Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 24, 1919, Image 8

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We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of
Bay City and tributary country.
We invite your further patron­
age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still
better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
This Store Headquarters
For Beach Wearables.
Here .you will find complete selec­
tions in Bathing Suits for Boys. Girls,
Men anil Women; Shoes, Caps, Ladies’
Belts and Waterproof Bags.
can be had
in cotton, Union or
all wool. You will find the prices very’
reasonable too.
Butterick Patterns,
15c.—20c.—25c. —30c.
Butterick Patterns are .used by
novices with the same success as when
used by experts. They are the smart­
est styles obtainable and reproduce
the fashion’s latest vogue. By mail
lc. extra for 15c. and 20c. patterns and
2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. patterns.
The City on Tillamook Bay.
The mill has quit running a night
do hear of it. That is the caves a
few miles south of the town. At low
Edward Mitchell was in town Tues­ tide one can go into them. There are
three large ones in the cliff near the
Mrs. J. Miller, of Portland is visit­ lighthouse.
ing her father here.
A large party of guests spent the
Ed Mitchell was calling on friends week-end at the home of J. M.
Bodie. They were Mrs. Ellen Nash,
Monday and Tuesday.
of Portland, Mrs. Claud Sevier and
A daughter was born to Mrs. Anna daughter Claudia, of Portland, Mr.
Lovett, Tuesday morning.
and Mrs. Lawrence Lloyd, of Wash­
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones spent ington, D. C., and Mrs. Clarence
Brunch of California. They came in
Monday upon Kllchis river.
by way of the Grand Ronde, and
Arthur Ramsey left for San Fran­ left for Seaside to spend the summer.
cisco Tuesday on a business trip.
The T. T. T. club spent last Sunday
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawk went to on the Kilchis river on a picnic trip
Wheeler Tuesday to spend the day.
They went up as far as the swinging
Mr. and Mrs. Nevins and Mrs. bridge. A very fine time was had by
Rhodes visited in Tillamook Tuesday. all, though Miss Leone Warner got
a fishing hook in her finger, and
Mrs. Clair Follet, from Oretown, is
had to be brought <o Tillamook to
visiting her cousin Mrs. Albert Biggs
have a doctor take it out. Returning
for a few days.
home early in the evening, thè club
"“’Hazel” Ostrander-is spending a got a boat and started to Bayocean
couple of weeks with her daughter and continued their happy time
at Rockaway.
there. On the way home the boat
Mr. Lozotte has announced his In­ stuck on the mud flats and the party
tention to open a cleaning and press­ came home when the tide came in.
They all had a most jolly time, and
ing room here.
three fine picnic lunches. The guests
MiHs Irene Wilkins returned home of T. T. T. were W. B. Flagg and
after spending ten days with her wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warner, Mrs
brother at Elmore park.
Sheilas, Harry McKune 'and Mrs.
John Wood, of Walla Walla, has Stuart.
been visiting A. Finlayson and look­
ing after his property.
D. C. Hughes and family moved in­
------- o-------
to Bay City, Sunday. They come from School Board Meets Tonight to Vote
Montana and Portland.
On Bonding Measure.
------- o-------
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. White spent
A new $25,000 school house to be
Sunday upon Trask river bringing
used probably as a high school will
home a nice catch of fish.
be built by district No. 32, Bay City,
At Idaville the Whitney Construc­ if the measure receives the approval
tion Company want 150 men, and are of the property owners. The school
offering $4.50 to get them.
board meets tonight, (Thursday),
Mrs. Charles Nelson and son-in-law and will take the matter up. The dis­
W. F. Strode, returned Tuesday after trict owns five acres of land just be­
yond Provoost's, on the cut, and this
a few days trip to Portland.
is where the building will be erected.
Miss Ona Rankin returned io Port­
The present building is felt to be
land alter spending the week-end
Inadequate, and with the growth
With her sister, Mrs. J. E. Savage.
that must necessarily come to Bay
William R. Campbell expects his City when the new cannery goes up,
wife, who has been sick in Portland, and the United Railways build their
to come home the latter part of the projected line, a modern high school
is one of the most needed things to
Mrs. George A. Johnson and family attract desirable citizens.
and Mrs. Robert Watkins and George
Mathews visited friends in Tillamook
Returning Monday to her home at
Baker City, was Mrs. Mary Melvin,
who has been visiting with her sister
Mrs. B. J. Simpson.
Mrs. John Bodie and daughter
went to Buyocean Sunday to spend
the day. They expect their son and
frother home from the Presidio of
'San Francisco soon.
Mark Jacoby took U party of Olie
Peterson and wife, and some friends
from Seattle to Seaside Friday to
spend the day. The roads were quite
good, but a little rough, he says.
The Bay View Hotel has filled to
the limit, und occasionally for the
sake of acconiodutlon, even the uttic
is invaded by roomers. Mrs. Holmes
dinners are bringing in tire boarders.
A painful accident occurred at the
mill Tuesday afternoon, when a
Hteam pipe broke, and sent u stream
of steam in every direction, painful­
ly scalding John Holland on the
stomach, Mr. Holland was removed
to the hospital.
Hays and Blanchard have purchas­
ed a neat new auto delivery truck to
deliver their crabs with. The season
for shipping crabs out of the county
has closed, and sales may only be
made within the county for the next
three months.
A delinquent property sale sup­
posed to be held Tuesday was called
off because of the low bids received.
The sale will not be held now until
next Tuesday, when it is hoped
higher prices will be bld on the prop­
Bay City Barber
. Shop.
New Samples of Fall Suits.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Fresh and Cured
is attracting considerable attention because of the wonderful savings made
possible by this event. Despite the heavy demands made upon our stock
during this Clearaway there are still large and varied assortments from
which to make selections. Come early, however, and you will find choosing
much easier. Hundreds of other bargains not advertised.
Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu of Cash
General Merchandise,
Bay City, Oregon.
------ o------
Square Deal and
Good Goods
Our Motto.
Phone 72.
Nazarene Church Service».
10 a.m. Sunday School, William
The ferry transferred over 150 peo­ Fletcher in charge.
ple to Bayocean Sunday, many of
11 a.m., Preaching by the pastor,
them from Bay City, and others from Rev. A. F. Ingler.
all parts of the country. The hotel,
7:30 p.m., Praise service, leader,
the natatorlum and Morris confec­
Mrs. Erskine.
tionery are all doing fine business
at Bayocean.
8:30 p.m.. Evening sermon and
special singing.
Many of the people who visited
Bayocean never hear of one of the
Mid-week service on Thursday at
best treats there, or tniss it if they 8 p.m. All welcome.
For the Entire family.
. Such drastic cuts in the Vices of
shoes of all kinds have seldom, if
ever, been equalled in our footwear
Dept.. Buy now and save on every
The July Allotment of
Wirthmor Waists
at $1.50 Each.
Just Arrived by Express.
Outing Wear
For Women and Children.
Substantial savings are available
on the purchase of summer outing
apparel and Beach wear for Ladies
Misses and children.
Ladies’ Sport Hats,
cJ7l4ary Jane Pumps,
$1.19 Pair.
75c. Each.
White canvas strap pumps, with
and without heels, and in both
white and black. Actual $2.00 val­
ues for only $1.19 pair.
Actual values up to $4.00 in
Leghorns, Pongee, Straw and Cot­
ton Hats for sport wear for only
75c. each.
Girls’ Middies,
Youths’ Outing Shoes,
98c. Each.
$148 Pair.
Youths’ leather outing shoes in
sizes 11 to 2 and in colors grey
and tan. Actual values to $2.50
for only $1.48 pair.
’s Leather Sandals,
$1.59 Pair.
Men’s all leather sandals, with
good substantial leather soles, in
tan only. Actual values. to $2.25
for only $1.59 pair.
Men’s Outing Shoes,
$1.98 Pair.
Brown and Black Outing Shoes
with Elkhide soles. Actual values
to $3.00 for only $1.98 pair.
Four Models illustrated.
Scores of others equally as pietty.
The exquisite styles, the finely woven
sheer fabrics, and the perfect workmanship,
design and finish of these famous Wirthmors
makes them the waist leaders in value and
Come to the store and become acquainted
with the excellent qualities of these $1.50
Wirthmor Waists. If you have not yet worn
a Wirthmor, you have a treat in store. If
you have worn them you will appreciate the
new models just received
Fine Canvas Shoes,
$5.98 Pair.
White Galatea Middies in sizes to
fit ages 6 to 14 years. Some are
prettily trimmed,
others plain
white. Actual values to $2.00 for
only 98c. each.
Ladies’ Wash Skirts,
$3.98 Each.
Plain and fancy Gabardine White
Wash Skirts for Holiday and
Beach wear. Actual values to $5.35
for only $3.98 each.
Midsummer Milans,
$5.98 Each.
Ladles’ new Midsummer Milan
Sailors and plain and fancy shapes
Actual values to $10.00 for only
$5.98 each.
Jerseys, Sweaters,
$2.98 to $12 98
Ladies' fine Dress Shoes with rub­
ber capped military heels and
Louis Cuban heels and welted soles
The famous Queen Qualtiy shoes in
actual $7.85 values for only $5.98
Wash Fabrics.
The entire stock of Summer Fab­
rics and Wash Goods is offered in
this July Clearaway at wonderful
reductions in the following prices:
At 19c.
Mutual Phones.
Actual 33c. and 35c. values in
sheer and heavier fabrics in plain
white and colored for only 19c. yd.
At 33c.
Actual 50c. to 63c. values in
Voiles, Tissue Cloth, Gabardines
and other weaves in white and
colors for only 33c. yard.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Slipover, coat
and belted style sweaters in wool
and silk and actual values from
$3.25 to $17.90 for only $2.98 to
$12.98 each.
Notaseme” Silk Hose,
Special $1.75 Pair-
A part shipment of a large order placed
with the maker of these famous Silk Stock­
ings arrived by express and are nowon Sale
at this modest price.
The colors shown are Black, Grey, Cordo­
van and Fieldmouse.
Better come and choose yours today for
future deliveries are not being guaranteed
and the wise buyer will fill her needs when
the selections are available.
Laces & Emb’d’s
The piece goods Dept, offers some
wonderful Clearaway Bargains in
Odds and Ends of Merchandise of
sterling worth and reliable char­
At 5c.
Actual l'Oc. Laces, Insehtions, Em­
broidery Edges and insertion in
various widths and patterns for
only 5c. yard.
At 9c.
Actual 15c. to 35c. values in Lace
Edgings and Insertions, Embroid­
eries and Silk and Metalic Braids
for only 9c. yard.
Ladies' Outing Wear
Muslin Wear.
Some wonderful bargains in White
Mulsin wear
are available in the
July Clearaway. Buy undermuslins
today at these saving prices.
Actual values to $1.48 in Ladies’
Knickerbocker and Envelope Com­
binations for only 98c. each.
Actual $1.69 values in Ladies’
Envelope Combinations for only
$1.33 each.
Just Received
In Time for the Holidays.
The Set $12.50.
Stylish, good fitting and good wearing
Khaki Outing Apparel for Women and
M isses. The garments can be bought in sets
or separately at the following prices: —
Breeches, $5.50. Jackets. $6.50. Puttees, $1.25
Suits and Coats.
The woman who wants a smart sty­
lish Suit or Coat will find here an
excellent opportunity for saving.
The styles are good,, the fabrics
beautiful and the finish superb.
Actual $32.50 and $35.85 Ladies’
Suits in Tailored models for only
$18.95 and $19.65
Actual~$42.45 and $4190 Ladies’
Coats in Cravenette fabrics and
Navy Blue for only $28.85 and
Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies.
Phone Main 71
Soft Drinks and Patent Medicines.
Phone 32.
Straw Hats,
9c Each.
Actual values to 75c in odds and
ends In various numbers and styles
in Stray Hats for Boys. Fine for
wearing during the holidays and
for play wear.
You are Cordially
Invited to View An
Advance Showing of
Suits and Coats
Just Received by Express.
Dress Ginghams,
19c Yard,
27 and 32 inch wide plain color
and plaid Ginghoms for Rompers
and Dresses. Wonderful values,
splendid patterns and pleasing
Received today only by Express New Fall Colors and Lasts in the famous Red Cross Shoes for Ladiea.