TILL > HOLSTEIN BREEDERS MEET: "E. L. Westover, dairy husbandman PLAN FOR COUNTY AFIR. of Oregon, reports that the movement ------- o------ - Save Tire Money J N the gray side­ wall construction Firestone builders produced a tire that delivers mileage ’way beyond all for­ mer standards. You are entitled to this new standard of service, obtainable only in— I Jtresfone « TIRES Most Miles per Dollar TT I LUBRICAI BH 1 K Ask for ZEROLENE —get Correct Lubrication Zerolene is made in various consistencies to meet with scientific accuracy the lubri­ cation needs of each type of engine. I J tn /I ieroiene ' LO There is a Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. Get one at your dealer’s or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY) (California) 1 ney •<£ H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore. i M efc St I Ij ive á » ck 1 ine " l Ilrô |lt- % iia VHE UNIVERSAL CAR S. M Mb r-M* ¿ -Pdl i I « The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top. it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car. dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation a?.d maintenance. Won’t you Oregon. -Æ525H5aaHSE5HSHSES252S25îSZS?5aSB52S2S25B5HSE5B5Z5a5a5e5a5ï Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector ía MUTUAL PHONE a to develop disease-free areas. Tilla­ The meeting was called to order mook County from present indica­ by president B. A. Folks, at the tions, will be the first county in the home ox J. B. nouey, ou Kilchis west free from tuberculosis.” Mr. C. al. Gilmore as a committee river, w here the association had gathered tor the day to talk over man. in making arrangement for the various matters of the advancement Holstein cattle Exposition at the ot the Holstein development of Till­ Count.. Fat;-, made a few remarks in amook County. The tore-noon was connection with this matter and taken up in looking over the pure stated that he had been promised bred herd of Black and W hite ot Mr. over 5u head for show at. the fair. Mr. Clay Daniels, of Foley and Mr. Honey and criticising, at length, on the various individuals of Mr. Hon­ Chas. Swenson, of Tillamook, with ey’s herd. At noon hour a lunch was their iamilies were present. Mr. Dan­ prepared, which all present enoyed iels and Mr. Swenson renewing their very much, at a temporary table ar­ membership in the Holstein Breeders ranged in the yard. After dinner the Association. A motion was made and seconded meeting was called to order by the President B. A. Folks, and the fol­ that Prof. Fitts or Prof. Brandt of lowing business was transacted: The O. A. C. be secured as judges at the minutes of the secretary were read coming county fair by the Fair Board and approved after which business of and that the fair board should be general importance was discussed notified in this connection so that and reports of committees received. they could make arrangements to The following timely remarks were secure the services as judges of Prof. made by the President and are wor­ Fitts or Brandt. A motion was made and carried thy of fullest consideration, at this time, in connection with the devel­ that $80.00 received from the sale of opment of high grade pure bred cat­ one of the heifers purchased at the tle, and it is worthy of note that his Ohio consignment, being Forest City remarks deals particularly with the De Koi Hilda, be transferred from value of animals at recent sales— the Holstein Association funds to ap­ when live stock sales throughout ply on the note at the Tillamook the world are enjoying prices at this County Bank, which had been placed time which are unusual and un­ on deposit in the wrong f inds. A motion was made and carried heard of values of anything hereto­ that Mrs. B. A Folks be rllowad The first time Mr. Wil.son visited Europe he traveled on a bicycle and made the tour on a few hundred dol­ lars. It is too bad bicycles have gone out of style. 4 AMELS’ expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had ! Camels give such universal delight, such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you’ll call them a cigarette revelation ! ► j i HELL PHONE. MAIN 3 gaining I TILLAMOOK GARAGE 111 sires is I French Orders for Grade Holsteins Materialize. come in and see us about it. Tillamook for pure bred Tillamook County Boosted in Nat­ strong impetus throughout the state. ional Journal as Having Best Stock There is a strong effort being made A % *> ’•at % / 4 ii; EGCt ; . . > '■ I I