TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 7, 1919 TOO FEW USE THEIR BRAINS ■ Mary Pickford in “Johanna Enlists Result Truthfully May Be Said to Ba the Greatest Waste in the World. The recent Invention which rend-*« wireless transmission Independent of atmospheric conditions and the dis­ covery by which »even messages can 3 •rt be »'-nt simultaneously over a tele­ phone wire are striking Instunoes of latent possibilities long unsus|>ecte \\ <1 i< days until forth« notice. J Including one Singer, $10 to $26. Singer Agency Opp. I’. O. Correct Lubrication with Zerolene will mean better per­ formance and longer life for your car. By exhaustive study and actual tests our Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consistency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. Get one for your car at your dealer’* or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COXPANT (CtUtorala) and TILLAMOOK, Room 4 Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Let the Chart be your guide Alderman Poorman Ramsey, Osteopath, Masonic Building. I Arrrn C louds comes ScNFtnt'rr. A fte ?. D espondency comes J ot . A pter S ickness come - H ealth . A fter W eakness comes S trength . I recent months tuned and repaired more than 100 pianos in this county. Both phones. For Trade—A fine 196-acre Wiliam Announcement. the future with Kuppenbender. warehouse. [’1RES Becomes His Mother’s Uncle. Why not place your feed orders for Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’s $57.50 Columbia His own mother's uncle, hfs grandfa­ ther's brother end n great-uncle to his half-brother 1« the peculiar status of flve-ycnr-old living Tucker, who was adopted by his great-grandmother, Mrs. Johanna Freitag of Mount Ver- non. Mabe! The hoy's mother, 'fr« Hauser agreed to rhe legal mloptirn. He ha« lived wit,i his adopted mother Since the der’h of hfs fn’>or. more than four yer r- ago.—Brooklyn Engle. i Bay City. Phone 162. pail filled with pure lata at 40c. per pound, the so called 10 lb pail holds 9 lbs. so it costs you $3.60. Compare this with the price you are paying and note the saving. /0"'' Recent Spanish Inventions. Recent Inventions reported by Bailey Hurst, American consul eral at Barcelona. Include a strnw compound as n substitute for coni for locomotives and agricultural tractors, as ft develop« sufficient hent In thirty minutes, nnd the ashes make an ex­ cellent fertilizer. This Is Invented by Jonquin Estevan. the engineer. An­ other patent Is by Thomas Roca of Las Palma’, on a process for the use of banana fibre for textiles, yams and cords as a substitut" for hemp. Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard, At Suttons Market you can get your Keep Oregon Money in Oregon—It’s Good Business. $6,000 Ordinary Life Policy, age 35. Premium $130.20 Shark Salad Wins Favor. pletely equipped on shares or cash or will buy. Phone Red Clover Creamery or address Box 135-A R. D. 1, Tillamook. B. C. BOONEJAgent, Tillamook, Ore. In the spring when you’re “ ' all in”—fagged out—blood thin, if you will turn to Nature’s ’•emedy, a tonic made from wild roots anti barks, which has stood fifty years as the best spring tonic—you will find strength regained. No need to tell you it’s Dr. Pt rce’s Golden Medical Discovery, put ur> in tablet or liquid form, and sold by every druggist in the fi nd. After a hard winter—shut up indocrs,your blood needs a temperance tonic, a tissue­ builder and blood-makersuchasthis “Medical Discovery” of Dr. Pierce ette Valley -farm for a Tillamook dairy farm. For particulars write A. Crossan (owner), Lebanon, Ore. K. F. D. 2„ Box 61 A 7. SWING*-' MODELS OF PERFECTION. I PERTH SIMPLE] SIMPLY i For Sale, for this week only, lot and a modern five room hotiae partly furnished. Located on 3rd Street and 6th Ave. Very reasonable. For iNcodkf, Oil, Brits and all kinds of Sen term« see owner. J. O. Olson. Machine supplies, Repairing a special! Black team for sale, weight 2800. Six years old. Inquire at Headlight office A-'.'l Miscellaneous Advertisements. Dr. Wise—Dentist. Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. New Home Users are quality chosers. For Sale By SHARFF Tb DUBIVER 172 3rd Street NEW HOME SEWING MACHD COMPANY. The Audubon Society compì that thou and of animals are skll Dentists. annually. At the present prices. National Building. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce'» Invalid»’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package Let W. A. Church write your h.ty insurance. of tablet» SeaUle, Il’tixA—"I was in a general run [ down condition. Had bail blood, dis-' Get yotir gas and car supplì ' ordered stomach, kidney trouble and | Jones Trading Co., Bay City. nervousness. I took three bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Mld| Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F five or six bottles of ‘Favorite Prcscrip-I Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. tion’ and wan completely cured. Have never l»ecn sick a day since.”—J/rs. Mary j Singer Sewing Machine Agency Utuktnt. W7 4rc. opposite P. O. B“th Phones. lions are. An econc mile league of natio now being advocated. That’» w th" t.inlter prnclpally in this cdi now. The United States has drained of food tuffs, clothing other materials to feed the r< •hr world. The people of till» erd have paid the freight In incrl prices. 1 4