Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 14, 1919, Image 7

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"E. L. Westover, dairy husbandman
PLAN FOR COUNTY AFIR. of Oregon, reports that the movement
------- o------ -
Save Tire Money
N the gray side­
wall construction
Firestone builders
produced a tire that
delivers mileage
’way beyond all for­
mer standards. You
are entitled to this
new standard of
service, obtainable
only in—
Most Miles per Dollar
—get Correct Lubrication
Zerolene is made in various
consistencies to meet with
scientific accuracy the lubri­
cation needs of each type of
ieroiene '
There is a Zerolene Correct
Lubrication Chart for your
car. Get one at your dealer’s
or our nearest station.
ney •<£
H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore.
I Ij
ive á
ck 1
ine "
l Ilrô
S. M
r-M* ¿
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five
comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top.
it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to
a most delightful open car with always a top protecting
against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car.
dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered
Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A
real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all
the conveniences of an electric car with the economy
which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price,
small cost of operation a?.d maintenance. Won’t you
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
to develop disease-free areas. Tilla­
The meeting was called to order mook County from present indica­
by president B. A. Folks, at the tions, will be the first county in the
home ox J. B. nouey, ou Kilchis west free from tuberculosis.”
Mr. C. al. Gilmore as a committee
river, w here the association had
gathered tor the day to talk over man. in making arrangement for the
various matters of the advancement Holstein cattle Exposition at the
ot the Holstein development of Till­ Count.. Fat;-, made a few remarks in
amook County. The tore-noon was connection with this matter and
taken up in looking over the pure stated that he had been promised
bred herd of Black and W hite ot Mr. over 5u head for show at. the fair.
Mr. Clay Daniels, of Foley and Mr.
Honey and criticising, at length, on
the various individuals of Mr. Hon­ Chas. Swenson, of Tillamook, with
ey’s herd. At noon hour a lunch was their iamilies were present. Mr. Dan­
prepared, which all present enoyed iels and Mr. Swenson renewing their
very much, at a temporary table ar­ membership in the Holstein Breeders
ranged in the yard. After dinner the Association.
A motion was made and seconded
meeting was called to order by the
President B. A. Folks, and the fol­ that Prof. Fitts or Prof. Brandt of
lowing business was transacted: The O. A. C. be secured as judges at the
minutes of the secretary were read coming county fair by the Fair Board
and approved after which business of and that the fair board should be
general importance was discussed notified in this connection so that
and reports of committees received. they could make arrangements to
The following timely remarks were secure the services as judges of Prof.
made by the President and are wor­ Fitts or Brandt.
A motion was made and carried
thy of fullest consideration, at this
time, in connection with the devel­ that $80.00 received from the sale of
opment of high grade pure bred cat­ one of the heifers purchased at the
tle, and it is worthy of note that his Ohio consignment, being Forest City
remarks deals particularly with the De Koi Hilda, be transferred from
value of animals at recent sales— the Holstein Association funds to ap­
when live stock sales throughout ply on the note at the Tillamook
the world are enjoying prices at this County Bank, which had been placed
time which are unusual and un­ on deposit in the wrong f inds.
A motion was made and carried
heard of values of anything hereto­
that Mrs. B. A Folks be rllowad <he
fore by the livestock industry.
“Many unthinking men living by sum of $10.00 for decorations to be
habit rather than by reason are still used in preparation for the Holstein
trying to keep cows after the fashion Booth at the County Fair, which
of the pioneers, but the inevitable booth Mrs. Folks has charge of.
A resolution was adopted as fol­
result is a failure, for the conditions
are not only changed but are in the lows: That the Holstein Association
process of being revised from what go on record, at this time, that Lot
- was in practice only a few years ago. 22 as shown in the Fair Catalogue,
It requires a big sum of money to buy should be judged as provided in the
a good cow today. She eats expensive milking contest rules—50 percent
food, is attended by costly labor, oc­ being for production and 50 percent
cupies high priced land, amid costly on type and that the milking contest
surroundings. All this costs money be udged on points of production the
and the dairyman who expects to same as in the general milking con­
succeed must get his methods, not by test entries.
The premium list of the County
tradition, but by study, by reading,
and by discussion with those who are Fair came up for general discussion
successful. Dairying has become a and a motion was made and carried
business, and whoever forgets this that Roy C. Jones, County Agent, act
fact, or fails to study the enterprise, in connection with the judges, in de­
as any other business is studied, is termining the entries in class 7 of
pretty certain in the end to discover the Holstein Association.
The Pomeroy sale, which was held
he has failed in a business that com­
mends itself to the best of thinking at Scappoose, and at which sale a
men, as an important means of ser­ number of Tillamook breeders had
attended, was discussed by Rollie
vice to humanity.
There has been no more encourage­ Watson, and it was shown that the 3
ment given to the thinking man in year old herd bull sire, Hollywood
the industry thjin that which obtains Lillith Korndyke, sold for $3,000.00,
from the sale of dairy cattle. During and the top price cow bringing
the past year new high records have $1000.00 and a 4 day old calf bring­
been scored all along the line, in ing $180.00. Two 3 month old bulls
both private and public sale. There brought $325 each. An average price
are now more than a score of Hol­ for the whole sale being over $460
stein bulls that have sold for more per head.
Ben Kuppenbender, president of
than $10,000. Four have brought the
fabulous sum of $60,000 or more. the County Dairymens’ Association
the highest is $125,000. $40,000 has presented the matter of the Pacific
been paid for a cow and a number International Live Stock show build-
have commanded $20,000 or more. Ing that was being built in Portland
for the same. Mr.
There are unheard of prices that and solicited
have been paid for animals to be used Kuppenbender states that over $1900
for the foundation of herds in the has been raised in Tillamook County
making. Thinking men are responsi­ of our quota of $2500, w’hich will be
ble for the prices paid. They have raised without a doubt before the
a vision for the part the dairy cow county fair.
Dr. Reedy was present, as a visitor,
will play, not only in feeding the
striving millions made hungry by and upon invitation addressed the
the devastations of war, but in re­ meeting in regard to his new venture
building the countries laid waste by in the live stock exchange business,
the ravages of war. Thinking men which he is now inaugurating in this
can see in the industry an opportun­ county.
Taking it all together the day was
ity to serve humanity, and at the
same time build for permanency the very profitably spent in connection
farms handed down to their pos­ with the purpose for which it was
terity, Such men are of tremendous called.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, County Veterin­
value to an industry, because their
judgment and experience is valuable, ary, was present and also a number
and they set the pace for other men. of other visitors.
An invitation was given the Asso­
There never was a time when the
world needs thinking men as it needs ciation to meet at the farm of Clay
them today. In every line of activity Daniels at the next meeting In Sep-
there are problems, the solution of tember, and upon a rising vote of
which is dependent upon changed •banks for the invitation it was
conditions. The dairy industry offers unanimously decreed that Clay Dan­
no exceptions, men must think: they iels farm, on the Nehalem should be
must use more intelligent methods. the next meeting place and upon ad­
Waste must be avoided, we must con- journment at about 4 o’clock every­
I serve the soil and make it yield its body joined in a vote of thanks for
■ maximum. We must conserve the the day spent with Mr. and Mrs
[crops and feed them with judgment. Honey.
We must conserve our dairy cattle
develop them
more Intelligently. We must conserve
'our labor and make it more efficient,
Let me quote you a few figures on
the dairy cow export iiade that has
¡been developed in the past few
| months.
Men Wanted
Soldiers Preferred
For construction work
on Whitney Co’s. Job
at Idaville
Good Wages, Clean Camp, Single Berths, First Class
Grub and Plenty of It
Apply to M. GAVIN, Supt
For Rajotte, Fobert & Winters
■4 a -.
"Grade Holsteins in large numbers
have already been purchased tor
shipment to France while orders
from the French High Commission
will cause a severe drain on the sup­
ply of grade Holsteins in most of the
important dairy sections of this
country. 600 head have been shipped
’from St. Charles, Ill., Fletcher <v
Fellows are taking care of an order
■for 1000 head.per mouth. At St Loui
the M Jton-Marshall Co. has an or­
der for 500 head per month. In N. Y.
I.itate a definite order for 10,000 head
¡has been received by G. N. Smith.
¡Other orders have been reported to
(have been placed in New England.
.Think what this mean.: to the dairy-
[mon of this country, a market for
’ i heir cattle, higher prices, a greater
’ demand lor what dairy products are
I produced. Could the future look more
| prosperous, or more encouraging?
I Let each of us put into our business
the greatest efforts possible and get
that is justly ours.”
In closing the above remarks, by
President Folks, the following para-
,.aphs were taken from the Holstein
Freisian World and is quite an ad­
vertisement for Tillamook and the
production of our cows:
Oregon Holstein Leads State for Milk
"Th.- hivh« t n ilk producing cow in
; the Cow Testing Association for Ore­
gon for the month of May, wan Sadie
Hengerveld Queen, a pure bred Hol-
-tein cow owned by J. B. Honey, of
.Tillamook. Her record was 2393 !b
■of milk and 71.79 Tbs of fat. Mr.
Honey's herd of thirteen cows had an
.average production of 1869 th. milk
and 54.36 tbs. fat for the month.
I ■» I
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty
odor, smoke Camels! If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that has all that desirable
cigarette “body”—well, you get
some Camels as quickly as ycu canl
Cosh!. How my back aches!
After influenza or colds the kidneys
cidn<»y3 and:
bladder are often affected ca.ll<*ci “ne-
phritis," or inflammation of the kidneys.
This is the red-flag of danger—better
be wise and check the further inroad: of
kidn-y disease by obtaining that wonder­
ful new discovery of Dr. Pierce’s known ar
“Anuric” (anti-uric), because “Anuric"
expels the uric acid poison from the laxly
and cures those pains, ruch as backache,
rheumatism in muscles and joints.
Naturally when the kidneys are do- !
ranged the blood is filled with poisonous
waste matter, which settles in the feet, j
ankles and wrists; or under the eyes in i
bag-like formations.
Dr. Pierce’s Anuric is many times more
potent Ithan lithia and often eliminates ,
uric add as hot tea melts sugar.
Madera, Cal.— “I recommend Dr. Pierce's Anuric
very highly. I have suffered for the laat three year*
18 cent3 a package
r.re nnld everywhere in act ent ¡fin­
ally sealed packafiei of 20 cifrarettea; or
ten packages {200 cigarettes) in a ftlaxs-
ine-paper-cover^d carton
VVe strongly
recommend this carton for the home or
office supply, or when you travel.
N. C.
Camels’ expe rt blend makes all lh?3
delightful quality possible. Ycur
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste ! You will
prefer them to either k,r*d of to­
bacco smoked straight !
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price!
with catarrh of the bladder, having tried every
remedy I heard of but without relief. I saw ‘Anuric*
r/lvertiMd in the paper an ’ like a drowning man
grabbing at ft straw I thought I would try it air ,
which I did with great tucrpsR,
it relieved me
almost immediately before I Lai taken fl! of the
trial package, and bavinr £r'*at confidence in (Eo
remedy I immediately sent to th- dreg store and
bought a package. I can Bay tn all suffering from
any diseaec of the kidneys or ur. er ;■! troubles, try
this remedy god suffer no lon;yr. I have great
L-u* in Dr. P kj — m
’—3. I*. Ilcnih >
The first time Mr. Wil.son visited
Europe he traveled on a bicycle and
made the tour on a few hundred dol­
lars. It is too bad bicycles have gone
out of style.
AMELS’ expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had ! Camels give
such universal delight, such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you’ll
call them a cigarette revelation !
j i
sires is
I French Orders for Grade Holsteins
come in and see us about it.
for pure bred
Tillamook County Boosted in Nat­ strong impetus throughout the state.
ional Journal as Having Best Stock There is a strong effort being made
EGCt ;
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