Auto Robes U.S. Flags. Anticipating a large demand f6r Flags for Patriotic Events during this year’s Independence Celebration we have contracted for a complete line of Cotton and Wool Flags, and they are now on sale and display. 31 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each lc. 14 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 5c. 22 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 10c. 36 in. Cotton, Mounted - - Each 25c. 6 in. Silk, Mounted - - - Each 20c. 5 ft. Wool, Unmounted - - Each $5.00 8 ft. Wool, Unmounted - - Each $9 98 Tillamook, Oregon. No automobile can be considered completely equipped unless there are at least two robes avail- able at all times. . Here you will find the nationally known ^yUotor Weave (Woolen) t_ylutomobile R^obes. These Auto Robes are standard all over American and they sell at the same price in San Francisco as in New York. They are washable, an important point when considering the purchase of Auto Robes, full instructions for washing being given with each Robe. Motor Weave (Woolen) Automobile Robes—always - T> Sixteenth Annual Two?? Weeks JULY CELEBRATION SALE Beginning at 10 A.M. Saturday, June 21st and Continuing until Saturday, July 5th. —The remarkable savings quoted herein will make it well worth your while to buy Holiday Wearables here and now. —And these are not all the Bargans available—there are hundreds more equally as good for which space was not at our disposal in this announcement. —Here’s a saving event in which every person in the vicinity will want to participate. —Wonderful in point of savings as our Annual July Cele­ bration Sales have been this year’s event eclipses all others in actual savings and quality of merchandise offered. Hart Schaffner Ladies’ and Misses a ’ cyMarx New Suits» Underpriced. Men’s Suits, $24.85 Men's and Youngmen’s Suits in medium and form fitting models in all sizes from 34 to 42 All wool fabrics and fast colors in fancy Scotch Tweeds, etc. Actual $45.00 for only................................................ $24.85. Men’s Dress Shoes and Oxfords, $4.85 Actual $9.00 values in Balmoral, Blucher and Button styles with English and Medium toes in Black and Choco­ late, some with colored tops and