Thursda^^^ovembe^8^2^ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ W. G. Dwight Est., Owner. Amt. of QUENT STREET IMPROVE­ Lien $537.26. Interest to Dec. 15, $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. MENT ASSESSMENTS. Maple Grove Add.—Block 1. Lot 7, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. G. Dwight Est. Owner. Amt. of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, by virtue of a warrant Issued by the $12.08; Coat of Adv. $1.92. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 8, gon, dated November 10, 1920, and W. G. Dwight Estate. Owner. Amt. issued by order of the Common Coun­ of Lien $537.26; Interest to Dee. 15, | cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92. dersigned, Marshal of Tillamook Maple Grove Add.—Block ",3Lot 1 City, Oregon, has duly levied upon 1. W. G. Dwight, Owner. An t and will, on Monday, the 15th day Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, of December, 1920, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public $12.08; Cost of Adv. $1.92: Maple Grove Add.—Block 4, Lot auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the properly hereinaf­ 2. W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of ter described. The particular tracts Lien $537.26; Interest to De«. 15. or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ $12.08; Cost of Adv. Tract beginning at a point 105 ft. gether with the name of the owner or owners thereof, and the amount West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4. for which each separate tract will be Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City, thence west 106 feet thence sold, are as follow^, to-wit: South 105 feet thence East 105 feet Delinquent Street Assessments Dis­ thence North 105 feet to place trict No. 10—3rd St. Tract beginning at a point 120 ft. of beginning. John Groat, Owner. East of the N. E. corner of Lot 4, Amt. of Lien $1,099.19; Interest to Block 3,Maple Grove Add. to Tilla- Dec. 15, $24.74; Co«t of Adv. $2.92. Said sale will take place at the niook City,, thence east 50 feet, tkfence south 105 ft. thence west front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ 50 feet thence north 105 feet mook City, Oregon, being th» front door of the building in which the place of beginning. Common Council of said Tillamook M.A, Baker Estate,Owner. Amount of City holds Its sessions. Lien $523.42; Interest to Dec. 15, The names of the owners, or re­ $12.37; Cost of advertising, $1.72 puted owners of said property as Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot 6. hereinbefore given, are the names of C. N. Large and Lizzie Harris, Own­ such owners, or reputed owners, as ers. Amount of Lien $549.59; In­ they appear on the docMt of city terest to Dec. 15, $12.37; Cost of liens of said Tillamook City, and Advertising, $2.12. each of said tracts of land so da­ Stillwell Add.—Block 11, Lot 7, scribed will be sold at said sal« te A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. of Lien I sat isfy the assessment, Interest an