovered people make moccasins of bullock hide. His Russian Collection to Stan- Fishermen and sportsmen, it is your page of some of these plant»—not altl when an x ray picture was taken by Wonderful socks are made by the wom I OR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN’ Tillamook County. Victor Vlc- tude nor heat nor cold, but actual de lots on easy terms. Price $1.000. ford Unlvaraity. Dr. Clarence T. Ball here to determine en from wool carded by tliemselves. duty to write to your legislator« and trolas, $25.00 and up. Victor Re Enquire at Headlight office.ll-25tf the condition of the lungs. It had l>een "From June to October of ; X. year urge that such a bill as this one be struction through being eaten. The cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla aulmnls were like a fence. Stanford University. Cal. — Prof known that Bowen's heart was not in the people hud been without bread, tea, killed. mook Music Co., Opposite P. O. The coastal laboratory at Carmel- Paul Milukoff. llushlan secretary of tlie customary place, but the x-ray coffee and sugar, hut they all looked FOR SALE TWO LATEST STYLE White sewing machines, almost 11-lStf bv-tlie Sou and the desert laboratory foreign affairs after the revolution of showed the stomach on the opposite pretty well nourished.” new. Singer Agency, opposite P. Some of our local merchants have at Tucsou. Arlz., are two of the ex 1917, nnd formerly a professor at the side, the liver on the left Instead of The rea-rnn there is no bread Is that tf WE HAUL ANYTHNG ANYWHERE ben crying for months, attempting perimental stations which were used University of Chicago, has presented tlie right and the vermiform appendix fifty or sixty years ago a shipwreck i at any time. Oregon Transfer, In tills work. on the left. to Stanford university his private li CLEARING SALE OF USED to get lower insurance on business near the Island allowed rats to get IN— office opposite P. O. Bolh phones. Bowen Is expected to recover from brary on Russian history, said to be struments. Piano, $95.00; Edi- ashore, so that since that time uo They are obsessed with 12-9 if propel ty. one of Hie most complete collections tuberculosis. son talking machine, $5.00; diSC wheat has been raised. But the men the idea and mention the subject FINO WRIGGLING EEL MINE THE WORLlTMOVES; SO DO WE. records, 25c; organ, $50.00’ sew- In existence. It was announced. say that tiny are going to try again But whenever a chance Is offered, I ma chines. $10; Pl a y er roll „ t The bulk of the library was collect Oregon Transfer, opposite P. 0- when the i ------- ■A* rolK 4 ...e next mail lu a year or two wliat have they done to help l< »wer Steam Shovel Lifts Them Out by Hun 50c, and many other articles, all I Both phones. 12-9 If ed while the donor was profi-wor of ♦ ____________________________ brings them ....... sour drede From Wharf Sits -Je seed wheat In the at I bargains. Tillamook Music Co French Baby Has Heart Their basements are the lutes? Russian history at the University of meantime they are in no hurry; If Plymouth, Mass. MONEY TO LOAN—ENQUIRE OF victor Dealers. 12-4tf filled with combustible trash and Moscow. It had been tn storage for in Pouch Outside Body f there isn’t any . bread they John Leland Henderson, 206-3rd ------- .—'y cun be con- i tented on potatoes. And. to stipple- FOR SALE— UPRIGHT KOHL'Ml their own establishments ure fire St., Tillamook, Oregon. Plymouth, Muss. Digging out evia six yenrs tn Helsingfors. Finland, whence It whs shipped December ’ 2 te Purls.— Paris medical authori tnent their pot»’ >es, fl i «re abundant, hazarda to other places about them, In hundreds of pounds with a steam Piano in good condition $150. this country. ties were called to Soissona to and cattle, and > i, Also Victrola and 34 records, $75. SINGER AGENCY — OPPOSITE Now that we have surveyors from shovel 1« h novelty Introduced here. ""th their egi s, examine an infant born to a Goyne Ranch, South and seals. They Postoffice. O. M. Cook. The steam shovel used by the eon the state fire bureau with us these want for many Prairie. working family with heart nnd i thing«, says tlie clu »plain, nevertheless tractor for tlie removal of Pilgrim WOMEN TALLER AND HEAVIER 12-9 tf wronged merchants will have n chan there r -------- - to • be little discontent, Intestines contained In a pom b PROFESSIONAL________ I appears co tn plead their cause «nd they will wharf In the changes being made along A on tlie outside of the child’s lucres»« In Statur« and Weight At and few ever wish to leave the In dox suitable tlie waterfront where the Plymouth dr RAMSEY, OSTEOPATH—K«>»> f r F Ura rou,e - ill second hand be fortunate if their rates «re not body. The ease whs said to be 4 land. trlbuted to Outdoor Life by Hock reservation 1« being made did III) I o. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook. condition. Apply Headlight of- raised instead of lowered. rhe first of its kind on record Athletic Director. the trick. Dltglng Is living made with Mutual phone, Bell phone 146-M. ___ ____ 12-30ti Thei-e is every Indication that a grati bucket near low water mark « the child will live, a« nil the or I BOWL IF YOU AVANT TO BUY common council of any city at the outer end of tile plet Philadelphia.—Women «re growlni a vz D L I OR p V DR.’S ALLEN & SHARP DENTISTS National Building. gans are functioning perfectly taller «nd heavier, according to Or. Il aHo nS u e POU1 ' ry let Us kno *- Tlie bucket arose once wt<h a full has a noleinn duty. They are elect also havc sc** ’ despite their displacement. Tnlt McKenzie. director of phyatca1 letting eggs and baby DR I B GRIDER. DENTIST. I 0- ed from their preclucta by the people outgo, nearly a cubic yard. of «qt.lrin chicks of 35 • varieties ’--‘-"j for sale. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook, Oregon. to legislate und enforce the muni'i- lug eels, «ome of which we Abed four education nt the University of Penn* Send in your order soon. sylvanln. |M>utid« apiece. Fishermen »ay the John Hofmau. Tillamook. pal laws for them, and they are eleo I'R LEBOW CAN BE FOl ND "Stnttxt’e« of women’s cohere* cov eels hud bedded In the mud beneath 1-27110 G«« Well Rests on Sunday«. for the reason that they are lite one« the wharf for the winter, «nd SHELTER cove HOMESTEAD TO Dr. Wise's Tillamook office, south tills ering h period of GO year* allow the Sharon. Pa. — A "religious" thought best qualified to perform accounted for the eel mine. be sold, I. the undersigned, of the Court House every Monday. aver ige college girl of today 1« un .vhlch divs not predace ot sell niy homestead of 160 , c Will Tuesday and Wednesday until such duties Hairsplitting a Inch taller than the college girl ■»> la ow neil by the Champion - - acres, noon. it cleared ,, and i- - bling should have no place 1W1O he «aid. "These statistics als-> Gas company of McKeesport Misses th« Old Rail. - '» grass, tier in niail brush such as IF IN NEED OF GLASSES SEE A. II délibérai ion l illaniook < laiulsvllle. Ky.—The old hntss rail prove the modern girl 1« «lx or saven The well produced gas every i berry, salmon which for yet ars had «food at the Anis pounds heavier." the threshold of a new nt luring July, except on the four S Harris. Registered optician, at R otterd alders, Doctor McKenzie attributed this In divs, nivordlng to a report made hoff hotel bn ar was recently removed, era and progressive i leus wli W. Bennett’s Jewelry store Tues- Fem and but John Keating seeking « soft drink. crease III stature and weight to the >n- 8.urtimi Josephthal. «cerct:iry-»r»a« notice. Will make dates any time, decisive action on the pa i« a hou'-’?. didn’t know It. He reached for It. ereased interest In aporta and cutdoi day and Saturdays until further urer of thia company aldermen will • >uni I. out ^ood meadow. Hie. allpped. fell, and broke his leg. Phone 14 3-J. •nce-tng of stockholdc 15 head of Subscription Rates ENVIRONMENT IS CHANGED IS HAVEN FOR WEARY le tha th dltlon of orne ot oui count; outbid«’ of til»- limiti fi1 be best Tourist« travel get all the considerano tMvrms that Minie of the farme pay the taxes are entitled tc loads of gravel now nnd then. TT-—:- NOTICE Blds will b received f of ch ‘l»P REBEKAH BUSY BEES n •» ont t hi It ile« n< th of TillannLN>k Clt;F. for who 19 : i All b ids mus few present Ou 1V« of Carl Hnb- a -rich , befoi e noon Rnt- urday. February 19th. 1 «.’I Thc In tpile of the weather Spring Is board of directo: « rrner ves the right almost here and it I« time to start ,i to reject any or all blds Adv. • AHL HABKKLACH, Rec. Clean-up campaign. Vue o Bees* u in p purpos. Tillaoiook Stage Liue me 1 ountain CADILI AC CARS FOR ting acquainted and ttemg romfoi ’- er*. All Rebekahs are not only in ' vlted. but are requested to attend Leaves Portland (Hoyt Hotel) datlv at 8:30 A M. and 1 00 P M and any slater Rebekah from neigh boring lodges will find a hearty wel- , Makes connection« with Rockaway Stage Line. come. Come and Join in our circle , and Tuesday afternoon.—Committee Car» »re warm and comfortable CEMENT PIPE the picture Is to find the Arv they sticking through the bottom 1 , P"' "r h” h* ,n *** »nex rlalne.1 r-amer been able to double up under NmT jf. . lur,0M eiter Co will gr i it as good river bo rt of it can be irrigated from the ‘ creek <hat runs through the place. *ater ail thrmFh ihh‘Ch !iUppli'*' are looking*Vr ' *f rheap plae«. her„ “ agood. ^rjurtber inform. Place. Manuel culverts ell lining and drainage I'tirpose use. All sizes. Nfg. by A. T. DOLAN, T illamook , okegon Both Pliouea. 127-R. —I Sai