TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 24. 1919. FIRST BANK OF BAY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY NEWS. This Store Headquarters For Beach Wearables. Here .you will find complete selec­ tions in Bathing Suits for Boys. Girls, Men anil Women; Shoes, Caps, Ladies’ Belts and Waterproof Bags. Suite can be had in cotton, Union or all wool. You will find the prices very’ reasonable too. ^torn’s TILLAMOOK - .- OREGON. Butterick Patterns, 15c.—20c.—25c. —30c. Butterick Patterns are .used by novices with the same success as when used by experts. They are the smart­ est styles obtainable and reproduce the fashion’s latest vogue. By mail lc. extra for 15c. and 20c. patterns and 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. patterns. The City on Tillamook Bay. The mill has quit running a night do hear of it. That is the caves a shift. few miles south of the town. At low Edward Mitchell was in town Tues­ tide one can go into them. There are day. three large ones in the cliff near the Mrs. J. Miller, of Portland is visit­ lighthouse. ing her father here. A large party of guests spent the Ed Mitchell was calling on friends week-end at the home of J. M. Bodie. They were Mrs. Ellen Nash, Monday and Tuesday. of Portland, Mrs. Claud Sevier and A daughter was born to Mrs. Anna daughter Claudia, of Portland, Mr. Lovett, Tuesday morning. and Mrs. Lawrence Lloyd, of Wash­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones spent ington, D. C., and Mrs. Clarence Brunch of California. They came in Monday upon Kllchis river. by way of the Grand Ronde, and Arthur Ramsey left for San Fran­ left for Seaside to spend the summer. cisco Tuesday on a business trip. The T. T. T. club spent last Sunday Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawk went to on the Kilchis river on a picnic trip Wheeler Tuesday to spend the day. They went up as far as the swinging Mr. and Mrs. Nevins and Mrs. bridge. A very fine time was had by Rhodes visited in Tillamook Tuesday. all, though Miss Leone Warner got a fishing hook in her finger, and Mrs. Clair Follet, from Oretown, is had to be brought