Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 07, 1919, Image 5

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Mary Pickford in
“Johanna Enlists
Result Truthfully May Be Said to Ba
the Greatest Waste in the
The recent Invention which rend-*«
wireless transmission Independent of
atmospheric conditions and the dis­
covery by which »even messages can
be »'-nt simultaneously over a tele­
phone wire are striking Instunoes of
latent possibilities long unsus|>ecte<t.
For thousands of years we did nor
even suspect the existence of elec­
tricity, and. being Ignorant, derived
no advantage from it.
If we hud never heard music, we
would say It was merely the dream of
a simpleton to expect the most beauti­
ful harmony of sounds from a combi- I
nation of wood, Intestines of a dead
cat and hairs from the tail of a horse.
But the violin, plus the man who
knows how, accomplishes the wonder- |
ful result.
Active talent is the source of both
quantity and quality of production.
and that does not Ho In capital but
Saltinçf iL avay
in men. and It usually la latent.
¿»’Johanna Enlists
Every man has power and courage,
but not all of them know it.
David had It, and knew It, and licked
Digest of The State Game Laws As
Foi-h was not plucked from the “four
They Now Stand.
------- o ■
And Lincoln came from a log Machine Driven by J. M. Wilson
Crowded off Grade Near Miami
| Contrary to a statement inadver­
Not only once In a while, but very
tently made, the open season for
often, nature takes a particularly
killing deer in this section is from
“raw” bit of material and shows up
For crowding a machine driven by September 1 to October 31, the last
what Is In It. It is a suggestion for J. M. Wilson off the Miami road last legislature having made the open
use to do likewise with ourselves.
Saturday night, R. T. Sprague of season to begin fifteen days later
The greatest waste In the world is Forest Grove was fined $100 and than heretofore.
the unused brains.
costs by the court Tuesday morning.
During the time named only the
Mr. Sprague was leaving a trail be­ buck deer with horns may be killed,
hind him as he came down the road, and the bag limit Is two for the sea­
TAKING HIM DOWN A PEG according to the evidence before the son.
| court. It was reported that he had
ucks and geese may be killed from
Visitor’s Comment on the Intelligence successfully held down the center of October 16 to February 15. The bag
of His Host Verged on the
the road from Rockaway south. limit is 25 for one any day and not
machines were fortunate to exceed thirty in any seven consec­
enough to have a place to side track utive days.
Two old men, one a bachelor and to, but Mr. Wilson who was driving
The open
season for Chinese
the other a widower of many years’ along the road to Wheeler, with four pheasants Is October 1 to October 31,
standing, have lived on small adjoin­ passengers in his car, bound for the and five in one day is the limit,
ing farms in the southern part of Oddfellows ceremonies being carried with ten in any seven consecutive
Washington county for many yearsu on that night was crowded to the days, with not more than threa fe­
Not long ngo one of them Inherited a edge of the road, and when he saw male birds in any bag of ten.
small amount of money and he Imme­ that he would be bumped off if he
It Is Always Unlawful.
diately put ft to use by building a didn’t drive over, he let the machine
To rob any bird's nest, except such
r°w shack on his land.
go and it turned two summersaults 'birds as are not protected by law.
When the house was completed he on the way to the ground below the
asked his old friend and neighbor to grade.
come over to spend the night. After
Mr. Wilscn was under the rear
supper they sat b.v the fire and smoked wheel when it came down, and it
and talked, and Anally, when conver­ fell on his back. The other passeng-
sation began to lag, the visitor turned iers were not seriously hurt at all, or
to his host and said:
j even badly bruised. Roy Henkle, B.
‘‘You say this home is nil done and Egge, Allen Page and John Aschim
paid for?”
were the passengers in the car with
“Yes,” was the short reply.
Mr. Wilson.
“And you planned it all yourself
Mr. Page Jumped out before the
and hired the carpenters and every­ machine went over the grade as he
thing?" the guest insisted.
saw It inevitably must, and Mr.
“Why, yes, of course, I did. What’s Ascbint remained inside and got all
the matter with you?”
tangled up in the tonneau, and didn’t
“Oh, nothin’ much.” yawned the vfs- extricate himself, until after Mr.
itor. “Only if I was smart enough Wilson had been dragged out from
to buy a house and-build it and then'd under the machine by the others. Mr.
ast folks to come to see it. I’ll be Sprague drove right on with his car,
dom’d if I wouldn’t know when it was not even seeing the accident he had
time to say something about going to caused, and claimed to be totally
bed.”—Indianapolis News.
without knowledge of the trouble.
A Story of unusual appeal, concerning a little country girl, who has never known anything but the drudgery of life on the farm
day, while she is spending a few idle moments, a regiment of soldiers are sighted, coming her way. They
make camp on the farm. Here is where her romance starts, as she sells cakes, pies and other sweets
to the young soldiers.
For lack of space we won't tell you any more about it, but would
advise you to see this picture.
ties of not less than $25.00 nor more Counter Sales Books—Order .your
than $500.00 and costs, or by im­
Sales Books from W. F. Baker,
prisonment not less than thirty days
agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call
nor more than six months.
68 Headlight.
To hunt without having hunting jerked venison in closed season with­
license on person, and to refuse to out same being tagged.
To trap, net or ensnare game ani­
show same on demand of proper offi­
cer or owner or representative of mals, birds or fish, except as express­
ly provided.
real property while hunting.
To hunt within the corporate lim­
To hunt at night.
To sell or have in possession plum­ its of any city or town, public park
or cemetery, or on any campus or
age of protected birds.
To hunt on any game reservation. ' grounds of any public school, college
To disguise sex or kind of any or university or within the bound­
aries of any water shed reservation
'as set aside by the United States to
To hunt deer with dogs.
To lie in wait near licks while | supply water to cities, or within any
national bird or game reservation.
hunting deer.
To resist game wardens or other
To sell game or any kind except
when propigated according to law. officers charged with the enforce­
To shoot game from public high- ment of the game laws.
To angle for any fish without hav-
ways or railroad right-of-way.
ing.a license on person, and to refuse
To wantonly waste game.
. For aliens to hunt without a spec- I to show same on demand of proper
I officer.
ial gun license.
To fish by any means other than
To shoot from any power, sink or
by hook and line.
sneak boat, or sink box.
To fish at night or on stream with­
To hunt on inclosed or occupied
uninclosed lands without permission in 200 feet below any fishway.
To sell trout, bass, crappies, cat­
of owner.
To trap fur-bearing gnimals with­ fish, whitefish, or grayling.
Unless otherwise provided, viola­
out a license.
To have in possession deer meat or tions of other sections carry penal-
Wanted to rent dairy .Ranch, com­
fer T he monen in the big 1
oo noo Nov»
“The Eternal City’ Well filled With
Stirring Action.
Shark meat Is delicate In flavor and
------- o-------
Hall Caine’s intense drama of mod­
ern Roman life, filmed by Paramount
in England and Italy with Pauline
Frederick as the star will be shown
at the Gem Theatre Friday, August
8. “The Eternal City,” adhering as
closely as possible to the story of the
novel is brimful of thrilling scenes
photographed against a background
of surpassing beauty.
It is this last feature which adds
the fin'shing touch to the production
St. Peter’s and the Vatiean, the nar­
row steep streets and the ancient
palace of the capital by the Tiber
appear frequently, while the ruins of
the Coliseum are used for one of the
most effective passages of the play.
Taken on the very ground described
in the novel, the photoplay at once
has conferred on it an air of reality,
impossible to achieve by any mere
evasion or makeshift of the cleverist
director. The London scenes are no
less convincing. There is Charing
Cross Station. Trafalgar Square
and an unmistakable bit of Soho
right in front of the spectator.
Pauline Frederick plays the part
of Donna Roma in a thoroughly con­
vincing manner and the camera ab­
sorbs a pleasing portion of her good
texture, and sharks are plentiful In
certain parts of Florida, hut the fish­
ermen do not catch them because they
are not salable.
The home demon­
stration agent of Monroe county, Flor­
ida. decided last winter on an effort
to establish in favor this fish now un­
der the ban. At her request a fisher-
man caught one, but warned her thnt
no one would eat It. Undismayed, she
Invited a Inrge company of women
to a home economics luncheon nt which
was served a fish salad.
When all
had tasted the salnd she asked for n
vote as to how many liked ft and
wanted the recipe. Without exception
the women voted their hearty ap­
proval, and thus proved to themselves
that their prejudice was without
Increasing Use of Castor Beans.
The use of castor beans for making
oil Increased very rapidly In 191R.
Great Britain Imported from Indln from
3.b<M) to 4.000 tons per month. They
were used In making a motor lubricat­
ing oil. An effort was made last year
to plant large areas of the beans In
the southern part of the United States
and In the West Indies and Brazil.
So far most of the beans have been
raised In India from which some
1.723.000 gallons of oil were exported
in 1916-11. This bean is n form of
our common garden castor bean
as an ornamental.
H. F. Cook has in
Holden, after spending
month» in extensive study in technic
and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie
Louise Dunning, of New York, will
return to Tillamook and open her
studio September 1. Applications for
admittance to the classes of the Dun­
ning system or for private leseone
will be received after Auguat let.
We handle Trojan Powder. Best for
stumping. Tillamook Feed Co.
Oregon Life
i Insurance Co
Vinegar for sale—40c. per gallon.
Apply to Vincenz Jacob, Route No.
1, Tillamook, Ore.
See Conover & Condit for Aluminum
Tillamook Headlight’s
Trade Mart.
......- o--------
Republic tires and save money.
Here is a place that will make a fine
on Sandlake for $3,200, easy terms
—D. Billings.
Sutton’s Market.
Team For Sale
For Life Insurance, there is nothing
Box 404, Tillamook, Ore.
For Sale cheap, good 5 room
with 1 or 2 lots—A. Billings.
better than what the Mass. Mutual
offers. Ask to see specimen policy.
—W. A. Church.
Fry Chickens for sale—call or write Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come
Sirs. Jessie Nelson 4 mi. South of
Tillamook or Box 195 Tillamook.
For Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Round
Address H. R. BLAUVELT, Executive Special,
Tillamook Hotel, Tillamook, Oregon,
Silo. See Geo. Williams or write D.
L. Shrode, .Salem Ore.
« •
For Sale—Thorobred
Buff Orphing-
4 months old—
ton pullets, some
Mrs. C. E. Gibson.
in and investigate their prices.
Wanted, by lady, board and room in
private family for the winter. In­
quire at Headlight office.
If von are contemplating buying a
drag saw see the Tillamook Feed
Co and get prices.
Films, Cameras and Photo
Flints developed 10c. with prints
orders.—J. W. Edwall.
• ,
of the Copper Hill Mining Co., of
Los Angeles, Cal., J. T. Berry, Bay
City, Oregon.
J-31 Men Wanted—for planing mill work
Day and night, eight hour shifts.
For Sale—Typewriter, in good con­
Apply or write to Chas. K. Spauld­
dition. Inquire at the Headlight
ing Logging Co., Newberg, Ore A14
For Sale—500 Shares Capital Stock
Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays
See the Tillan.'ok Feed Co. about
For one week I am going to Sell 50 Here is a snap for someone.
th cans of pure lard at 39c. per lb.
Oregon Supports You. You Should Support Oregon
Information Cheerfully Given.
ware. $5.00 in trade and *1.66 cash
gets a nice piece of aluminum
home, 5 room house and one acre
of all kinds of fruit, near town on
paved road.—D. Billings.
One cent a word per issue.
ail records at their
Alialfa Hay, quality
See Williams, ,of the Tillamook Feed
Co. and get prices on the hand!
some 19 series Studebaker cars, be­
fore buying your new car.
quaranteed at Auto Tires—investigate the Republic
lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co.
Let B-K be your disinfectant.
It is
Standard, five
guarantee, price
mook Feed Co.
thousand mile?
right, at TlllqJ
safe, .clean and powerful. For sale
at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. See Williams about the Republic, th"
yello# chasls truck that serves a
Let your co-worker on the farm be
well and honestly, a truck at a
the Cleveland Tractor. On display
honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. I
at Kuppenbender warehouse.
records, in all worth $75, for
Only $55. Call at depot.
Special Sale used Sewing Machines,
Dr. Wise can be found at his Till
mook office across the street fro"
the court hou ■
Mondays, Tuet
\\ <1 i< days until forth«
Including one Singer, $10 to $26.
Singer Agency Opp. I’. O.
Correct Lubrication with
Zerolene will mean better per­
formance and longer life for
your car.
By exhaustive study and actual
tests our Board of Lubrication
Engineers has determined the
correct consistency of Zerolene
for your make of automobile.
Their recommendations are
available for you in the Zerolene
Correct Lubrication Charts. Get
one for your car at your dealer’*
or our nearest station.
Room 4
Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr.
Let the Chart be
your guide
Ramsey, Osteopath,
Masonic Building.
I Arrrn C louds comes ScNFtnt'rr.
A fte ?. D espondency comes J ot .
A pter S ickness come - H ealth .
A fter W eakness comes S trength .
recent months
tuned and repaired more than 100
pianos in this county. Both phones.
For Trade—A fine 196-acre Wiliam
the future with Kuppenbender.
Becomes His Mother’s Uncle.
Why not place your feed orders for
Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’s
$57.50 Columbia
His own mother's uncle, hfs grandfa­
ther's brother end n great-uncle to his
half-brother 1« the peculiar status of
flve-ycnr-old living Tucker, who was
adopted by his great-grandmother,
Mrs. Johanna Freitag of Mount Ver-
The hoy's mother, 'fr«
Hauser agreed to rhe legal mloptirn.
He ha« lived wit,i his adopted mother
Since the der’h of hfs fn’>or. more
than four yer r- ago.—Brooklyn Engle.
Bay City. Phone 162.
pail filled with pure lata at 40c.
per pound, the so called 10 lb pail
holds 9 lbs. so it costs you $3.60.
Compare this with the price you
are paying and note the saving.
Recent Spanish Inventions.
Recent Inventions reported by
Bailey Hurst, American consul
eral at Barcelona. Include a strnw
compound as n substitute for coni for
locomotives and agricultural tractors,
as ft develop« sufficient hent In thirty
minutes, nnd the ashes make an ex­
cellent fertilizer. This Is Invented by
Jonquin Estevan. the engineer. An­
other patent Is by Thomas Roca of
Las Palma’, on a process for the use
of banana fibre for textiles, yams and
cords as a substitut" for hemp.
Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard,
At Suttons Market you can get your
Keep Oregon Money in Oregon—It’s Good Business.
$6,000 Ordinary Life Policy, age 35. Premium $130.20
Shark Salad Wins Favor.
pletely equipped on shares or
cash or will buy. Phone Red Clover
Creamery or address Box 135-A
R. D. 1, Tillamook.
B. C. BOONEJAgent, Tillamook, Ore.
In the spring when you’re “
' all
in”—fagged out—blood thin, if
you will turn to Nature’s ’•emedy,
a tonic made from wild roots anti
barks, which has stood fifty years
as the best spring tonic—you will
find strength regained. No need
to tell you it’s Dr. Pt rce’s Golden
Medical Discovery, put ur> in tablet
or liquid form, and sold by every
druggist in the fi nd. After a hard
winter—shut up indocrs,your blood
needs a temperance tonic, a tissue­
builder and blood-makersuchasthis
“Medical Discovery” of Dr. Pierce
ette Valley -farm for a Tillamook
dairy farm. For particulars write
A. Crossan (owner), Lebanon, Ore.
K. F. D. 2„ Box 61
A 7.
For Sale, for this week only, lot and
a modern five room hotiae partly
furnished. Located on 3rd Street
and 6th Ave. Very reasonable. For
iNcodkf, Oil, Brits and all kinds of Sen
term« see owner. J. O. Olson.
Machine supplies, Repairing a special!
Black team for sale,
Six years old. Inquire at Headlight
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Dr. Wise—Dentist.
Live Stock Ins.—See Watson.
Dr.’s Allen
New Home Users
are quality chosers.
For Sale By
172 3rd Street
The Audubon Society compì
that thou and of animals are skll
Dentists. annually. At the present prices.
National Building.
Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce'» Invalid»’
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package Let W. A. Church write your h.ty
of tablet»
SeaUle, Il’tixA—"I was in a general run [
down condition. Had bail blood, dis-' Get yotir gas and car supplì '
ordered stomach, kidney trouble and | Jones Trading Co., Bay City.
nervousness. I took three bottles of Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Mld| Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F
five or six bottles of ‘Favorite Prcscrip-I
Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon.
tion’ and wan completely cured. Have
never l»ecn sick a day since.”—J/rs. Mary j Singer Sewing Machine
Utuktnt. W7
opposite P. O. B“th Phones.
lions are.
An econc mile league of natio
now being advocated. That’» w
th" t.inlter prnclpally in this cdi
now. The United States has
drained of food tuffs, clothing
other materials to feed the r<
•hr world. The people of till» erd
have paid the freight In incrl