Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 22, 1920, Image 3

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Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
Notice of Hearing Administrator’s
Final Account.
------- o------
Notice is hereby given that Otto
Kliem, administrator in the estate of
F. P. Kliem, deceased, late of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, has filed in
the County Court of said County, has
final account, Notice is further given
that the said Court has set Monday,
the 9th day of February, 1920, at 10
o'clock a.m., as the time and the of­
fice of the County Judge of said
County, as the place for the hearing
of said final account. All persons
having any objections to the said
account are hereby notified to appear
at said time and place and show
cause if any there be, why the said
account should not be approved and
the administrator discharged.
Otto Kliem, Adminis­
trator of the Estate of
F. P. Kliem, deceased.
Johnson & Handley,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Notice of Sate of Real Estate.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, Jan­
uary 7th, 1920, and posted January
8th, 1920.
(Continued from another page)
Lohn Leland Henderson,
Administrator of the
estate of Nicholas Job, Bay City Land Co.,
Lot 10, of block 55, Pacific
Add. to Bay City, .. i........ $ 1.26
Administrator’s Sale of Real Property Bay City Land Co.,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
In the matter of the estate of
Fritz Buhrow, late of Tillamook
County, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, by virtue of an order
of the above named court, made and
enteren in the above named proceed­
ing on the sixth day of January,
1920, Will, from and after the Ninth
day of February, 1920, proceed to
sell, at private sale, at the office of
the sheriff of Tillamook
Oregon, the following described real
property, situate, lying and being in
»s county of Tillamook and State of
egon, namely:
The Southw’est Quarter of Section
Sever Township Three South Range
Nine West of the Willamette Merid­
ian, less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589,
592 and 588, described in Tract
Book in tbe office of County Assess­
or of Tillamook County, Oregon, on
pages 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and
333, respectively, of said Tract
Book; containing 110.5 acres, more
or less:
Subject to the
easements for
county roads now running over and
upon said premises.
The terms of sale are as follows:
For cash in hand—ten percent of the
amount of the offer to be paid at
the time of the acceptance of such
offer, and the balance at the time of
the delivery of the deed, which will
be made subject to the approval of
the County Court of the State of
Oregon tor Tillamook County. If the
Court should refuse to confirm the
sale the amount of the deposit will
be refunded.
Dated January 8, 1920.
W. L. Campbell,
Administrator of the
estate of Fritz Buhrow,
late of the County of
Tillamook, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon,, for the County of Tillamook.
In the matter of the estate of
Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly
known as Nick Job.
Notice is hereby given to ail whom ,
it may concern that the undersigned
Administrator of the estate of Nicho­
las Job, deceased, by virtue of an
order of the Honorable A. M. Hare, ,
Judge of the County Court for the
County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon, in the matter of the above en­
titled estate, duly made and entered
in the Journal of said court, on the
31st day of December, 1919, will
from and after the 5th day of Feb- ;
ruary, 1920, at the office of John
Leland Henderson, at 206 East 3rd (
Street, in Tillamook City, Oregon,
offer for sale, and proceed to sell the
real estate hereinafter described, at
private sale, to the highest and best
bidder for cash, in one parcel, sub­
ject to confirmation by said court,
the following real estate situate in
the corporate limits of the City of
Tillamook City, in the County of Til­
lamook and State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots one (1) and Two (2) in Block
forty-six (46) of Thayer’s Fifth Ad­
dition <o the Town (now City) of
Krout, Krout.
Tillamook as per the recorded plat
Who want’s krout this winter?
Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send
First publication Jan. 8, 1920.
him your order, prices right. Mutual
Last publication February 5, 1920. Phone, Wm. Stuivenga.
Lots 4, 5 and 6, of block 57,
Pacific Add. to Bay City, ..
Bay City Land Co.,
Lot 4, of block 58, Pacific
Add. to Bay City................. $ 2.29
John T. and Thos. F. Kenny,
E% of W% of lots 1, 2, 3
and 4, of block 64, Pacific
Add. to Bay City................. $ 1.26
Bay City Land Co.,
Lot 4, of block 67, Pacific
i Add. to Bay City................. $ 2.49
I Bay City Land Co.,
i Lot 6, of block 67, Pacific
Add. to Bay City................. $ 2.49
Emma L. Williams,
Lot 7, of block 70, Pacific
! Add. to Bay City, .............. $ 3.72
Emm L. Williams,
Lot 9, of block 71, Pacific
Add. to Bay City.................. $ 2.29
Emma L. Williams,
Lots 1 and 2, of block 71,
Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. $ 4.57
Emma L. Williams,
Lots 4 and 5, of block 71,
Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. $ 4.57
Emma L. Williams,
Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and
16, of block 71, Pacific Add.
to Bay City............................... $14.03
R. J. Hendricks,
Lots 3, 6,11,12, 13, and 14 of
block 75, Pacific Add. to Bay
City, ..................................... $15.09
Bay City Land Co.,
Lot 24, of block 78, Pacific
Add. to Bay City,
Jas. Maginn,
Lot 1, of block 80, Williams
Add. to Bay City, .............. $ 2.29
Emma L. Williams,
Lot 2, of block 80, Williams
Add. to Bay City, .............. $ 2.28
Emma L. Williams,
Lots 5 and 6, of block 80,
Williams Add. to Bay City, $ 4.57
Sarah J. McMillan.
Fractional lot 1 and lot 2r
block 6, of Idaville............ $ 1-41
Lizzie Hadley.
Lot 6 of block 28, Thayer’s
Add., to Tillamook............ $ 3.97
Mrs. T. W. Clark.
Lots 6, 7, and 8. of block
49, Thayer’s Add. to Tilla­
mook ...........................................$10.13
Dwight & Curtis.
Lot 1, of block 3, Maple
Grove Add. to Tillamook.. $12.40
Geo. B. Lamb.
Lots 7 and 8, of block 9,-
— o-------
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
F. H. Brandes. Plaintiff.
Linda Thompson and Linda
E. Thompson, heirs at law
of L. E. Thompson, deceased,
and J. H. Middleton, admin­
istrator of L. E. Thompson,
Estate. Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, judg­
ment order, decree and order of sale
Issued out of the above entitled
court in the above entitled cause, to
me directed and dated the 22nd day
of December, 1919, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said Court
on the 25th day of November, 1919,
in favor of F. H. Brandes, plaintiff,
and against Linda Thompson and
Linda E. Thompson, heirs at law of
L. E. Thompson, deceased, and J. H.
Middleton, administrator
of L. E.
Thompson, estate, defendants, for
the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00)
Dollars, with Interest at the rate of
seven per cent from September 12,
1918, and the further sum of thirty­
eight and 82-100 ($38.82) Dollars,
with interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum from August 16,
1919, until paid, and the further sum
of Fifty 00-100 ($50.00) Dollars,
and for the further sum of $11.75
costs and disbursements and the
costs of and upon this writ, com­
manding me to make sale of the fol­
lowing described real property, to-
The Southwest quarter of the
Southeast quarter (SWl4 of S.E.U)
East half of Southwest quarter (E%
of SW14), and the Northwest quar­
ter of the Southw’est quarter (NWi4
of SW14 ) of Section twenty-one (21)
Township Three (3), South Range
Nine (9), West of the Willamette
Meridian, in Tillamook
State of Oregon.
Now’, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order, decree
and order of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will, on Saturday, the 24th day of
January, 1920, at 10 o’clock a.m., at
the front door of the County Court
house, in
County, Oregon, sell at public auc­
tion (subject to redemption) to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all
the right, title and interest which
the within named defendants Linda
Thompson and Linda E. Thompson,
heits at law of L. E. Thompson, de­
ceased, and J. H. Middleton, admin­
istrator of the L. E. Thompson, es­
tate, had on the 11th day of June,
1914, the date of the mortgage here­
in foreclosed, or since that date had
in and to the above described prop­
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution, judgment order and
decree, interest, costs and accruing
W. L. Campbell,
County, Oregon.
By John Aschim, Deputy.
Dated this 22nd day of December,
First publication, Dec. 25, 1919.
Last publication, Jan. 22, 1920.
Coaxing You to Smile.
------ o-------
First Lad—I hear Phyllisis going
to marry a chap in the army. Second
Lad— Well I daresay a man who
makes a business of war might be
able to get on with her.
------ o -
Blame in Wrong Place.
H. A. Wheeler, who participated in
the recent industrial conference, was
talking about the social unrest.
"Some of these extravagant work­
men.” he said, “remind me, when
they take the capitalist to task, of
the young bride.
“A young bride entered the grocers
store with fire in her eye.
"I wish to complain," she said,
"about that flour you sold me yester­
day. It was tough.”
"Tough flour, ma'am?" said the
grocer,, with a puzzled look. "There
must be some mistake.”
“No mistake whatever!” snapped
the bride. “I made a pie with that
flour and my husband said it w’as so
tough he couldn’t cut it with an ax."
He Was Warned.
She was a young widow who had
just remarried, and hubby number
two was causing her much anxiety.
”1 cannot understand w’hy my hus­
band is so fastidious,” she confessed
to a friend. Now, my first husband,
who died, used to eat everything I
cooked for him.”
“Did you tell your present husband
that?” queried her friend.
“Oh yes, of course, why?"
"Well, perhaps that is the reason."
It Uusually Works.
When Theodore Roosevelt was po­
lice commissioner of New York he
asked an applicant for a position on
the force:
"If you were ordered to disperse
a mob what would you do?”
“Pass around the hat sir," was the
—■ o
Cop’s Hard Problem.
lie had been celebrating his birth­
day not wisely but toy well, ,and at
2:30 in the morning found himself
reclining full length on the pave­
ment. After he had been dozing for
a few moments a policeman came and
' Here, you must get along home;
you can’t sleep here. Where d’yer
For a moment there was no reply
then very slowly and indistinctly
“Walsh that you shay?”
"Where do you live—and. what’s
yer name?” repeated the policeman.
No reply. “Who are you?” shouted
the policeman.
The bibulous one eyed him sleep­
ily.“Look here officer,” he said, “you
just go along to No.------- and ask it
Mr. Smithsh is in. If he’s out that’s
me; but if he’s in. I don’t know who
I am."
Why Moles Are Blind.
Add. to Tilla­
The mole is blind because it lives
mook......................................... $ 7.15
Notice of Hearing of First and in the dark. Its case is like that of
W. G. Dwight.
the blind fishes which live in the
Lots 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, and
Final Account.
11, of block 13, Miller’s
darkness of the Mommouth Cave.
Add. to Tillamook................. $20.64
Moles have eyes. Indeed,, they are
In the County Court of the State of
S. Hughes.
not born blind. But a degeneration
Lot 6, of block 2,. Woods.. $ .82 Oregon, for Tillamook County.
of the optic nerve deprives them of
o — —
In the matter of the estate of A.
sight. Their remote ancesters doubt­
Allof the above described lands W. Fox, deceased,
by George J. less could see very well.
are situated in Tillamook County, Scharff, administrator.
Now and then there is an adult
State of Oregon.
Charles J. Scharff having filed
mole that can see a little out of one
You, and each of you, are hereby herein his first and final account eye. The creature’s loss of vision is
notified that there is now due and and report as Administrator of said
owing and unpaid to the plaintiff, estate whereby it appears that the an obvious illustration of nature's
Tillamook County, on said Certifi­ administration of said estate is fully disposition to abolish a disused func­
cate upon the several pieces and completed, it is ordered by the tion.
parcels of real property hereinbe­ County Court of said County and
fore described, the sums of money
set opposite each of such tracts, and State, that Monday the 2nd day of
in addition thereto, there is due and .February, 1920, at 10 o’clock in the
------ o-------
owing and unpaid on the respective
Will Wed Soldier Left
sums, further sums for interest ¡anil the County Court room in the
thereon at the rate of twelve per 'County Court House of the County
Blind and Crippled for Life.
cent per annum from the 30th day of Tillamook, in the City of Tilla-
------- o-------
of August, 1919; and you are fur­ i tnook City, County of Tillamook,
Five years ago Angelo ltobecclii
ther notified that the plaintiff, State of Oregon, be the place, for
and Guiseppina Bosia, the handsom­
Tillamook County, will apply to the
circuit eourt of the State of Oregon, bearing said first and final account est pair in the little Lombard village
for the County of Tillamook, for a
of Capralba, near Milan, .became en­
decree foreclosing the liens against such final account and report, and I gaged and were about to marry when
each and all of the said several for the settlement thereof, and that war broke out, says a report from
pieces and parcels of leal property said administrator is hereby directed
Rome. Angelo Robecclii immediately
mentioned in said Certificate.
■ to give notice thereof in the Tilla­
And you and each of you are mook Headlight, or other weekly joined the colors and fought through
directed and summoned to appear newspaper, published in Tillamook several battles without receiving a
within sixty days after the date of , County, for four successive weeks, scratch.
the first publication of this sum­
It was during the final stage of the
mons, exclusive of the date of said 'and for five consecutive insertions campaign in the course of the d< -
first publication, and to defend the
clsive fighting on the I’lave that the
action or pay the amounts due; and notice Is the 25th day of December,
In case of your failure to do so, a de­ 1919, and the last publication is the soldier came within the radius of a
shell explosion, with the result that
cree will be rendered by said court, 22nd day of January, 1920.
both arms were blown away and
foreclosing the liens of said taxes
Dated December 22nd, 1919.
both eyes completely lost. He was
and costs against the lands and the I
George J. Scharff,
premises named In this notice and
Administrator of the stone blind and a cripple for life As
set opposite your respective names.
Estate of A. W. Fox, de­ soon as he was on the way to recov­
The date of the first publication of
ery front his terrible injuries Angelo
this summons is the 25th day of De­
Robecclii dictated a letter to his
John Leland Henderson.
cember, A. D., 1919.
fiancee in which hv released her
All processes and papers in this Attorney for said estate.
from her promise.
proceeding may be served
on the
District Attorney
of Tillamook
The answer came in the person1 of
Banks Gain $1,000,000,000.
County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Ore­
the bride-to-be, who vowed that she
would never give up her sodier lover
W. L. Campbell,
all the more now that he needed lov­
An increase of approximately $1,,-
Sheriff of Tillamook
County, Oregon.
000,000,000 in the resources of nat­ ing help and care. The puiih say that
ional banks for the year was report­ the scene which took place at the
by Comptroller of the Currency, meeting was one of the most effect-
Drink With Every Pair of Shoes.
Williams. On the date of the last lonate they have ever witnessed.
------- o-------
A concert has been held at Milan
call, .November 17, national bank
One New York proprietor did not resources approximated $22,500,- to present the couple with a check
close his bar when wartime prohibi­ 000,000, nearly $1,000,000,000 more toward setting up house and has
tion went into effect. Instead of con­ than ever before reported. The in­ given satisfactory results. The pope,
verting it into a shoe store. The crease in deposits and total assets, informed by Cardinal Ferrari of this
mahogany counter and brass rail the comptroller said, were scattered fine instance of unquenchnble love
still remain and an excellent soft widely throughout the country. The and devotion .has sent Ills blesslngH
drink service brings many customers increase in resources of the country and a handsome present and Queen
to the store. Every time anybody banks or national banks outside the Helen has written an autograph let­
buys a pair of shoes he gets a drink reserve cities since June 30, was ter to the bride .enclosing a substan­
tial check.
nearly $800,000,000.
"on the house.”