Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 19, 1919, Image 10

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    Auto Robes
U.S. Flags.
Anticipating a large demand f6r Flags for
Patriotic Events during this year’s Independence
Celebration we have contracted for a complete
line of Cotton and Wool Flags, and they are now
on sale and display.
31 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each lc.
14 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 5c.
22 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 10c.
36 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 25c.
6 in. Silk, Mounted - - - Each 20c.
5 ft. Wool, Unmounted - - Each $5.00
8 ft. Wool, Unmounted - - Each $9 98
Tillamook, Oregon.
No automobile can be considered completely
equipped unless there are at least two robes avail-
able at all times.
Here you will find the nationally known
^yUotor Weave (Woolen)
t_ylutomobile R^obes.
These Auto Robes are standard all over
American and they sell at the same price in San
Francisco as in New York. They are washable, an
important point when considering the purchase of
Auto Robes, full instructions for washing being
given with each Robe. Motor Weave
(Woolen) Automobile Robes—always - T>
Sixteenth Annual Two?? Weeks
Beginning at 10 A.M. Saturday, June 21st and
Continuing until Saturday, July 5th.
—The remarkable savings quoted herein will make it well
worth your while to buy Holiday Wearables here and now.
—And these are not all the Bargans available—there are
hundreds more equally as good for which space was not at our
disposal in this announcement.
—Here’s a saving event in which every person in the vicinity
will want to participate.
—Wonderful in point of savings as our Annual July Cele­
bration Sales have been this year’s event eclipses all others in
actual savings and quality of merchandise offered.
Hart Schaffner
Ladies’ and Misses a ’
New Suits»
Men’s Suits,
Men's and Youngmen’s Suits in medium and form
fitting models in all sizes from 34 to 42 All wool fabrics
and fast colors in fancy Scotch Tweeds, etc.
Actual $45.00 for only................................................ $24.85.
Men’s Dress Shoes
and Oxfords,
Actual $9.00 values in Balmoral, Blucher and Button
styles with English and Medium toes in Black and Choco­
late, some with colored tops and<?xfords in Black, Choco-
■late and White for this low price...................................... $4.85
Men’s Silk Stripe
Negligee Shirts,
Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s
These are actual $4.00 and $5.00 Shirts and are shown
in very fashionable stripe designs in various colors and
in styles with regular and military collars.
Men’s 40c.
White Wash Ties.
Knee length, sleeveless
Athletic Union Suits in
sizes 86 to 46 and actual
11 .25 values for only . 68c.
Plain white and colored
stripe Wash Ties at a great
$1.00 Flooring End Silk
Ties for only.......... 65c.
Men’s Athletic
Union Suita,
Entire Stock Specially! Reduced in Price
for this Event.
A splendid selection of Navy Bine and fancy
weave Suits in smart, snappy styles in both
Tailored and'novelty designs.
$25.00 Suits now
$31.65 Suits now
$32.50 Suits now
$35-85 Suits now
$41.65 Suits now
$42.50 Suits now
Summer Millinery
Some wonderful Bargains are available to
those who will choose Summer Millinerv now
Note the extraordinary savings quoted below
for - 75c.
for - $2.98
for - $3.98
for - $5.98
Special Sale of
Boys’ 13-18 Suits,
Special Consignment of
Actual $15.00 Suits, included among which are a
number of the famous Sampeck models in Blue Serges
and fancy Grey and Brown Mixtures and sizes 13 to 18
years for only ...............................
For Girls and Misses.
Ladies’ and Misses’
Canvas Shoes,
Mary Jane’’ Canvas Pumps
with and
without heels.
Choice of black, white, white
with black piping or black
with white piping. Sizes 2i
to 7. Values to $2.00 for $1.23
Ladies' White and
Fine Dress Shoes
White “Nubuck” and Can­
vas Lace Shoes with Military,
Cuban and
Louis Cuban
heels and Dress Shoes in
black included among which
are the famous hied Cross
Shoes in actual $7.00 values
for per pair........................... $3.45
Sale of Ladies'
Pumps 8k Oxfords
The selection of Pumps mid
Oxfords in this special group­
ing includes a complete range
of sizes and widths in actual
$8.00 values in white, brown
and black kid Pumps and
Oxfords with French heels
and black and brown Calf
Oxfords with Cuban and mil­
itary heels. Per Pair. $6 45
Extraordinary Sale of
Superb Silks,
This Sale of lovely Dress
Silks is an event every woman
in this county should attend
for included in the offering
there are actual $2 39 to $2.85
values in the most popular
and desirable plain and fancy
silks in use today at the very
low price per yard ......... $1.98
Particularly would we draw
vour discriminating attention
to the following silks offered
at this price -
36 inch Dress Messalines.
36 inch Duchess Satins
36 inch Chiffon Taffetas.
33 inch Shanghai Silks.
311 inch Novelty Messalines.
36 inch Novelty Taffetas.
40 inch Crepes de Chine.
The color selection is legion
and almost every fashionable
shade is represented.
Take advantage of this
special price and secure a real
saving on the making of your
Summer Dress, Skirt or Waist.
We also show a complete
selection of Georgettes in
shades to match the above
silks nt per yard..........
Mrs. Katherine Puffer.
Dressmaking Dept, on
the Balcony.
Just Received
Very Special Sale of
Silk Poplin Dresses,
Actual $20.00 values in pretty style Dresses ’with
Georgette sleeves, white collars and vest effects and in
colors tNavy Blue, Hemlock and Copenhagen Blue for
only................................................................................................. $9.98
Small Women’s and Misses’
New Serge Dresses,
Braid, button and piping trimmed Navy Blue Serge
Dresses for Small Women and Misses in actual values to
$20.00 for only.......................................
Silk Flounce
(¿Misses’ and
Girls’ Coats,
Swagger little styles in
Navy Blue Serges, Silk Taf­
Shepherd Checks,
Burrellas and Mixtures in
Sizes 4 to 14 years and
values to $11.00 for only
. 98c.
Self color and changable
silk Taffeta flounce Petti­
coats with Bilko tops and in
$4.50 values for only $2.89
New. Jersey Top Silk
Petticoats in a splendid
selection of colors. Special
each................................. $7.98
Crepe de Chine
Extra large size waists in
heavy quality Crepe de
Actual to $8.50
values and colors flesh­
white and black. SizeB 44-
Embroidery, Vai and Filet
lace trimmed Nainsook and
Batiste combinations in
values to $1.75 for only 18c.
Very Special Sale of
New Dress Skirts,
An exceptional grouping of Silk Poplin, Serge, Shep­
herd Check and Brilliantine Dress Skirts in colorB black,
navy blue, purple, Copenhagen blue, and old rose and
values to $9.00 for the low price..............
Just received a consignment of new models in American
Lady Corsets in Pink and White at prices from $1.75 to $5.
July Celebration Sale of
Special Sale of
The Famous.
Wirthmor Waists,
Wash Fabrics
Girls’ Hose,
An underpricing event every
prospective buyer of wash
goods should attend for the
savings are without precedent.
Actual 48c. and 50c.
Wash Goods,
32 ami 36 inch Gingham
Tissues in stripes and plaids
of various colors and 36 inch,
novelty voiles in a great var­
iety of designs and colors.
Per Yard only.......... .. 33c.
Actual 75c. to 93c.
Wash Goods,
Extra large consignments of these famous
Wash Waists arrived specially for this sale
and they are now on display on the Main
Four only of the new models are illustra­
ted above--there are many more in all sizes
from 36 to 50.
If you have never worn a Wirthmor we
urge that you make their acquaintance; if you
do you’ll be a staunch and loyal friend; and
like loyal friends they’ll never disappoint
Just on« »tor« in «ylery City' it permitted
to s«ll these Nationally Famed and
Deservedly Popular Blouses
Fancy 36 inch White Goods
for Skirts and Dresses and 34»
to 40 inch plain and novelty
voiles in stripes, figured and
plaid designs for only... 59c.
Actual 33c. and 35c.
Wash Goods,
W bite and colored shper and
medium weight wash goods
in pleasing designs and colors
for all kinds of summer gar­
ments at the very low price
per yard... ....................... 19c.
Special Sale of
Girls’ good quality White
ribbed hose in all sizes from 6
to 9f. These are actual 25c.
values and at the reduced
price represent a saving of
which you would be well ad­
vised to take advantage. Per
Pair only....................
Boys’ and Girls’
Fine Rib Hose,
Actual 50c. values in tine
ribbed hose for boys and girls,
in all sizes from 6 to 9| and in
colors black, white and Cordo­
van. It will pay you to buy
the Boys’ and Giris’ Hose
here and now for prices on
Hosiery are advancing every
Ladies ’ and Misses
Silk Fibre Hose
Ladies' and Misses’ Silk
I'ibre and Silk Lisle Hose in
white and several
colors and practically
sizes. The greater proportion
of these Stockings are the
famous “new
brand so much in favor by
weU dressed women..