Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 18, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ W. G. Dwight Est., Owner. Amt. of
IMPROVE­ Lien $537.26. Interest to Dec. 15,
$12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92.
Maple Grove Add.—Block 1. Lot 7,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. G. Dwight Est. Owner. Amt. of
Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15,
by virtue of a warrant Issued by the
$12.08; Coat of Adv. $1.92.
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­
Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 8,
gon, dated November 10, 1920, and W. G. Dwight Estate. Owner. Amt.
issued by order of the Common Coun­ of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dee. 15, |
cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92.
dersigned, Marshal of Tillamook
Maple Grove Add.—Block ",3Lot 1
City, Oregon, has duly levied upon
1. W. G. Dwight, Owner. An
and will, on Monday, the 15th day
Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15,
of December, 1920, at the hour of
10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92:
Maple Grove Add.—Block 4, Lot
auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand the properly hereinaf­ 2. W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of
ter described. The particular tracts Lien $537.26; Interest to De«. 15.
or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ $12.08; Cost of Adv.
Tract beginning at a point 105 ft.
gether with the name of the owner
or owners thereof, and the amount West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4.
for which each separate tract will be Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook
City, thence west 106 feet thence
sold, are as follow^, to-wit:
South 105 feet thence East 105 feet
Delinquent Street Assessments Dis­ thence North 105 feet to place
trict No. 10—3rd St.
Tract beginning at a point 120 ft. of beginning. John Groat, Owner.
East of the N. E. corner of Lot 4, Amt. of Lien $1,099.19; Interest to
Block 3,Maple Grove Add. to Tilla- Dec. 15, $24.74; Co«t of Adv. $2.92.
Said sale will take place at the
niook City,, thence east 50 feet,
tkfence south 105 ft. thence west front door of the City Hall in Tilla­
50 feet thence north 105 feet mook City, Oregon, being th» front
door of the building in which the
place of beginning.
Common Council of said Tillamook
M.A, Baker Estate,Owner. Amount of City holds Its sessions.
Lien $523.42; Interest to Dec. 15,
The names of the owners, or re­
$12.37; Cost of advertising, $1.72
puted owners of said property as
Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot 6. hereinbefore given, are the names of
C. N. Large and Lizzie Harris, Own­ such owners, or reputed owners, as
ers. Amount of Lien $549.59; In­ they appear on the docMt of city
terest to Dec. 15, $12.37; Cost of liens of said Tillamook City, and
Advertising, $2.12.
each of said tracts of land so da­
Stillwell Add.—Block 11, Lot 7, scribed will be sold at said sal« te
A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien I sat isfy the assessment, Interest an<f
$549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.37; costs due upon each tract as de­
Cost of Adv. $1.92
scribed, and each tract will be sold
Stillwell Add.—Block 11, Lot 9. separately.
This sale is made for th« purpose
A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien,
$549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.3T; of satisfying the delinquent assess­
ments for street improvements duly
Cost of Adv. $1.92
Tract beginning at a point 60 feet assessed against said property, to-
of the S. W. corner of • gether with interest and costs there-
| on, said assessments having been
Lot 5, Block 10 of Stillwell Add. to
made by the Common Council of
Tillamook City, thence west 362.S j Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day
feet *thence
North 105
I of June, 1920, and said assessments
thence East 362.5 ft. thence South I having been thereupon docketed in
105 ft. to place of beginning. C. E. | the docket of city liens of said Till-
Hadley, Owner.
Anu. of Lien. I amook City, and more than 30 days
Interest to Dec. 15, i having elapsed since said docketing
$85.38; Cost of Adv. $3.12.
j and said assessments not having
Tract beginning at a point 270 ft. 1 been paid in whole or in part, and
West of the N. W. Corner of Lot 4 the Common Council of Tillamook
Blk. 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook i City, Oregon, having, on October 18,
City thence West 52.5 ft., thence 1920, duly ordered a warrant io
South 105 feet thence East 105 ; issue for the collection of said de­
feet thence North 105 feet to the linquent a; sessments.
Dated this November 10th, 1920.
place of beginning. Royal Stillwell,
Owner. Amt. of Lien $549.59: la-j
terest to Dec. 15, $12.37; Cost of, Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon
Adv. $3.12.
Tract beginning 382.5 feet West t of |
the N. W. corner of Lot 4 Block 9, j NOTICE OF SALE FOE DELIM-
Stillwell Add. to. Tillamook City, I
thence West 47.5 feet
South 105 feet thence East 47.5 by virtue of a warrant issued by the
feet thence North 105 feet to i City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­
the place of beginning, Royal Still- gon, dated November 10, 1920, and
well, Owner. Amt. of Lien $497.26; 1 issued by order of the Common Coun­
Interest to Dec. 15, $11.19; Cost of cil of said Tillamook City, the un­
Adv. $3.12.
dersigned. Marshal o£ Tillamook
Maple Grove Add. Block 1. Lot 6. City, Oregon, lias duly levied upon
and will, on Monday, the 15th day
of December, 1920, at the hour of
10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public
auction to the highest bidder fur
cash In hand the property hereinaf­
ter described. The particular tracts
or parcels of ground to be sold, to­
gether with the same of the owner
or owners thereof, and the amount
for which each separate tract will be
sold, are as follows, to-wit:
District No. 11. South
Thayer’s Add. Block 45. S. 1-2
Lots 1, 2, 3, P. W. Todd. Owner.
Amt. of Lien $92.61; Interest tc
Dee. 15, $2.08; Cost of Adv. $5.67.
Norton’s Add.—Block 7, Lot S.
John Andreas Olson, Owner. Amt.
of Lien $88.20; Interest to Dec. 15,
$1.98; Cost of Adv. $5.67.
Tract beginning at the S. W. cor-
ner of Lot 6, Block 3 Drew's Add.
to Tillamook City, thence South 105 '
degrees thence west 110 feet thance
North J05 feet thence East 105
feet ta place of beginning. T. F.
Harrison. Owner.
Amt. of Lien
$194#.O4; Interest to Dec. 15, $4.M;
Cost of Adv. $6.67.
Said sale will tatte ptaca at the
front door of the City Hall In Tilla­
mook City, Oregon, being the front
door of the building in which the-
Common Council of said Tillamook
City holds its sessions.
t on, said assessments having been
The names of the owners, or re- , raade by the Common Council of
puled owners of Mld property as Tiilamook City. Oregon on 29th day
hereinbefore given, are the names of °f June 1920 and said assessments
such owners, or reputed owners, a. ,
been thereupon docketed n
they appear on the docket of city ,he docket of clty Uens oi “ld Tl»-
llens of said Tillamook City, and 1 a“»«»k City, and more than 30 days
each of said tracts of land so de-. having elapsed since said docketing
scribed will be sold at said sale to ■ and said assessments not having
satisfy the assessment, interest and
costs due upon each tract
scribed, and each tract will
This sale is made for the’ purpose
of satisfying the delinquent assess­
ments for street improvements duly
assessed against said properly, to­
gether with interest and costa there-
been paid in whola or IB part, and
the Common Council 0* Tillamook
City. Oregon, having, on October 18.
1920, duly ordered a warrant to
issue for the collection ot said de­
linquent assessments.
Dated this November 10th, 1920.
Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon
Another Farm
Problem Solved
|------------ -------- — —------
Why man—
No matter how well equipped the farm
house or country home may be otherwise it is
not really modern unless it has electric
we made this
cigarette for you
i •
The Fairbanks Morse Home
Light Plants Are Second
To None
Come to our show room and see one in oper­
ation. You will be amazed and interested to
•ee the beautiful, bright and clear lights it
Tillamook, Oregon
AMELS fit your cigarette de­
sires so completely you’ll agree
they were made to meet your taste!
Unique flavor, fragrance and mel
low-mild-body due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can go the limit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after­
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor!
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
puff-for-puff with any cigarette in
the world at any price. You’li pre­
fer quality to coupons or premiums!
Camels are Mid everywhere in
scientifically sealed packages
of 20 cigarettes for 20 cents:
or ten packages (200 cigarettes}
in a gi..ssine-paper-covered car­
ton. We strongly recommend
this csrton for the home or of­
fice supply or when you ttavel.
Going All Around
says the Good Judge
I find men are taking
to the Real Tobacco
The good, rich taste
lasts so much longer
that you find it saves
you money to use
this class of tobacco.
Any man who uses
the Real Tobacco
Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cflt tobacco
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salam, N. C.
From now until the first of Janu
uary we will give
with every truck sold 100 gallons
of gasoline and one barrel of oil
and with every car sold
We will give 50 gallons oi gasoline, 5 gallcns ot oil and a tke and tube
All lires at from 20 to SO per cent Discount
Chas. F. Pankow
6000 mile HORSESHOE TIRES form
erly priced at $24 we are now selling at
$17.50. Others in proportion.
GASOLINE at 32c; Eastern Oil 25c per
q lart; Western Oil 15c per quart.