Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 11, 1919, Image 2

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Adequate Telephone Rates Must be Provided
It is obvious to everyone that the operating incomes of any
business must of necessity be sufficient to meet its operating expen
ses and permit of a reasonable return upon the capital invested.
The telephone business affords no exception to this accepted and
well understood fact.
On account of the general high costs prevailing for labor and
materials in these unusual times, the people have been willing to
accept advances in the cost of almost every necessity.
'fhe Telephone Company has had to meet the same increases m
cost of materials and labor the same as all other industries and busi­
ness and asks its patrons to recognize this fact and accept the in
crease in telephone rates in the same spirit of fairness and consid
eration, realizing that only through adequate ratescan the telephone
company provide adequate service.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
State Fair
SEPT. 22-27
Government’s Giant War and
Agricultural Exhibit
Composed of trophies captured on European
battlefields by American soldiers, and exhibits
from the agricultural, naval and war depart­
ments, will be on exhibition for the first time; a
colossal array of magnificent exhibits represent­
ing the state’s great industries and resources.
Greatest Horse Show Ever Staged in the
Northwest. A Superb Racing Program.
The Best of Amusements and Attractions
A. H. LEIA, Secretary
school year
Notice of School Election to Increase
Tax More than Six Fer Cent Over
Total estimated receipts, not
That of the Previous Year, and
including the money to be
to Elect District Clerk.
received from the tax
------ o------
which it is proposed to
Notice is hereby biven
to the
legal voters of School District No. 9
of Tillamook County, State of Ore­
gon. that a school meeting of said
I district, and an election therein, will
| be held in said district at the high
| school building on the 20th day of
September, 1919, at one o’clock in
the afternoon, to vote on the ques­
tion of increasing the amount of tax
levy in the district for the year 1919
by more than six per cent.
It is necessary to raise this addi­
tional amount for the following rea-
It has been found necessary to Pay
Increased salaries to all teachers and
everything purchased is higher, and
besides this it is desired to get com­
plete title to site where grade school
building is situated.
At said meeting and election there
will further be submitted to the le­
gal voters of said district, and said
meeting is called for that purpose,
the question of authorizing the dis­
trict school board to purchase for the
district a release from W. D. Still­
well of his interest in the tract of
land heretofore conveyed by him to
the district for school purposes, be­
ing the tract now occupied by the
grade school building, and to pay
said Stillwell the sum of $2000.00
for said interest. ■
Said meeting is called for the fur­
ther purpose of electing a District
Clerk to fill the unexpired term of
Erwin Harrison who has resigned.
Dated this August 22nd, 1919.
Erwin Harrison, Dist Clerk.
H. T. Botts. Chairman of the
School Board.
Notice of School Meeting.
Lasts Longer
—because Zerolene
meets with scientific
accuracy the lubrica­
tion needs of the car.
It is refined from se­
lected California crude
oil. Deposits least car­
bon. Get a Correct
Lubrication Chart for
your car.
standard oil COMPANT
H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon
Tbe Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all
records at their best
vote .................................. $19,190.68
Total estimated expenses
for the year...................... $42,000.00
Total estimated receipts not
including the tax to be vot­
ed ............
Balance, amount to be raised
by district tax.................. $22,809.32
We estimate that a levy of 7.3
mills will be required to produce the
amount of special tax money shown
Dated this 22nd day of Aug: 1919.
Erwin Harrison,
District Clerk.
H. T. Botts
Chairman Board of Directors.
cd. be foreclosed in the manner pre­
scribed by law, and that the property
described inlaid mortgage be sola as
by law provided and the proceeds ot
said sale applied to the sat: taction
of said juugment. That said property
is described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of tide lot number tour (4) ot W. D.
Stillwells Addition to Tillamook
(now Tillamook City) ana running
thence north 111 feet; thence east
parallel wjth the north line of the
Edrick Thomas D. L. C. to the east
line of lot Three (3) of section
twenty-five (25), in township*one
(1) south ot range ten (10) west of
tne Willamette Meridian, and run­
ning thence south along the east line
oia8aid lot three (3) to the north
line of the said Edrick Thomas D. L.
C. and running thence west to the
place of beginning, situated in the
county of i tllamooi. ana State of
vi.egon. Also all me machinery and
equipment in the buildings on saia
real property, including in particular
the tolluv. iug, w hich constitute the
larger pieces of machinery, to-wit:
1 Hack Saw ; 1 19 in, American
Lathe; 1 36 inch Lathe; 1 Barnes
Driller, with sliding head; 1 Davis
24 in. Shaper; lu h.p. motor ana
electric appliances; all patterns and
appliances for castings, acetelyne
welding apparatus and all parts.
Being all the foundry property of
the mortgagors including buildings
and equipment located on the above
described real property ana property
adjoining thereto.
Now, therefore, in accordance with
the direction of said execution, com­
manding me to sell the premises and
property hereinbefore described in
the manner provided by law, for the
satisfaction of(said decree according
to the terms thereof, and the costs
and disbursements thereof and ac­
cruing upon this writ, I will on Sat­
urday, the 11th day of October, 1919,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on said
date, sell at public auction, at the
front door of the County Court House
in Tillamook City, Oregon, to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right,
title and interest of the said Feeney
& Bremer Company, a corporation,
aetendant herein named, in and to
all the property both real and per­
sonal hereinbefore described.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of TiliamooK County, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
------- o ■ - -
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
Notice is given that the undersign­
ed, Jesse C. Snyder, has been ap­
pointed administrator of the estate of
John L. Snyder, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County, and has quali­
fied as such. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, duly
verified, as by law required, to the
undersigned at 1012 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 4th
day of September, 1919.
Jesse C. Snyder,
Laidlaw, Owen A Lawrence,
Attorneys for Estate,
1012 Gasco Building,
Portland. Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook County,
james Hiatt, Plaintiff.
Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
To Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notitied anu required
to appear in the above entitle cause
and court and answer the complaint
tiled herein, within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons, which said date is the
11th day of September, 1919, and it
you fail so to appear, for want there­
of the piainuu win appiy io me
Court for the relief demanded in the
complaint, to-wit: for an order and
decree forever dissolving, cancelling
and anulllng the contract and rela­
tion ot marriage heretofore existing
between the plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as to the court may seem equitable
in the premises.
This summons is served’ upon you
by publication, by order of the Hon.
A. M. Hare, Judge ot the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Tillamook County.
Made and entered at Chambers at
the City of Tillamook, County of
Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the
10th day of September, 1919.
Talmage, Claussen & Mannix
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address Tillamook, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters ot School District No. 9, of Administrator’s Notice to Creditors.
------ o------
Tillamook County. State of Oregon,
Notice is hereby given, that the
that a school meeting of said district
will be held at the High School County Court of the State of Oregon,
Building, on the 20th day of Septem­ for Tillamook County, has appointed
ber, 1919, at one o'clock in the after­ the undersigned administrator with
noon to vote on the proposition of the will annexed of the estate ot
Walter Kinnaman, deceased, and any
levying a special district tax.
having claims
The total amount of money needed and all persons
by thd district during the fiscal year against said estate are hereby no­
beginning June 18th, 1919, and end­ tified to present the same, together
ing on June 21st, 1920, is estimated with the proper vouchers, to said ad-
in the following budget and includes mnistrator at his residence north of
the amounts to be received from the land near Tillamook City. Oregon, or
county school fund, state school | to T. H. Goyne, his attorney, at his
------- o—•—
fund, special district tax, and all
within six months from the date of Hundreds of Tillamook Readers Find
other moneys of the district.
this notice.
Daily Toil a Burden.
The hustle and worry of business
Dated August 14, 1919.
Teachers’ salaries............ $11
G. H. Foland, Adminls- men.
Furniture ...........................
The hard work and stooping of
trator i with the will an-
Apparatus and suppli*. . such
nexed i of the estate of workmen.
as maps, chalk, erasers,
The woman’s household cares.
Walter - Kinnaman. de-
stoves, curtains, etc . .
Often weaken the kidneys.
Library books ....................
Backache, headache, dizziness,
Flags .....................................
Kidney troubles, urinary troubles—
Notice of Sale on Execution.
i.i-pairs of school house, out­
frequently follow.
------- o-------
buildings or fences ...
Read the following and learn the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
improving grounds..........
way to find relief.
100.00 Oregon for Tillamook County.
Playground equipment . .
E. E. Switzer, 401 N. Meridian Sa.,
100.00 E. J. Claussen, Plaintiff.
Newberg. Ore., says: "Tie nature of
Transportation of pupils.
Janitor s wages..................
order and stop the misery in my back,
1.200.00 Feeney & Bremer Company, a
Janitor’s supplies............
which also gets my kidneys out of
200.00 corporation. Defendant.
Notice is hereby given, that I. w. fix. I find that Doan's Kidney Pills
Light .....................................
250.00 L. Campbell. Sheriff of Tillamook put my kidneys in good working
Water ..................................
240.00 County, Oregon, by virtue of an ex­ order and stop the misery in my back
Clerk’s salary ....................
250.00 I ecution issued out of the above en­ I couldn't recommend a beter medl-
Postage and stationery ..
50.00 titled court in the above entitled cine for backache and kbdney trou-
Bonded debt and Interest
cause, said execution being dated the ble.”
Price 60c., at all dealers, Don’t
2,100.00 9th day of September, 1919, and be­
Interest on warrants
400.00 ing based upon a judgment entered simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Outstanding warrants
11,560.00 in the Circuit Court of the State of Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
Purchase of grounds
2,000.00 Oregon tor Tillamook C> unty, said Mr. Switzer had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
judgment being entered
said Cir­ Mfgrs. Buffalo. N. Y.-—Pd Adv.
Total estimated amount of
cuit Court on the 6th day of Septem­
money to be expeuded for
ber. 1919, and being rendered in fa­
Where Did It Go ?
all purposes during the
------- o-------
vor of the above named plaintiff, and
year .................................. $42,000.00 against the above named defendant,
In these days of difficulty over the
and being in the sunt of $1.300.00 high coat of living, there, is much
with interest thereon at the rate of wonderment in Congress and else­
Fropi county school fund'
8 per cent per annum from April 23. where as to what was done with the
during the coming school
year ................................... $ 3 970.00 1918. until paid; in the further sum $1000,600.000 fund approprie.: cd at
i of $95.55 with interest thereon at the insistance of the Prr.ldent in
From state school fund dur­
| the rate of 8 per cent per annum order to provide food for European
ing the coming school
year ...................................
1.015.68 from June 23. 1919, until paid; in peoples. It was pointed out at the
the sunt of $150.00 attorney fees, time the lust Congress made the ap­
Cash now in hands of ’he t
and for the cowls and disbursements propriation that it would tend to add
county treasurer, belong­
205.00 taxed and allowed at $16.20. and to the cost of living in America.
ing to the district ....
said judgment further providing that Representative Good has introduced
Estimated amount to be re-
a certain mortgage given to secure a resolution asking the President for
' the principal sum hereinbefore nam- a detailed statement as to what was
Hear them at the Palm Confectionery.^ ~
done with the $100.000,000 LTT
countries the food was dUrris ”
what reimbursement was
and other specific facts. For **'
thing. Congress would like to k °n*
how much went to feed Germany"0’
Spelling Oddities
An American in London
duced to an Englishman, who "X
" hy. no introduction is neces«^'
b,a *
« -s
"I beg pardon,” said the Yank«
"What was the name?"
“Yes, J. Evelyn Chumley
"Oh to be sure! But will you kintl
ly tell me why you folks over ¿Z
don t pronounce you. names as the
are spelled?”
”In what way?”
"Well, you people spell the nam,
of your Secretary of State L-A-N-
S-I-N-u, and you pronounce it Hoi^
A student had a barrel deposited in
his room, contrary, of course, to rule
and usage. He recieved a summon, IS to
appear before the p.esident.
"Sir, I am informed that you have
a barrel of ale in your room,” said
the latter.
“Yes, sir.”
hat explanation can you make’’
"Why, the fact is, sir my physician
advises me to try a little each day as
a tonic, and not wishing to go to the
various places where t^e beverage u
retailed, I arranged to have a barrel
in my room.”
"Indeed! And have you derived any
benefit front the use of it?"
“Oh, yes sir, When the barrel was
first taken to my room I could scarce­
ly lift it. Now I can carry it easily.”
So Hubby’s Ruse Failed.
Hubby had been celebrating and
arrived home in the small hours feel­
ing rather dubious of his reception.
Absolute stillness reigned, howev­
er. and with a load off his mind he
hurried, shoeless, to the cradle and
commenced rocking it energetically
witlfcthe air of a man who had been
at his post for hours.
“What are you doing there James’’
quired the strong minded spouse,
"I’ve been sitting here nearly two
hours trying to get the baby to sleep'
he growled in return.
“That’s strange” remarked his wife
“Baby is here in bed with me.”
Ordering a Dinner,
A stylishly dressed woman entered
the resturant. The waiter handed
her a bill of fair written in French
and said: "Please mark off the dlsh-
es you wish to order.”
Could a woman dressed in tbe
height of fashion confess that she
was unable to read French? Taking
tile pencil sne made a lew dashes and
her order read: "Dinner, $1.00. June
20. Vegetables. Please pay at the
desk. No tips.”
The waiter brought her a dinner of
steak and potatoes.
------ o
He Knew His Daughter.
“The late war has knocked all otr
customs and traditions topsy-turvy."
remarked the new speaker of the
House, Representative Gillett, the
other day. “Now it is the young
folks who run things. Like the case
of William. William was in love. He
had declared his passion to the young
lady and she had passed him along
to her father. Father listened to his
tale patiently. It's all right as far as
I am concerned,’ the old gentleman
said, 'but I am afraid that Jannie
will not marry you,’ ’Oh, don’t say
that,’ the young man pleaded. 'Has
she said bo ?” ‘N o ’, said the old
gentleman, 'but what I know of Jen­
nie, if she wanted you she would
have taken you without referring
you to me.”
------ o-----
His Need ,
"Hey! You there with the sorrel
stop!" snarled a customer in the
rapid fire resturant. "My order’s
been in twenty minutes'and I don't
want to wan all day for it. See?”
"What you want aint what you
need!” retorted Claudine, the wait­
ress. "You need a book of etiquette.
If manhery had been running down
from Heaven forty days and nights
you'd still be a rube. Try that on
your canary.”
------- o-------
Only A Check.
A countryman tells how at a rail­
way station, as a number of wives
were starting for the seashore and
bidding their respective husbands
adieu, he heard one really charniinS
young matron say, as she kissed her
hubby goodby; "Au revoir. dearie.
Don’t forget to write!"
"Oh. I’ll write often.” prote.'-ted her
"Do dearie", continued the wife;
'do—if it’s only a check."
For Sale.
------ o--------
Dairy-man, this is a snap for a
man who wants to make money. 180
acres, 2H miles south of Coquille.
40 acres cleared. % mile frontage on
river, about 5 acres up land, balance
the very finest bottom easy to clear.
Fair barn on place, no house. My
price is $90 an acre If taken soon,
worth $150 now. easy terms to right
man. Address Mrs. K. A. Col«.
Myrtle Point Oregon.