Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 27, 1917, Image 3

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    T illamook headlight , D ecember
I ' "k >s the one who endeavors to cre-
kill all the vermin. Peace is the goal,
He i
‘•l J , Uk 01 ^¡dence, peace is our price, humanity our mis­
bihtv rE°"CUhol‘i,1,s a* »npossb sion. Ifav. true it is that nits breed
The shortage of German dyes in­ lick < • r'lt'‘?ry’ v,‘diavor» to instill lice and wobblies breed sedition.
<k m confidence in those in charge
spired a Louisana man to devi e th
W e care not w ho a fellow is if he be
scheme of dying cotton as it grew ,
matters and hints at fi­ true and loyal, we'll put our hand
ft is said that he saturated the seed nanced disaster. But it can be said of right into his and always treat him
with any dies desired and that hi, is on Ut
lhat he *S und««»od he loyal; but when a man insults the flag
plantation presented a pretty appear­
out tn the open and is no longer a and keeps up spyitiig, plotting, and
ance this fall with flaming rtd and 'ecru enemy, and all that remains is teaches our young men to slag—that
s l’u,11-'hincnt. It may that he is fellow he needs swatting. The quick­
blue fields alternating with the pure
white bolls. Cotton thus dyed has cunning enough to skate close to the est thing that we can do to circum­
withstood rain and will not fade.L e go without overstepping the boun­ vent the kaiser, is to swat a dirty spy
dary between what the law punishes or two and make the rest look wiser.
Telephone Register.
•Hid what may only be puuished bv 1 he man who will not own his flag
------ o-----
The people of Germany would lose public opinion, as is the case when and stand for it uprightly, but turns
if they win and by the same token the draft is opposed, but not in the away to shout and brag about the
they will win if they lose. It’s a pity presence of one of draft age. But pub­ kaiser nightly, is nothing but a dirty
they are so befuddled by their rulers lic opinion should see that he is pun­ skunk, bent on a dirty, mission—the
as to be blind to this truth. It is cost­ ished. If he spreads his poison in fly which
would swat ker plunk—
ing the Allies billions of dollars and your presence call him and call him the men who preach sedition.
thousands of lives to give Democracy II I rd, and tell jour friends about him,
Let every man who loves his land
to the oppressed of Europe, and when that all may know that he is a man come forward and declare it, and let
they win they will give the German who lacks confidence in the institu­ no slacker, traitor band of German
people the benefit of it, in spite of tions he lives under. He may be a spies impair it. Take all the slackers
plain coward or may be voicing his from the game, and spies from off the
themselves.—News Times.
secret hopes, but it makes no differ­ benches—the foes at home are more
Yamhill county is now the champ­ ence. Let him be known for what he a sham than those out in the trenches.
ion silo county in the state. When Mr.
One fights the honored soldiers’ fight
Shrock was appointed the beginning
the other vile and rotten, is a fly that
of the year 1916 he found 60 silos in
is a fly-by-night—a fly that sure
The Need of Economy.
Yamhill county. He started out with
needs swatting. The big gad fly, he’s
the plan of adding too to the number
\\ hen we put a million and a half over there, vermin's chief adviser—
during the year, but only 54 were soldiers in the field we _ withdraw
but first lets swat the flies at home
built in 1916. This year, however, 108 those men from productive enterpris­ and then go swat the kaiser. He is the
silos have been erected—possibly a es. They do not while they are actual­ slimy ooze of hades, the devil’s vile
few more that have not been report­ ly in service produce anything. They secretion, who incubates the worth­
ed. They include most of the types do, on the other hand, consume much. less jades who spy and preach sedi­
sold in this region. Prospects now are 1 here is nothing more expensive on tion.
fine for more than 100 more silos to earth than to support and maintain a
be built next year.—Telephone Reg­ great army in the' field, especially if Big Bluff Bill Kaiser Kulture Stuff
it is on the fighting line. The attri­
----- o-----
tion of supplies and everything else
Eye witnesses of inhuman acts tells
Through money with which to carry is tremendously great when we have
experiences al Red Cross meeting at
on the war to victory is the immed­ a lighting army in the field.
Tacoma, Wash.
iate consideration in the Govern­
America is the one great remaining
T want to tell the American people
ment’s war savings certificates and storehouse in the world of supplies
to look our for nice appearing Ger­
thrift stamp appeal, real and lasting and credit.We must maintain and
mans like myself in your country, for
benefits to the nation are going to ac­ make effective as possible our own
some of them are the worst devils
crue by virtue of the more general soldiers and sailors of. those nations
this side of ucll.”
practice of national thrift which the who arc fighting for us. W e must
This is the message that has been
campaign is expected to develop. The therefore draw as little as possible sent to Americans by an officer of
Government hopes to make us a more upon our common store of supplies the German army, who formerly re­
thrifty people, not merely for the dur­ and money. The more we lesson our sided in Chicago. He sent it as he lay
ation of the war but for all the time. domestic demand the more we can on his death bed in France, a prison­
Uncle Sam feels that if he can make contribute to the support and effect­ er of the French.. The message was
us a nation of savers he will have iveness of our allied armies.
delivered by Captain G. Mural Gor­
made us a nation of server to all
Economy is now a national duty, don, American aviator, Saturday.
mankind.—News Reporter.
such a duty upon the people at home
Speaking of
German atrocities,
----- o-----
as fighting is upon '.hose Americans- which he claims to have seen with his
Among the numerous drcams which who are bravely offering their lives
own eyes, Captain Gordon said:
his kaisership entertained about three for the honor of America and the
“Near Muns I helped take 21 chil­
years ago was one in W'hich he saw a preservation of liberty and justice.— dren from a school building, all of
revision of an old and well known ltemizer.
whom had their right hands cut off
song which would make it read, “All
at the wrist. They »aid one German
Something New in Swindling.
hail the power of Wilhelm’s name, let
held them over a desk, while another
freemen prostrate fall; Bring forth
cut off their hands with his sword."
National and State governments are
the Prussian diadem, and crowd him
“A few days later”, he continued,
Lord of all." Had this dream come
“1 entered some trenches that had
true, instead of proving only a night­ dangerous for swindlers to ply their just been captured and saw seven
mare, he no doubt would have been nefarious arts with the investing pub­ women with holes pierced through
ready to dissolve partnership with lic. However, something new in the their hands, having been literally
the Almighty to go it alone. Any per­ swindling world is reported from San crucified. At another time two Altieri
son who believes that the world is Francisco, and it is gratifying to re­ can boys who were fighting with the
dealing with any other kind of mon­ port that the officials got quick ac­ French were captured by the Ger­
strous egotist had better sean the tion and suppression.
mans. They were fastened on sharp
For falsly advertising and demon­ sticks and raised over the German
record again.—Forest Grove Express.
strating a device called a “'butter trenches as a warning to Americans.”
And we say this, our United merger" at the San Francisco Land
That “kultur” stuff makes one sick
States, the melting pot of all nation- Show, the demonstrator was convict­ at heart. It is nauseating to decent,
alities, recognizes no east of native ed and sentenced to pay a fine of $¿50 respectable and horrable people .If
or naturalized citizens when the two or spend -’50 days in the city jail.
that is what some want let them back
The man who was selling this de­ up as quick as possible and get over
stand shoulder to shoulder in undi­
vided loyalty and not only by pledge vice claimed that it would make two there where that miserable kaiser
but by their acts prove that loyalty. pounds of butter from one pound of thing is dishing it up. Lite American
But wt would add this, that the Unit­ butler and one pint of milk. Professor people will be glad to help them get
ed States should make a distinction in E. J. Lea, director of the state food out of our grand country, a country
citizenship when it is apparent that and drug laboratory, testified that he worth fighting for A nation recog­
the naturalized citizen shrinks, and had visited the booth conducted by nized as the light of the world.
should the native born be so craven the defendant and observed numerous
as to do likewise, he too with the women completely deceived by the
Made in Germany.
shirking naturalized should be intern­ statements of the demonstrator. He
ed in the cast of non-citizenship until
It is announced that a cargo of
it shall be proven the mantle of dem­ 80 per cent butterfat, but the product
ocratic suffrage is descried.—Sheri made by the “butler merger” contain­ German toys valued at $4,000,000
ed less than 50 per cent butler.
bought by Americans and paid for be­
dan Sun.
It would be thought that the fallacy fore the beginning of the war, but
The latest stunt of Hoovcrizing i of a bchcine to make two pounds of held up on the other side of the At­
to conserve paper and string. Th butler by mixing a pound of fat and a lantic under the embargo enforced by
idea is all right and could be started l int of mill, would have been appar­ Great Britian, has been released. At
with good effect by those w ho are ad ent to any person of even ordinary the time these toys were sold to the
vocating all these different method intelligence. The scheme could not American dealers, we were operating
of winning the war. Every country have been much more preposterous if under the Democratic tariff, which
paper in the Union receives dozens of it had purportcr to make a quart of encouraged the purchase of toys
letters weekly telling of the thing milk by "merging" a pint of water made in Germany. VS c shall not only
gel these toys now, but when the war
they may do to help win the war, and with a pint of real milk.
It is not likely that any farmers is over we will resume the sending of
telling of things they can suggest t
others as ways for them to win the wcr c tight by this coats, bait. It is millions of dollars of good American
more likely that the victims were city money to Germany to pay for toys
war. A country editor would have t
spend nearly all his time reading cor­ women of tile poorer classes eager to that could as well be produced from
material by well paid
respondence to get through all thi bite at anything that offered a means American
various communication.. Wc arc of reducing the high cost of living.— American labor.
The release of these toys from the
Oregon Farmer.
heartily in synipatliy with this
embargo serves to emphasize tlie im­
conserving paper, and we know how
Time to Swat the Traitor Fly
portance of the 1-
--------------- of the
a lot of it could be saved.—Sentinel.
I’rotectice Tariff before the war shall
(By Charley L. Gant.)
Mrs. Jennie Kemp, field agent foi
It's time to in ki the fellows mush
the food administration reports find
ing at the head of the schools at Co —the vile spawn of predition—who
Eating Too Much.
burg a man who takes no interest in still keep up the kaiser slush and
the war and docs not read tlu m \i .- teach our boys sedition. We've got no
You're digging your grave with
time for foes and spies, 110 time for your teeth, you’re eating your way to
papers because he does not wished t
be stirred up, believing that all coward slackers, we have no place your doom; then someone will cc.».c
should keep their minds serene an I for him that tries to make our lads with a wreath and fasten it onto your
calm and pay more attention to socio bushw ackers and foes to that old flag tomb. Your stomach is weary and
logy and other important subjects that floats above the land so proud­ sore; long, long as it yearned for the
We hardly see how such a man ex­ ly; we ought to hang the man that rest; and still you keep throwing in
pects to qualify at a patriotic citiz n gloats about the kaiser, loudly. There more, the which you would have it
or what business he has attempting is not a bit of use for us to let a foe digest Go slow on your eating 1 beg;
to direct the minds of our future citi keep shouting; it’s time to catch and the money you blow in for pie»,
zens. “Keep your minds serene and h; ng the cuss that will start the rout­ would buy some poor cripple a leg,
and ing of all the wobblers, all the spies—
Had the
or fix him with with vitreous eyes.
French kept their minds serene and loyalty's our mis ion. Let’s all turn Oh, list tc* my patient harangues,
calm, Kaiser Bill would now be land­ out and swat the flics—the blow flics don't turn from my ride in disgust;
ing troops on our shores and a bay of sedition.
your digging your grave with your
onet properly applied to the scat of
It’s time to swat the Wobbly flies— fangs while
millions are craving a
and in the selfsame manner—smash crust. All Europe is hungry they say;
tin- -chool t«acl
by this time, have aroused him from the soap box gink who tries to once the women and children arc lean, th*
his condition of serenity and calinn. ss insult that bann< r. the stars and »trip­ helpless, the stricken and gray, cant
which is so apothetically declan s t es which proudly floats above the find in the larder a bean. And you are
be our proper condition in times such greatest nation that ever stood the d< votiring the rusks, consuming th<
as these —The Sentinel.
t lest of time The kaiser s whole re­ doughnuts and pies, you’re digging
1: lation who arc not with us in the fight your grave with your tusks, all deaf
There can be no two ways of look­ »re with the other fellow; it’» time to to the hungry folk's cries. Says Hoov­
ing at the war situation. You ar IWa.
at the
spy fly and make the
er “You're helping us win, by cutting
•— big
wobbly bellow. We have no use for out sugar and fats, by dieting till you
either absolutely and unr.-.rve
for Uncle Sam or you are against him German goose, the gobblers or the arc thin, reducing the lard on your
There is no middle ground and halt- gander«, but we have guns to put to slats." Stand up for allies, whose f,aK*
hearted support or attempt.
to use- we'll not forget old blanders. are borne in a cause that’s sublime'
weaken endeavor are middle gro in, We've got to swat the hearties* Hun. You’re digging your grave with your
----- u ls a
and dangerously approach opposition. the turbaned Turk and German, in snag« when eating too much
The enemy who is just as dangerous fact our work will not be done till we crime-—Walt Mason.
as the one armed with rille or gas
F am
This Wonderful Instrument
“ 77ie Photograph with a Soul”
I and
c< an
ffe Gasofine of Quality
> ► kSE
inner*? be-
Crow 3 ox«
; ; >rrc. t boiling
po :. tn a continuous
Can be Pound on
I ’holies.
Irrigated Land
II:nt zvill produce four
(o >d Crops of A lai fa in
ir.at Pi ices in reach of
> 1 65 pet at re.
I m ated in Northern Cali­
Ii.1 inli»I unitimi write W.
IL S iiii . max , Yri'kfi, Cali-
or I’. I
W ai . kkr ,
1 Intel, Till
.iinook < )r.
FOR 1918.
1 rilnit ion
7 would like to have or
• d
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Co.
<’ i
P.O. Addi
Al -li
• tn.
Intuir.>n< r.
I tulli PhOIK'H.
VI 1.1. MMl K ■».
Stornai h I r uLIc and Connctipation.
re tifliuted with Atom-
I <<>i.iijGition should
t li («»llowing: “I have never
i i
so p.ood tor stomach
constipation as (’hambrr-
l > I h * vi used tlit in off
tli** past two years. They
the action of the
y r<
1 ¡I <tr the liver and
E< I in a healthy condi-
\! r Benjamin Hooper,
w rii»
m. N. Y. I-or vale by Lamar's