Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 25, 1919, Image 5

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Resolution )l Condolence
Mariam Lodge No.* 36, of Pythian
Sisters, Tillamook, Oregon, Sept. 24,
Ancient Mariner Has Trying Day
We, your committee, submit the fol­
in Boston Town.
lowing resolutions of condolence to
Clem Plasker, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Harrison, Erwin Harrison, and Leslie
And He Will Find Many to Agree With
Him In His Positive Assertion
Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has
That "Umbrellies Is Dan*
taken to her home above, Ellen Plask-
gerous Weapons."
sister of our friendk, and in their
I heard a sigh behind me ns I un­
homes is loneliness and the vacant folded my favorite evening sheet.
chair, yet the beautiful thought Someone settled into the sent and rest­
comes to us that we shall meet again, ed wearily against me. I exhumed my-
when we too shall go to that home .self from my sheet ami stole a side­
long glance. In the little leathery man
where sorrow never comes.
Therefore, be it resolved that we wiili the nervous bit of chin whiskers
of Mariam Lodge, No. 36, of Pythian I r< cognized Cap'll Ezra Godskins of
Sisters, extend to our friends our our town.
His mllir bl ;e eye caught mi ’e and
heartfelt sympathy.
I wl-lied him good evening.
II re­
Be it also resolved that a copy of plied with another sigh and the cryp­
these resolutions be sent to each mem­ tic remark, “Umbrellies is dangerous
ber of the bereaved family, and one weapons.” Then, like another and bet
to each of the newspapers for public­ ter known An-lent Mariner, he seemed
ation, also that one be spread on our untdde to ce'itnln himself and launched
forth into the subject that was tortur­
Mrs. Jfceyes, Mrs. Carrol and Mrs. ing his soul.
This is the captain's plaint:
Gibson, committee.
“I come into town this mornin’
bearin’ no man any malice. It looked
like rain, but I didn’t calc’late to let
.------ -°-------
While I am away on
my vacation that spoil my good nature. Most every­
anyone wishing to secure Watkins’ one but me was totin’ a umbrelly.
"I was bumpin’ along In the crowd
products, can do so by calling or
leavin’ the stntion an’ Just nt the en­
sending to my home on 8th street, trance I was surrounded by five fat
Tillamook City, at any time. Mail old Indies who was so Interested in de­
orders will be delivered promptly.
cidin’ where they wns goin' to meet
Kasper Zweifel,
for lunch that they didn’t notice that
The Watkins Man.
I was standin’ In the middle of the con-
feerunce nil' gettln’ the benefit of all
the emphasis of the pointin’ they did
with their umbrellies.
“A lady pointin’ one direction with
a pnrasol wants to look where’s she’s
Mrs. E. E. DAVIDSON, late u-pointin*.
“I squoze out of there just In time
of Bar View, will open “THE to get gouged In the nigh leg by a
feller that carried his umbrelly
strapped to the side of his valise. He
LUNCHROOM, Saturday, Sept. gave me a nasty look for bein’ there.
I started up the street and see a fel­
27th, with a full line of Confec­ ler ahead of me earryln’ his umbrelly
over his shoulder like a musket. He
tionery, etc.
turned to look Into a store winder and
Don’t Forget. She will bumped a old man Into the side of the
serve her Famous Crab Salads bend with the muzzle of hfs weapon.
They had some words.
Home Made Pies,| ¡Chicken Sand­ “A young girl that looked bright
to know better wns cnrryln’ her
wiches, etc., in the Gem Build­ enough
umbrelly in the middle and talkin’ so
ing, next door to Gem Theatre. fast at the same time I guess she
didn’t know she wns proddln’ folks
both ahead and behind as though she
might lie sayin’ ‘Get up, Jessie; go
BOTTS & WINSLOW, ’long, Bill!’
“A tall feller with a blnck ribbon on
his eye glasses was whirlin’ his slim
umbrelly nround by the handle, thereby
TILLAMOOK, OREGON gettln’ most of the sidewalk and a lot
of unfavorable opinion for himself.
He varied this a little by usin’ it as
a cane, swingin’ it well out in front
Both phones.
and behind. Every once in a while
swang into some one’s shanks or
stabbed 'em in the Instep. He sure
had the comfort an’ safety of other
folks In mind.
"People used ’em as wedges to get
Into the crowd and as a pry to get out.
One young feller I see was standin'
P orti and O ffice
on the edge ■of the sidewalk, leanin’
back on hfs umbrelly and talkin’ to a
1110 W ilcox B ld . z
friend of hfs'n. Some feller goln’
along mindin' his own business caught
I his toe in ffand brought the Ind down
at neat as a ninepin.
“Now if he had a had his umbrelly
bangin' down straight from his hand
the way It should ha' been an’ been
goln' about his business Instead of
OREGON blockin' up the sidewalk he wouldn’t
a had to go home and changed his
“The trouble is that folks who carry
a umbrelly so It didn't interfere with
anybody else is generally the ones that
Eell Phone—2F2
Mutual Phone gets jabbed.
“I ain't got the henrt to speak of
umbrellies when folks carries ’em
raised, They Is worse than dangerouif
then; they is positively dendly. I
been dodgin' careless and thoughtless
I handlers of umbrellies all day and in
tile hands of them class of people that
Is a dangerous weapon. Yes, sir, um­
brellies Is a dangerous weapon.”—Bos­
OREGON. ton Globe.
Columbus Shown to Have Been
Moved by Religious Zeal.
Voyage Which Resulted In the Dis­
covery of America Undertaken to
Procure Wealth to Save
Notice to Watkins Customers.
Of all the tires that are made,
—why do you suppose we
prefer to sell United States
Because they are made by
the biggest rubber company
in the world. And they know
how to build good tires.
They have choice of ma­
terials,—they have immense
Tillamook -
- o«ega..
For Sale.
He had determined to "mop up”—*
not in the sense, however, that one
thinks of these days. He had seen a
0R. L. L. HOY,
mop such ns he desired advertised for
96 cents (Original price »1.50), and
PHYSICIAN ANDSURGBCN made haste to get one. for he had
also determined to bny nothing unless
T illamook B lock ,
It was “on sale.” The mop cost 96
cents, a handle 10 cents extra, a bot­
tle of polish was added for good meas­
ure. He proceeded to drop the bottle,
henry c . viereck . m . d .
and os the mop without the polish was
useless. It waa necessary to buy an­
other bottle, which set him back 50
Diieaae of The
cents. The bargain cost him »1.60 in­
of 98 cents, as he had pictured.
310 8eUin^ Building. Portlaad. Ore. However, he Is still determined to best
tb« H. C. L.
facilities,—they employ many
exclusive methods.
They can go to greater
lengths in testing, improving
ana perfecting the things that
make good tires.
We find it good business to
sell United States Tires.
And—you will find it good
business to buy them. They
are here-a tire for every need.
United States Tires
are' Good Tires
We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell them.
Star Garage, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Say City ; KellowBros., Hebo;
Anderson Bros., Garage, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garage, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler.
Our Week End Sale
At The
10 lb. PAIL
Compound Lard
Notes Issued by Austrians,
A correspondent writes that Ans-
trlnn notes were not tire only “duds”
that caused trouble and loss to the
Surgeon S. P. Co.
allies. Every
Every British
British soldier
soldier who
served on the western front must
<i. O. O. F. BldK I
have had experience (he says) of
< Irrgun those pretty Belgian notes which
were not worth the paper they were
printed on, for the reason that the
enemy were In control of the Belgian
national banks. “It was never safe.”
(he adds) “to accept change for n
Office- O pposite C ovri F JJSh hundred franc note or other note of
high denomination without examin­
Tillamook .
O Baron ing each small bill given in lieu. One
was almost sure to conic across one
TOM”! LELAND HENDERSON. or two nice clean Belgian five-franc
notes hidden away among the genuine
French stnff."
We Vouch for Them
Picnic Hams 35c lb.
AndjDon’t Forget to Guess on the
Big Ham
Saturday the Last Day
Yours For
Quality and Quantity
of America wi
an effort to re •COY
surprising llm
tlon of llm lift
bus, and one
trip which ent
tills continent
This was his si
of Jerusalem f
ililel Turk witl
that he hoped
In his wrltin
and bls plendli
ercigns there has been recorded ample
evidence of this great passion of an
adventurous and stormy life.
quoted the holy scriptures and prophe­
cies therein to prove that he had been
selected to accomplish this and that
the holy sepulcher was to be returned
to the Christians through him as a
divine instrument.
Before sailing from Palos on his
first voyage to America he exacted
what he believed to be a promise from
the king uml queen thnt whatever
profits might accrue as a result of the
adventure should be employed for the
crusade. In his journal, under the
date of December 26, 1492, we read the
hope that his men find "tuns" of gold
and spices “iu such quantity that be­
fore three years the sovei’ tgns will
undertake to prepare to go and con­
quer tlm holy sepulcher,” “that all the
profits of tills, my undertaking, should
lie spent In the conquest of Jerusa­
This pious ambition is ascribed to an
incident which occurred while the
Spanish sovereigns were at war
against Granada. during the siege of
Baza, nt which Columbus was present.
While before the city two friars ar­
rived with a message from the grand
soldnn of Egypt in which the Moslem
threatened to put to death all the
Christians In his dominions and de­
stroy the holy sepulcher at Jerusalem
If the war against the Moslems of Gra­
nada was not terminated.
The Indlgnntion of Columbus was so
Intense at this menace that he formed
resolutions that were never forgotten.
That be shonld aspire to ttie recovery
of the holy place was not unusual, for
every Christian prince and man of
power nourished this one great dream
of every pious person of the Middle
On bls return from the first voyage
to America he made a vow. hoping to
use his portion of the possible treas­
ure acquired from the trip, to furnish
wjthln seven years an army of 4,00»)
horse and 50,000 foot soldiers for a
crusade and a similar force within the
five following years. This was not
Before starting on his
fourth voyage he wrote to l’ope Alex­
ander VII mentioning bls vow uml In­
forming him of his sorrow at not being
nble to fulfill It, due to his arrest and
removal from pRwer.
When his outlook was brightest
many royal favoj-s were granted Co­
lumbus. Some of the royal promts««
never matured. In a very Imposing in­
strument known as the mnjorat, dated
February 22. 1496, he provided for his
family and disposed of the wealth that
he expected would surely flow Into his
coffers. He made provision that the
one supreme ambition of his whole
life be carried to its desired end.
In one of the articles of the docu- 1
inent appeared the words, "Because at
the time I started to go and discover
I the Indies It was with the intention of
supplicating the king and queen, our
sovereigns, that the revenue which
their highnesses might have In the In­
dies they should determine to spend
In the conquest of Jerusalem.” Ills
will provided for n crusade directed
by his descendants.
During the period of his disfavor,
while Jealous enemies were Intriguing
against him. he recalled that his vow
remained unfulfilled. He considered
It Ids duty to arouse Ids sovereign» to
tile enterprise, to remind them thnt
It was originally proposed ns tl. •
great object to which the profits of
ills discoveries should be directed. In
the library of the cathedral of Seville
there still exists the manuscript vol­
ume that he prepared with the aid of
a friar, quoting all those passages of
the Bible and In the writings of the
Fathers which he conceived to contain
prophecies of the discovery of the new
world and the recovery of the holy
sepulcher, events which he attempted
to show would succeed one another
and be accomplished through him as
a divine agent.
It I. to the land allotment holder,
remarks a writer In Popular Mechan­
ics magazine, thnt Great Britain It
looking for n»sl«tan<-e In the food altn*
atlon. particularly at regards the sup­
ply of potatoes.
“It Is planned to Increase the num­
ber of allotment» from 1,500,000 to
2,000.000 by the next planting season.
At the present time there Is only about
one allotment to every ten or twelve
fnnilllos. hut by taking advantage of
a large amount of land thnt hits been
growing up In weeds It 1» hoped to
have this up to one allotment for ev­
ery five families. There are, even
now. several cases where there Is a
plot for every three, and In one or
two cases every two household«."