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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1921)
THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 19->i PAGE FOUR (Jillamnnk IkuMiqhi INDIANS NOW 336,337 A Weekly Paper Published Thursday by the Every Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. Estimate of Population Is Given Out by Commissioner. Tillamook, Oregon Leslie Harrison Editor Increase of 31,387 for Laat Ton Year* la Shown—Total Area of Indian Landa 589,111 Acre«. Both Telephones Entered as second-class matter in the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. Subscription Rates One year ................................... ..$2.00 Six months .................................. 1.00 Three months .................................... 60 Payable in advance Roosevelt Highway The Roosevelt military highway bill, which was introduced into the legislature during the present term and which called for the immediate commencement of a large amount of roadwork along the coast and provid ed for the financing of the work passed the state senate Tuesday by a vote of 26 to 4. The measure was originally refer red to the voters at a special election in May 1919 and passed wth a satis factory majority. Recently, some of the sponsers of the bill decided that to wait for federal aid, as had been intended, would mean a loss pt valuable time and they had the pres ent measure drawn up and introduc ed. Now come several legislators and, because they can’t see how the high way will benefit their own particular communities, fry to defeat the pleas ure. Sectionalism seems to reign In several places beside Tillamook. Frivolous History We are in receipt of a copy "Foolish History of Roseburg and Douglas County" by Bert O. Bates of »• • I Roseburg. ~ • I The book takes up tbe tlnæ the first cave man, or someone • other, discovered thetown ot Rose burg and laid out the streets of th« town. It also explainer, with illus trations, how Douglas county w«in the war, setting our mind ut ease on that subject. ' After ft perusal of the book we have decided that tf Douglas County only had a little more rain and pro duced Cheese it would be a good place to live in. Mr. UuteH is now preparing an other book, "Who’s Who in Oregon", and we predict a big reception for it If it measures up to the "Foolish His tory". Apparently our legislators at Sa lem were unable to devise a plan to handle loans for ex-service men with out referring the matter to the peo ples' vote, which will take nearly two years do; und many things can happen In two years. "Passing the buck" w«n a common and well known expression in the Army. The United States has apologized to Germany for the actions of two Americans who altempteu >o kidnap the urch-drah evader fiergdoll. Now the nice thing to do would be to ask the Huns’ forgiveness for entering the war against them. One noticeable thing about town nowadays In the number of wooden windows that have been Installed Must be trying to beat the high ’ •* and at the same price of ItUIIUlu« time patrouixe home Industry. What haa become of the bootleg ger«? The county "hotel" »*• have become a ion»-’ -«ma tn Ing last »<•-’• -oiue resort dur- . -uth. If every cloud has a silver lining an early Spring should follow th*, heavy »torma we have had recently. Green Buy, Wis.—The Indian popu lation of the United States, according to Cato Sells, commissioner of Indian affairs, is 330.337, a* against 304,960 ten years ago, showing an increase of 31,387. The Oneida Indian reservation, near here, has a population of 2,tS57, Com- missioner Sells’ annual report states, Although no figures for last year are available, he believes this year’s total 1» a substantial Increase over tliat of 1919. Population of other Indian reserva tions In this vicinity show: Keshena school, 5,023, Including a large num ber of students front the Oneida res. ervutlon school, which was closed last year; Laona agency 364; Winnebago, 1,251; Menominee. 1,760. Wisconsin has a total Indian popu lation of 10,310, Commissioner Sells reports. Marriages last year between Indians and whites total nine In the state, while those between Indians totaled seventy-eight. Of the totul number of Indians In Wisconsin. 3,461 are Pro testants and 1,955 Catholics. The total area of Indian lands In the state Is shown as 549,111 acre», Keshena reservation is the largest, having 231,680 acres. Tuberculosis is still the "white plague” among the Indians, but the commissioner details the progress made in fighting It, a series of Jessons in sanitation and correct Dying. Greenock, .Scotland. — With great solemnity the remains of Mary (Ytmp- bell. Robert Burns' "Highland Mary." were transferred from the Old West kirk yard here to a new grave in Greenock cemetery. The removal was noceaslt»’ ' I extension of a Io«-»' Rfl — •nlpjthl From the spot w1- burled 184 - Ma7 w‘" >... j ,-ars ago the coffin WM „.ne revertrntly on the »houldera of repreaentatlvM of Burn* clubs from all over the country to Its new rest ing place, and a large crowd of Bum» admirers attended an Itnpreaslv« fu neral »«Tvlce. The monument which Burns admir ers erected on Mary’s grave lu 1M2 | cover« the new tomb. f Human Fly Helps Anchor Shabby Walls REX THEATRE CHAT NO 6 I have noticed during my stay h«ro that the people of Tlllam«»ok enjoy real thrilling weatern »toile*. What would you think of a western aerial? ■tertiag nMap Rfc It. «• *'11 comnience'nhowlng the world’* most famoua aerial atar, RUTH ROLAND. In the world’» moat famoua »erlal, "KUTII OF TUB ROCKIES." Tht» aerial la now playing at th« Hippo drome Theater of Portland, and In approximately fifty other theaters throughout the alate, and wherever it 1a ahown It I* proclaimed a knock- > out. Each of the two reel epinod«» ha* a real punch, every one of which la different It won’t tire you. and it will hold your Interest to the last minute So don't forget the date— next Friday. February 1$. In connection with the first epl- node we will »how a famous Allan Dwan production. “The Scoffers.’’ Allan I)»an la the producer of »uch playa an "Luck of the Irish.” and "In the Heart of a Fool." "The Scoffer«" rank* high among real pro- duction» of the age and it will pay all to see It. As an extra attraction this entire program will be repeat'd Saturday. Feb 19th at 10 A M. All children under 18 years will be ad milled free We also welcome their parent* and any other» that ti may have fulled to ace the show the nl before. LAUGHLIN “The Con! P. f really a sK>«V’. Cel ful New York.—Aided by a “hu man fly.” workmen assumed the har.ardona task of anchoring tot tering wall* of the nlne-*tory Strathmore apartuient and »tor« building at Broadway and Fifty second street, half of which col- lapse<l Wedn«"«lay. bmylng. It I* believed, »even «oiktuen In debris. While the «teeple Jack tn th* glare of powerful searchlights scaled the wall» and at each tier made fast cable» anchored In • the «-enter of the structure. a : cor|M of firemen «lug In ton* of brick and plaatey below search : ing for boilles of victims. STICKS FOR HONESTY ONLY Will Do Anything to Help Him Care for Wife and Baby—Goes Supper less to Buy Milk for Infant, Chicago.—For those who like to pon der the riddle of existence there Is I presented Obert Firmin, who offers himself for sale, body and soul, for one year. Price, $2,500. Hts only stipulation is that his pur- ' chaser shall not expect him to partici- j pate in any unworthy action. He will ! go aoj where in the world upon the most hazardous adventure. He says he will labor “at any task that 160 pounds of brawn, two capable hands, and a clear brain can perform.” But he insists he must sell himself. There are two reasons. You will find them in a one-room housekeeping apartment on the third floor, back, at^ 1252 West Madison street. One is the' nlneteen-yenr-pld wife he eloped with three years ago. The other is Martha, thirteen months old an<) undernour ished. A Marooned Jack Tar. MORE WIRfcLfSS FOR BRAZIL Bill tn Chamb»r of D»putl»» A4 jnt at Servie» to Reach th« Weat Coast Nation». Rio de Janeiro.—Increased wire less Wimmunloatlon with neighboring Amer ican republics and within the vast territtNig of Mrasll itself Is the alm of a bill just Introduced Into the chamber of deputies. It provide* for the Installation of hlgh-power wireless stations in the federal district, aud, by arrangement with Paraguay. In Asuncion, and at convenient points In the Brasilian states of Malto Grown and Rio Graude do Sul. The measure states that this means of communication would be more eco nomical than by the present land tel egraph or cable systems. It suggests the poraiblllty of wireless upmmunlca- tion between Brasil and the countries on the west coast through the erec tion of stations In the Interior. N»lth»r Ha» Chance to Return, Say* Dr. Philip Tyau of the Foreign Office. : i 4 IRREN BLACK FOR SALE- SERVEN MONTH OLD 00 per thousand Fox Terrlor trick dog Exceptl«->u- old loganberry 2-3 tl iy »mart Box 41$, city. r thousand. Jud >. 2. Dalia*. Ore- FOR REN r »■$l4c bed Flanker Bt ed And *<«< Or Woman Turns Down Husband Who Deserted Her. to Headlight Classified Ads Little Cest—Big Results. All TUla«ok County Reads TSem. SHELTER COVE HOMESTEAD .0 h <oid I the undersigned. ««11 seen my homestead of 160 acre», part of it cleared and in g>a. , fhe other in small brush such as vine maple, bear be^}- .‘¡del’« berrv and a few scatterd uidei . very" easily cleared. Fern and log« very few. There is a house, bain, orchard and good meadow. Accommodate 1- or la • cattle. There is also 10 or 1- tons of Chittem bark on the plac_. This place lies in a cove, sur rounded by high mountains east north and west; facing the »outh. the warmest and most ahelter.d place in Tillamook County, so de serves the name of Shelter Cove. The land can’t be beat, will grow anything; some of it as good a river bottom. Part of it can be irrigated from the creek that runs through the place, which supplies water all through the summer, if you are looking for a good and cheap place, here is a chance. For further information apply to owner on the place. Manutil Suarres, Beaver, Tillamook County, Oregon. ______________ FOR SALE—HALF INCH LUMBER Inquire at Frank Heyd & Com pany. 12-30tle FOR SALE — PELTON WATER wheel with connections, Suitable for milking machine or home Inquire at lighting system. 113tf Headlight office. FOR SALE FGR "SALE SWEET PEI: prunes. First grade assorted. Smaller thin Itallsn but sweeter. Can be eaten without sugar. Freight prepai«! to Tillamook at six cents per pound. O. W. Haynes, Prune Grower, Yamhill, 2-3'f Ore. One Cent a Word Per Issue somewhere between Tillamook and Netarts. Finder return to Head light office and receive reward ________________ _________ 12-2311 BUSINESS NOTICES Chicago.—Mrs. Margaret Reeves, DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERjft mother of 11 children, can leave her and Tanning Company. Taxi. work in a loop department store and dermist of all kinds of aniniah have servants and a thousand other and heads. Tans all classes of things she has craved—if she wants furs; makes furs off classes of them. furs. Manufacturers of all lur She doesn’t want to. She's decided wear. YY’e also buy mountain lion SALE — LOGANBERRY to keep plugging along at her gro FOR bobcat and raccoon hides, plants, any quantity. Oredr now. cery counter until she dies. We pay best prices. Douglas County R. R. Brown, YVoodburn, Ore. The reason for Mrs. Reeves’ choice 1-1316 Taxidermy and Tanning Cimpany is that if she leaves her job for the Roseburg, Oregon. 12-2Jtf ranch she will be compelled to live FOR SALE—A TEN COW RANCH with her husband, James Reeves, who THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF~THE on Foley creek. Eight cows, one- deserted her eight years ago. horse and buggy goes with it. A World have entrusted their repu. Her children were small then, and small payment down. J. F. Will tatlons to the Victor Record» Mr. and Mrs. Reeves were having a ford, Mohler, Oregon. 1-I3t4c Hear them at their best In yOur hard time of it, but Mrs. Reeves al Let me bring you a Vaugh dra:{- own home. Tillamook Music Co ways managed, some way, somehow, saw. Mutual phone, E. G. Krebs. Dealers, opposite P. O. U-lRtf l-13tf until her husband slid out with every cent in the house—$100 and a few HAY AND GRAIN HAULING a FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT IN cents. speciality. Oregon Transfer. Both i Tillamook cheap. Inquire at Thereafter, Mrs. Reeves continued phones. Opposite P. O. 12-9 tf Headlight office. l-13tlc to manage, but not so well. She went THB STANDARD OF THE WORLD to work. The children—those who FOR SALE — LOGAN BERRY —Victrolas and Victor Records. plants. Any quantity. Order now. were old enough—worked, too. Then Tillamook Music Co., Opposite P. H. R. Brown, Woodburn, Ore. one by one they died, until only four 1-13 t6p O____________ were left A week ago Reeves experienced a FOR SALE—SECOND HANDDESK. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORE- change of heart and wired Chief of Inquire at Headlight office. l-6tf gou Transfer, both phones. Detectives Hughes that out in Poca- .FOR SALE—DAIRY FARM, ABOUT __________ ______ 12-9'tf tello, Idaho, where he had gone, he 30 acres. New buildings, ten AT LAST — A VICTOR DEALER IN had been lucky. He sdid he had a head cows, team, some young Tillamook County. Victor Vic tench, all paid tor, a lot 2' money stock. Place will support 15 trolas. $25.00 and up. Victor Re nnrt t-»o kittens for tfoa twins. , cows. Inquire John Theiler. cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla < TO EXCHANGE—95 ACRES. 40 Mr», gets Pleasant Valley. ________ l-6tf By the Hme Acres in prunes, 8 years old, bal mook Music Co., Opposite P o. ■ frill around to write her husb* n“ . he ’ — T.-u FQR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS ance in crop except 8 acres fen -««■u 11-iStf i know the twins are dead. And '/of $1000. Easy terms, inquire at ced off for pasture; land is all ( tell him her love died with the twins gently rolling and well drained. WE HAUL ANYTHNG ANYWHERE Headii"’1' ------------ JJT " and with the other five children who Located 2^4 miles south of Mon-j at any time. Oregon Transfer, mouth on main highway to be 1 office opposite P. O. Both phones’ are gone. roa sale — b oo" naved this year. Very good build-1 But she will add, on second thought, I also organ. Call Walter 12-9 tf '-«,¿1 fne« . Price $15000. Would like I ---- __ that they are still In poverty, although Mutual phone. 11-2«.. happy without him, and some of the FOR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO [ to exchan•- “ ^or a da'rY ranch that THE WORLD MOVES; SO DO WE. ’’’ransfe.r, opposite . R money he has been bragging about 4 . h V. will support ailout 15 cqws, Ad-1 Ultmvu lots on easy terms. Price $1,000-1 dress Owner, Box i;s> AUrbflli can be used. Both phonos. 12-9 it _Enquire a» ;;enallBht | 1-2TU MONEY TO LOAN—ENQUIRE OP MADE OF VEGETABLES John Leland Henderson, 206-ifd FOR SALE TWO LATEST STTL e WANTED ____ St., Tillamook, Oregon. if Whit» sewing machines, almost new. Singer Agency, opposite P. WANTED—TO BUY CLEAN OLD §INGER AGENCY — OPPOSITE O. tf cotton rags. Headlight office. tf1 postoffice. O. M. Cook, t'LEA’RING SALE OF USED 1X-- ““ ' _ 1_____ ” Z —— * ______ -_______ ___ _______ /I e'-riiments. Piano. $95.00; Edi- WANTED—BOARDERS BY WEEK. I PROFESSIONAL sdh talking machine, $5.00; disc Good cooking. Apply 810 3rd St. I Tccords, 25c; organ, $50.00; sew- East, city. 1-20 tl DR. RAMSEY, OSTEOPATH—Room Uhg machines, $10; Player rolls, 110 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Tillamook. i,0c, and many other articles, all WANTED—MEN’S WASHING. Will i Mutual phone. Bell phone 146-M. call for and deliver, Mutual ! bargains. Tillamook Music Co. phone. Marie Getchell. 11-lStf DR.’S ALLEN & SHARP DENTISTS Victor Dealers. 12-4tf ‘ | N.itional Building. FOR SALE— UPRIGHT KOHLER LOST AND FOUND piano in good condition $15% D r T j T b ? GRIDER, DENTIST, I. 0. Also Victrola and 34 reçprcD $75, i FOUND—Woman's watch. Owont r O. F. Bldg., Tillamook, Oregon. Goyne Ranch, SO’jth Prairie^ can have same by applying to DR. LEBOW CAN BE FOUND AT« 12-9 tf Headlight office and paying for Dr. Wise’s Tillamook office. sontltB FOR SALE- MAIL BOX SUITABLE this ad. 2-31tf of the Court House every Monday, ■ for rural route, in second hand Tuesday and YVednesday until® condition. Apply Headlight of FOUND—LADIES’ PURSE IN Front noon. fice. 12-30tf of Haltom’s store. Owner '.an IF IN NEED OF GLASSES SEE A. H. I IF Y’OU WANT TO BUY OR Ex have same by applying at Head Harris. Registered optician, at K. I change poultry let us know. We light office and paying for this also have setting eggs and baby W. Bennett’s Jewelry store Tues-i notice. chicks of 35 varieties for sale. notice. Will make dates any tiiM.j Send in your order soon. John day and Saturdays until furthtr I Hofman, Tillamook. 1-27H0 LOST—CRANK FROM OLSMOBILE Phone 14 3-J. I It would need the discerning eye of a Hower lover to tell at first glance that the specimens pictured here are not flowers. They are samples of the wizardry of M. Leopold Leone, an Italian ex-soldier and chef, whose converting of potatoes, turnips and other vegetables into beautiful “flow ers" Is at present the talk of London. The flowers pictured here are sam ples of M. Leone's finished work. CONSIGNMENT I WHISPERS; FINED IN WHISPER Louis Juage Ubject* to Confiden ti»! Conversation of Speeder Defendant St. Loulo.—Charles W. de I^irgy, a reul estate dealer, appeared tn police court to answer to a charge of speed-' Ing. and attempted to whisper to Judge Mix. but the judge whispered back at him tn a stagy voice: ’’$30 and costs.” A policeman bad testified that De I.argy was going 30 miles an hour. Then De I.argy leaned forward and whispered something which Judge Mix could not understand. The judge’s re peated requests that De I.argy talk lomler hail no effect, and finally judge asserted "there woal(j be no whispering In his court" and assessed the fine. 9« K-aW explained later that he did not like to hurt the feelings of th« policeinan by contradicting him. I Will Sell at Dr. Reedy’s Cattle Exchange Near Depot THURSDAY, FEB. 10 I « AT 1:00 O’CLOCK SHARP CHINA BARS REDS AND KINGS Peking.—Neither Bolshevism ner monarchism has a chance In China. In the opinion of Dr. Phillip Tyau, as sistant undereecretary In the foreign office. Doctor Tyau. who Is a student of In ternatlonal law. refutes "erroneous re port* and Inspired statements of a damaging nature, which have been circulated recently, both In China and abroad, and which not only mislead public opinion, but have a aerlous re- Father and Son Join Army. action on trade." the Louisville. Ky.—After passing srmy medb al examination. Jacob Bar nett ar si thirty five, and hl.« son llurd Smith* and Cohena Load In New York. Ne« York In the 1.006.250 people ley. eighteen, have gone to their home to set their affairs In shape They Untevi in the New York city directory «III be. ome member« of the suine unit there are more than 8.IMMI Smiths and slightly more than T.1OO Cobvn*. The him * are now under orders to rv|««<rt to Si it Diego, CaL. f«>r coast defei«'« Brownie, Johnsons and Joneses come next. -ti lev. FOR SALE COIN WONT BUY LOVE Jack Tar’s Body and Soul Goes Prefers Work in Department Store Life of Ease With Father of for Year to Man Who Will Her Children. Put Up the Money. It Is the story of a Jack tar ma i rooned among landlubbers. Firmin was born In St. Johns, New Bruns wick, Canada. His father was a deep sea sailor. A? a boy Firmin used |o U..M. «•«• go out w^th the fishing smacks. He Ml» tlWLlSH could navigit4 a deck before he could walk a pavement. As soon as he was old enough he went to sea. He has circumnavigated the globe five times. He has been in every nook and cranny where ships I wander. He enlisted for the navy when the United States entered the war, but the shipping board diverted him to ’ 11*3 —«'rchnnt marine. — Y r the out ot 1917 a freight packet on which he was serving as quarter master touched at Cleveland j'lrmlQ -- met had short- • leave of fivj dnr* Myrtle Smith, 'fney loved, Her par- ents objected. They were married Secretly. His time expired last No- vembeT. He went to Cleveland. They notified the parents of their marriage. Forgiveness was refused. They came to Ch lc»go. ■"I’ve Tried Everything." "But I don’t helotig on dry land," he snld. "I’ve tried everything. My w‘»e is not well and I didn't want to leave her and baby. I finally began washing windows and cleaning flagpoles, pretty hnttdy nt climbing, money didn’t come In. “Tonight we got down to cent. We were able to buy milk for baby, but we went supperless. So I decided the thing to do was to go back > CTEEDiWCni to the sen again. There I’m at home, On dry land I’m as handy as a fish A charming portrait i . hii . v Geoella Katherine Wellesley, daugh out of water. "So that's why I offered myself for ter of Clare, CoanteM of Cowley. Her mother la a daughter of Sir Francis sale for a year for $2,500. I’m well worth It. All I want Is sssurance the George Stapleton, and widow of the wife and baby will be cared for. About third Earl of Cowley. myself I’m not worrying. I don’t care where I go or what 1 do. just so It’s HONOR FOR ‘HIGHLAND MARY’ honest. “Please get this straight: I don’t want any charity, I Just wont a chance Admirers of Robert BurtV», Poet, Remove Body te Ita Kî*- i to make good for the $2,500." Reetlng Place. l)id the groundhog see bis shadow in Tillamook yesterday? "The Volcano" Gem Mot OFFERS TO SELL SELF FOR 12.500 With $26,000 in Bank, Man Lived in Poverty William Girth, an Inventor of New Y'ork rtty. suffer«! par tial loss of memory In 1912. af ter placing $26.000 In a saving» bauk. He bad since lived In destitute circumstances until Ralph Kuta, an employee of the bank, located Girth. He asked the Inventor If he was in need of money, and received the re ply: "My God. ye»; I am near ly starving." Seeks Seaplane to Fly From Deck. YVashlngton.— The Navy department has Inaugurated a competition for air craft designers in an effort to obtain an airplane not only capable of »tart Ing from the deck of a ship, but equipped to land in the water. Fairview Grange Invite» All member* of the Breeders' ition and all others interest«! ting Thur HOUSEHOLD GOODS—C hairs, Tables, Cook Stove, No. 8 Charter Oak Range. HEAVY WAGON. BLOCK AND TACKLE SADDLE and BKIDLF for Shetland Pony. F SHETLAND PONY, Broke to Ride and Drive, i ■ .• I full blood jersey COW, 4 tI» years old. CHICKENS—1 Dox. Full Blood Rhode Island Red Pullets 6 GRADE COWS—Will freshen from date of sale to March. R Cattle Inspected by Dr. Overholst, Gov’t Inspector Many More Articles I Expect to Get at Night I Before the Date of DR. J. F * Horse, 0 years eld.. 1 ! i SE\ EN PIGS, 8 years old. « I » ■ REGISTERED JERSEY BULL. 2 i 11 years old. I « - ' ■■■., p Y II I • f 1 * : n , i • ;« i • ■ : 1 < J I i