TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 22, 1920 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Notice of Hearing Administrator’s Final Account. ------- o------ Notice is hereby given that Otto Kliem, administrator in the estate of F. P. Kliem, deceased, late of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, has filed in the County Court of said County, has final account, Notice is further given that the said Court has set Monday, the 9th day of February, 1920, at 10 o'clock a.m., as the time and the of­ fice of the County Judge of said County, as the place for the hearing of said final account. All persons having any objections to the said account are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be approved and the administrator discharged. Otto Kliem, Adminis­ trator of the Estate of F. P. Kliem, deceased. Attorneys: Johnson & Handley, Tillamook, Oregon. Notice of Sate of Real Estate. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, Jan­ SUMMONS. uary 7th, 1920, and posted January o------ 8th, 1920. (Continued from another page) Lohn Leland Henderson, Administrator of the estate of Nicholas Job, Bay City Land Co., deceased. Lot 10, of block 55, Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. i........ $ 1.26 Administrator’s Sale of Real Property Bay City Land Co., In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the estate of Fritz Buhrow, late of Tillamook County, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by virtue of an order of the above named court, made and enteren in the above named proceed­ ing on the sixth day of January, 1920, Will, from and after the Ninth day of February, 1920, proceed to sell, at private sale, at the office of the sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, the following described real property, situate, lying and being in »s county of Tillamook and State of egon, namely: The Southw’est Quarter of Section Sever Township Three South Range Nine West of the Willamette Merid­ ian, less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 and 588, described in Tract Book in tbe office of County Assess­ or of Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, respectively, of said Tract Book; containing 110.5 acres, more or less: Subject to the easements for county roads now running over and upon said premises. The terms of sale are as follows: For cash in hand—ten percent of the amount of the offer to be paid at the time of the acceptance of such offer, and the balance at the time of the delivery of the deed, which will be made subject to the approval of the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Tillamook County. If the Court should refuse to confirm the sale the amount of the deposit will be refunded. Dated January 8, 1920. W. L. Campbell, Administrator of the estate of Fritz Buhrow, late of the County of Tillamook, deceased. In the County Court of the State of Oregon,, for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the estate of Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly known as Nick Job. Notice is hereby given to ail whom , it may concern that the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Nicho­ las Job, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Honorable A. M. Hare, , Judge of the County Court for the County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ gon, in the matter of the above en­ titled estate, duly made and entered in the Journal of said court, on the 31st day of December, 1919, will from and after the 5th day of Feb- ; ruary, 1920, at the office of John Leland Henderson, at 206 East 3rd ( Street, in Tillamook City, Oregon, offer for sale, and proceed to sell the real estate hereinafter described, at private sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, in one parcel, sub­ ject to confirmation by said court, the following real estate situate in the corporate limits of the City of Tillamook City, in the County of Til­ lamook and State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lots one (1) and Two (2) in Block forty-six (46) of Thayer’s Fifth Ad­ dition